Build Madness

Chapter 755 Trouble (Add more rewards for 'No Nickname')

Hearing the words Ge Xiaotian, not to mention the riot supervisor, even Huang Tao who was lying on the ground couldn't help but gasp.

He dared to hang out in Ji Mansion because there is no natural property here.

Moreover, in order to prevent Ge Laoer from getting nervous, a "bandit suppression" suddenly came and wiped out himself and others overnight. He also specially set up a fire protection and security company as a facade, and reached a supply and demand relationship with Tianwei.

If he hadn't met Mr. Zhao, he wouldn't have dared to come out and play tricks.

But now...

Huang Tao suddenly remembered Mr. Zhao's background. Since he offended Tian Cheng, he could only rely on Mr. Zhao.


I'm afraid I'm going to Neobras tonight.

Thinking of this, Huang Tao struggled to get up, "Nonsense, bullshit imported goods, you are blackmailing!"

The man with the shoulder pole took out the purchase order blankly, "You can check."


Just when the anti-riot director didn't know which leader to look for to preside over the work, Shen Zhipeng's special Tua, who had returned from Jinxiuchuan University City, arrived!

Trunk floor.

Big back hair, woolen coat, black scarf, shiny leather shoes...

The subwoofer in front of a stall sounded at the right time.

'Waves run, wolves, thousands of miles of ginger water will never stop...'


A gust of cold wind blew up countless vegetable leaves, stinky tofu lunch boxes, colorful plastic bags...

Shen Zhipeng stood there dumbfounded, his curly hair disheveled in the wind.

Countless people: We are professional, can hold back, and can't laugh.

More than a dozen security officers: It's so uncomfortable to hold back.

Fifty Riot: We have face shields...

The ruthless man lying on the ground: Hehe... Hiss, it hurts!

After a while.

Shen Zhipeng shook off the sundries on his body, came to the gate of the construction site, and faced his elder brother in a business-like manner, "Leader, I have caused you trouble."

"Mr. Shen, your company's improper management of the construction site has caused many bricks to be scattered on the street, and the fine is two thousand."

"Okay, I accept the punishment."

Shen Zhipeng already knew the ins and outs of the matter, waved his hand, and the secretary behind him quickly handed over the red note.

"By the way, leader, Zhuang San is a senior technician of our company. I hope you will be accommodating. I will find someone to take his place in the office to take notes."

"no problem."

The riot supervisor nodded, and just about to give an order, a black car stopped far away.

Afterwards, the secretary of the head of the Jifu and two men in suits trotted over, "Who is Shen Zhijun?"

"I am." The director of riot control came out and saluted.

"The superior suspects that you are colluding with foreign businessmen and attracting foreign capital to speculate in local real estate. You have now been dismissed. This is a document. Come with us."


The anti-riot director glanced at the paper briefly, and was not surprised at all. He glanced at Shen Zhipeng without any trace, "I accept the investigation, but the handcuffs are fine, and the body is not afraid of the shadow."

"team leader!"

The anti-riot in the rear wanted to step forward, but Shen Zhijun waved his hand to stop him, and then patted his chest, "Don't forget the original intention!"

After the black car left, a high-end car from the security office and five Ivecos were parked on the side of the road.

Numerous security officers blocked the scene, and Riot received an order to withdraw the team.

After a while.

The director of the Jifu Safety Office walked to the gate of the construction site expressionlessly, "Mr. Shen."


"Hand over the troublemaker."

"Here, it's all here." Shen Zhipeng raised his chin at Huang Tao and the others.

"It's yours."

"My people, there is nothing wrong."

For the first time, Shen Zhipeng faced the person who controlled his own destiny toughly.

He was aggrieved.

Especially in the past two years against Tian Cheng.

Today, the subordinate managed to stand up once to give himself a long face, so he can't hold back.

Although the group of idiots want to eat...

"Mr. Shen, are you openly resisting the law?"

"The leader is joking. My people are just begging for food, but they bring dangerous equipment to the door to make trouble. You don't arrest them, but ask me for someone. It's a bit unreasonable, right?"

The voice fell, and the crowd around suddenly became noisy.

"Yes, yes, comrade, the eyes of the masses are discerning!"

"I can prove that these people lying on the ground are making trouble!"

"I can prove it too!"

"Guilt son, if such an obvious case still needs to be a victim, I'm afraid his head was kicked by a donkey!"


A certain security officer immediately scolded.

The crowd fell silent for a moment.

You look at me, I look at you, I don't know who is so awesome.

He actually scolded the security director in front of so many people.

"Who is it, stand up quickly!"

"It's me, the robot with the fastest calculation on the home planet..."


The scene was dead silent.

Produced by Longtian Technology, it must be a high-quality product.

Although this thing is not accurate in arithmetic, it can talk, tell stories, and tell jokes. It can be called the smartest artificial intelligence on the parent planet.

For the sake of popularity, various cities have introduced a large number of them, placed them on monitored roadsides, busy markets, and shopping malls, and let them run out of power, and then arranged people to charge them according to their location.

Therefore, many people know the switch behind it.

A quick-witted security officer stepped forward without a trace and reached out to turn off the robot.

It's just that Shen Zhipeng didn't budge, and the security director was a little helpless.

Do you want him to send someone to arrest more than a thousand migrant workers on the construction site?

It is estimated that he will be dismissed next.

Look at the two quadcopter drones in the sky, and the surveillance that turned the camera this way...

Maybe it's always watching.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the feelings of the people at the scene.

In case of anger...

For a while, the security director suddenly regretted following the orders of the chief of the Jifu, and came here to wade through the muddy water.

After a moment of silence, he simply changed the subject.

Looking at the man with the shoulder pole who cleaned up the mess, "Fellow townsman, have the losses been counted?"

"Back to the leader, 20 million Franklin."


You don't come early, you don't come late, but you came here today, I'm afraid you didn't come to touch porcelain? !


Jinxiuchuan University City.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon to see off Old Shen.

Li Xiuxiu, who was visiting with Mrs. Yu, happened to come back.

"Little Er, Xiao Er!"


Ge Xiaotian was lying in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows enjoying the live broadcast at the gate of the Chengji Center construction site, and he agreed without raising his head.

"Can you play golf?"

"Why doesn't your man know?"

"Then let's go play golf? I watched all the rich people on TV, and the leaders' wives also often go there. I haven't been there yet."


"You're guilty, you won't!"

"It's so possible!"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the screen and felt that no one would be able to settle this matter today unless the Dongshan-level leaders came forward, and the Dongshan-level leaders were all suppressed by Mr. Yu...

In the end, Mr. Zhao will definitely ask the leaders of Jifu to take action.

But the problem facing the other party is still the masses and thousands of strong men, and they can't favor the ruthless people at all.

After talking and talking, in the end, except for the "smashed goods" at home, the matters on both sides will only be settled.

"Okay, let's play golf with you."

"Enn, I want to wear a beautiful tracksuit!"

"No, just wear a slimming down jacket. It's winter now, and the golf course is located in the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir and the snow-covered area at the northern foot of Dongyue Mountain, not in the southern mountainous area."

"Our family?"

"That's right, such a big place, I don't know when it will be fully developed. Let's start an alternative golf and make some money."

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the intelligence department's information, "Coincidentally, a certain big boss is also on his way to the golf course."


"You'll know then."

Ge Xiaotian rummaged through the drawer and found a small gift from his aunt's secretary.

A highly simulated windproof lighter in the style of a small biubiu.

Golden Sand Eagle!

‘No, why do you feel like a big villain? ! '

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