Build Madness

Chapter 758 Going Home for the New Year (adding more rewards for 'No Nickname')

Shen Zhipeng also has a building to be built in Jifu, which is Ginza Xintiandi on the southeast side of Daming Lake.

The old commodity construction workers withdrew from the Chengji Center and moved into the project. Dongshan Jianlian did not have a holiday for the Spring Festival, but it didn't mean that its own strong man could not be hungry.

Mr. Zhao reorganized the construction company, and a large number of strong men enthusiastically signed up. The construction speed of Chengji Center has not slowed down much. The first phase is raising the layers, the second phase is the construction of the first and second floors, the third phase is foundation work, the fourth phase is earthwork, and the fifth phase is replacement ...

It is said that the speed is so fast that Xiao Zhao suspected that he used to play fake infrastructure, playing with the golden sand warbler every day and staring at the construction site in a daze.

Ge Xiaotian received 20 million Franklin's compensation, and immediately awarded it to the men with shoulder poles.

The other party came to Jifu just to replenish the goods. During the Spring Festival, he had to go to many remote mountain villages where there were no benefiting activity centers and roads could not be built for the time being, so that the masses could experience the warm 'New Year'.

Salesman, this is an ancient vocabulary, given time, it is estimated that it can be forged into a culture.

What culture?

The salesman's jingle is better than cross talk...

And being educated means being able to make a lot of money.

After finishing these tasks, Ge Xiaotian and Li Xiuxiu traveled all over Jinxiu River.

From the technical secondary school campus, to the University of Architecture, the School of Art, the University of Technology, the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and then to the organ tower, the library, the four-in-one stadium, and the appreciation of the thawing of the reservoir...

The industry is getting bigger and bigger. Over the past year, I have gained a lot of fun and missed a lot of excitement.

for example:

Jinxiuchuan University City's first remote control car rally,

The first aircraft model flight technology competition,

The 1st Splendid Cup of Poetry, Songs and Fu,

The first mechanical driving competition,

The first beauty development,

The first strongest brain,

2002 New Year's Day School Gala...

Of course, this year will be even more exciting, because the second phase of Jinxiuchuan has been completed.

In June this year, during the summer vacation, Dongshan Agricultural University, Qinggang University of Science and Technology branch campus, Huaxia Academy of Sciences branch campus, Dongshan Aeronautical College and other colleges and universities will settle here.

Jinxiuchuan will eventually become the cradle of China's new era of technology.

January 8th.

The foundation stone of Jinxiuchuan Photovoltaic Intelligent Expressway was laid.

As the first high-tech road of the mother star, the project has attracted attention from many parties, and there is an endless stream of people, leaders, reporters, and overseas media who come to join in the fun.

Subsequently, the second phase of Jinxiuchuan was made public, the Jinxiuchuan subway project was 'exposed', and the Jinxiuchuan golf course was 'reported by the masses'...

Many public opinions impacted the news media, and also ignited the entire Zigbee network...

In short, Jinxiuchuan is on fire again.

And Ge Xiaotian and Li Xiuxiu set foot on Mierliu flying to Sancha Township...


Sancha Township.

He ran to Lao Li's house for lunch, left his intact baby daughter behind, and Ge Xiaotian walked back to Gejia Village.

Walking to the entrance of the village, I happened to meet Ge Xiaohei, a child who ate shit.

I haven't seen him for a year, and he has grown a lot in size.

It's just that the other party seems to be very unhappy, and is squatting under the corner of the wall with a schoolbag on his back, wiping tears...

"Hey, who messed with you?"

I never thought that the brat who used to hate dogs would ignore him, get up and walk away instead.

Ge Xiaotian was a little curious, "Did you get beaten up for causing trouble?"

"I'm going to serve in the army."

"You're only twelve years old, and the military doesn't want you either."

"I don't care. I'm going to be a soldier. I'll leave tonight."

"Is there no travel fare?"

"How do you know?" Ge Xiaohei stopped crying immediately.

Nonsense, I think the young master also did this back then.

"Did the New Year's money be confiscated?"

"You know this as well?"

"Don't you see who I am." Ge Xiaotian ignored the other party and turned to go home.

"Wait, you are so rich, how about lending me some money? I will definitely pay you back when I earn money."

"How much to borrow?"

"One hundred, I'm going to find the second grandpa's son."

"Which second grandfather?"

"The second grandfather of Da Liu Zhuang."

"Yo, how did you two meet?"

"He used to live in Xiaoqingshan, and I saw him almost every day, and I also knew his son. A few days ago, his son drove a military off-road vehicle home to visit relatives, and he was very imposing."

"It turns out that the purpose of being a soldier is... By the way, the second master is back?"

"No, I didn't come back after I left during the Spring Festival last year, and there was also Qiye, and that old man called the youngest."

"Strange, where can these three go?"

Ge Xiaotian thought about taking out his smart card and contacting the intelligence department, but unfortunately he didn't know there...

"Second, lend me one hundred yuan."

"What's the use of running around during the New Year's Eve, don't borrow it."

"You all bully me. Grandpa (the old village chief) robbed me of this year's lucky money. Ah Huang dug up my previous year's lucky money. Dahan robbed me of the money I earned. I have nothing left. I'm going to be a soldier."

"You little brat will still make money?"

"I picked up bottles in the scenic area and saved them."

"Hey, are you going to live?"

"Second brother, you lend me one hundred, and I will pay you back two hundred next year, how about it?"

"Hehe, looking at your eyes, I feel strong malice. You must be thinking of borrowing money and not paying it back."


"Look, am I right?"

Ge Xiaohei was silent for a long time, no longer mentioned the matter of borrowing money, turned around and left.

"Fourteen, take him home, tell his parents that this kid is going to blow up the school, and then run away from home."

"Let go of me, second dog!!!"


Ge Xiaotian grinned, and the thought of 'big villain' suddenly flashed in his mind.

"It's weird, what happened recently?"

Rubbing his stubble-grown head, he came to his alley.

Last year, the cars blocked the road and affected neighbors' travel. This year, they all parked in the parking lot outside the village. The re-planned concrete road is quite spacious.

It's just that there are three children's cars parked in the yard.

One pink, one blue, similar to children's rocking machines.

Another Tianba-style model car is a bit bigger, only one-third smaller than the real car.

There is a turbo engine, there are acceleration pipes, and it seems to be four-wheel drive...

Ge Xiaotian was just about to ask Tianwei, who guards his hometown, which brat drives such a dangerous car, when he lowered his head and saw Ah Huang with a satchel on his back, he opened the car door and got in as if nothing had happened...

Put on the sunglasses, insert the car key, start the ignition, release the handbrake, start in gear, turn on the lights...


While someone was stunned, Ah Huang drove away...

Watching the buttocks of the car disappear at the intersection of the alley and the avenue, Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, he lit a cigarette in silence for a long time, and was about to speak to Tianwei.

Ah Huang drove back again.

Turning into the hospital, reversing into the garage, turning off the engine and parking, applying the handbrake...

After getting out of the car and ignoring him, the dog paw opened the rear door and walked into the house with a bamboo basket containing a dozen steamed buns.

Ge Xiaotian said leisurely to Tianwei:

"Do you know, the job of buying steamed buns in the past was mine."


"What's more, I haven't got my driver's license yet."


Ge Xiaotian threw away the cigarette butt, "The most important thing is, this guy is pretending in front of me!"

"Boss, you put out the fire, you haven't come back for a year, and now your status at home is not as good as it."

"what do you mean?"

"It can also coax children, can you?"


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