Build Madness

Chapter 759 The Scientific Baby-rearing of a Professional Nanny

"I'm back!"

In order to reflect his family status, Ge Xiaotian stood in the yard and yelled before pushing the door open.


With a bang, there was a loud (crying) (crying) sound from the house.

Before he could fix his eyes on his eldest nephew, his mother rushed out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife.

"I said you brat, come back as soon as you come back, what are you yelling at, I finally got you to sleep, and you woke me up again."

"No, our uncle and nephew have a good understanding, and he is saying hello to me."

"Only you can break it!"

The mother put down the kitchen knife, picked up the child and continued coaxing...

Ah Huang raised his dog's face, as if he didn't want to talk to someone, got into the room where Ge Wangwang used to live, flicked his tail, and closed the door.

'When did I offend this dog? '

Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled, looked left and right, "Where's Dad?"

"I'm having dinner with your second uncle at your great-grandpa's house. I've been drinking since noon. It's time to come back."

"Where's Sanni?"

"I went to the county to play with my classmates."

"Hey, are you dating?"

"Female classmate."

"That would be bad."

"I'll kill you bastard!"

"Don't move, let me see my eldest nephew..."

Ge Xiaotian stopped his mother's arm, and took the six-month-old baby in his hand, "Look at these eyebrows, follow me!"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Mom picked up the kitchen knife and went back to the kitchen, "Coincidentally, Ah Huang is also tired, please help me to watch, I will cook."

"Where's elder brother and sister-in-law?"


"My God, are you going to have a second child now?"

"Look at your broken mouth..."

My mother slapped, "This kid has black and white sleeping upside down. He sleeps during the day, but at night he is very energetic. The whole family who is tossing has to stay with him."

"Then you can't let him sleep again during the day."

Seeing his eldest nephew dozing off, Ge Xiaotian held it with his left hand, flicked his little dick with his right hand, and the latter cried again with a loud voice.

bang dang...

Mom raised her foot and kicked the kitchen door, "I don't care, you can coax yourself."

"Coax the child, what's the problem?"

Ge Xiaotian grinned, put his eldest nephew into the cart, asked his secretary for an AR display, and adjusted it, an ugly green-skinned monster jumped out of the screen.

"Look, your father."


The little kid stopped crying immediately, and stared at the screen, blinking...

And the green-skinned ugly monster also blinked...

The little kid suddenly laughed, and the green-skinned ugly monster also laughed...

"Hey, you're pretty good at it!"

My mother, who was hiding in the kitchen listening to the movement, couldn't help but come out out of curiosity.

Holding the screen, he opened his mouth to ask, but when he saw the green-skinned ugly monster, he also opened his mouth...

"Oh my god, what is this?"

Shocked, he spoke the Northeast dialect.

Ge Xiaotian almost laughed out loud, and called out other interesting ARs, "It will allow him to play for a day and learn to speak."

The two girls are chatting.

There was bang bang bang upstairs, and with the dull sound of drumming, my sister-in-law walked down the stairs.

"Xiaotian is back."

"Hi sister-in-law."

Ge Xiaotian said hello and signaled Tianwei to bring in a two-meter-tall tumbler from the yard, "Sister-in-law, we practice judo, and it is easy to gain weight during confinement. You don’t have to worry about crushing your child with a tumbler, you can use it to practice your hands.”

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he let out a haha, and gave the tumbler a combined punch, "How is it?"

Sister-in-law is very happy...

Mom is a little worried...

Ge Wangwang, who was blocked by the figure of his sister-in-law and not seen by Ge Xiaotian, turned pale...

"Hey? Brother, when did you come down?"

"I'd better go up."

"Come on, let's go, the brothers haven't gotten together for a year, let's go drink."

"Go ahead……"

"I can't go anywhere, I'll eat at home today, and I'll make a table of dishes when I know you're back..."

Mom said, and returned to the kitchen, "Talk, we will have dinner later."

Ge Xiaotian didn't really intend to go out, he moved his eldest nephew from the trolley to the spacious sofa, and took out a few fluffy and lively little mice from his bag...

The sister-in-law screamed and ran upstairs...

Ge Wangwang was also afraid of mice, so he also climbed up...

When my mother heard the movement, she picked up the broom and was about to beat it.


Ge Xiaotian held one of them down, "Look, folk craft, pull the tail and pull it, and it will run when you put it on the ground. There are no rubber bands, springs, small electric motors, etc. It is pure natural and pollution-free. Children can play with it at ease." .”

Hearing this, the sister-in-law stopped and bumped into Ge Wangwang who was rushing upwards. She didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and hugged him down...

Mom couldn't bear to look directly at it, pretended not to see it, and returned to the kitchen.

Ge Xiaotian suppressed his smile, and took out two little snakes from his backpack...

"I'm not afraid of snakes."

"Well, it's alive."


The two little snakes stuck out their tongues and made strange noises...

Brothers and sisters-in-law retreated one after another...

"Just kidding, plastic is also natural and non-toxic. It is mainly used to prevent children from rinsing their fingers, to bite, grasp, grind their teeth, and exercise their hearing and courage."


"There's also this little boneless frog, bouncing, bouncing, will run away in a while, prompting the child to follow along and practice crawling and walking."


The little guy sitting on the sofa is no longer sleepy after seeing so many colorful toys. He pats the little mouse and picks up the green snake, playing happily.

"So, you must choose brightly colored, bright and novel toys for your baby, with a wide variety of toys that can make sounds, which will easily attract his attention and attention, and will also help your baby's visual development."

The eldest brother and sister-in-law were stupefied for a moment.

But the eldest nephew is really having a good time...

"This is called scientific baby-rearing by professional nanny."


"Okay, don't worry about him, when you are tired from playing, you will sleep by yourself."

Ge Xiaotian kicked away the room where Ge Wangwang used to be, and walked out with Ah Huang in his arms, "Also, let the dog watch the children. The correct way to do it is not during the day, but at night. Its ancestors were nocturnal, and the genes in their bones determined its mission." , Watching the house at night! Therefore, dogs that sleep at night are not good dogs. Back then, our family raised a dog, that is, its grandfather, just to cure me... No, it was to cure my elder brother's stink of sleeping upside down in black and white."

"You are talking nonsense. Our mother can testify that it was raised for you. In order to prevent it from biting you, our father also specially made claw covers and mouth cages for its grandfather."

"Really? I don't remember."


"Look, I'll talk to this guy."

Ge Xiaotian revealed his family ugliness, a little embarrassed, picked up Ah Huang and turned back to his room.

"Come on, don't pretend to be silent for me, where is the golden treasure in the Bering Strait?"

Ah Huang shivered, his hair stood up, and his face was filled with a ghostly expression.

"Hehe, I have to eat something from the inside out, the young master has to eat a dog's kidney to make up for it today."


Ah Huang leaned over and wanted to rush out, but after Ge Xiaohei was sent home, Dao Shishi, who returned, grabbed his neck with one hand and threw him on the bed again.

"Still a deserter!"

Ge Xiaotian pulled out his belt, "The treasure in the Bering Strait, you, Dao San, and Seng Er, the three of you will share it equally. They both confiscated it all to save their lives. As long as you keep your mouth shut, today I want..."


Before he finished speaking, Ah Huang surrendered, pawing and pawing at the quilt, motioning to bring someone to dig.

"Well, let me be honest, you are allowed to celebrate the New Year at home this year, by the way, where is Ge Xiaohei's lucky money from previous years?"


"What expression do you have? It seems to be saying that I...shameless?"

Ah Huang shook his head violently.

"Hand over the New Year's money, or I will send you to Africa!"


At this time, Comrade Ge Feng's greeting came from the hall.

"Where is the second child?"

"Hey? Father, our father and I also have a good understanding. You knew when I just arrived?"

"Fart, Xiao Hei was yelled and screamed after being beaten by his parents, scolding you heartbreakingly as a second son, and most of the village knows that you are back."


"Come out with me and talk about something."

"It's cold outside, so it's okay to say no to anything in the room."

"Can I smoke?"

"Well, for the sake of your grandson's physical and mental health, we...we have to set up a 'gentlemen's living room' outside."

"The roof, when the second floor was added, I thought of it."

"Hey, as expected of my father."


Comrade Ge Feng's face was flushed, and he looked very good-natured. He immediately stopped smiling, "Let me ask you, are you prepared for the skyrocketing housing prices in Maozi?"

"I have already arranged for someone to go there, Xiao Huang, Xiao Lan and the other five brothers..."

The father and father analyzed the real estate of Mocos for a long time, and then talked about the Northeast industry. The voice of my mother shouting for dinner came from downstairs.

A meal until the early morning, I don't know if my eldest nephew is tired from playing, or I know that the evil second uncle is back, I dare not do anything, I just didn't make a fuss all night,

Early the next morning.

Ge Xiaotian got up and ran.

His goal this year is to 'strengthen his body'.

Well, Daoyi said, if you want to ride future space fighters and space vehicles, you must have a strong body, otherwise, it will be difficult to resist the powerful overload and possible transitions with external equipment alone...

Anyway, exercise doesn't hurt.

Run around the ancient city of Qingshan, watch the green lake thaw, wash your face, take a look in front of the village...

Ge Xiaotian found that although he pushed the times forward and promoted social development, the changes he eventually brought about in terms of people's lives were only two or three years ahead of schedule.

Of course, for the 1990s, great changes have been made, but compared with the future, there is still a big gap.

Originally this year's total sales exceeded 2 trillion yuan, and the total profit was 600 billion yuan, but it disappeared in an instant.

"This year's goal..."

Standing at the entrance of the village, Ge Xiaotian was about to yell, when he saw his second uncle carrying a tire with a diameter of one meter from afar, running towards him having sex.

"Second uncle, the way you train is really special."

"Get used to it, try it?"

"How much?"

"One hundred and thirty catties."

The second uncle said, doing 20 squats with the tires on his back, and a set of push-ups on his back, "Not bad, multi-functional training equipment."


Ge Xiaotian picked up the tire to try the feel, squatted down, let it stick to his shoulder, and slowly stood up, "It's okay."

"Run, Yao'er..."

After running a hundred or ten meters, the second uncle's pocket bell suddenly rang.

Then Ge Xiaotian saw the other party take out a Nokia with 26 keys.

After he finished the call, "Second uncle, why don't you use a smart card?"

"Northeast Kyrgyzstan is full of wilderness and mountains. Our Zigbee network is not available, and the other party does not have SG equipment. In addition, the satellite phone is not convenient to carry, so we have to use this smart phone."

"How much?"

"Five thousand seven."

"Let me see."

Ge Xiaotian put down the forum, turned on his phone and looked at the system, it was the popular Symbian and the main force against SG equipment.

He used to think that Symbian was very good and would die sooner or later, but according to the research of his three major scientific research institutions, the value of Symbian is not inferior to ios.

If the latter has intelligence, then Symbian can also do it. After all, its own single-chip microcomputer is also intelligent. It can only be said that the quality of the system is determined by the developer.

For now.

SG system: The advantages are power saving, hardware devices with integrated software functions can be expanded at will, and the security is super high. The disadvantage is that applications cannot be installed at will.

IOS system: The advantages are stable and high security, and the software can be downloaded through the app store. The disadvantages are poor signal and high power consumption.

Symbian system: The advantages are stable, smooth, energy-saving, and high security. Signature is required to install the software, but the overall use is stronger than SG and ios.

However, the developers gave it a fatal flaw.

For SG and ios, no matter how the appearance is changed, the operation method remains the same. SG uses the gossip shift key, and IOS uses the touch screen and home button.

But Symbian is different. In just one and a half years, seven models with different operation methods have been launched, such as Jiugongge, 26 keys for vertical screen, 26 keys for horizontal screen, left and right separated full keys, diamond keys, and digital keys. A keyboard with separate sliding keys and operation keys...

As a result, SG and ios can safely focus on one mode of operation, and work with software developers to design program applications suitable for SG and IOS.

However, Symbian needs to make N versions of the same software with software developers according to the key positions to adapt to the differences caused by different key positions.

In other words, for SG and IOS, after researching 1, go to research 2, focusing on high-quality software.

After studying 1 in Symbian, you need to continue to study 1-1, 1-2, 1-3... Then go to study 2, and then 2-1, 2-2... Therefore, there are so many Symbian software, but no Boutique.

In addition, and more importantly, SG and IOS have already developed multi-touch capacitive screens, which can be operated with a single touch.

However, mobile phones equipped with the Symbian system have just begun to develop resistive screens, that is, to touch the screen with a fingernail or a stylus to generate interaction.

Regardless of whether the two screens are good or bad, if Symbian adds a resistive screen, it will add another mode of operation, which will increase the burden on software service providers.

Therefore, Symbian died of Nokia, not market competition, let alone the "defective Android" that will be forcibly popularized in the future.

That's right, Android is a defective product with not powerful functions, and it is mainly used to consume the life of electronic components in smartphones, prompting consumers to speed up mobile phone replacement.

In other words, like win, it is a product of capital monopoly.

Ge Xiaotian fiddled with it and threw the smartphone to the second uncle.

Saipan still took another old path of time and space, with SG and ios running on the market, coupled with Nokia's inaction, and other mobile phone manufacturers are also developing new systems, the era of Saipan will soon come to an end, and there is no need to do it yourself.

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