Build Madness

Chapter 761 East Lake Server Cluster

The Spring Festival comes fast and goes fast.

Such an important festival with rich cultural connotations, under the impact of rapid economic development, the taste gradually fades...

To put it bluntly, everyone is busy making money.

And the "slow-paced life" that Ge Xiaotian once envisioned has long since ceased to exist.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and if you want to avoid being beaten, you need to catch up. Comfort and enjoyment are the business of future people.

Therefore, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, Ge Xiaotian decided to go to Jinxiuchuan to check the construction of the photovoltaic smart elevated highway, and then urged his superiors to speed up the approval of the "All the way to the west expressway project".

Not at work?

Is such a big thing a joke? It doesn't matter whether you keep up with work or not.

Before leaving.

Dao Shishi took out the schedule, "Boss, we need to rearrange the server group that sank to the bottom of East Lake."

"What? Is there a problem?"

"The average water depth of East Lake is 2.5 meters, and the maximum water depth is 9 meters. In order to keep the channel unobstructed, servers cannot be buried in the shallow water area, and only the deep water area can be used. However, the area of ​​the deep water area is limited. With the continuous increase of servers, it is no longer enough. In addition, there are... servers Too much, too much calculation, even if graphene chips are used, a lot of waste heat will be generated... East Lake is not frozen this year."

"Good thing, it happens to increase fish farming."

"Are you stupid?"

"Can you say that again?"

"No, what I mean is that it is winter now, the lower water temperature rises, and the upper water surface has cold airflow to assist in cooling down. The heat rises and cools down, replacing each other, and the electronic components in the server can continue to maintain the best performance. But in summer, the upper water flow If it is heated by the sun, the water flow in the lower layer is heated by the server, and the upper and lower layers are all hot. The two cannot replace heat energy, and the electronic components cannot dissipate heat. The temperature of the server rises, and the performance of the electronic components decreases. If it exceeds 30°C, every 10°C increase, the computing power will increase. Reduce it by 50%, if it reaches 50°C, all our electronic control facilities will freeze and crash, especially the chamber of commerce module, Tianchuang shopping, ERP system, and GIS system.”

"How many degrees are you maintaining now?"

"When there were few servers, the average temperature was 12°C and the humidity was 10%. At present, there are nine servers with an average temperature of 24°C and a humidity of 28%. Speaking of CPU, the temperature of the mainframe alone can boil Donghu Lake."

"Doesn't this mean that we can make a super boiled fish meal?"

"Is boiled fish boiled?"

"Isn't it?"

"I doubt your dream, it's just a nonsense at all."

"Nonsense, my culinary skills have reached the state of 'speaking', and my dream is about to come true."


"Don't believe me? Let's make a bet."

"Immeasurable Shouzun, Xiaodao can't afford to lose."

Ge Xiaotian was filled with contempt, and looked at a secretary beside him, "Look at how cowardly the Taoist priest is, my boss can scare him with just a casual word."

The latter was very cooperative and also showed disdainful eyes.

Dao Shishi thought for a while, and gritted his teeth, "Xiao Dao bet, I see how you can make food out of words!"

"Wait, wait for me to recite a family-inherited dictation."

Ge Xiaotian was extremely confident, and yelled at his own duplex building, "Mom, I'm not leaving, I want to eat the boiled fish you cooked."

"Okay son!" Mom responded happily.

Dao Fourteen: "???"

"you lose."

"Can you still play like this?"

"You can say what you say, what's wrong?"


"Hehehe, my boss has never lost a bet with anyone."


The itinerary was cancelled, and after lunch, Ge Xiaotian went to East Lake.

Daxing City is open to the outside world, and the spacious road from the east entrance of Xiaoqingshan to the UFO Gymnasium is extended again.

Winding around several hills, avoiding the ancient ruins that have been excavated but still blocked, it leads to the shore of East Lake, and combines with the river passenger terminal to form a transportation hub for East Lake.

Next to it is a fishery logistics transfer station, an agricultural air transport airport to be built, and a subway entrance that has been under construction for half a year.

In time, this is the north gate of Daqingshan Huaxia Ancient Culture Center.

For the big plan, Ge Xiaotian inspected the valleys, hillsides, and mountaintops that have been flat for a long time on the way, and left behind twelve rare wonders that have been accumulated for a year and can only be activated by collecting classics.

Chi You, the God of War, Xing Tian, ​​the God of War, Kua Fu, the Progenitor of Ten Thousand Dragons, Gong Gong, the God of Water...

However, due to his bad taste, Ge Xiaotian searched the content of online novels and found that the big guy who created the Twelve Ancestral Witches hadn't appeared yet. 'Zhou Tian Stars Great Array'.

There are lasers that connect to the starry sky, radars that communicate with satellites, and buildings that confuse tourists...

Both true and false...

I don't know how many people will believe it.

Hmm, it's just bad fun.

The sci-fi planetary stadium is all done, and the fantasy elements of Huaxia must be indispensable...

Come to East Lake.

Ge Xiaotian did not go to Daxing City, but followed the personnel of the Space Department and arrived in the deep water area by boat.

Step into the underwater elevator that can accommodate seven or eight people and enter the No. 1 server space.

Since the electronic components are all independently designed, the structure and shape are not in accordance with international standards, and the server construction mode is completely different from overseas. Therefore, the appearance is not the cylindrical shape of overseas, but a disc shape.

The overall area is about 50 square meters, equipped with high-power central air-conditioning, and the internal temperature is about 0°C.

The core of the server is located in the middle, and there are many signal receiving modules on it. The whole is covered by transparent glass pillars. The lake water flows inside, and the liquid nitrogen pipeline is a little closer. Even through the dustproof clothing wrapped around the whole body, you can still feel the waves Cool.

In such a low temperature environment, the core temperature can still reach 29°C, which shows how huge the amount of calculation is.

Next to the core is the console on the back seat, from which you can view the densely packed storage devices around it like an electrical box, as well as the secondary computing chips that accompany them and are manufactured in a distributed layout.

The 'electrical box' is connected in series with a wrist-thick transparent hose filled with coolant. The hose leads to the outside of the dish-shaped space and is equipped with alloy glass to prevent aquatic organisms from biting. It circles a large circle in the lake water to conserve energy. The law transfers heat to the cold lake water. After cooling down, return to the inside of the dish-shaped space, connect another 'electric box', and differentiate dozens of small transparent rubber tubes similar to 'transfusion tubes' to assist a single storage module Cooling down, absorbing heat and transferring it to the lake water... Repeatedly.

From the outside, the dish-shaped server enclosure looks like a tentacled alien creature.

Viewed from the inside, the entire space is filled with azure blue cold light, which is simply science fiction to the bone.

The No. 1 server is the matrix of Shi Guangji, with a peak performance of 1.2 petaflops per second. Currently, the parent star ranks third, second only to the two exascale supercomputers that North America is said to have.

Its function is to prevent hackers from invading the servers of the entire Shiguangji system, and to improve itself. Currently, a single 'electric box' has 1Tb of operating memory and 5ZB of storage memory, which is approximately equal to:

5 times 1024Eb times 1024Pb times 1024Tb times 1024Gb.

There are about 500 people in charge of the server. The main task is to monitor the operating data in shifts. According to the needs, add storage modules, or switch the operating chips, or monitor the intelligent cooling.

The No. 2 server is located in a deep water area two kilometers away. Its appearance, interior, and computing speed are second only to No. 1. It carries a GIS system and is responsible for collecting and sorting out geographic information of various industries.

Server No. 3... Carrying the ERP system, coordinating bulk materials, corporate finance, and personnel administration, belongs to Tiancheng's exclusive use.

The No. 4 server carries Chinese medicine manufacturing, clinical trials, etc., and stores Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine's simulated human body, simulated wonders, characteristics of herbal medicine, and research on Chinese medicine...

No. 5 carrying Tianrong...

On the 6th, Tiancheng Electric Industry...

Number Seven carries Tianchuang Shopping and the 'Creator' system…

number eight...

number nine...

In addition, there are medium-sized servers in each city to match the local large database.

In remote mountain villages, in order to combat smartphones and make up for the shortcomings of the Zigbee network, there are satellite base station servers.

Its function is to integrate the five commercial satellites launched last month into satellite base stations similar to wifi covering remote areas, and then connect to the city server through satellite signals, complete data exchange through switches, and then use satellite signals to send back to the original place, so that People in remote areas can use ordinary smart cards without using a one-meter-long satellite signal receiving antenna.

At present, the servers in other places are fine, mainly because the super servers in my hometown are too concentrated to cool down through East Lake.

When Ge Xiaotian returned to the boat, a flash of light flashed in his mind, "Are you guys stupid? Why do you come to me for such a simple question?"


"Arctic Fish Farm!"

Dao Shishi was full of contempt, "If it is really that simple, we will ask you to make a decision? To place the server in the North Pole will definitely require the laying of optical cables, not to mention the signal delay caused by the distance. The temperature in the North Pole is extremely low, and the wind and frost The fiber optic cable is frozen, causing the glass fiber to break. What do we use to transmit the signal? Another thing is... there are as many as 5,000 people in charge of nine servers. No one wants to go to the North Pole. Otherwise, those technology companies in North America will not use the waste heat of servers to build Heated swimming pool."

"Hey? That's a good idea!"

"What are we doing? The computing power of a single server is millions of times that of theirs, and the waste heat is even more. Are you going to boil the same kind?"


Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, "Microsoft should be similar to the problem we encountered, how did they solve it?"

"It sinks into the deep sea and is salvaged once every three years, so the win system will not change much in ten years. If a new version is released, it will mostly be based on the previous version, and there is no need to salvage the server. And our industry is developing rapidly, almost every three days. Expand capacity, or replace parts, so there is an underwater elevator, if it sinks into the deep sea, it is a bit unrealistic."

"That would be a little troublesome."

Ge Xiaotian looked around and found that it was late at night after checking the nine servers.

The lights in the distance are dim, and the sky is full of stars...


Ge Xiaotian looked up at the night sky.

"What's the temperature in space?"

"Depending on the location, generally speaking, the sunny side is above 100°C, and the sunny side is below minus 100°C."

"You said, how about borrowing Maozi's space station and placing the server on the back of the sun?"

Dao Shishi was full of surprise, "Can the space station accommodate 5,000 people?"


"Boss, let's be realistic..."

"How long can you last?"

"Three months, after April, the temperature rises, and the server group can't handle it anymore."

Hearing Gao, Ge Xiaotian had another flash of inspiration, "Go to Mount Everest, dig a hole in it, and move all the servers there. It happens that Nanyun has an optical cable, and Nanyang also needs to connect to the main server. How about killing two birds with one stone?"

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