Build Madness

Chapter 762 Server Site Selection

"Go to Mount Everest, dig a hole in it, and move the server there. It happens that Nanyun has an optical cable, and Nanyang also needs to connect to the main server. It kills two birds with one stone, how about it?"

Dao Shishi heard the words and thought about it carefully.

"The temperature on Mount Everest is minus 40 to 50 degrees all year round. It is definitely feasible to dig caves and use the temperature to dissipate heat."

"The thermal conductivity of snow is very small, and it has the effect of heat preservation. The engineering amount of burying optical cables is much simpler than that in the North Pole."

"In addition, the North Pole is prone to polar storms, so Dao Si is reluctant to stay there to raise fish. Although there are natural disasters on Mount Everest, as long as the geographical environment is well explored, it is not a problem for the staff to hide in caves during their shifts."

"But, how do our people go up?"

"Take a helicopter!"

Ge Xiaotian was a little surprised. "Are you stupid?"

"What kind of helicopter do you take? The ceiling of the improved Mi-26 is only five thousand and two. Other medium-sized and light-sized ones will crash in minutes when they encounter convective winds in the valley. The noise produced by the helicopter is also very likely to cause an avalanche. There are climbers..."

"Then airborne!"

"Our large transport plane can indeed fly over Mount Everest, but... almost all the personnel in charge of the servers are hackers from the Red Eagle Alliance. You expect those technical geeks who drool over comics to parachute? I'm afraid they are planted in the snow nest. radish."


"There is also power supply. It is impossible to build a solar power plant in such a remote place with a high altitude, but even if the Nanyun Lancang River hydropower is used, who can guarantee that such a long-distance transmission line will not be man-made or destroyed by nature? Damage? Once there is a power outage, it will be troublesome to repair, and the loss caused by the downtime may be hundreds of millions.”


Ge Xiaotian felt that Dao Fourteen had become possessed by the "God of God" today.

However, after thinking for a while alone, he felt that there was a more important problem with setting up the server on Mount Everest.

Overseas, supercomputers are composed of thousands of processors and corresponding memory. They are mainly used for computing. They are all treasures and are only used occasionally. It is impossible to use them as servers at all, because the excess performance is pure waste.

The server is just a large computer used for storage and data exchange. It does not need powerful computing power, and only needs ordinary cooling.

And Tiancheng server is a 'supercomputer' developed by itself according to the needs of enterprises.

For example, the GIS system, which stores geographic information collected by work units in various regions, can be read by whoever uses it, but it can also integrate these data, perform modeling and rendering, and form virtual communities, cities, and even Dongshan, Northland is convenient for Tiancheng's development.

To make it work normally, thousands of processors are definitely needed to perform distributed calculations, and then input the results into the core for integration, and finally generate the desired city model.

Therefore, while it has supercomputing capabilities, it also has server functions, resulting in the waste heat generated by the combination, which is indeed far more than that of simple overseas servers.

However, just because it is powerful and represents China's top scientific and technological strength, will the superiors allow Tian Cheng to move the server?

If you move to Mount Everest and some overseas forces know that the other party wants to blow it up or rob it, how should you protect it?

You know, the 30,000 to 40,000 enterprise servers under the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, the tens of millions of smart card users, and the hundreds of millions of users of SG equipment are all connected to these nine super servers.

If the latter is destroyed or robbed, the device in the hands of the user will lose the "firewall" and "antivirus software". Tampering with corporate data, leaking personal information...

The consequences are comparable to the sky falling.

And in another time and space, Ice Bear and North America almost fought to snatch Google's overseas servers.

"You don't have any good suggestions?"

"Use a solar power plant and build a cold storage that belongs to the restricted area."

"Fuck, it's so simple, why don't you ask me? Just transfer funds and do it directly."

"Currently, there are nine super servers. With the increase of users, the rise of the manufacturing industry, and the emergence of new industries one after another, 21 servers will be added this year, and the number will continue to increase next year. If we use fifty servers and refrigeration equipment, including manufacturing refrigeration materials The equipment, backup servers, backup power facilities, emergency facilities, comprehensive calculations, the area of ​​solar photovoltaic panels is comparable to Sancha Township, about 50 square kilometers, which is 75,000 mu, plus the area occupied by servers, staff living District, where can we find such a large land?"

"That's right, this thing can't be placed in Neobras..."

Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, "How is the desert?"

"I have considered that the intensity of light is conducive to solar power generation, and the high temperature during the day can also be used for thermal power generation. At night, the temperature is lowered, and an energy-saving and cooling system can be built. The three-in-one auxiliary cold storage can save a lot of money. But according to our way For the progress of the westward project, I am afraid that the installation of 21 servers will be delayed, which will lead to a delay in the development of the industrial chain, and you will lose tens of billions."

"Then let me ask you, if you have to place the server on Mount Everest, how much will it cost?"

"The research and development of high-altitude construction equipment, the research and development of high-altitude mountain helicopters, and the research and development of personal high-altitude oxygen supply devices...Comprehensive calculations, plus employee salaries, and building employee living places will cost almost tens of billions."

"Then the desert, it happens to be able to attract talents to develop in the Northwest. As for the slow progress of the project all the way west, it delays the erection of 21 servers... You go there first, set up a temporary airport, and transport the servers and construction materials by air. Anyway, we The air transport plane is durable, even if it falls apart, as long as the server is intact, at worst, it will land directly in the desert in Russian style."

"What about me and the staff?"

"Put on your parachute and follow the plane. The staff will fly directly to Ulu City and take a car."




All the nine super servers have backup machines. As long as the power plant is done well, the energy-saving cooling system and cold storage are built, the backup machines can be moved there, and then started, and the authority of the main server is transferred, and finally the nine servers left in East Lake Ship it over there as a backup, and things will be done.

The most important thing is that, in this way, there is no need to wait for the All the Way West project, and the cold storage is built in advance, and the 21 servers can be put into use immediately, so there is no need to lose money...

"Unfortunately, there is no way to dig a hole for Mount Everest... Eh? Fourteen, why don't you leave?"

"Boss, it's night."

"It's okay, it's cooler at night over there."

"It's winter now."

"Is there still winter in the desert?"

"What do you think? Sand has a small heat capacity and dissipates heat quickly. In winter, it's twenty or thirty degrees below zero at night."

"Sure enough, it's a good place to cool down the server, let's go."


"Time is money, we Tiancheng pay attention to efficiency... Right, let's run, Yao Eryao... Eh? Fifteen, why did you run away?"

"Boss, I feel that it is better to go to the desert in advance than waiting in fear of where he will be dispatched..."


Ge Xiaotian looked behind him, "Whose turn is it?"

"Boss, it's me."


"Yes, boss, I walked back from South Vietnam after skydiving!"

"What about twelve?"

"You asked him to go to the South Pole on foot, and it is estimated that he will have swam to Christmas Island..."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"He went to the rubber plantation to replace the big brother. The big brother is going to return to the aerospace department to speed up the development of the touch-screen version of the smart card."

"It's time to speed up. People's smartphones equipped with Symbian system are already riding on our faces. It's a bit unreasonable not to fight back."

"No, the main reason is that Motorola launched the A760 equipped with JAVA technology to enter the smartphone market."

"Not WM? Win Mobile?"

"No, BlackBerry launched BlackBerry OS."

"How's the sales?"

"In North America, the market share of ios has been compressed to 12%, Symbian has risen from 35% to 45%, Motorola equipped with the jave system has skyrocketed to 14%, Blackberry has risen to 26%, and other 3% share, there are many The world is divided into four parts, if there is competition, there will be development, we cannot let them go on like this.”

"Not for us?"

"SG pad is not a smartphone, nor a computer, but a game console."

"Well, North America doesn't need a smart card. How about the game console market?"

"Nintendo's newly released GBA handheld, and the NGC game console with an investment of three billion Franklin, all encountered Waterloo, announced the suspension of production, and instead accelerated the development of the touch-screen handheld NDS. Microsoft released the first generation of Xbox two weeks ahead of schedule, but it's a pity The sales volume is bleak, and the same is true for Sony's PlayStation 2... and the sales of SG pad in North America have exceeded 100 million through regular channels and Holden channels. Sales skyrocketed."

"It's time to take one of those three games out and try it out."

"Which one will launch first?"

"It must be a 'Minecraft' that is playable and fits the characteristics of Tianchuang host. However, it must be announced to the public that some consumers complain that creating items in the background is too boring and want to interact. In order to satisfy customers, we give up the importance of celebrating the Spring Festival. The festival, work overtime, launch the pixel interactive system, don't look at its rough style, but we really put our heart into it."


"Launch a batch of Tianyu's existing mods, such as the 3C map of Chenghai made by the comprehensive Shenlong series NPC and steampunk authorized NPC. Remember, the public copyright is ours, but the game is not made by us, it is the customer. In addition, I would like to warn everyone Users, the Tianchuang host is not a game console, it is a server, and it is not guaranteed if it burns out while playing games."

"You are really dark."


"I mean, you're really capable."


Ge Xiaotian was very useful, and walked back to Gejia Village with his hands behind his back, feeling a little emotional.

"Black Mountain, Longtian, Ninja, Huo Dun, Holy Church, Rubber Plantation, SG pad disguised as a game console, home game console disguised as a Tianchuang console... I feel more and more like the villain behind the scenes recently."

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