Build Madness

Chapter 763 Landing in the Desert

the capital.



The chairman, who has always been easy-going, slapped the script in his hand on the table, "Who allowed it?"

"Leadership is a board resolution."

"You're so old, why do you follow that kid up and down? Do you know how much negative impact it will cause if it is exposed by foreign media?"

"Leader, Mr. Ge said that this is an excellent opportunity to prove our aviation technology. As long as the forced landing is successful, orders will continue to flow."

"What about failure?"

"The deputy director guarantees that there is no possibility of failure!"


Heilonghe Tiancheng Electric Industrial Aircraft Factory.

Ten o'clock in the evening.

On the six test tracks with a length of 4,800 meters, the lights are as bright as day.

A dozen super warehouses with a height of 20 meters slowly raised the electric shutter doors, revealing the ferocious Yierqiliukai one by one.

This is the heavy transport aircraft with the highest output and the most successful operation on the home planet so far.

It is about 46.6 meters long, about 14.76 meters high, with a wingspan of 50.5 meters and a diameter of 4.8 meters. It is equipped with four engines with an inference of 16,000 kilograms, a maximum take-off weight of 210 tons, and a maximum load of 60 tons.

The cruising speed is 800km, the fuel is 110,000 liters, the range is 5000km, the take-off run is 1700 meters, and the landing run is 960 meters. The non-combat state requires 4 pilots, and the combat state needs to be equipped with an additional unloader and gunner.

Well, Il seven six changes, still continue Maozi's style, military and civilian dual use.

"Tower, tower, I am Tianyun Dongdong, radio test, unit, two, three, four, five, how many can you hear clearly?"

"Tianyundongdongyao, I heard five, the voice is clear and loud."

"Vehicle positioning in the northwest of the Saha Desert is successful, the application for the route is successful, the parking position is empty, please let go."

"Agreed, planned route flight, cruising altitude 9800 meters, expected to use runway 01L, leave at H in the middle section, in fact, the altitude is corrected to 2100 meters, the sea pressure is corrected to 1200 meters, and the transponder..."

"Received, fly according to the planned route, cruising altitude..."

"The paraphrase is correct..."

The azure blue Il-76 starts, checks...

"Tower, Tianyun Dongdong is listening to your instructions. After preparations, please push out and drive."

"Tianyun cave monster, you can push out and drive, with the nose turned to the left..."

"The launch is complete, please taxi."

"It can taxi, the ground wind tunnel has two holes at 3 meters per second (0203m/s), the one hole is repaired and the one is turned (QNH1017), the runway is one left, and it is ready to take off."

"I have arrived at the left side of the runway hole and wait."

"Please contact Saha Desert vehicle channel 21101 before takeoff..."

"Contact 21101 before take off..."

"The retelling is correct, Tianyun Cave Demon, I wish you good luck!"


The huge azure blue monster soared into the sky with orange-red tail flames...

The lights flickered and quickly disappeared into the night sky...

"Tower, I am Tianyun Dongdong..."


"Tower, I'm Tianyundongdongsan..."



call out……


The land of China is colorful, and countless fireworks are flying in the sky.

The outskirts of Black Dragon Ice City.


"Why did another plane fly over?"

"Isn't this movement too loud?"

"Doesn't that sound like a flight?"

"Another one!"

"There are still..."

"Four, five... oh my god, ten!"

Baixiaotong Forum.

Black Dragon Netizen: "Damn it, we're going to war!"

Dongshan netizen: "Blind shit!"

Heilong netizen: "Tonight, fifteen or six planes flew over one after another. I bet, they are definitely not civil aviation or helicopters."

Netizen from Jilin Province: "Fuck, I heard it, the coordinates are Songyuan."

Xishan Netizen: "Hehe."

two hours later...

Beihe netizen: "Coordinate Shijiazhuang, I heard it too."

Ten minutes later.

Xishan Netizen: "I believe it, Datong also heard it..."

Dongshan netizen: "Damn it, it's a war!"

Huge movements cannot be concealed from thousands of netizens, let alone numerous satellites in outer space.

There are so many heavy transport planes, where do they fly from, what is their destination, and what is inside them?

The spokesperson clarified overnight that this was just a large-scale shipment by a certain company and had nothing to do with the official.

Four hours later.

Northwest corner of the Sahara Desert.

More than a dozen engineering vehicles, which arrived here half a year ago and were in charge of exploration, formed a circle and covered construction tents.

More than 50 men in heavy military coats operated a Taiwan stone optical machine to proofread various parameters.

"Sahara main station, answering machine cave monster, follow your command."

"Satellite lock, go to the altitude of the route, pilot autonomously, and report after passing the Bayin area."

"Tianyun Cave Demon, has passed Bayin."

"Go down 650 meters."

"The lower height is 650..."

"Radar identification, 50 nautical miles away from the destination, ready to land in ten minutes..."


After the communication was over, in the cold windy desert, two rows of lighthouses turned on their lighting equipment, and ten signal towers that looked like tower cranes in the distance flashed red light.

Not long after, a 3,000-meter-long virtual runway suddenly appeared on the ground that was originally full of yellow sand.

Markings, ranging, warning symbols, you name it.

"Tianyundongdongyao, this is the main station of Sahara. The AR projection deployment is completed, and the radar has identified it. Please enter the south side of Dongyao, and the runway is ticked off."

"The runway ticks..."

"Follow the emergency landing procedure, you can land, the ground wind is 230, 2 meters per second, the ground humidity is 12, and the repair pressure is 1000..."

"Pressure repair 1000..."

"The temperature on the ground is minus 16 degrees Celsius."

"What next?"

"Play as you please, and good luck."


Strictly speaking, a forced landing in the desert is an emergency landing place only lower than a regular airport.

Because the desert is static, the fine sand can act as a buffer and also have a certain friction coefficient.

If, referring to the history of forced landings on the home planet, the success rate of forced landings in the ocean is close to 0, then the success rate of forced landings in deserts... as long as there is no fire, there is basically no problem.

What's more, this is not a forced landing, and the plane is not for civilian use, but a military-civilian transport plane landing normally in a harsh terrain environment...

Near the ground, two shock absorbers resembling skateboards suddenly popped up on both sides of the wheels on the head of the Tianyun Cave Demon, trying to land...

Fly up slightly...


off the ground...


It's like testing the temperature of water with your fingers...

Afterwards, the belly of the aircraft sank downward, close to the ground...


The dust was billowing, and the sky was filled with thick smoke.

A minute later, this huge monster with a take-off weight of up to 200 tons stopped firmly at the end of the virtual runway without even sparks and lightning.

Three maintenance vehicles rushed forward, ignoring the four pilots with faces full of "I survived", sprayed cooling agents, and disassembled damaged parts...

"Can't you comfort us comfortably?"

"An'n'an, wait for the ground-effect transport aircraft to be put into use. I can see this kind of landing dozens of times a day. Thinking about it makes me so tired." The maintenance staff continued to work without looking back.


At the next moment, the AR projection shifted to the right by one thousand meters to meet the second Tianyundongdongdong that was about to land...

two hours later.

Sixteen heavy-duty transport planes made two big characters of 'rice' with their landing marks, and all landed safely.


Early the next morning.

Dongshan Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

"After testing, the service life of the four engines was halved and major repairs were required."

"After testing, the desert lander has been successfully developed, which can be used for heavy, medium, and small jet transport aircraft, emergency landing or normal landing."

"The abdomen of the Tianyun series of transport aircraft is damaged by 20%, and the protective parts need to be replaced."

"Dust in the wings, if you often take off and land in the desert, you need to improve..."

"The AR airport simulation was successful..."

"The pilot's psychological quality is normal..."

"The No. 1 mastermind secondary base has been constructed..."

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his head, and roughly read the summary report of the first batch of transport aircraft team that transported the airport construction materials, but he was not very worried about it.

Pilots and ground crews are originally trained for ground-effect flying transport aircraft, and transport aircraft are also modified for desert landings. As long as there are no major accidents, there is basically no problem.

All he cares about now is.

No one will believe it if you say it.

He lost his hair!

When I woke up this morning, there were strands of newly grown hair stubble on the pillow!

"Eleven, what am I doing?"

"Boss, don't panic, I'll take your pulse."

"It's strange to say that last night I dreamed that someone was holding scissors and clippers and clicking on my head, and I woke up like a bird..."

"Are you dreaming? You can't take it for real."

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