Build Madness

Chapter 765 Expose Young Master Zhao

"It's as if my brother Ge is a black-hearted contractor."

Comprehending the meaning revealed in the project feasibility study approval document, Ge Xiaotian grinned, feeling that Wan Lao, who is in charge of this field, is hurting himself.

Tian Cheng has messed with tofu?

Not to mention the Zaoshi Viaduct and the Canal Bridge, which exceeded the standard acceptance, the Incheon project alone pushed Tiancheng into the top construction contractor ranks in the industry.

Although it was collapsed by tanks, it was man-made damage caused by resonance. Referring to the intact regional quality inspection report, "the home planet is unique, and it is a century-old project", which is the unanimous comment given by many international construction companies.

Otherwise, Tiancheng International's reputation as a construction contractor would have been ruined long ago.

"The old man is quite funny, and such a big project is also used as a joke."

Ge Xiaotian was just about to put down the material, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a few important comments in the attachment.

Beijing Hony Consulting Co., Ltd. was designated to send an expert review team to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the construction safety of Qinggang Decheng Expressway.

Designate Shencheng Suntech Engineering Management Co., Ltd. as the supervisory unit.

It is designated that the project will launch bulk material bidding in Beijing on March 1.

specify this item...

"What the hell?"

Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

Tiancheng has multiple cooperations with Beijing Architectural Design and Research Institute and Dongshan Academy of Sciences, and there is no need for external supervision at all.

The bulk materials are all supplied internally, and there is no need for external companies to participate.

And, these business names are... unheard of.

"Eleven, did you make a mistake?"

"Pages 104, 105...the sequence is correct, and the content can be linked. It should be our attachment."

"That's weird. Could it be that you still want me to subcontract the Dongshan section? Wait...subcontract, benefit!"

Ge Xiaotian was thoughtful, and turned the material to the end.

Designate Huaxia Petrochemical as the only gas station in the Qinggang-Decheng expressway service area.

"This...Chen Donghai? No, is the guy behind him doing something?"

We have reached a comprehensive cooperation with CNOOC, and we will definitely introduce CNOOC for the westward high-speed project.

The Dongshan road section is 490 kilometers long, and service areas are set up in units of counties, with an average of two stations every 30 kilometers (one for the left and right lanes), which means that 32 gas stations can be laid if the Dongshan road section is taken down.

High speed, no matter what the price of oil is, there are always some tricks...

Ge Xiaotian thought to himself.

Suddenly remembered that when submitting the 'Engineering Feasibility Study' materials, Mr. Wan made it clear that it was not convenient to sign in order to avoid suspicion.

And the whole project spans China, and Mr. Yu doesn't have such great authority...

Ge Xiaotian looked through the materials again.

There are many things that have obviously been changed.

For example, the Westward Expressway with an investment of 300 billion was changed to the Qingde Expressway with an investment of 7 billion, that is, from Qinggang to Decheng.

For example, the investor is Tiancheng, not a donation.

For example, the contractors are "tentatively determined" to be Tiancheng Construction and Datai Road Bridge.

After the change, people who know the project will subconsciously regard this project as part of the westward expressway.

Those who don't know about the project consider it an independent project.

For the latter, there is no strategy involved, no overall development...

Although I don't know why Mr. Yu didn't care about it, but since it was submitted to the superior department and could help Chen Donghai turn around, the big man behind the scenes would definitely take action.

Ge Xiaotian stroked it carefully, and felt that his thoughts were very clear.

Who would change the material of the 'Engineering Feasibility Study' that goes all the way west?

Nothing more than Wan Lao, deputy director, and chairman.

"This is targeting a certain tiger."

That's right, in 2002, the board of directors handed over work, and took office in 2003, the old and new teams rotated, and the new officials took office three times...

"It's my family's firewood that can be burned!"

Ge Xiaotian threw the material on the desk, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind, "If I am very angry now, lose my temper like never before, and then vent my anger on Mr. Zhao, and then unintentionally disclose this material, his old father and the interests behind him Group, what do you think?"

"Either join forces with Chen Donghai and the others in order to maximize their interests, or secretly cause trouble for Chen Donghai and send the other party in to protect their own interests, so as to end this turmoil as soon as possible, and show favor by the way."

"No matter what the result is, try it first."

"what do you mean?"

"How many floors does Mr. Zhao's building have?"

"They didn't have a holiday for the Spring Festival. Although they had a fight with Shen Zhipeng, they didn't delay the construction. The first phase of the year before was already on the ninth floor, and they worked overtime in the next few days. It's almost time to cap it."

The center floor of Chengji is 5.2 meters high, and nine floors are equivalent to eighteen floors, so the tenth or eleventh floor is capped.

In addition, the 5.2-meter-high floor is poured once, and then cut in half to transform the interlayer. Even if an ordinary construction company is used, the construction speed can be increased, not to mention that the other party uses a strong man.

"Mr. Zhao is so talented, he must not be buried."

Ge Xiaotian took out a piece of A4 paper and drew a residential building with a height of 5.2 meters, and then called up the blueprint designed by Mr. Zhao, a layman, from Shi Guangji's notebook. If we also play like this, the profit can reach 90%.”

"Then you can't compare to him. Report 60 square meters, sell 120 square meters, and then use the contract as a trap to take back 30% of the shared shares from the buyers. Continue to sell the shared shared shares, along with bay windows and corridors, and then hollow out the ground Selling parking lots...the profit point is as high as 300%."


Ge Xiaotian sighed to himself, shook the A4 paper, picked up the unlaunched SG camera to take pictures, and turned on the NFC function to send them to the Shiguang machine.

Open the Baixiaotong information platform, register an account, make up a name...

Before uploading, I saw recent hot news.

First, North America successfully developed underwater lidar and decided to invest in the Pacific Fleet.

In the picture, a submarine turns on laser detection on the seabed and finds the ship. An air helicopter conducts laser detection on the sea water and finds the submarine. After that, the wavelength, hertz, and corresponding laser are listed, and photogrammetry is used for auxiliary detection.

The comments below are different. Some netizens said that they are bragging, and some netizens said that they are really better than...

Second, North America launched a desert landing exercise in North Africa.

In the picture, a Hercules heavy transport plane descended from the sky, dragging smoke like a sandstorm, and slowly landed on the yellow land.

North American officials said: We also have the ability to force landing in the desert!

The comments below are almost overwhelming.

The main reason is that the place Hercules forced to land was not a real desert, but a dry wasteland that is not even considered the Gobi Desert.

Except for a thin layer of loess, the ground is actually no different from a temporary airport.

"North America is not stupid. I have never played desert landing. If I do it suddenly, without AR assistance, and it is a scorching day, even if I make a successful forced landing in the desert, the belly of the aircraft will rub against and catch fire."

Ge Xiaotian drags the news page, and there will be more follow-up...

Nokia released a new machine, which claims to be a smart phone that can play handheld games: N-Gage. (Advanced styling, Ke Du Niang)

Its appearance is like adding a color screen in the middle of the handle, with arrow keys on the left and number keys on the right.

In addition, Big Brother launched the 3600 with a round dial...

But it is undeniable that with these strange shapes and a large number of apps, in just half a month, the Symbian camp has almost defeated BlackBerry, almost killed Microsoft's win mobile, and even suppressed the motorcycle's Java. In one fell swoop, the market share was increased from 45% to 70%.

If you talk about raspberry fans, fruit fans, and win mobile fans on the Internet, you only need to say Nokia...the other party will be gone.

Most importantly, Nokia announced that it has invested 5 billion Franklins to develop an era-changing multimedia smartphone, the N95.

To this end, Nokia R \u0026 D said: I am sorry to call it a smart should be called a handheld computer.

As for the specific parameters of the model, there is no information on the Internet.

However, Ge Xiaotian has used N95 in another time and space, and knows its influence in the electronics industry. If N95 appears, then he must launch a smart card with camera function, and a high-quality audio player with external and internal playback functions.

After all, the famous ipod lost to Nokia's XpressMusic, and even forced Apple and Motorola to warm up and launch Rokr with iTunes, but in the end it was still a crushing defeat.

Another one is that the N95’s camera function made camera manufacturers feel the crisis. The latter began to focus on pixels, which also led to the promotion of future smartphones, all of which are pixelated. Your family has 80 million, and my family has 100 million...

With such influence, N95 also brought Symbian into its golden age.

For a long time to come, devices equipped with Symbian will light up almost every corner of the world, promote the revolution of mobile phone intelligence, and quickly move closer to personal terminals...

For example, SHARP (Sharp) equipped with a Retina display is equipped with Symbian to enable mobile payment, and it is used in the Shinkansen.

Therefore, if the smart card wants to withstand the powerful Symbian invasion, it must evolve into a "personal smart terminal" in advance.

For this reason, the family invested in Wadao's online shopping, express delivery, takeaway and other industries, secretly frantically copied the technologies and manufacturing processes of the two major camera manufacturers, and recruited a large number of talents who focus on the research and development of lenses, optics, and camera algorithms.

Then invest in Goertek Electronics, strengthen player hardware technology, and self-develop player software based on the hardware.

"The speed at which technology develops is astounding."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and uploaded the sketch in his hand.


"My humble architectural prodigy, Zhao Jin, I hope the seniors in the industry will give me guidance."

Since it was a new user, the post was sent out, and soon disappeared.

But who is Ge Xiaotian?

Immediately log in to Ge Erdan's account, forward and like.

"I heard that my eldest nephew's talent is second to none. Seeing you today, I'm sure you'll be better than me!"

Almost instantly, it attracted countless netizens who paid attention to Ge Erdan.

"5.2 meters high? This is the first time I've heard of this kind of house."

"How to live? Increase the compartment and create a duplex suite?"

"The idea upstairs is good, but if you build a duplex, no matter according to the Tiancheng standard or the official old standard, the gas company will not connect gas to it for safety. Heating will be connected to it, and even the power company will worry about fire hazards and provide appropriate power."

"Damn it, why buy this house?"

"It's not the construction industry, who knows these things?"

"Look at this house type, it looks familiar."

"How does it look like the Henderson Center in Jingang?"

"How's the community?"

"When it was first built, it was one of the best in Jingang. After it was sold... now it is a slum and a powder keg."

"I live in Henderson. Last year, a unit caught fire and the fire truck got lost in the community."

"That big?"

"Big fart, it's like a maze. I've lived in it for two years, and I can't find my basement until now."


"Mmp, I bought the Chengji Center in Jifu, what should I do? Wait online, it's very urgent."

"Check out."

"I just read the contract. Unless a relative is seriously ill and unable to pay the medical expenses, I will not check out. The liquidated damages are 2000%. I thought it was 20% at the time."

"Tiancheng's liquidated damages for checking out are only 2%."


"It is recommended that you talk to the developer first, or entrust a lawyer if you can't."

"All the family assets are used for the down payment, and there are monthly payments every month. I don't have the money to hire a lawyer."

"Hey? There is a temple near our village. There is an eminent monk in the temple who can speak well. As long as you offer incense to the Buddha, he will help those who are doing things to resolve their sufferings. Why don't you try?"


"Ice Bear Far East, Black Dragon River Estuary, Temple Street."


"Why don't you talk about Siberia? Thousands of kilometers, he has money to go there?"

"Just a suggestion..."

"Don't make noise, I just searched Henderson Center and found the name of the owner of the developer, Zhao Jin. I searched for Zhao Jin again, but I didn't expect there to be an entry..."

"Damn, I found it, it's amazing! Henderson Center, Zhongshang Marriott, Marriott International, Excellence SOHO, Chengji Center, King's Landing, Hengsheng SOHO, Shui'an Ginza, Mingmen Plaza... all belong to him?! "

"Not inferior to Ge Lao Er!"

"No, he has an even more awesome father..."

In 2002, there were no searches for people or meat, but Bai Xiaotong was not in vain. It had its own Du Niang engine invested by itself, and a large database covering the Northland. As long as it was a celebrity, it would basically list relevant information.

For example, an artist of a certain entertainment company claims to be afraid of mice, Bai Xiaotong will update the entry about eating mice, and attach photos taken by paparazzi...

For example, if a well-known celebrity opens a small account to spread negative energy, Bai Xiaotong will update its large entry with some magical turning information...

Although personal privacy is involved, since entering the entertainment circle, there is no such thing as privacy or non-privacy, unless one declares to withdraw from the entertainment industry and become an ordinary person.

As for Zhao Jin, he is not a celebrity, nor is he in the entertainment circle, so why did the entry appear?

This is called exposure.


Jifu Central Hospital.

Zhao Jin's arm was broken by Shen Zhipeng, and his ankle was hit by a steel bar waving from behind in the dark. Now it's not as simple as being hospitalized, but worrying about whether there will be sequelae.

"Mr. Zhao, suddenly there is a lot of news on the Internet."


"Regarding the public opinion about our real estate, the developers, contractors, financial companies, etc. you arranged in various places have all been exposed."



"Who has such great energy? Or... the enemy?"

"I don't know, it first appeared on the Baixiaotong forum, Ge Xiaotian forwarded it, and then spread to the Baixiaotong forum on the win platform."

"Ge Lao Er forwarded it? Who posted it first?"



"Using your name."

"Second Ge!"

In the silence, a secretary hurried in.

"Mr. Zhao, someone wants to check out and has already made trouble at the construction site."

"Do you still need to ask me for this matter? You won't handle it?"

"Then I will notify the sales manager."

"Don't just think about dealing with it, but also use public opinion to fight back, spend money, hire the navy, and wash it back for me!"

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