Build Madness

Chapter 766

Baixiaotong information platform.

There is an example of the transformation of a mansion in Jingang Henderson Center into a slum for reference. The 5.2-meter-high structure of Jifu Chengji Center has caused quite a stir in various forums.

But after spending most of his life savings, plus his parents' pension money, he managed to save money to buy a house, and no one wants to be criticized as bad.

"I read it, it's not a developer."

"That's right. Besides, I spent 60 square meters to buy a 120-square-meter house. The location of the community is so good. In total, it is only 3,500 square meters per square meter. Where can I find such a good community?"

"You guys are jealous!"

"As long as you can live in it, wait for the children to finish school, and then sell it at worst."

"To make a digression, the second phase of Jinxiu is about to open, and the pre-sale of the third and fourth phases of Chengji Center. Ge Laoer is blatantly maliciously competing and maliciously smearing."

Immediately afterwards, some careful netizens discovered clues.

"Look at the background on the edge of the hand drawing, isn't it familiar?"

"When you say it, I really feel deja vu."

"Five-year mid-term exam and three-year simulation...Looking at the bookshelf, it looks like the office where Ge Laoer entertained Shen Zhipeng to shoot the 'Dating' program"

"There is a box of tea on the table... the mother tree Dahongpao?"

"That is to say, this picture may have been taken by Ge Laoer?"

"It's not possible, but he took the photos. Let me ask, if a new account posts, Ge Laoer will pay attention to that person?"

"Take a photo of yourself to expose it, and then repost it in a large size?"

"What the hell operation?"

Jinxiuchuan office.

"Boss, you have been exposed." Dao Shishi reminded.

"on purpose."

Ge Xiaotian played with the smart card, "Just wait for the ringtone."


"It is estimated that they are looking for SG equipment or something like that."

Before the words were finished, a Pokemon popped out of the unlocked screen: the local tyrant-colored five-clawed dragon.

Clouds and mist filled the air, showing a fixed number in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions.

Wait ten seconds.


"Mr. Ge, my son has caused you trouble."

"you are?"

"Zhao Jin's father."

"Good leadership."

"Hehe, Mr. Ge is being polite. My son has caused a lot of trouble in the Ji Mansion recently, which may affect Mr. Ge's mood. I hope you will forgive me."

"The leader was joking. Zhao Jin's nephew is very nice. He was still playing together two days ago. It's just that he doesn't know if he likes the gift."

"Mr. Ge is interested, I will tell my son to get closer to you."

"It's easy to talk about."

"I don't know when Mr. Ge is free? I'll be the host, let's have tea together?"

"How can it cost the leader, why don't I invite you to taste the snow fox meat of Neobras some other day, but the taste is sweet and fattening, and the aftertaste is endless."

"Haha, Mr. Ge's invitation is hard to turn down. Zhao is waiting for the good news."

"Talk back."

Ge Xiaotian put down the smart card, "Got it? This is hitting the young ones and provoking the old ones."

"Then what's the next step?"

"Creating public opinion is just to set up a posture to beat someone. Who and why to beat, Lao Zhao is far away in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so he must not know, so..."

Ge Xiaotian took out the engineering feasibility study materials for the Dongshan road section, took several photos in a row, and uploaded them to the Baixiaotong forum.

Remarks: Going to the area where I operate to engage in real estate. For your father's sake, I turned a blind eye to it, but if you put your hands on my project, don't blame me for being rude.


Jiangsu compound.

Father Zhao took the newly bought smart card and savored the conversation with someone carefully, "I always feel that this kid is perfunctory to me."

The middle-aged and elderly man sitting next to him waved his hands, "Although our people blocked Tiancheng from going south before, it was led by the Shanghai Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, which had nothing to do with Nandu's side directly. Later, the Shanghai Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce disintegrated, so we let go of Xu Cheng , allow him and Shen Zhipeng to jointly develop? In addition, he won the Wuzhou Avenue area in Shanghai, and the two sides are even, and there is no conflict of interest."

"But I don't understand why he made things difficult for Zhao Jin."

"Maybe there is some misunderstanding?"

During the chat, an assistant brought an SG pad and opened the Baixiaotong forum, "Leader, Mr. Ge posted another post."

Father Zhao and the middle-aged and elderly man squinted their eyes at the screen, and immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Dongshan Expressway project?"

"What does it have to do with us?"

"Designate supervision, designate bulk material procurement, designate petrochemical occupancy..."

"It's because someone is blocking him, or in other words, someone is tripping him up."

"Petrochemical... By the way, last year Tiancheng United CNOOC and Petroleum ran against Petrochemical."

"Chen Donghai? Or did the one from the capital make a move? Could it be that Ge Erer thought we were with them?"

"Old Xu (the former leader) has a very close relationship with Chen Donghai, and he was your immediate boss before, so it's natural to have this guess."

"But Lao Xu was executed as early as last year."

"Isn't there you now?"


Father Zhao pondered for a while, "So, since Chen Donghai's master intervened in the Dongshan Expressway, Ge Lao Er thought we were playing tricks?"

"If you include Xu Cheng, it's called 'new enmity plus old enmity'."

"Another way of thinking, is it possible to say that Chen Donghai's master is taking advantage of Zhao Jin?"

"It's not impossible, intervening in the high-speed project, directing Ge Laoer's anger to Zhao Jin, forcing us to take action, he will be very profitable."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he said solemnly: "Of course, there is another possibility. This is a game set up by Ge Laoer to force us to make a choice, either join forces with Chen Donghai's master to engage Tian Cheng, or join forces with Tian Cheng to fight Chen Donghai and the others."

"In short, Ge Laoer just wants to pull us into the car. If we don't do anything, he is very kill my son Zhao Jin."

"Using the Son of Heaven to make the feudal princes...Yangmou!"

"How about letting Zhao Jin come back?"

"Leaving a mess, what's the use of people coming back? Maybe it will bring you trouble."

"How do you think you should choose?"

"Mr. Du and Nan Yun's index finger were broken at Chen Donghai's side. The others were worried about harming the fish pond, so they stayed away. Now there are only three or two kittens, and two old and down-and-out tigers. But we are not, Haibu Xiaowang, vice president of resources. total……"

"Where's Brother Ge?"

"Don't mention new forces such as Mr. Yu, Shaobaitou, leaders of Jianfu University, and leaders of Nanhe University, and don't mention Mr. Zhu, Deputy Director, and those old guys. Just move Mr. Wan out, call you big mouth , do you dare to escape?"


Father Zhao was silent.

At this time, the assistant came in again, "Leader, CNOOC Qian Dong, come to visit."

"Oh? The former director of Dongshan Petrochemical?"



Not long.

Lao Qian, who has been promoted all the way, led his subordinates into the office.

Both sides have a CNOOC director and a secretary with a long character, and their ranks are similar.

A few words of courtesy.

"Old Zhao, Sujiang is a good place, we cannot do without CNOOC."

"Dong Qian, you are straight to the point!"

"I plan to build 20 large gas stations with new energy projects and 50 medium-sized energy supply stations in your place, with a total investment of 2 billion red notes. However, you need to transfer the fuel supply contract from the government-owned company, and Cancel the cooperation with petrochemicals."

"Dong Qian, you are too strong, aren't you?"

"Form is stronger than people."

Laoqian opened the seat on his own, "The building structure of Chengji Center is very unreasonable, and CNOOC is in charge of Dongshan gas supply. Tell me, should I let it pass or not? We are discussing, if I issue an announcement denying the gas supply, do you think there will be people buying houses in Chengji Center?"


"Either, I come to Guizhou to invest 2 billion yuan, and we will cooperate well. Or, your son's current investment of more than 5 billion yuan is all in vain."


Father Zhao suddenly had the illusion of being chased away by others, so he quietly edited a text message and secretly sent it to Zhao Jin.

‘I don’t care what method you use to calm the public opinion as soon as possible, I will delay it for a day at most. '


Jifu Central Hospital.

'drop! '

Zhao Jinzheng was half-lying on the hospital bed to deal with other real estate affairs. When he saw the text message, he quickly summoned his secretary, "How many sailors have you hired?"

"Mr. Zhao, Baixiaotong forum users are all registered with their real names, one account per person, and there are no trolls. We have hired 50,000 accounts on the win platform, which are distributed in various forums..."

"Distribution, in the north, especially Dongshan netizens, even if they don't use SG equipment and smart cards, they all stay in Baixiaotong on the Win platform. use?"

"But Bai Xiaotong doesn't have a navy..."

"Aren't you stupid? Aren't forum postings, refined pinning, and site-wide announcements all trolls? It's just a commercial advertisement in a different form."

"Then I'll contact..."

"No, I'll come in person."

Zhao Jin clicked on "Advertisement for Rent", followed the prompts to log in to the ICBC account, confirmed a series of agreements such as direct debit options and real-time debit options, and then carefully checked the package.

200,000 packages, 1 million slogans, lasting for one day, covering the entire forum, regardless of popularity.

500,000 packages, 1 million slogans, lasting for one day, covering the entire forum, guaranteeing likes and replies.

Two million packages, 10 million items...

5 million packages, 10 million items, lasting for a week, covering the entire forum, guaranteeing likes and replies.

20 million packages, 100 million items...

50 million packages, 100 million items, lasting 15 days, covering the entire forum, guaranteeing likes, replies, pinning, hot posts...

"Fifty million? It's so fucking dark. Is this network security company crazy about money? Five million packages are enough."

After speaking, Zhao Jin operated the joystick to click on the option, intending to buy it.

Unexpectedly, the right arm interrupted by Shen Zhipeng suddenly felt a sharp pain, and the intact left hand couldn't help trembling, pushed the joystick, and counted...

'You have ordered 50 million packages, and the account balance is 1.26 billion...'

'You have ordered 50 million packages, and the account balance is 1.21 billion...'

'You have ordered...'

'You have ordered...'

"Fuck, can this thing be purchased continuously? Without confirmation? What kind of shit company? Contact me and get a refund!"

The secretary suddenly remembered something, and said submissively: "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, I forgot to tell you that this is Ge Laoer's company."



Up to now, Baixiaotong information platform has 300 million registered users.

But don't look at it as a behemoth. In essence, it is still just a UI desktop, and the bottom layer is the free Shenlong system.

Tianyu belongs to the investor of Baixiao UI desktop, Longtian belongs to the system owner, and Tiancheng Aerospace Network Security Center belongs to the operator.

And this Tiancheng Aerospace Network Security Center has only three personnel.

Very weird.

Because the Baixiaotong server uses the Shiguangji matrix, hacking, network maintenance, information integration, etc., have nothing to do with the operation department, and are all handled by the personnel in charge of the Shiguangji matrix.

Therefore, the work of the three personnel in the operation department is very easy. They usually communicate with the moderators of each section, and spend most of their time attracting investment, renting out advertising spaces, and introducing new companies to open up sections.

In addition, another 200,000 sailors were commanded to increase the activity of the forum, occasionally having some fun, lively and lively.

Today, due to three shifts, only one person is on duty.

The person was holding a thermos cup, drinking wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea, and saw the page prompt out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly spewed out the tea in his mouth...

'xx customer ordered 50 million floor scrubbing packages. '

'xx customer ordered 50 million floor scrubbing packages. '

'xx customer ordered 50 million floor scrubbing...'

'XX users ordered 50 million...'

"Crazy? Is there really a fool to buy this kind of service?!"

"No, is there really a fool who can afford it?"

"Damn, as expected of my boss, he can predict things like a god!"

After the staff finished yelling, they dialed someone's internal number, "Boss, we sent it. There is a fool who bought four 50 million floor cleaning packages."

"As long as the money is in place, nothing will matter. Help him wash it thoroughly... Wait, four 50 million set meals? Who the hell can afford it? Shen Zhipeng is drunk again?"

"No, the client's surname is Zhao..."


In Huaxia, most of the companies that are willing to advertise on the Baixiaotong platform are companies under the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

But these companies are all VIP members. For the 20% discount, they must choose smart card payment.

Therefore, ICBC's large and quick payment is to cheat outside companies or overseas companies.

But in the past two years, let alone 50 million, 5 million, not even 200,000...

Now suddenly a big fish is caught, no need to think, Ge Xiaotian knows who it is.

Zhao Jin.

To be honest, he personally acted to drive public opinion, and he also meant to alert home buyers.

If you are greedy for small gains, you will suffer huge losses sooner or later.

Unfortunately, few people believe it.

In this case, deep down in Ge Xiaotian's heart, he actually refused Zhao Jin's purchase of the land-cleaning package.


It's easy to do things with money, and you need to talk about credibility when doing business.

"50 million packages, how many pieces do you need to send?"

"100 million posts, likes and replies."

"Fifty cents a piece?"

"You can say that."

"Send 400 million messages in one breath... It's a bit scary to think about it."

"Then shall we accept this business?"

"There is money to be made, why don't you pick it up? Help him brush it up, and give him four value-added packages for free."

"This...boss, what kind of value-added package is it? Why don't I remember it?"

"Great gifts for the new year, great gifts for happiness, buy one and get two free, help him get 1.2 billion posts, it's best to max out the entire forum."


The staff was frightened, "Boss, can we still do business?"

"Do it, brush too much, even a fool will know it's fake, understand?"

"Isn't this smashing the signboard of our navy?"

"It's as if there are still people in the forum who don't know our navy."


"Wash your brushes as soon as possible."

Ge Xiaotian asked, put down the smart card, pick up a pen and paper to write and draw.

"CNOOC's old money has arrived in Nandu. The tighter we push Zhao Jin, the easier it will be to negotiate new energy projects over there."

Dao Shishi hesitated and said: "Boss, Southern Petrochemical is the foundation of Chen Donghai. If we are so ruthless this time, I'm afraid we will piss him off."

"He pissed me off first. If I didn't intervene in the high-speed project, how could I treat him like this? Besides, what if he pissed me off? Could he still bite me?"

"Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone people."

"Then why don't you hurry up and strengthen my security forces?"


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