Build Madness

Chapter 770 The Value of GIS System

The GIS system follows the development of the industry and continuously expands its functions. Its own value is not only reflected in the fields of agricultural planting, animal husbandry, and industrial production.

Also includes many service industries.

Such as electricity supply.

The light bulb of the utility pole No. xx on xx road in a certain city is damaged. No need to be reminded by personnel. The system will automatically send a reminder to the employee of the power supply station closest to the damaged point through the fixed enterprise version of the smart card. If the employee is too busy, it will automatically search. Another employee until the task is picked up.

If equipped with ERP enterprise resource management system, it will cover salary assessment, personnel planning, material procurement and other links, so as to realize efficient, real-time and fast digital management and network office.

In the same way, power outages, line failures, etc., are also solved in the same way.

To put it in a small way, it improves the quality of power service, so that users no longer worry about power outages.

On a larger scale, it solves problems at the fastest speed, guarantees the production of enterprises, and avoids order delays caused by power outages.

Another example is regional security.

A robbery occurred on the xx floor of the xx unit of the xx community in a certain city. The victim only had time to press the emergency button of the smart card, but his location was not his home address. Generally speaking, if the ordinary mobile phone does not have the positioning function, the security department needs to contact the communication The service provider searches for the approximate location of the victim when the distress signal was sent.

However, in the GIS system, the city model, satellite navigation, and Zigbee base station can be used to instantly lock the building number, floor, room where the victim is located, and even the safe place on the way to the police, and formulate a rescue plan in advance based on the GIS system city model.

Race against time, efficient and fast.

Fire, ambulance, emergencies, natural disasters, etc., including military and epidemic prevention, are also resolved in this way.

To put it bluntly, if AR and VR technologies are mature and connected to large databases, the GIS system will be a 'virtual reality'.

Enter a certain event into it, map the relevant personnel into NPC, enter the personal behavior of big data collection, perform fast calculations through the AI ​​​​of the supercomputer, simulate the subsequent development, generate countless possibilities, and generate countless solutions.

Real rescuers wear wide-area helmets and communicators, enter the real scene, background managers or more AI computers, according to everything that happens in reality, choose the corresponding solution, and surpass the perpetrator's "thinking" speed countless times, to achieve thunder. one strike.

Of course, the current GIS system can only do positioning rescue, and cannot provide an AI rescue plan. Virtual reality is just an idea, and it is the first sci-fi blockbuster that Tianyu will shoot.

But it is undeniable that a powerful GIS system will eventually become the core of the "personal terminal".

This is why Ge Xiaotian paid special attention to it from the very beginning.

After all, if you don't make your own computer, you can only make your personal terminal the best.

But here comes the question, with such powerful functions, how much research and development costs are needed from hardware, to software, to terminal equipment?

According to incomplete statistics.

In the millennium, the prototype stage of the GIS system absorbed the annual profits of Tianheng Auto Trade.

In the first two quarters of 2001, the initial stage of the GIS system absorbed 80% of the profits of companies such as Tianheng Automobile Trade, Tianji Agricultural Machinery, Tianwei Catering, and Tiancheng Tourism.

In the second quarter of 2001, the GIS system was perfected, and the navigator, map service, express logistics, and online shopping platform were burned for the whole year.

In 2002, that is, this year, in order to add the new functions of the five satellites, it burned 15% of the profits of Longtian Technology and Wanshi Technology.

In addition, according to the operation requirements of the GIS system, research and development of chips, storage, graphics cards, displays...

Taking into account the value of the researchers themselves, their technology, and their wisdom, once the GIS system goes on the market, it may lose Microsoft in seconds.

Without it, snatch control.

In order to avoid piracy, cracking, and hacker attacks, the GIS system also uses a "hardware integrated" single-chip microcomputer, that is, the software functions are integrated into the hardware, some are read-only, and some are writable. Finally, the Shenlong chip compiled and structured by Daoyi is coordinated and run. Then, the content is presented to the user through the display device.

However, due to the exhaustion of cheap electronic components purchased in the graphene storm, the new generation of enterprise servers is no longer "buy any memory card for whatever function you want".

Instead, the server is equipped with a large-capacity graphene memory with all functions, but all of them are in a 'locked' state. Users need to purchase and activate according to the category of services they need.

If it is forcibly cracked, the memory will self-destruct, and the buyer needs to buy a very expensive graphene memory again.

Of course, users don't need to worry about hackers maliciously hacking, the main server will help shield malicious attacks.

Logically speaking, the GIS system is so powerful that the service fee will definitely exceed the 3D MAX with a single annual usage fee of up to 40,000 to 50,000 red notes, or the single set of PS with a price of 30,000 to 40,000, which is used to recover R\u0026D costs and continue to develop more Function.

But after putting an end to cracking it, if you sell one set, you can earn money for the set, otherwise you don't need it, but if you want to bid, or want to use Tiancheng's resources, you have to use them.

The increase in sales has brought high profits, and the recovery cycle of R\u0026D costs has been shortened. Therefore, the activation code of the GIS system is sold at a very cheap price.

For a single field, single industry, and single subcategory, the annual usage fee is only three thousand red notes.


"I'm not dark at all!"

Ge Xiaotian wrote tens of thousands of words eloquently, analyzing the GIS system from various aspects, and left a heartfelt sentence at the end, "Please support the genuine version, thank you."

Netizens complaining about the fees charged by the GIS system have been silent, while companies who want to bid on the other side have no time to pay attention to it.

Purchase enterprise servers, purchase activation codes of the two major systems, connect to Zigbee Network, apply for Zigbee annual subscription, upload enterprise materials, download electronic bidding documents, fill in cost and quotation...

After one operation, the family spent four to five million yuan...

At the same time, the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space has also drawn the information of these enterprises participating in the bidding from the large database.


Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

Dao Yi, who returned to the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space from Nanyang to speed up the development of the touch-screen smart card, came to report in person.

"At present, there are about 6,000 large, medium and small construction companies, including the first construction, second construction, third construction, and railway construction, downloading electronic bidding documents."

"Qingde Expressway has a total length of 490 kilometers, with 100 meters as the interval for contracting, and a total of 4,900 sections. Small enterprises basically bid for 5 sections, which is 500 meters, medium-sized enterprises basically bid for 20 to 50 sections, and large enterprises basically bid for 500 sections. For a section of the road, Huaxia-level enterprises such as the first construction, the second construction, the third construction, and the railway construction are robbing the entire section."

"According to the plan, if more formal construction companies are eliminated, 800 'targets' that have seriously cut corners and violated regulations and constructions will be screened out."

Ge Xiaotian put down the shift key in his hand, "Then let 'Target' pass, and the results of the public bidding will be announced on March 15."

"Boss, I'm not worried about whether we have the ability to deal with these more than 800 targets. What I worry about is that formal construction companies will protest."

"That's right, what I want is for them to protest. If they don't protest, they will also let Lao Shen's company bring the protest together. As long as the matter becomes serious, they will help expose the 800 construction contractors without our intervention." The company's black history, when construction starts, do you think their construction ability meets our Tiancheng engineering standards? When the time comes to pick out the problems and deal with them, it's a great satisfaction, not to scold Tiancheng for being uneasy."


"Furthermore, in order to start the second round of bidding and get projects, these companies that failed to bid will spare no effort to help us win the lawsuit so that we can get compensation as soon as possible, and then Pack again."

"Boss, I feel that there is no need for you to explain whether you are black or not on the Internet."


"It can't be washed."

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, "Old man, how's the progress of the touch-screen smart card?"

"The IPS touch screen is no problem. The loudspeaker uses a subwoofer, which is known as the sound of nature. It can form penetration and resonance when placed on the table, and the effect is advanced.

The camera introduces Wajima JVC Jieweishi VHS video technology, Canon's four-fold optical zoom shooting technology, and according to what you said before, extract the best pixels from several digital negatives (RAW) with an algorithm, and finally synthesize a picture , developed an AI module.

In general, our 3 million pixels will exceed the ordinary camera of 5 million pixels, and the picture is delicate, suitable for the user's senses, and produces a sense of surprise psychologically. "


"It's the same as enterprise servers. Instead of using expansion memory cards, 16G, 32G, and 64G memory are used according to the price. While compatible with existing functions, new image editing, resource sharing, video calls, cloud synchronization, and other functions."

"Sounds powerful."

"Yes boss."

"How to improve the next model?"

"I don't have a clue for now, maybe use OLED, launch a curved screen, or smart glasses."

"how long it takes?"

"Three or five years."

"Then it seems useless to keep you."


"In martial arts novels I read, martial arts masters like to stand under waterfalls to practice. Coincidentally, the weather gets warmer, Jinxiuchuan reservoir thaws, and when the sluice gates hundreds of meters high are opened, the scene is not much different from that of waterfalls. Why don't you show your skills?"


"I can't clean it up, but I can help you clean it up."


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