Build Madness

Chapter 771

The online bidding of Qingde Expressway is in full swing.

But building construction requires qualifications, and building roads and bridges is the same, and it is more complicated.

In terms of roads.

The third-level qualification repairs the second-level roads, the second-level qualification repairs the first-level roads, and the first-level qualification repairs all.

In the case of bridges.

The second level repairs bridges with a single span of less than 100, and the first level repairs all bridges.

In terms of tunnels.

The second level is to repair 20 square meters of tunnels below 1,000 meters, and the first level is to repair all tunnels.

In addition to earthwork, small and medium-sized bridges and culverts, protection and drainage, soft foundation treatment projects, etc. corresponding to qualifications at all levels, it also includes communication safety facilities, communication system engineering, monitoring system engineering, toll system engineering, and integrated communication, monitoring, and toll systems...

in addition.

The contract value of a contracted project shall not exceed five times the registered capital of the enterprise.

In 2002, the capital verification was very strict, as much as the registered capital, the company must have as much 'assets'.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian continued to increase the registered capital of Tiancheng Construction in order to carry out super projects.

But not all construction companies can afford this requirement.

Like some small construction companies, with limited funds, limited personnel, and limited financial expenditure, the construction qualifications they handle can only meet part of the minimum standards, and even some contractors have no construction qualifications at all.

However, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom, and soon there is the saying of "affiliation".

For example, company A does not have any qualifications, but wants to contract a certain section of expressway. It happens to have contacts, so it asks someone to pay some money, give some gifts, and hangs the construction team with a large construction company, so as to obtain "qualification" and contract the expressway. .

However, for small construction companies, or small contractors, the skills of the construction personnel are uneven, and it is difficult to meet the construction standards. As a result, once there is a problem with the project, the large construction company will be responsible for it. In addition, in the past few years, many large companies This business is no longer 'accepted'.

There is a shortage of qualifications, and some smart people come up with ways to make money. I apply for one qualification, my friend applies for another qualification, and my friend's friend applies for another qualification. Everyone gets together to start a company and make money by "affiliating" .

If there is a problem, or if there is a hidden danger found, and there is a slight disturbance, the qualification will be transferred immediately, and the new company will continue to be opened, and the old company will just let it go...

As a result, N years later, many roads and bridges that were originally built were forced to be demolished and rebuilt.

As for Tiancheng Qingde Expressway's online bidding, of the 800 shortlisted companies, about 600 companies do not have the qualifications corresponding to the road and bridge grades, let alone registered capital.

Most of the remaining nearly 200 companies have insufficient qualifications.

Although qualifications do not represent everything, just like academic qualifications, it is a certificate to measure the strength of an enterprise.

After all, no one wants companies to recruit employees with fake diplomas, or employees who borrow other people's diplomas to work.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian's real purpose of recruiting these companies into the project is not to deceive people, but to standardize the standards of construction companies.


Jinxiuchuan University Town Operations Department.

After returning from the reservoir, Daoyi was energetic and refreshed.

Ge Xiaotian was suspicious, "Do you really have qigong?"

The latter stroked his beard for two years, "Yes, it's a pity that there are very few people who can grow a sense of aura now. In other words, times have changed, and now they are playing with science and genes."

"How can I stand under a waterfall and punch?"

"Just like genetically modified, modify your gene chain and integrate better genomes, such as those of bears, tigers, and ancient giants, so as to achieve immortality and strength."

"Genetically modified? Just like soybeans. After being genetically modified, they can no longer be called soybeans, but new species. Does that mean that I am not a human anymore?"

"I didn't say that."


Ge Xiaotian staggered his chin and asked curiously, "What are the bad consequences?"

"Just like Ah Huang, it is possible to be sterilized. If you want offspring, you can only do test tubes."


"It cannot be said that benign genes have hidden characteristics. The mules produced by the crossbreeding of horses and donkeys cannot reproduce offspring, but a small part of the ligers produced by crossbreeding lions and tigers are fertile."

"In other words, it depends on character?"


"You remind me of a company."

"Which one?"


"It seems to be the big villain in the game... However, with our current strength, although we can't create a 'Red Queen', with the power of the main brain, we can completely crush the opponent."

"Is it so stupid?"

"Judging from the data shown in film and television works and game works, Umbrella was almost wiped out by North America, and we... as long as you fight to the end in the depths of the polar region, we can win."


"Another one is that their understanding of life engineering is not as thorough as ours. I am sure to concoct a gene enhancement drug without side effects."

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "Let's talk about the bidding."

"Boss, this is a project that benefits all mankind."

"But it is a restricted area. Once it is leaked, we will be the public enemy of the parent planet."

"It's okay, you try first."

Dao Yi did not know where to take out a metal box the size of a pencil case, took out a needle, and gently shook the green liquid inside, "Although it is difficult to delete, change, and replace the genome of a living body, we can optimize cell activity first, so that the use of The physical fitness of those who have reached the level of a strong man."


It's not that Ge Xiaotian doesn't understand anything, he knows that this potion is the same as his own nutrient solution, but the absorption method is different.

Of course, this is not sci-fi. In another time and space, like many family-oriented billionaires with great powers, when they are about to die of old age or illness, they will contact life or biological research institutions and spend tens of millions to purchase injection qualifications.

Commonly known as: hanging.

Basically, three to five injections are required a year, which can last for three to five years.

Their own genetic engineering and life engineering are developing rapidly, so it is not surprising to have this kind of medicine.

However, in order to avoid accidents when studying this medicine, the user needs to provide a large amount of 'biological tissue', which cannot be alive, or must be secretions to extract dead cells, and then activate them again through research.

After the experiment is successful, a special drug is injected into the user's body to continue the activity of antioxidant enzymes and reduce the level of free radical reactions, thereby curbing the increase of lipofuscin and achieving the purpose of maintaining life.

So here comes the problem.

This potion is for myself, when did I provide 'biological tissue'?

Ge Xiaotian thought of the hair that couldn't grow out for no reason.

"Old man, is my hair handsome?"

"Boss, merits and demerits equalize, we succeeded!"

"Hehe, please, master, today I will send this fellow into Buddhism!"

"Boss, try first..."

"Try a wool, what if you become a Hulk?"

"You think too much, it just optimizes cell activity, it has no other effects, and the effect is only three days."

"Really? Then again, why use me as an experiment?"

"If you don't let you feel it, how can you allow us to do this?"


Ge Xiaotian glanced at the green potion, "What color?"

"It's just a layer of microbial protective film, and the liquid inside is transparent."

"Is it the brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquid, and there is this thing?"

"Yes, but only in trace amounts, it's highly concentrated."

"Forget it, I'll just drink two more bottles of Brain-Invigorating and Kidney-Invigorating Liquid every day."

Ge Xiaotian was a little timid, "Let's talk about the construction of the company."

Dao saw that he changed the subject, and immediately stopped insisting. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he was sent to Buddhism, "Say it."

"From today until March 15th, find out the employees of the shortlisted companies, register for the record, and sue them whether they can win, mainly because of the salary issue."

"That is to say, we help them pay their wages?"

"Well, not only pay wages, but also arrange work."

"This is no problem. It doesn't take too much labor to build the expressway. Most of the employees in their company are drivers and technicians, which are exactly what we lack. If they are incorporated and cultivated, Datai Road and Bridge can grow into an international road and bridge company. .”

After Daoyi finished speaking, he hesitated, "It's just that we have to pay for the project and help them pay their salaries, isn't it too bad?"

"What's the loss? Although the maximum project deposit is only 800,000 yuan, they paid for the early stage of the project. Before the incident, we didn't need to invest a penny.

Besides, I didn't mean to trouble these companies with criminal records on purpose. I really wanted to standardize the construction standards, and it had nothing to do with their bosses and employees.

We sued them for not following the standard construction, they couldn't get the project money, and they couldn't pay their wages, but our Party A helped them pay their employees' salaries. In terms of conscience, who can compare with me, Lao Ge? "

"Sounds reasonable, but after all, you seem to have taken a fancy to other people's employees and equipment?"

"How is it possible, our family has a lot of people and equipment."

"But there are no VIP contractors for the chamber of commerce invested by angels. You recruit these people into the labor dispatch company, and rent them to the chamber of commerce VIP together with the equipment..."

"you know too much."


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