Build Madness

Chapter 772 Abandon Bid Open Bid Calibration (Two in One)

Tiancheng's online bidding this time is very formal, even the department that formulates the rules can't find the slightest fault.

When the project was approved a few years ago, Boss Ge personally went to the capital to submit the project proposal, and explained the necessity of the project, the proposed scale, construction route, resource situation, construction conditions, cooperative relationship, investment estimate, etc.

Afterwards, the feasibility study report of the project is prepared, and the economic and social benefits of the project are analyzed from various angles.

Then carry the approval documents such as project approval, register and apply for construction with the construction department of the project transaction center, and carry out the transaction registration at the project transaction center with the registration form for construction application.

On March 1st, prepare pre-qualification and bidding documents, and hold a press conference.

Immediately afterwards, for five consecutive days, bidding announcements were published on the front pages of "Huaxia Daily", "Huaxia Economic Herald", "Huaxia Construction News" and "Huaxia Procurement and Bidding Network".

During the period, the electronic pre-qualification documents will be sold free of charge, and a bidding review team will be arranged, including 300 senior financial personnel, 150 engineering academicians, and 1,000 senior construction technicians.

On March 7th, the review began.

The first round reviews the business licenses and construction qualifications of the bidding enterprises.

The second round reviews the financial situation of the bidders to find out whether they have enough funds to undertake the project, and requires bidders to have a certain amount of working capital, not less than 1 million for a 100-meter road section.

In the third round, review the construction experience of the bidding enterprises to find out whether they have undertaken projects similar to this project, as well as the number and scale of projects constructed in recent years.

The fourth round is to review the human resources of the bidding enterprises to find out whether the number, work experience and ability of the engineering technology and management personnel possessed by the bidder meet the requirements of the project.

In the fifth round of reviewing the equipment and machinery of the bidding enterprises, if they do not meet the requirements, they can apply for Tiancheng equipment leasing on the spot, and rent for one quarter and rent for three quarters.

In the sixth round, explain and give detailed reports to the bidding enterprises that do not meet the requirements.

In the seventh round, the list of companies that have passed the review will be announced.

There were 6,800 registered companies, and 4,900 remained.

On March 9th, Tiancheng released the electronic version of the official bidding documents for free, including construction drawings, bills of quantities and other materials.

Since it is an electronic version, the download channel is open for 1 day.

Due to the fixed format, the writing time is 2 days.

Since it is an online bidding, the bidding time is 5 days in total.

March 15th.

The staff of Tiancheng's office in Beijing, led by Xuanxuan, the publicity general manager, opened the bid at Huaxia Engineering Trading Center.

Attendees include tenderers, bidders, notaries, supervisory units, supervisory departments, etc.

Since it is an electronic version, there is also an open mechanism for the screening, and the score will be evaluated according to Tiancheng's standards, and the bidder with the highest score will win the bid.

The 1,000 industry experts and 500 bidding representatives from Tiancheng scored 4,900 tenders and conducted manual re-examination.

Including the identification of compliance, validity, completeness, and consistency with the bidding documents of the bidding documents.

Since it is in a fixed format and does not involve factors such as design and modification, there is no questioning of the bidding documents during this process, and there is no need to require bidders to give explanations and clarifications in the form of written reports.

Therefore, it is extremely fast.

In the first round, out of 4,900 bids, 1,300 rejected bids that did not conform to Tiancheng's construction philosophy.

There are 3,600 remaining bidders.

In the second round, another 1,500 companies were eliminated in the review of the reliability of the construction schedule of the bidding companies, the guarantee of construction quality, and the supply of engineering materials and mechanical equipment.

There are 2,100 remaining bidders.

In the third round, in the review of the correctness of the calculation of the quotation data of the bidding enterprises and the rationality of the analysis of the quotation data, 600 companies were eliminated again.

There are 1,500 remaining bidders.

In the fourth round, candidate companies are selected.

That is, the spare tire.

As Ge Xiaotian ordered, 800 construction companies were formally shortlisted, and 700 companies were nominated.

Next, the bidding review team issues a report.

Including the basic situation and data sheet of this bidding, list of bid evaluation committee members, bid opening records, list of qualified bids, description of bid rejection, bid evaluation criteria, bid evaluation methods or list of bid evaluation factors, list of scoring comparisons, evaluation The ranking of bidders and the minutes of clarification and corrections, etc.

Finally, the bid evaluation report shall be signed by the members of the bid evaluation committee, and the bid shall be dissolved.

The process was quick and clear, open and transparent, and the speed shocked the whole mother planet.

That afternoon.

Tiancheng's Beijing courtyard office.

In the huge display screen, the handsome Boss Ge, whose hair has grown out, is sitting at a brown desk, with several satellite phones, smart cards, and red star ceramic teapots in front of him, with a small red flag on the left and a red flag on the right. Carrying the second branch table flag of Tiancheng Enterprise...

Well, Tiancheng International Holdings has indicated its nationality.

There is a handwritten letter written by the leader of Sancha Township on the back: "There are tens of thousands of mansions in Ande, which shelters the world's poor and happy people."

Majestic and powerful.

"Qingde Expressway is the first expressway invested by private enterprises in China. In order to standardize the construction standards, Tiancheng gave up its own advantages and subcontracted the project."

"First of all, I would like to thank people in the industry for their attention and support to Tiancheng in the past half a month, including thousands of academicians, hundreds of technical experts, and senior architects and constructors in road and bridge engineering."

"And after a morning's emergency selection, the results have been obtained, and our company will make a week-long announcement on the Huaxia Engineering Trading Network, Tiancheng International Holdings Enterprise Network, and the building module of the Baixiaotong Forum."

"At the same time, the bid-winning enterprises and candidate enterprises will receive the notice of winning the bid for the corresponding project in the GIS system and ERP system of the enterprise server."

"Our company will not conduct contract negotiations. I hope that the construction company will take the initiative to go to Tiancheng Bridge Design and Research Institute of Jishi Canal Development Zone to sign the construction contract of Qingde Expressway."

"In addition, before three o'clock this afternoon, our company will refund the bidding deposit to the winning bidders and the unsuccessful bidders. We hope that the heads of all enterprises will check the account status on time through the smart card. If you have any questions, please give feedback in time before five o'clock this afternoon. .”

"Finally, I hope that everyone will actively explore the bidding functions of the GIS system and ERP system. Our company will provide you with the highest quality, most formal and most qualified review services."


A certain building in Shanghai.


There was a sound of tapping the table in the office.

"How is it possible? My dignified Demon City United Construction Engineering, the top 50 construction companies in China, has been eliminated?"

Before the words were finished, bursts of cheers suddenly came from the upstairs next door.

"I hit it!"

"We actually won the bid!"

The chairman of United Construction Engineering walked to the window and found that he didn't know what the other party was doing, so he quickly called the secretary, "What company is the opposite?"

"Back to the chairman, it is a newly formed small construction company that has contracted a section of urban roads before."

"City road? Where?"

"To the west of the Securities Building."

"That potholed, two-way driveway that's about to be renovated?"


"How did I hear that the municipal engineering is planning to carry out this project by itself?"

"It's not renovation, it's...they contracted this street two years ago. Later, there was a problem with the roadbed, and the water was serious. In order to cover it, the roadbed was dug up every now and then, and the water pipes, gas pipes, and cable communication pipes were repaired... Now it’s beyond recognition, and it’s just time for a project to be renovated.”

"Strange, how dare Er Er Ge use this kind of company to build highways?"

"They are attached to another architectural design company with leasing qualifications..."

"No, if they follow the construction standards given by Tiancheng, even if they obtain qualifications through affiliation, they will not be selected."

"Is it a gift?"

"Is Ge Lao Er short of money? Help me check their quotations."

The secretary turned on the newly purchased enterprise server, logged in to the GIS system, and performed some operations, "It is one-fifth higher than ours."

"Strange, filling in a fixed format, the higher the technical content, the lower the project cost, the more in Tiancheng's interest. They have poor technology and high cost, but they won the bid?"

"Chairman, someone on the Baixiaotong forum has already raised doubts, saying that there is something shady about this bidding."


"It's Dongshan Jianlian."

"Ge Laoer's deadly enemy?"

"Dongshan Sanjian Road and Bridge under Dongshan Jianlian bid for the Jifu section, and the score was only 45, but... the road and bridge contractor that Mr. Zhao used to play tickets won the bid with 98 bids."

"Dongshan Jianlian fights against Tiancheng everywhere, so the score is low, as a matter of course, but this Mr. Zhao can get 98 points... There must be a shady scene!"

"Then we?"

"Protest together and question the rationality of this online bidding, system screening, intelligent calibration, and manual re-inspection."

"Will you offend Ge Laoer?"

"For justice!"



The office of a construction company.

A concept map of the industrial chain of "Bashu Xinghewan" has been pasted on the wall.

The capable man rubbed his dry eyes after several nights, "The bidding result came out?"

"Return to the chairman, our bid has been abolished."

"Abandoned? Didn't you win the bid?"


"If I quote the cost price as a favor, the bid will be invalidated?"

"The review postscript says..."

"Say what?"

"The cost is so low, you make a lot of money, and it looks like a black-hearted contractor who deducts employees' salaries and wants to cut corners."


The capable man's face darkened, "What the hell..."

"By the way, Chairman, there is something strange."


"Do you remember that when we contracted the No. 6 Expressway the year before last, there was a company affiliated with us and won the project of piling up the roadbed for two kilometers?"

"No impression."

"That's...the project that we lost to Bashu after you went in and squatted for three months."

"Then I remember."

"They won the bid."


"With 10 road sections, one kilometer, it is still piling up high-speed roadbeds."


The capable man was full of astonishment, "They weren't arrested?"

"Their original company has gone bankrupt. This time it is a construction team, affiliated with a company that specializes in the construction of roads and bridges. This company has been doing second-package business, and there are only four or five employees in it."

"This frankly can be selected... Sure enough, as I thought before, Ge Lao Er is going to do something."


"Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Raise money, get a loan, download the Tiancheng Machinery Equipment Leasing Contract, and wait for the big event to happen."


Jifu Chamber of Commerce.

Dozens of companies starting with three characters gathered together.

Although these companies were forced to adjust their business categories in the collision with the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, and changed to mobile tire repairs, mobile charging, and sales of plasters for brain and kidney...

But it was a real business opportunity, so it didn't go out of business.

Moreover, these business owners discovered that since the purchase or use of Tiancheng resources, the business has picked up rapidly, and they secretly filled up a VIP immediately...

Then I found that each company has a trend of becoming bigger and stronger than before...

Of course, this matter must not be said.

As for Lao Shen, even though he has become a VIP, he is still at the silver level, but as the president of the Jifu Chamber of Commerce, he can't even say that, otherwise, wouldn't it weaken his own momentum?

Moreover, he didn't know that his Chamber of Commerce members were all charged...

Chamber of Commerce internal meeting today.

Shen Zhipeng looked decent, and turned on the microphone with some guilt.

"Last year, everyone's business was booming, which shows that we are not powerless in front of Ge Laoer. Congratulations!"


"The president is right!"

"It's all up to the president to take the lead!"

"The president has worked hard!"

The business owners at the beginning of the three characters below were also very guilty and echoed loudly.

Shen Zhipeng was very pleased, "Don't dare to be, dare not be, this is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Then the voice changed, "Today's meeting, the main reason is that Ge Lao Er actually gave my bid 45 points. This is clearly saying that the Sanjian Road and Bridge, where I invested 500 million yuan, is very irregular."

"Fuck him!"

"Fuck him!"

"Black him!"


Shen Zhipeng was even more relieved. Although he couldn't win, he couldn't lose his momentum. "So, today we will jointly protest this online bidding and question its normativeness!"


After the three bosses finished speaking, they said weakly: "President, can you lend me 10 million for emergency?"

"Oh? No problem."

Shen Zhipeng made a lot of money in Beihe, so he took out the check on the spot and swiped it...

The three bosses took over, "President, I'll be back in ten minutes."

After speaking, quickly ran out of the building...

"Hello? Hurry up and help me charge up a silver VIP... What are you doing? Ge Er Er, charge up some money, and feel at ease when you scold me later."

meeting room.

Business is good, and capital is needed to expand the market.

The purpose of establishing a chamber of commerce is to coordinate development and make progress together.

Therefore, Shen Zhipeng wrote seven or eight checks in the amount of 10 million, and did not have any doubts about it.

However, when I wrote the tenth piece, I suddenly felt a little flustered.

Although he made a lot of money in Beihe, the funds were invested in Ginza New Era and the purchase of land near Xingyue Bay, plus a huge sum of money was frozen by Zhao Jin, and now there is only 200-300 million cash left in the account for emergency.

If he borrows from others, he won't be able to afford gold vip, and he will get angry later...

It won't be life-threatening, right?


March 15th, at three o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as the bid deposit was credited, the unsuccessful bidders, led by Dongshan Jianlian Sanjian Road and Bridge, questioned Tiancheng's first online bidding together.

However, the bidding procedures are complete, the bidding process is reasonable, the bidding data is true, and Huaxia Engineering Trading Center, the Notary Office, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate are separately supervised, and the entire process is impeccable.

Because of this, the companies that failed to win the bid did not get a response, and the trouble was even more exciting.

Ge Xiaotian didn't say anything about this, but instead urged the staff to speed up the signing of the contract and start work as soon as possible.

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