Build Madness

Chapter 774: Second Ge is gone

Shencheng Suntech Engineering Management Co., Ltd. is an old-fashioned supervision unit.

The reason for its creation should be said to be "the dividend of the times".

Twenty years ago, project construction was generally raised, built, and operated by the promoters themselves, and there was no corresponding regulatory agency.

In the late 1980s, Huaxia promulgated construction laws, implemented a construction project supervision system, and issued a series of professional qualification certificates and post-specific skill books.

That is, carpenters, electricians, scaffolders, steel workers, plasterers, masonry workers, waterproofers, etc. before the "three majors" and "five majors".

With the deepening of reforms, the diversification of investment entities, and the introduction of some loose policies, the construction industry is booming, and the demand for engineering supervision services is increasing.

The supervision unit ushered in the eruption period.

According to incomplete statistics, in the early 1990s, there were more than 200 supervision companies in China, and by the turn of the millennium, the number had reached thousands.

But just like taking a project, the supervision service is not smooth, and requires bidding and contacts.

Some supervision enterprises have stagnated, stayed in the construction stage, or even died out.

There are also some supervision companies, who meet gods and kill gods, encounter Buddhas and Buddhas, and advance all the way, from the firm, to the professional C-level qualification, to the B-level, to the A-level, and finally have a comprehensive qualification.

Shencheng Suntech Engineering Management Co., Ltd. is one of the latter.

During the office period, he supervised the small gas station of Maoming Petrochemical in Guangzhou.

During the Class C period, supervise the medium and large gas stations of Petrochemical in Guangzhou.

During the B-level period, supervise the construction of petrochemical Maoming refinery. .

During the Class A period, it supervised the road and bridge projects invested by petrochemicals in various places.

During the comprehensive period, it undertook supervision services for large-scale high-speed projects in China and supervision services for large-scale railway projects.

Ge Xiaotian is very familiar with his former boss, that is, the leader of the investor.

Yu Zong.

Ge Xiaotian is also very familiar with his current new boss, that is, the equity owner.

Li Wei.

Sometimes, some things will always give people an illusion.

That is……

This world is so small!

Who would have thought that Yu Zong and Li Wei could also have a relationship?

Of course, this is the reason for the reform.

Petrochemical used to be a department, managed by the capital, and the people in charge were all official leaders, and Suntech, which invested in it, was considered half of the official.

After the reform, Sinopec became a company in name, and the people in charge are all business managers. In name, these managers no longer have official status, and Suntech, which once invested, is also an independent private company.

The shareholding change is a bit complicated, and that's how Comrade Ge Feng entered in another time and space.

In general.

Suntech started out relying on petrochemicals, but it became Li Wei's private property. There must be Chen Donghai's shadow behind this.

With the approval document, it was designated as the Dongshan Qingde Expressway supervision unit...

'I want to see who is behind the scenes. '

Once, Ge Xiaotian also imagined the other party's name, but unfortunately he couldn't match it.

And this time...

"Hey, old man, tell me, could it be Mr. Yu?"

"Do you believe he beat you?"


Ge Xiaotian also made a joke with his family, if he said that outside, he would be stupid.

Mr. Yu is one of his favorites.

"By the way, how are Shuai Bo's preparations going?"

"Tianbo Group entered Tianjin Port and invested 5 billion to build two million-ton wharves, one for large-scale ship maintenance and one for cargo transshipment, respectively connecting Neobras, Okhotsk Port, Washima Kitakyushu, Nanbangzi Incheon Port, Qinggang Dongjiawan, Yancheng Paoma Island, Weicheng Offshore Seaport, Yingcheng Yellow River Estuary, Magic City Wuzhou Avenue to be built, Jianfu Xiacheng Port, and the five major ports under construction in Southeast Asia."

"Another 1 billion will be invested to build Xingyue Bay in Tianjin Port, of which 500 million will be used to repurchase the houses of Jingang Henderson Center and resettle residents. Commercial Operation."

"Demolition of the old pier, demolition of the Henderson Center, demolition of abandoned hills to fill the sea, at the beginning of the new year, going to the old to welcome the new, and Mr. Yu taking office again, this great gift... Tell me, will he come to thank me?"

"Suntech Engineering Management Co., Ltd. can be regarded as the old department of Yu Zong. He has worked in the Guangzhou District for many years. As the saying goes, uproot the radish and dig the root, dig the root and drag the mud. If you start with the old colleagues, you probably won't be grateful. You, on the contrary, will be very entangled..."

"One yard counts for one yard. This is to punish lawbreakers. Besides, when it comes to Mr. Yu, people will subconsciously think of Tiancheng. Who would think of petrochemical?"

Ge Xiaotian put down the summary of high-speed problems reported by his own supervisor, and the materials of Suntech Engineering Management Co., Ltd., "It's almost time to start."

"I'm afraid a little Shangde will not be able to find out who is behind the scenes."

"Just like fighting a boss, you have to clear the mobs first, and then touch the boss skills?"

"It makes sense!"

"Furthermore, our main target this time is not Suntech. Although it seems to be aimed at the other party, it is for the purpose of shaming and deceiving others, so as to catch all the violating contractors and take the opportunity to promote Tiancheng's standards."


the capital.

Chen Donghai has been very busy recently.

These days, who can guarantee that the gas station will be okay?

Potential safety hazards, oil theft and oil spills, secondary processing...

Therefore, old thief Qian joined forces with Laogou Zhao to suppress Sujiang Petrochemical, rectify, shut down, and revoke the operating qualification of the subsidiary, making himself powerless to resist.

As a last resort, Chen Donghai had no choice but to ask his old boss to come forward.

"Leader, the Sujiang market cannot be lost. CNOOC has won the Northeast and Dongshan and other places. If it goes south, we can't afford it at the other party's low price."

"I found that you seldom use your brain recently."


"As the saying goes, you get what you pay for, and the price of CNOOC is low, so you can help them to promote that it is not resistant to burning. A car with the same displacement, our oil can run hundreds of kilometers with one hundred yuan, and they It’s low cost, and it’s easy to damage the engine, but who dares to refill their fuel?”

"But our market is lost. For example, in Dongshan, we can only refuel with CNOOC, and there are no other gas stations at all."

"Don't just look at the short-term, but take a long-term view. Let the public opinion out, spread it to ten, and then spread it to a hundred. When the trouble is known to passers-by, your business will pick up soon. If one goes up and down, the other will go up and down. Can establish your supremacy."

"The leader is right, but..."

Chen Donghai was very conflicted, "But most of the cars running on the road are Sancha Wuling, Beihe Great Wall, Tianba Dongba Tua, Tianheng Automobile Trade City and Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce designate customers to refuel with CNOOC, otherwise the engine warranty will be void."


The mysterious old man was slightly stunned, "Isn't this monopoly?"

"No, Tiancheng Electric Industry Group issued a statement. This is a high-standard domestic engine independently developed according to the characteristics of CNOOC. If other fuels are added, the engine will not be able to withstand the corrosion caused by other additives, and it will easily cause irreparable damage. Significantly reduce the service life."

"It sounds like that, but I always feel... Isn't this too shameless? Is it still possible to do this?"

"The fact is also true..."

Sancha Wuling engine technology comes from Teddy's Mitsubishi sports car that was crushed by a super tractor.

At that time, Tianji’s manufacturing equipment was backward, and there were no metal materials corresponding to engine technology, including the cold-rolled sheet purchased from Baosteel by Mr. Liu Zhuang. Due to age restrictions, it did not meet the standards for car manufacturing.

Under such conditions, the Sancha Wuling manufactured has no problems when it leaves the factory, but after running for a period of time, various failures will occur.

So, someone opened up for Sancha Wuling.

All cars, regardless of the brand, have strict requirements for the maintenance and replacement of each component.

Therefore, the maintenance cycle of Sancha and Wuling is set at 5,000 kilometers, or six months.

When the time comes, the whole car will be restored...

Except for the shell and decoration, all parts are new.

If other fuel is added and non-ocean oil additives are identified, it will not be renewed, and the customer will be told that the car can run for up to three months, and there may be major failures and accidents in the future, and it will cost money to reactivate Tianheng Warranty service, if you don’t activate it, sorry, your car needs to be reported to the vehicle management office, and added to the list of about to be scrapped...

At the beginning, some customers were like the group of people who threw away beverage bottles in the UFO stadium. Out of curiosity, they dared to try, but after receiving the vehicle scrapping notice from the vehicle management office, facing the high maintenance fee caused by reactivation, they are all honest now. Really add sea oil.


No, this is a custom model, otherwise why is it so cheap?

The most important thing is that since the addition of CNOOC, 99% of Sancha Wuling vehicles have been running for two years without any failure as long as they are used strictly in accordance with the warranty regulations.

Perfect car!

The same is true for the North River Great Wall.

After hearing Chen Donghai's explanation, the mysterious old man was stunned.

"This car is kind of wicked."

"Not only that, Huaxia Heavy Duty Truck established by Dongshan Heavy Truck, Jiefang Heavy Duty Truck, Jiefang Bus, Tianji Agricultural Machinery, including tanks and aircraft exported by Daqin Bingfeng, and civilian transport aircraft sold by Tiancheng Electric Industry are all like this , If we don’t take effective measures, I’m afraid it will be difficult to stand up in the future.”

"Is oil not feeling threatened?"

"You should know that the leaders have decided to reduce domestic oil extraction, retain their own resources, and vigorously develop overseas crude oil. Petroleum is busy protesting now, so there is no time to pay attention to CNOOC. Moreover, once this decision takes effect, I am afraid that we and Petroleum will both To purchase crude oil from CNOOC."

The mysterious old man was silent for a moment, "This is a major national event, let's talk about other things."


"Xiaochen, in fact, Tiancheng's foundation is the construction industry. If it wants to restrict the other party's development, it needs to start with the manufacturing industry. The other party's development is so fast, and it is difficult for the internal management and its own strength to reach the same level. Therefore, for the Qingde Expressway project, I arrange Suntech Engineering Management Company acted as the supervisor.”

"what do you mean?"

"Let Suntech staff make good use of Tiancheng, the inspection team arranged by Party A, to fool around, and then turn a blind eye to the construction party. How can the construction party not be greedy for making so much money at high speed? Cut corners, shoddy, such a large project, once If there is a man-made accident and the trouble is serious, Tian Cheng cannot escape responsibility, and the one who bears the brunt is Ge Laoer, and he will be able to enter the squatting for the rest of his life without us taking action."

"We treat Shang De as an abandoned son?"

"It's a small tool, it's just used as waste. It doesn't matter to us when the matter is over. By the way, you can transfer Li Wei to another place later, and get out of the vortex as soon as possible."

'Older gingers are more spicy! '

Chen Donghai secretly said, ready to say goodbye, "The leader has a good opinion, then I'll go back first..."

At this time, the secretary knocked on the door and walked in.

"Leader, Tiancheng invited the directors of Dongshan Supervisory Institute and Huaxia Supervisory Institute to inspect the construction site collectively. It is said that many problems have been reported."

The mysterious old man smiled and said calmly: "What are you afraid of, put pressure on them and withdraw the report, otherwise we will withdraw them."

"Leader, the two supervisory institutes collectively submitted their resignation reports on the grounds that they wanted to join Tiancheng, but they were rejected by the competent authorities on the grounds that... they are nonsense. If you dismiss them, they will probably be very happy."


"Also, the other party is a heavyweight in the engineering field. Even if they resign, they still have a certain right to speak. For example, the Huaxia Grand Theater was suppressed by you before and has not started work. Now they jointly make a resolution, and the board of directors must consider the impact, so they decide to immediately put up."

"This kid is quite capable!"

Before the mysterious old man could make a decision, a confidant hurried in.

"Leader, Li Wei has been arrested."


"Tiancheng reported the high-speed problem to the engineering department, accused the supervisory unit and the construction unit of collusion, jointly forged the bill of materials, deliberately did not follow the standard construction, and appealed to the Supreme Law and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, requiring the contractor and the third-party supervisory unit to compensate for huge losses. .”

"So fast?"

The mysterious old man frowned, "It's like rehearsing in advance..."

Chen Donghai didn't care about Suntech, he only cared about Li Wei, "Leader, what should we do?"

"When it's broken, it's broken. Clean up Shangde as soon as possible."

"But Li Wei..."

"Let her keep her mouth shut, otherwise no one will be able to save her."



Jishi Canal Development Zone.

Tiancheng Bridge Design and Research Institute.

Ge Xiaotian and Zhu Lao, who came from the capital, drank tea and chatted.

"Li Wei has something against Chen Donghai. The other party must either get rid of her, or let her keep her mouth shut, and then help her after the matter is over. But Li Wei is also a smart person. In order to protect himself, he hangs all his properties on Under my own name, if they are disposed of, these assets will disappear in smoke. That mysterious person cannot give up such a huge benefit. Therefore, the other party will definitely save her, and will show up because of it. What happens next is not something that we, Tian Cheng, can participate in. gone."

"Engineering, what are you going to do?"

"Remove the construction party that violated the regulations, and replace the construction companies that rely on the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce. They are all regular companies with complete procedures, complete personnel, and excellent technology. They will be the main force in the future construction field."

"Listen to my good words, Tiancheng cannot participate in or hold shares in these enterprises."

"I know, as long as they keep their duty, even if they leave the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, I will not embarrass them. Instead, I will take them to the world, distribute them overseas construction projects, and help them grow bigger and stronger."

"Hehe, from the first time we met, I knew you were not simple."

'The management is mine, can I treat it badly? ! '

Ge Xiaotian changed his voice, "Grandpa Zhu, how about my Qingshan Bieyuan after you retire?"

"What? Help you watch the scene?"

"No way, my place is a good place, the ancient city of Qingshan, the green lake and weeping willows, and there is a traditional Chinese medicine hospital next to it, an excellent place for the elderly."

"Let's settle the mess in front of us first."

How big is the mess if you can alarm Zhu Lao and come to deal with it in person?

For the 490-kilometer-long highway, except for the bridges and viaducts constructed by Tiancheng itself, the construction of the remaining 420 kilometers was suspended.

Almost all bid-winning companies have received high court summons...

Such a big movement made the protesting companies that did not win the bid a little horrified.

However, driven by the huge construction revenue, the companies that did not win the bid, including the candidate companies, were a little gloating.

And for the second round of bidding, some companies that did not win the bid have exposed the black history of the winning companies...

Then some companies that did not win the bid were affected by Chiyu, or in other words, accidentally injured by friendly forces, and black materials were also exposed...

As a result, in late March, the Baixiaotong forum was occupied by overwhelming engineering technology, and it also popularized construction knowledge for thousands of netizens.

It wasn't until the beginning of April that Tiancheng announced that out of humanitarianism, it would help the violating enterprise to settle the wages of employees, and dispatched a team of 5,000 lawyers, which shocked the north and south of the country, to go to various places to file lawsuits.

"The bidding on March 15 is a trap!"

"Ge Er Er's conspiracy!"

"So many construction companies advance funds to build the Qingde Expressway, how much money did Tiancheng save?"

"So, Tian Cheng not only sold the muck, but also claimed compensation?"

"No wonder they pay the employees of other companies. This is to avoid mobs and riots..."

"There is only a bare-handed commander left in each company. It seems that no matter how you fight this lawsuit, you will lose?"

"Is there anyone running away?"

"There must be, but... Tiancheng hired the other two security groups on the home planet to track it down, and the success rate is a bit small."

"Good news, good news, the second round of bidding has started!"

"Bidding needs to be cautious, and be careful to step into the footsteps of the first round of winning companies."

"Damn, the number of companies participating in the bidding this time has exceeded 10,000!"

"Is it fake? How much is the whole China?"

"Then you don't understand, there are more than 3,000 construction companies in Qinggang alone."


Amidst all kinds of discussions, the lawsuit between Tiancheng and the first round of bid winners started vigorously.

The evidence is solid, and it does not involve employee salaries. There are still many companies that have not won the bid, and there are countless scandals. The bosses of the successful bidders are too lazy to hire lawyers...

The result must be Tian Cheng who dispatched a team of lawyers.

As for Suntech Engineering Management...

The involvement is very wide, Zhu Lao is responsible for it personally, and it is estimated that it will not be over for a while.

at the same time.

Tiancheng launched the second round of bidding and launched a new engineering standard.

It includes drawing design, construction requirements, construction technology, and supervision methods based on the GIS system, and abandons the previous loopholes of "how not to do" and replaced it with the rigid requirement of "must do this".

There must be protesters, but supporters have obtained the qualification to build the "All the way to the west expressway".

Once the content of the bidding meeting was made public, what shocked the public was not the Tiancheng engineering standards, but...

"Really go to the desert to grow watermelons?"

"Do you want to raise fish?"

"Planting rice?"

"The largest server cluster on the mother star?"

"The first ground-effect flight transportation channel on the mother star?"

"How do I feel, Er Ge is gone?"


Ge Xiaotian was indeed a little flustered.

It is not because of making money, nor because of winning the lawsuit, nor because of the successful launch of Tiancheng Engineering Standards.

It is boiled.

Entering April, he never expected that there would be so many new projects to start in his family.

Neobras Farm Expansion, City Expansion, High Speed ​​and Rail Extension…

The main body of the Star Sports Center is under construction, the modern film and television city is laying railroad tracks, and installing modern trains...

The Incheon Bridge project restarted, and 2,000 contractors went overseas...

The Nanyang Rubber Plantation is complete, quietly preparing underground construction materials and equipment, and making preparations to receive Dongshan Water Conservancy personnel...

The five major terminals in Nanyang and the many projects negotiated years ago need to be reviewed and signed one by one...

The North American NT real estate development was completed and the first round of financing was opened...

Wajima Construction increased the quantity of cement purchased, and the Okhotsk clinker processing plant was expanded...

The second batch of six stars with one arrow will be launched soon...

It's nothing.

The pirate ships that were once sold to Denmark created a whirlwind of pirate culture in the local area. Jiwei, Ruiguo, and Finguo produced a batch of their own. When they found that they were not as good as buying them, they contacted Tiancheng Electric Industry and placed orders.

After more than half a year, both parties completed the delivery, and everyone is happy.

But here comes the problem.

With more pirate ships and real ones, the strong Nordic men are no longer satisfied with visiting and playing...

On a dark night, they drove these old antiques, roared the legendary war song that was said to be written in ancient Norse in the steampunk game, set sail, and ran to attack England...

The point is, it was so successful!

Take away a Royal Navy frigate that turned off its engine and parked to watch the excitement, and two merchant ships that sang battle songs together...

On the way to escape, the person in charge of the frigate greeted the other two Royal Navy destroyers. It happened to be April Fool’s Day on April 1. The latter thought it was fun, so they let the Nordic strongmen board the ship to perform...

Just when everyone thought it was a joke, the Nordic brawny men shouted for the glory of their ancestors Bluetooth, showed their chugs with yellow bullets, and expressed with certainty that they were real pirates...

Things are blowing up.

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