Build Madness

Chapter 775

The five Nordic countries, Sweden, Finland, Mactan, Norway, and Iceland are all highly developed capital regions.

Take Sweden as an example, it is one of the countries with the most multinational groups in the mother planet, such as Volvo Group, Volvo Cars, Scania Commercial Vehicles, Saab Automobiles and Weapons, Ericsson, Electrolux Electric Appliances, ABB, Tetra Pak , Hasselblad cameras, IKEA furniture, H\u0026M clothing, Absolut Vodka, Koenigsegg sports cars, AstraZeneca pharmaceuticals, SKF bearings, Alfa Laval Group and Atlas Copco Industrial Group...

On this basis, the shipbuilding technology will definitely not lag behind, and it can also imitate most of the ships produced by Tiancheng Electric Industry.

Therefore, in order to make the other party feel that "buying is worse than building", Ge Xiaotian had no choice but to open the plug-in, select a small iron-clad ship similar to the Red Police General-class battleship, and carry out large-scale transformation on it.

Mainly to avoid being associated with a mysterious fleet destroying turkeys.

The general-class battleship in the game, in addition to having heavy firepower, also has the wonderful function of charging and striking, and the small iron-clad ships made by the system are also like this.

The bow of the ship is triangular, which can directly hit the enemy ship, or rely on the impact hammer under the bow to break the hard shell of the enemy ship, and prevent the harpoon bow from piercing the enemy ship and being stuck.

The hull is welded with steel, with four built-in steam turbines, the painting is full of Viking culture, and there are two triple-mounted large-caliber naval guns at the rear.

In general, it is not the Viking pirate ship that ran across Europe thousands of years ago, but the "two-dimensional weaponry" created by the steampunk world.

Moreover, it also has a famous nickname in the main plot of the Guns and Roses game: Thor's Hammer.

The implication is that in Norse mythology, the invincible war hammer in the hands of Thor, the god of thunder, cut open the enemy warships and rushed to kill them recklessly.

At the beginning, the old man in Denmark purchased ten ships, the unit price was 5 million, and the shipping cost was 20 million.

Later, the old man introduced three big customers from Norway and Sweden. The unit price was 10 million yuan, 20 ships in total, and the shipping cost was 40 million yuan.

It is impossible for ship thieves to snatch all these small and medium-sized ships, but even ten ships are still the largest pirate ships on the home planet.

If you add the technological equipment that is not far behind in the five Nordic countries, Ice Bear St. Petersburg's special supply of chug chug, swish swish, and three Royal Navy captives...


England has a headache.

Moreover, since the five Nordic countries are nominally neutral areas, many places are relatively remote, and there are a large number of mother-star ruthless people hiding here.

Some robbed the city of Alaska, some stole Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco, North America, some escaped from Quentin Prison in California, and some came from underground black fists, including rebel leaders, extremely dangerous scientists, and rich men. The adventurous top rich...

To put it bluntly, they are all smart people with explosive brain power!

Most importantly, the leader of the Viking pirate ship is the only son of the Swedish king, Oscar III.

The two chiefs are the grandsons of the Queen of Maidan who are of Chinese descent.

The three leaders are the Grand Duke Olaf, the largest nobleman in Finland. His grandfather, who died young, is the recognized uncle of the previous generation of nobles in the five Nordic countries.

The four chiefs are the Crown Prince of Norway.

The five chiefs came from the country of Ice and had no special abilities, but he was a distant cousin of the first four chiefs and a collateral nephew of the Queen of England.

It can be seen from this that not only the relationship between the five Nordic countries is good, but also the relationship with England is also very strong.

How to fight this?

But if they don't fight, the opponent will soon sell the Royal Fleet.

Selling it to Ice Bear, the price has already been negotiated, and taking the Baltic Sea route all the way to St. Petersburg, Maozi also frankly said: give some protection.


The five Nordic countries watched their precious sons and grandchildren being bombed?

Moreover, the five Nordic countries seem to be "dogs", but in fact their military is not bad, such as the Saab fighter, the lightning Viggen released by Thor's hammer, for example, the strv103tank with gas turbine...

England was silent.

But this incident was very big and sensational.

Overwhelmed the 2002 World Cup,

Overwhelm the Nanyang Rubber Plantation to carry out water conservancy projects,

Overwhelmed the black bear and shot down a civil aviation aircraft of the ice bear,

Overwhelmed North America to attack Harden but killed four Canadian soldiers...

After all, the victim was the extremely powerful England, which received far more attention than others.

Of course, some people may want to use this matter to cover up certain facts.

For example, this World Cup has been exposed to many scandals,

For example, the construction of the Kra Isthmus Canal next to the rubber plantation started.

For example, the strategic purpose of heading west,

For example, the ice bear beats the black bear secretly,

For example, North America doesn't want the killing of Canadian soldiers to spread to North America...

In short, under the deliberate promotion of some people, the headlines of the major media on the mother planet must be the Vikings.

April 2nd.

A hijacked merchant sailor smuggles a message to the outside world.

"They're massive and have thick legs."


Not to mention the victim England, even the major media on the mother planet are very confused.

What do you mean?

That afternoon.

The hijacked Royal Navy also secretly sent a message to the outside world.

"They are very heroic and promised that as long as I join them, they will give me a woman and 10 hectares of private land, which makes me very excited."


that night.

The hijacked head of the Royal Navy also found an opportunity to pass information to the outside world.

"You may not believe it, but yesterday they invited me to taste the rich wine produced in 1982, which was delicious. Today, they invited me to enjoy the expensive seafood package rich in polar regions. The taste is unforgettable for me. They also said that tomorrow they will They will entertain me with a tropical seafood set meal...don't come to rescue me."


What happened to this world? !


Baixiaotong information platform.

Science popularization section for SG users.

Old Z, a famous film critic from the mother star, used a translator for the world's first live broadcast:

"I understand the secret language."

"This means that these pirates are most likely the orthodox Vikings!"

"Of course, we must first understand what a real Viking is."

"Viking or Viking are just the names of the invaders for the invaders. Its meaning is obvious, and it cannot be a commendatory term."

"'Vikings' never recognized the title of Viking, nor did they consider themselves a whole. They were scattered in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway as tribes, and they called themselves the people of Odin. The god of war (try) and the god of love (freya) are beliefs, embarking on a sea adventure journey, dominating the entire European region, and deeply affecting the entire home planet."

"Someone said in the barrage: It's just a group of pirates, how awesome is it?"

"We can take a good look at Modern English."

"Take Thor as an example. In the ancient Nordic alphabet, the full spelling should be thorn, and the sound is the same as th in thin, so in the Nordic language, the pronunciation is equal to their."

"Come on, read it to me a few more times, their, their, their, thurs, thurs, thursday!"

"In English it means Thursday, but in Old Norse it means Thor's Day."

"Next, let's see try, odin, freya..."

"What did you think of?"

"Look at the barrage posted by Professor Thor from Stockholm University in Sweden..."

"Yes, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday."

"God of War's Day, Father's Day, Eros' Day!"

"Don't tell me that the English created the week system a long time ago. That is ancient English, not the current English. Nearly half of the current English vocabulary comes from the Viking civilization."

"If this doesn't explain anything, then let's study rangr, thrust, knifer..."

"In Old English, these weren't words, they were letters thrown together, but when 'Vikings' came along, they meant 'commando', 'charger', 'knife', 'skull' , 'Skeleton'..."

"Think about it carefully, what kind of civilization will create this kind of vocabulary? War? Looting? Death? Fear?"

"Look at the barrage posted by Professor Toros of the University of Southern Denmark..."

"Yes, they are 'Viking' roars!"

"Another one is the famous Normandy."

"Where's Normandy? France."

"But in both modern English and French, Normandy means the people of the North."

"Old Z searched for documents, and was surprised to find that the first Duke of Normandy was actually one of the many Viking leaders. Then he captured the island of England and created the Norman Dynasty."

"Isn't that ironic?"

"Then, let's look at a few more words."

"Loan, borrowing, a long time ago, the Vikings held a big ax to borrow money from the British villagers. In order not to be hacked to death, they had to lend them. Therefore, until now, borrowing is still very risky thing."

"Sale, it was the Vikings who came to your house to arrest you and sell you. In modern times, it has become the sales industry. It seems very fashionable, but it is still a scam."

"Another example is skill. It refers to the proficiency of the Vikings in killing British villagers. It is a symbol of ferocity, but now it is used by English workers to show off their skills..."

"So, when the English people abuse the Vikings for their rudeness, barbarism, and cruelty, don't forget that their own language system was created by others."

"Of course, the purpose of my live broadcast is not to praise the Vikings, but to describe the influence of the Vikings through popular science..."

"The first is faith."

"They think that 'the end of life, but the name is immortal', what do you mean?"

"They are not afraid of death, and they are not afraid of sharing their belongings. What they are afraid of is that they will not be famous. If death can bring great glory, then they will throw away everything and die generously."

"In the Nordic mythology system, if they die bravely in battle, they will be favored by the Lord God Odin, and will be taken to the sacred Valhalla by Valkyrie, and will become members of the Lord God Odin's brigade."

"Odin's oracle: After the twilight of the gods, the world tree will be reborn a thousand years later, and the surviving Vikings will continue to follow the footsteps of their ancestors, drifting on the stormy sea, and once again show the fearless vitality of all living beings!"

"In other words, the Vikings, have found their faith again!"

The audio recorded in more than a dozen languages ​​was spread to various overseas regions, causing an uproar immediately.

Driven by curiosity and thirst for knowledge, countless scholars browsed the materials and found that the 'Du Niang' on the Baixiaotong platform can give everything.

And then……


"God, it's amazing, it's real?"

"Freedom, adventure, my favorite!"

"Sounds great..."

"Come on, get on board, I donate a cruise ship, let's join them together!"

"Fake, the person upstairs turned out to be Captain Charles!"


"The commander of the USS Carl Vinson, who has been retired for five years, is said to be a little nervous, and often fantasizes that he is a member of the Pirates of the Caribbean."



"World Tree revived? You're just talking nonsense."

"What the hell, is this preaching?"

"A bunch of lunatics."

"Rich people really know how to play."

"After all, they have played everything, and they are desperate. Otherwise, why are the rich people playing death racing, death motorcycles, mountain gliding, extreme hot air balloons, and modified helicopters?"


If it is said that the Pirates of the Caribbean being filmed in North America used propaganda to ignite the yearning for freedom in Europe and the United States, then "Viking" used facts, history, and cultural heritage to inspire Europe and the United States to worship great voyages and adventurous spirits.

April 3rd.

England continued to remain silent, secretly negotiating urgently with the five Nordic countries, asking the other party to recall their children back, or to jointly suppress the Viking pirate group.

However, things backfired.

North American Disney Pictures announced that it would not shoot the Pirates of the Caribbean with an investment of 200 million Franklin, and said that in order to let the audience experience the most authentic pirate life, they will fund 100 million Franklin of the Viking Pirates to persuade them to abide by the law and seek Filming opportunity for 'Legend of the Viking' epic film.

At least, they really haven't done anything outrageous now.

After receiving this news, England was so angry that she wanted to scold her, but...

Immediately afterwards, the stock king Lao Ba publicly stated: On behalf of the Buffett Club, I promise that as long as the Viking Pirates go public, we will provide a series of financing services and subsidize 50 million Franklin free of charge to improve the living conditions of the Vikings. Life at sea is really hard...


Hard work!

It's all rich and rich, no one is short of money, and there is a lot of fish and meat, where is the hardship?

England nearly exploded.

Besides, a pirate group is going to go public?

Am I not awake, or are you crazy?

not only.

April 4th.

Due to the delay in the delivery of the aircraft, Hei Shan, who had been busy arguing with Tian Cheng all this time, somehow got nervous and also got involved.

"As long as the Viking pirates purchase our anti-software service, we will provide them with a 'pirate management system' worth 200 million Franklin for free, which includes functions such as financial revenue and expenditure budgeting, human resource planning, and logistics material scheduling. Let Viking Pirates enter a new era, achieve digital office, information management..."

"You shut up!"

England ran away in an instant, couldn't beat the Viking pirates, and couldn't beat your little Montenegro?

In the afternoon, the sea fleet prepared to suppress the Viking pirates was dispatched to the Mediterranean Sea...


Montenegro: "Your home is disconnected from the Internet."

England: "..."

Montenegro: "Your computer has a virus."

England: "..."

Montenegro: "Your family's 200 million loan has not been repaid."

England: "..."

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