Build Madness

Chapter 776

Over the past year, Montenegro has developed rapidly.

One is that after banning the local chickens and becoming the main force to prevent the ice bears from going south, they expanded their armaments unscrupulously, catching up to the top five in Europe, with three major fleets, two types of ballistic strikes, and a complete electronic warfare system.

The second is that after Montenegro joined the parent star joint conference, it received loans from many countries and banks, ordered GIS systems with huge sums of money, carried out all-round reforms through information management, reduced 80% of domestic functional departments, reduced the approval process of affairs, and improved the handling of affairs. Efficiency, reducing financial expenditures, creating a 'clean, diligent, pragmatic, and efficient' operating organization, truly transforming the country into an enterprise, and realizing a 'limited country'.

Whether it is good or bad is unknown, but Montenegro has indeed become richer, and can spend more money to purchase or build armaments...

Based on the above, Montenegro's status and influence on the home planet are rising steadily.

France withdrew from NATO as early as the 1960s (it joined again in 2009) and wanted to establish the European Union. Now that the European Union has been established, in order to win over Montenegro, a capable leader, the other party will definitely intervene and prevent the Royal Fleet from entering the Mediterranean.

In addition, there are too many refugees in Eastern Europe, so many people doubt whether there are so many people in Eastern Europe.

If Montenegro quits, releases the internal barriers, and allows refugees to rush into the European region, Italy, Austria, and Hungary will be the first to suffer, followed by Switzerland, Germany...

For their own interests, these countries will definitely stand on the side of Montenegro.

In this way, England, which has just joined the European Union, is tantamount to being isolated.

So England doesn't really want to play Montenegro.

The reason why the Royal Navy was sent out was not even to 'frighten Montenegro', it was just to divert the attention of the home planet media and the attention of the domestic public, so that they would no longer pay attention to the Viking Pirates.

It probably means: look, we are going to war, come and see!

However, before the fleet left the harbor, Montenegro had already hacked 40% of the electrical equipment in the entire England Island.

The more developed the country, the wider the demand for electricity. Power outages cause water outages, both of which affect production, production drives prices, and prices stimulate living standards...

For a time, there were complaints in England.

The dialogue with Montenegro has also successfully turned into a fact.

Montenegro announced that the two sides have become hostile, and exempted Montenegro from 200 million Franklin's debts on the grounds that England voluntarily violated NATO regulations, European Union regulations, and home planet joint meeting regulations.

Like someone in France, it’s no big deal to watch the excitement, “Montenegro is right!”

Germany has now completely surrendered to France, almost becoming a small follower, nodding seriously.

Italy is a bit apprehensive about the east coast of the Adriatic Sea, which has been expanded to ten missile silos on the surface, but in fact it does not know how many missile silos.

On April 6th, Montenegro stated that the number of refugees had increased again recently, and it was a little bit more than enough, and warned Eastern European countries that refugees may have crossed the isolation zone...

Eastern European countries, who were originally watching the excitement, expressed their views one after another.

Montenegro: Just say there is a bird to use, use the money to buy supplies!

Eastern European countries: ...

Seeing that things are getting worse and worse, North America took action to take care of the younger brother...


Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

Ge Xiaotian has recently been busy dealing with the compensation for the demolition and relocation of Nanhe, Beihe and other places all the way to the west, and the rest of his time is watching the excitement.

On the evening of April 6th.

While sipping tea with relish, discussing with Holden how to turn the Viking pirates into a European tourism project similar to Zheng He's voyages, Dao Shixi walked into the office quickly.


"What's wrong?"

"The four-yearly business meeting of the mother planet was held in Luxembourg as scheduled. Most of the participants were super consortiums, joint chambers of commerce, and large multinational groups. We have industries in Neobras, a large group in Nanyang, and even more influence in China. Far-reaching, the chamber of commerce is the largest in Asia, but there are no invitations there."

"So disrespectful?"

"I feel that it's a bit aimed at us."

"Could it be... Tiancheng made it, and it hit overseas too hard, arousing the other party's vigilance?"

"It's very possible, but I suspect it has something to do with the Vikings and Montenegro."

"Not without reason."

the next day.

April 7th.

European and American countries have announced that in order to ensure the stability of the manufacturing industry and the economic market in each country, a 20% tariff will be imposed on Tiancheng's manufacturing.

Once the news was released, it instantly shocked the mother planet.

The WTO is only to facilitate trade, but in fact, many countries that have joined the WTO do not completely liberalize their markets in order to protect their own industrial base.

Take country A as an example. It opens its fishery to country B. In this field, the foreign trade between the two sides basically follows WTO rules, but agriculture is only open to country C. That is to say, country B needs to increase its income if it wants to reach an agricultural cooperation with country A. Tariffs, if country C wants to reach fishery cooperation with country A, it also needs to levy tariffs.

In other words, the tripartite trade is carried out in a targeted manner.

Manufactured by Tiancheng, with huge production capacity, high quality and low price, like a mudslide, it covers nearly half of the retail markets in Washima, Nanbangzi, and Nanyang countries. Then, it swept Europe and the United States with the help of the Holden Consortium and the Montenegro Odyssey as a springboard.

Under such circumstances, it is normal to impose tariffs on Tiancheng, but 20%, this is absolutely unprecedented, because the highest in the past was only about 10%.

This means that the price of Tiancheng's products is already at a disadvantage locally, which directly affects sales and indirectly affects Tiancheng's manufacturing.

If Tiancheng was a listed company, the stock market would definitely plummet.

Not to mention that Huaxia urgently held a special meeting, and asked the ambassadors of various countries to negotiate urgently with the corresponding countries...

Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

After Ge Xiaotian received the news, he was not in a hurry.

"What should come, will always come."

Dao Shiyi praised: "Thanks to you launching the Tianchuang model in advance, using the concept of 'independent design' to pack cheaply manufactured goods into high-quality products, otherwise this round of tariff increase operations will make us Plans for cheap exports have been completely shattered."

"When doing business, you must have a long-term vision, otherwise you can only be a small business."

"Then what's the next step?"

"If they increase tariffs immediately, then we will take the opportunity to launch group purchase rebate rewards, coupon rewards, and self-designed rewards to offset the additional price increase of tariffs, so that overseas consumers can still consume normally."

"In this case, the profit will be lower."

"It's all cheap goods made by overcapacity, with the title of independent design. A nail clipper costs 20 cents, sells for 5 Franklin, and the profit is as high as 200 times. If they impose tariffs, they can increase the price by 20% at most, and return these to consumers. Or, how much can the profit be reduced?"

"It's just that they will earn 20% in the name of tariffs..."

"Doing business on other people's land, how can we not pay tolls and protection fees..."

To be honest, Ge Xiaotian was also very upset, before he finished speaking, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, "No, you can't do this."


"Independently designed products are high-end goods. We cannot analyze overseas consumption concepts based on domestic consumption levels. If we introduce group rebate rewards, coupon rewards, self-designed rewards, etc., it will lower our own comparison."

"what do you mean?"

"Double the price."


"The wool comes from the sheep. In the past, we gathered the wool of ordinary lambs. According to their output, we only gathered 10% each time. Now it is better to target special lambs with higher wool production, even if only 5% each time." , and far exceeds the output of ordinary lambs."

"You mean to shift the customer base, from ordinary consumers to high-spending areas?"

"Anyway, ordinary lambs overseas, who want to buy or are able to buy Tianchuang hosts, all bought them. Let's double the price. Is it possible that they won't use it?"

Ge Xiaotian picked up the monitor made of ips hard screen technology on his desk, "What kind of experience would it be like to have a 15-inch touch screen monitor and a high-end Tianchuang host?"

"A little sci-fi."

"Yes, if you make the screen bigger, stand in front of the monitor, separate or close your hands, you can operate the design page, slide your fingers to adjust the profile of the item, and then add the rotating shaft function designed according to the joystick of the handle, or Bring a smart wheelchair and wear wide-field glasses, this is a 'virtual creation'."

"The cost of production is high."

"But the price is higher and the profit is more. In addition, in this way, we can use the 'service upgrade' and 'server upgrade' as an excuse to double the price of the general group while launching a more profitable 'boutique Tianchuang' '."

Ge Xiaotian put down the display screen in his hand, "Actually, the increase in overseas tariffs seems to be aimed at Tiancheng to ease the impact on the overseas market, but in fact it is the reaction brought by the Viking Pirates, in order to divert the attention from there."

"Yes, so, I am worried that overseas attention will focus on us, and soon we will find that Dongshan's labor force is shifting to Taimei. Hundreds of thousands of people are not a small number, and then the Kra Isthmus project will be exposed."

"Once this happens, Nanyang is bound to fight a war."

"What are you going to do?"

"Let Montenegro continue to argue with England first, wait for us to launch a boutique Tianchuang service to draw the attention of the mother planet to North America, and then let the Vikings do a big one."

"How big is it?"

"It's not one of us, how would I know?"

The Viking Pirates were indeed not natural people.

No matter how strong a strong man is, his appearance will not change.

Although the Nordics also have black hair and black eyes, their nose bridges are tall, and some have white skin.

If there are all strong men inside, no matter how you look at it, it is not normal.

In the European region, England often scolded the ice bear, saying that the Vikings "rotted rice" with half of the opponent's ancestors.

Whether it is true or not is unknown, but most of the human characteristics in the alpine regions are almost the same.

Even some Maozi’s grandparents are indeed from Dianrui, Lanfen, Litaowan, Estonia and other countries, and they are authentic Nordic people.

My family has been operating in Neobras for more than two years. During this period, I promoted a group of aspiring young people who are practical, capable, and perform well. They are actively trying to absorb Tiancheng's corporate culture in the system university.

Arrange for them to form a new project, driven by nature, play the role of Vikings, shout out the dialect of a small place in Northern Europe after systematic university training, and the Vikings may not necessarily recognize it.

Of course, in order to maintain combat effectiveness and create a pirate atmosphere, there are half of the brawny men with thicker leg hair and thicker chest hair.

Yelling a few times a day, drinking in large bottles, and eating meat in large quantities, under the familiarity of their ears and eyes, this group of young men has completely fallen...

As for those descendants of nobles, princes and grandchildren.

As long as one of them succeeds in fooling around, a large group can be attracted, and then they can be brought on board to experience the heroic life of their ancestors, and no one is willing to leave.

However, the kidnapping of the Royal Navy also scares the group.

What the Vikings have to do now is to give them confidence.

For example, England really dare not beat them.

For example, in fact, their strength is also very strong.

For example, to scare the Ice Country, which has only 200,000 to 300,000 people, has not joined the European Union for the time being, and has some internal turmoil.

When the Viking pirates have some strength and influence, the time is right, and then they will transform into the largest sea amusement park in Northern Europe.

Then, through the promotion of the "Viking Legend" invested by the Horton Consortium, I believe that it will make a lot of money soon.


Pirate culture is bound to affect people's ideas.

Once burning, killing and looting became popular...

Ge Xiaotian sighed and shook his head, "Unfortunately, there is no opportunity. If possible, this move can affect the overall situation."

"You should think about how to deal with demolition compensation."

"What's so difficult about it?"


Montenegro is wrangling with England, and the Viking pirates have also welcomed a large number of investors, and Northern Europe is extremely lively.

While paying attention to the progress of things there, Ge Xiaotian worked with Tianhao Group and Tianbo Group to draw up a construction plan for the second phase of the Westward Expressway.

The most troublesome thing is the demolition compensation.

Unlike Dongshan, the Limin Activity Center over there is in its infancy, and it is simply not feasible to copy the compensation method of Dongshan.

According to the current compensation regulations:

The land compensation fee is 6-10 times of the average annual output value of the expropriated land in the previous three years, and it belongs to the rural brigade.

The resettlement subsidy, calculated according to the population of rural households to be resettled, is 4 to 6 times the average annual output value of the three years before the local expropriation, and the maximum cannot exceed 15 times.

Add up, up to 25 times.

If calculated according to the main crops in the most agriculturally developed areas:

The average yield per mu of early rice is 387 kg, and the average yield per mu of late rice is expected to be around 450 kg.

The production cost of early rice is 888.18 yuan/mu (60 yuan for seeds, 188.07 yuan for fertilizers, 25 yuan for plastic film and seedling trays, 100.38 yuan for pesticides, 35.59 yuan for water, 80 yuan for plowing, 78.14 yuan for harvesting, 4.28 labors per day Calculated, totaling 321 yuan), it is estimated that the production cost of rice in two seasons will be around 1780 yuan. Calculated according to the actual purchase price of early rice of 128 yuan/100 jin and the estimated price of late rice of 140 yuan/100 jin, after excluding production costs, the net income of double-cropping rice per mu is about 470 yuan. Even if the production capacity per mu of rice in a single season is maintained at more than 600 kilograms, after the same cost calculation, the net income per mu is about 750 yuan.

This is still the calculation method for the main crops in the most developed areas, while wheat is grown in most areas in the north, and the purchase price is 0.5 yuan per catty, and the income is even lower.

For example, in Nanhe, the net income per mu is only 350 red notes, which is three times lower than that of the experimental fields under the Limin Activity Center.

If the average compensation per mu is calculated according to this value, 350 yuan x 25 times, you can only get 8,750 red notes in the end.

Unbelievably low.

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