Build Madness

Chapter 777 Highway and real estate

Eight thousand seven hundred and fifty red notes were a huge sum of money in the 1990s. If you work harder, you can become a household of ten thousand yuan, and even if you use it to buy a job, you can get a job.

But now it is 2002, and the average monthly salary of Nanhe has reached 800 red notes.

In other words, farmers sell the land they depend on for survival, and what they get in return is nothing more than the annual income of the working class.

In addition, in the plain area, there are many people and little land. After the implementation of land contracting, the number of farmlands of each family is limited. If it is gone, it will be gone, and there will be no more in the future.

Logically speaking, the lower the compensation, the less the Tianhao Group spends, which is a good thing.

However, Tiancheng donated to build the expressway, one is to meet its own transportation needs, and the other is to promote the development of poverty-stricken areas along the line.

In the plan, all the farmland occupied by the project is calculated with the highest compensation, and then a new gathering place will be built at the intersection of the expressway, and factories, companies, new rural communities, and benefiting activity centers will be placed, so that the farmland is too small to survive, or there is no Farmers who have lost their farmland, invest or start a business.

Nowadays, the compensation per mu is less than 10,000 yuan, not to mention investing in factories and companies, I am afraid that even houses in new rural communities cannot be afforded.

This is not in line with Tiancheng's 'corporate culture'.

The reason why farmers in Dongshan can get compensation of 60,000 per mu is mainly due to the Limin Activity Center.

The introduction of improved seeds and assisted planting techniques has driven crop yields, and eventually the income of its farmers has reached 1,200 red notes per mu.

Coupled with new hybrid methods such as planting sorghum in the corn field and interplanting melons in the wheat field, this year, cotton was planted uniformly according to the spot market response, and weeds were harvested and sold to farmers. Finally, the net income per mu exceeded 2,000.

60,000 yuan in compensation, 10,000 yuan as a down payment, and the remaining 50,000 yuan for investment, no worries about loans, no worries about food and drink, Tiancheng makes money, and everyone can live a life of petty bourgeoisie.

If the labor force is practical and capable, you can rely on Tiancheng labor dispatch company, or find a job locally, and you can add some big things at the end of the year, such as color TVs, refrigerators, electric vehicles, agricultural tricycles...

Although not everyone is like this, as long as 20% of the families in a town do this, it can stimulate the desire to struggle in the remaining 80% of the families.

Because of... the wind of comparison.

Whether this word is commendable or derogatory, to Tian Cheng, it is a good thing.

There are six or seven families in the hutong, and one family bought a SG large color TV, and soon the whole hutong will buy it.

Two or three hutongs in the village bought electric cars. In other hutongs or brigades, the villagers are not in a hurry, but the team leader is also.

A certain village in the township purchased ten sets of agricultural four-wheelers, remodeled them, scratched the land, transported crops, harvested faster, and laborers did not need to go home to help. Women continued to pick peppers, plan onions, and pull cotton in the Limin Activity Center after busy work, or Going to the big market to do small business, the income has increased again, and other villages can see that as long as he is a good village head, he will imitate it in all likelihood.

How about copying homework? If you don't even know how to do this, the village chief probably has done it too.

In this way, the overall development is driven, and more and more farmers live in the new rural community, and some farmers even start to join the new Xingyue Bay, Tiancheng's houses are selling more and more popular...

But these are currently not feasible in Nanhe and other places.

"How much did Tianhao earn last year?"

"The overall sales are nearly 60 billion, and the average profit point is 30%."

"Where's the money?"

"Among them, 10 billion will be invested in water conservancy, 3 billion will be used to purchase land, and the rest will be partly invested in projects and partly used for commercial operations."

"Where is Li Shu's clockwork plan?"

"After going out of Dongshan, the circle has become bigger. Now it is not only necessary to build small farmyards, but also to undertake Hope Primary School, Limin Activity Center, New Rural Community, Factory Commercial and Road and Bridge Projects. The construction speed is very slow. Last year, around Dongshan , in the three directions of south, west, and north, it only spreads outward for two hundred miles."

"How many are there now?"

"There are 60,000 formal employees, 20,000 interns, and 130,000 temporary employees."

"The personnel are not bad. You transfer a sum of money from Tianyu to help them purchase a batch of equipment to speed up the construction."

The clockwork plan is Tiancheng's foundation in the township, and it 'scans' out round after round, bringing Tiancheng many indispensable hidden benefits.

For example, many hooligans were caught, and the expenses of brick kilns and coal mines were reduced.

For example, there is no need to worry about the cables and optical cables leading to various Limin activity centers being stolen.

"In addition, inform Li Shu that the focus of Tiancheng's work this year is to build a high-speed project all the way to the west, so that the clockwork plan can be transferred to the northwest."

"Continue to circle?"

"In the past, one clock slowly spread out, but now we have more clocks, and then let them connect with each other."

"Understood, it is equivalent to full radar coverage."

"As for the compensation for Nanhe and other places..."

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the map, "The clock-like plan has entered the second stage, and it has divided into multiple strongholds, which requires a lot of labor. The personnel will be drawn from these land-expropriated farmers. The men will contribute, and the women will cook and do chores. Technical secondary schools, such as pre-job training, evening school services, examination fees, and technical secondary school tuition fees, are all reduced or exempted, which can also be considered as an indirect increase in compensation.”

"With low-cost services, instead of capital expenditures, it can also be praised by the people. The boss is smart."

"I guess you're calling me black in your heart."

"Eleven dare not have such an idea, I don't even have a thought."



Dao Shishi should be the most "long-lasting" monk who stays with the big boss. Seeing that someone is looking for fun, he hastily resigned.

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, laughed dumbfoundedly, and then checked the Dongshan section of the westbound expressway.

The new feasibility study report does not need to be reported and approved layer by layer like Qingde Expressway, and all approvals are given by the highest department.

And the design drawings are not conventional high speeds that were secretly replaced by Wan Lao.

There is a two-meter green belt in the middle, with drainage facilities and optical cables inside.

Outward in order:

The seven-meter-wide transportation lane can pass large trucks and special vehicles, and other vehicles are prohibited from entering. Compared with conventional expressways, the roadbed is more stable and has some shock absorption technology;

four-meter overtaking lane;

Two carriageways of 3.5m;

It can be used as a widened emergency lane for motorcycles, and as an emergency lane for some road sections.

Well, motorcycles can go to high speed.

All in all, the Westward Expressway is equivalent to two-way 12-lane lanes, and it is a unique high-standard project on the parent planet.

The project covers an area of ​​about 150 meters wide, including green belts, slope protection on both sides, drainage ditches, barbed wire isolation areas, and Zigbee base stations arranged in sections.

Dongshan road section has a total road area of ​​35 million square meters, which is about one-fifth of the length of the westward expressway.

There are two large hub-type interchanges, 30 entrances and exits and toll stations in the section. These areas use solar street lights, and are equipped with monitoring equipment and speed measuring equipment throughout.

The cost per kilometer is 30 million yuan, which is the same as the cost of conventional high-speed highways, but twice as wide as conventional high-speed highways.

The construction officially started in April this year and was completed and opened to traffic on New Year's Day.

Generally speaking, in just six months, it is almost impossible to complete the homework.

But earth, rock, building materials, asphalt, and equipment are all in place, and the entire road section is subcontracted. In addition to the time-consuming maintenance, the subgrade construction project can basically be completed in two to three months, and then the speed is fast.

Ge Xiaotian flipped through it for a long time, and signed the project fund transfer document.

Those companies that violated the regulations have been kicked out, and the rest is to pursue accountability. Now, in order to stabilize the morale of the second batch of construction companies, they must give money and collect money.

collect money?

Hire your own employees, rent your own equipment, buy your own earthwork, how can you not charge money?

All in all, the cost of building this section of expressway per kilometer is only 500,000 to 600,000 yuan more than our own.

And this part of the money basically went into the pockets of the owners of the construction companies.

So, Ge Xiaotian called Dao Shishi back again.

"Arrange personnel to contact these bosses in private and leak some gossip."

"What news?"

"Let's just say, since I took the project of Ge Laoer, I will be my own from now on."


"My family, no matter what, I want to buy my own real estate, which is considered to support my career. Coincidentally, the second phase of Jinxiuchuan University City has opened, and there are also some idle commercial houses in the new round of Xingyue Bay in other places. I will give them a 20% discount."


"Don't scare people, we are regular."


Fart is normal.

Who can guarantee that the second round of construction companies can 100% construct according to Tiancheng's standards?

In other words, it is impossible for any project to have no error, even if it is only 0.01 mm, if it is not within the allowable range, it is also a violation.

In short, the supervisor wanted to find fault, and the contractor could only endure it.

But with the first round of companies as examples, the CEOs of the second round of companies will probably be so frightened that they cannot sleep at night when they hear the word 'regular'.

"By the way, there is also the construction of the Dongshan road section, and the foundation stone laying ceremony will be held in Nanhe and other places. If these companies want to grow bigger and stronger, I can consider giving them some more projects. There is still no shortage of personnel, equipment, and earthwork."



the next day.


After the turmoil in Chengji Center, the popularity of real estate has dropped sharply.

But they have never suffered a disadvantage. The house buyers who love to take advantage of small advantages have been silent for a while, unable to withstand Mr. Zhao's new round of publicity, and once again 'ready to move'.

at this time.

The news that the Jinxiuchuan Smart Photovoltaic Elevator was completed ahead of schedule spread throughout the country.

Photos, videos, and experiences are overwhelming, filling the entire Internet.

Immediately afterwards.

Universities headed by Dongshan Agricultural University, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Dongshan Aviation School settled in Jinxiuchuan.

The graduation season job fair in Jinxiuchuan University Town was grandly held.

The second phase of Jinxiuchuan University Town opens!

All of a sudden, the word 'Jinxiuchuan' became the most commonly used online word in 2002.

"The sale starts at 3,600 red notes per square meter. Is Ge Lao Er crazy about money?"

"The location is good. Mount No. 2 of Splendid View is connected to Mount No. 1 by iron cables. It's called an air corridor, and there are glass tracks on some sections of the bridge, tsk tsk."

"It shouldn't be so expensive in such a remote place."

"What's remote? This is the main business sector in Jifu in the future. Look at how many schools there are now? They call themselves a university town, so they must be operating as a new city."

"It's not an urban area after all."

"They have a subway."

"There are no famous primary schools."

"They have a subway."


"Besides, this place is developing rapidly, Dongshan compound has moved here, who can guarantee that this is not the center of the city? And famous brand primary schools... To put it bluntly, famous brand primary and secondary schools may not necessarily pass the entrance exam to Tiancheng Technical Secondary School."

"After you said that, I suddenly had the idea of ​​going to have a look."

"Sorry, sold out."


"Early in the morning, nearly a thousand luxury cars arrived. They all took the smart photovoltaic elevated road all the way to the second phase of Jinxiuchuan. They swiped their cards and left. Thousands of houses were sold out in half an hour."

"Then still promote a woolen yarn?"

"There's no publicity, just a routine advertisement. After all, Ge Laoer is in Jinxiuchuan, so the operation department has to put on a show."


"By the way, I heard that the third, fourth, and fifth phases of Jinxiu will be launched soon. There are a total of 6,000 houses, and there are 1,000 villas near the golf course. You can go and have a look."

"how do you know?"

"I'm Thor!"



City of Jifu.

Shen Zhipeng dared to be impatient with Mr. Zhao, not because the foundation was damaged by the other party for a few meters, but because this matter delayed his own construction period, and he couldn't keep up with Tiancheng's rhythm, so he couldn't open the market together.

Although he always loses in the confrontation with Ge Laoer, he has also learned to ride the heat.

Moreover, the more you rub, the more comfortable you are, and the more you rub, the more experienced you are.

Ginza Xintiandi is the product of this hype.

The last time he went to Jinxiuchuan to play golf, he secretly observed the progress of Tiancheng's project, and then used Zaoshi New City as a reference to deny the other party's guess about the May Day opening, and prepared the promotional coloring pages in advance.


April 15th in the Gregorian calendar, March 3rd in the lunar calendar, Shangsi Festival.

Jinxiuchuan erupted.


Shen Zhipeng was very proud of himself holding the coloring page printed with "Shangsi in March, Exorcism and bathing by the side".

Tian Cheng promotes the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir, he can promote 'Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake'.

The other party has an artificial waterfall, but he has a famous spring and ancient lake.

"How about it?"

"Back to the chairman, 90% of the houses have been sold, and there are still a few top floors left. Do you want to lower the price?"

"Price cut? Why cut the price? Increase the price by 20%."


"Look at Ge Lao Er, who was stuck with tariffs in Europe and the United States. Instead of bargaining, he launched a high-quality Tianchuang service, and the price doubled. What about us?"

"This... is different?"

"What's the reason why buyers don't buy top floors? It's cold in winter and hot in summer? Rain leaks from the roof? Insufficient water pressure? Then we can apply for a roof view, build a beautiful spire, which is both practical and beautiful, and then increase the number of floors by floors. Tsk tsk, Ge Laoer sold the top floor for a sky-high price, but we want to sell it at a lower price, I think the people in the design department should be replaced."

"The people in our design department have been dismissed by you a long time ago. You asked Tiancheng Architectural Design and Research Institute to make this set of drawings. There is no spire, and it is because you want to reduce costs..."


"I'm sorry, Chairman Shen, it was my mistake at work."

"Well, the more things like this that can increase the value of house prices, the better."

"It can increase in value by 20% just by the roof view..."

"Are you stupid? Come on, come here and have a look."

"What's wrong?"

"How do you feel?"

"Stand tall and see far."

"Ordinary people, this is called condescending, looking down on all living beings."


"Besides, overlooking Daming Lake, the green willows on the embankment, and the entire Jifu..."

"What's the matter, Mr. Shen?"

"The more you look at it, the more it looks like a small county..."


"Forget it, let's sell it at the normal price."

"Okay, by the way, Chairman Shen, when will the second phase of Ginza Xintiandi start?"

"Don't do it, it's boring, ask Mr. Zhao if he wants the land and sell it to him."

"In this case, we have nothing to do next."

"Who said that? Splendid No. 2 Mountain still has 3,000 mu of land, and other Xingyue Bays also have our land."


That afternoon.

The third, fourth, fifth, and villa areas of Jinxiuchuan have just been publicized, and the news that Jifu Chamber of Commerce and Dongshan Jianlian have entered the development sequence of Jinxiuchuan has spread like wildfire.

This represents the 'first' cooperation between the two top developers in Dongshan.

This shows the commercial value of Jinxiuchuan University City.

The first phase of Chengji Center, which has already been completed, has also passed the inspection and acceptance, and the second transformation project of super awesomeness has started.

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