Build Madness

Chapter 778: Second Transformation, My Lord, Don't Panic

April 16th.

Baixiaotong information platform, construction communication section.

An unprecedented live broadcast, attracting millions of viewers.

on screen.

A few simple and honest men in "Jifu Urban Construction" overalls are renovating the structure of the building. The leader is explaining to the camera while swinging a hammer against the wall.

"In terms of architectural design, ninety-nine percent of secondary renovations will bring safety hazards to the house."

"For example, building A has a property right of 70 years and a design life of 50 years. After delivery, household A-101 demolished the non-load-bearing east wall, B-201 kept the south wall but demolished the west wall, and B-301 demolished the south wall. The walls were also demolished and rebuilt by other residents. Although the partitions were poured, the building has no 'earthquake resistance' function since then."

"Remember that in tall buildings, a non-load-bearing wall is not just a partition wall, but an 'seismic wall' that, together with the shear walls, supports the stability of the entire building."

"If the 'seismic wall' is removed, once an earthquake occurs, the whole building will no longer sway from side to side, but will collapse from the inside."

"And, after the second renovation, the service life of the entire building will be reduced from fifty years to thirty years."

"In fact, strictly speaking, as long as there is no problem with the review of the drawings and the project procedures are complete, the height of 5.2 floors is not against the regulations."

"Even if the residents decorate it themselves, it is reasonable to create a duplex style through furniture."

"However, if the 5.2-meter storey height is cut in half and a partition that is not included in the design drawings is added in the middle, the load on the house will be increased. These loads will be transmitted to the foundation of the house through the beams, columns or load-bearing walls of the house. This will lead to the settlement of the house, the cracking of the wall, and in severe cases, the lack of bearing capacity of the foundation will lead to the collapse of the house.”

"For example, after some residents demolished the non-load-bearing walls, they could hear the abnormal sound of 'clicking and buzzing' on the spot, or at night after moving in, they often heard the strange 'sound of steel balls falling'..."

"This is the change caused by the secondary renovation. Maybe the steel bars are breaking away from the concrete, or maybe some places are breaking."

"Of course, the building we are currently in is relatively safe. There will be no cracks in the walls or bulging roofs in three to five years."

"As for the future... then we have to ask the buyers who are staying."

Jifu Central Hospital.


After watching the live broadcast, Mr. Zhao, who had his leg broken by Shen Zhipeng, stood up from the hospital bed in anger, and smashed the SG pad with his hands.

"What the hell, is this our employee?!"

"Boss, indeed, he was the one who helped you break Shen Zhipeng's head last time."


Mr. Zhao took a few deep breaths, "At that time, I suspected that this guy was a stunned young man, but I didn't expect to be so stunned."

"I have already contacted the security department..."

"Security Department? Why? Beat him up?"

"Uh...let me vent my anger on you."

"What a fart, the video is released, the most urgent thing is to clarify! Also, if such a stupefied person is beaten out of his temper, what should he do if he comes to stab me twice?"


"Fix the wages and let him go."


"If things don't work out, you don't have to come back."


"Forget it, let's go together."


Ginza Xintiandi sales office.

Shen Zhipeng almost laughed out loud at the live broadcast of the popular science of the secondary renovation project.

However, after looking at the financial summary for March, he found one very important thing.

My own food and beverage expenses have been reduced by half last month!

In the first half of April, even less than one-third.

This made him wonder if his employees were being lazy.

Eating so little, either sleeping at the construction site, or running out after punching in.

This is not a good sign.

So, after watching the live broadcast this morning, he sneaked into the construction site at noon, planning to catch a few 'typicals' in the afternoon to make an example of others.

However, what Shen Zhipeng never expected was...

At noon, the construction site rests.

The strong men of their own family did not eat in their own cafeteria. Instead, they walked into the opponent's construction site through the hole dug out of the Chengji Center as if nothing had happened.

Then he picked up some tattered work clothes that had been thrown on the ground due to the warming weather, put them on his body, and walked into the large dining hall of Chengji Center.

Simple and honest smile, warm and familiar greeting...

Not only did Dacai aunt not find anything wrong, but she gave half a spoonful of vegetables...

"Where are the steamed buns?"

"Why is it not enough?"

"Maybe there are too many people, after all, we are rushing to work."

"Wait, I've already bought it outside."

"Hurry up, the parking lot will be remodeled in the afternoon."

"I'll call to remind you."

Shen Zhipeng, who followed in, was full of confusion.

Looking around, I was horrified to find that half of Nuo Da's cafeteria was occupied by my own family.

What's even more nonsense is that there are many strong men sharing tables with the other employees, and the two sides are still chatting happily.


"Huh? Who are you? You look a bit unfamiliar?" An employee of Jifu City Construction happened to pass by.

"I am new here."

"Oh? Brother, look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, why did you come to work on the construction site?"

"I used to do small business. Some time ago, we reformed the manufacturing industry here, and the prices of retail goods were greatly reduced. I lost all the second-hand goods I had hoarded before, owed a lot of debt, and my wife ran away with others..."

"Hey...he's also a hard-working person. Come, come, sit here, brother, let me tell you, it's never too late for us to work hard, as long as we are down-to-earth and capable, we are better than anything else."

"My brother is right."

"Come on, you eat this work meal first, and I'll make another one."


Old Shen was a little moved.

"Don't be polite, I see that you are not an ordinary person. Now you are just encountering a small threshold. When you step over it, you will emerge from the abyss, and sooner or later you will be prosperous. Don't forget the old brother when the time comes."


After Shen Zhipeng finished speaking, he realized that at some point, he was holding a full head in his left hand, chopsticks in his right hand, and a plate in front of him, and he had already eaten.

? ? ?

How wicked!

And the strong man from the family who sneaked in from a distance has already been gobbled up, and hurried to the construction site...

I can vaguely hear Dafan aunt sighing: "It's really not easy."

On the construction site of Chengji Center.

The strong man who returned took off his overalls from Jifu City Construction, and threw it to his colleague who was squatting outside the hole at the Dongshan Jianlian construction site, "Hi...Made, I ate too fast, I'm a little sick."

"Go for a stroll, digest and digest."

"I'm afraid I'll be hungry again later."

"It's okay, our cafeteria has prepared some food."

Waiting for a new batch of strong men to put on work clothes and go straight to Mr. Zhao's canteen...

Mr. Zhao, who came from Jifu Central Hospital, happened to also walk into the construction site.

The two sides met head-on.

"Director Zhao."

"Hmm... Huh? Why are you wearing Dongshan Jianlian's pants?"

"Working with concrete all the year round, I have cold legs and are afraid of the cold, so I snatched a set from his house and wore it to make do with it."

When Mr. Zhao heard that the trousers were snatched from the old Shen's house, the pain in his broken leg stopped immediately.

And his own leg was injured, and he also experienced the pain caused by the inconvenience of his legs and feet.

Without doubting it, he turned around and scolded the head of the logistics department who followed, "The work is not in place!"

The latter is just a relative of a certain leader who came here to take up a post, not to mention whether he knows the workers or not, and he has never even been to the construction site a few times.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, we will rectify immediately."

"Well, buy thick ones!"

Mr. Zhao patted the shoulder of his 'own staff', "Hurry up and eat, join in the heat, eat more, and work hard in the afternoon."

"Thank you Director Zhao."

Wait for the employees to leave.

"Where is that idiot?"

"The salary has been settled for him, but the other party said that he will leave after eating."

"As long as you don't waste time on the construction site, you can talk about anything."

After Mr. Zhao finished speaking, he walked towards the cafeteria.


I met a group of "old cold legs" wearing Dongshan Jianlian pants and their own coats.


The point is, there is also Shen Zhipeng who is picking his teeth and walking out of the door leisurely.

There is no way, the other party's forehead is wrapped with a bandage, so conspicuous in the crowd, it is difficult to ignore it.

When Shen Zhipeng saw Mr. Zhao, he was also a little dazed, almost peeing in fear.

The two sides formed a bridge last time. If they are caught by the other party this time, they will probably be beaten out of shit.

Mr. Zhao smiled playfully.

Shen Zhipeng was quite timid at first, but he suddenly remembered that the big cafeteria behind him was full of his employees.

"Call me!"

The two were furious at the same time.

On Mr. Zhao's side, more than a dozen managers took the initiative.

But in the middle of the rush, he was shocked to find that hundreds of "old cold legs" rushed out of the cafeteria.

And the opponent's target...

Looking at that look, it seems to be his side.

"No, Director Zhao, they have betrayed!"

"Director Zhao, run!"

Mr. Zhao was so frightened that he ran as fast as he could without looking back.

At this moment, a strong man dressed in Jifu city construction overalls rushed out of the toilet with a dung fork in his hand.

"Don't hurt my lord!"

The dung fork shook, pointed at Shen Zhipeng, and also threw the things on it to Mr. Zhao's face.

But Mr. Zhao didn't care, instead he was overjoyed, "You idiot, save me!"

"My lord, don't panic..."


Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

"Too fake!"

Seeing the plot on the screen, Ge Xiaotian almost burst out laughing, "No extra performer in the village would dare to do this."

"If you're not on the scene, you won't be able to appreciate the atmosphere of the scene. In a hurry, who has time to think carefully."


Ge Xiaotian pondered for a while, and felt that if he and Mr. Zhao were to think differently, he might have to shout: Where is my son Fengxian...

the other side.

Shen Zhipeng was in the wrong, he didn't want to entangle with Mr. Zhao, and he was also worried that the man carrying a dung fork would suddenly go crazy and rush over to kill all directions, and immediately led the 'old cold legs' to evacuate from the underground parking lot.

Mr. Zhao's legs were not yet sharp, he couldn't run fast, and he didn't want to fight with Shen Zhipeng again. Seeing the other party retreat, he was relieved.


Seeing Dongshan Jianlian's pants, he thought of 'old cold legs' again.

Turning around and glaring at a group of temporary managers...

They are all the sons and nephews of the leaders of the Jifu...

"Forget it, let the HR department handle it, and strengthen the inspection of the construction site to prevent other employees from coming to make a living."

"Yes, Director Zhao."

"Let's go, go to the club, welcome the fool... what's your name?"

"Guo Zhenwu, the fifth child at home, you can call me Xiao Wu, the fifth child will do."

"Haha, fifth child, thanks to having you here today, let's take a walk and take you to experience what enjoyment is."

"Dong Zhao, I have been fired."

"Small matter, by the way, why do you want to broadcast live?"

"To make money to support the family."

"Can this thing make money?"

"As long as you attract customers, you can make money from everything."

"Hey, someone with an idea.

Although Mr. Zhao was worried that the video of the second renovation would have a negative impact on his family, the news was known all over the world, and he had to plan carefully to wash away his reputation.

"Go, let's take you to have fun."


The bar and D hall are two kinds of cultures, the former is similar to Huaxia Tavern, and the latter is similar to modern song and dance city or karaoke nightclub.

In 2002, the atmosphere of the new era became stronger, and some changes took place in the bar and D hall, which were divided into club (nightclub), business KTV, performing arts hall, brand new DISCO, cigar house, wine house, sauna city...

All a bit of a good thing.

But if a strict division is made:

The bar is pure drinking, drinking and enjoying yourself, or having a few friends to have fun together, and the atmosphere is relatively quiet.

Hall D has gone through various activities, and now the name is stinky and can no longer attract curious girls. Therefore, there are clubs and high-end KTVs. The former belongs to ordinary nightclubs, eating, drinking, dancing and playing in the middle of the night, and the latter has forums on the Internet. There are many things They all communicate secretly, and the main customers are foreigners and overseas students.

Like performing arts halls, business KTV, etc., there are formal performances, and some are relatively high-end...

In general, compared with the villages and towns that have just popularized the smart card and opened the "Huaba" five or six years earlier than another time and space, it may really be "two worlds" in this regard.

Therefore, Teddy, who has made a marriage contract with the starlet Tong Ying, doesn't like to come to this kind of place.

Especially the club opened by Mr. Zhao.

But he still came...

Heping Road.

Eight thirty in the evening.

The roar of aircraft engines that cannot be described in words came from the end of the street.

Immediately afterwards, one after another, radiant and hi-tech sports cars parked in front of the club gate transformed from a sales office in Chengji Center.

Ten, twenty, fifty...

Such a movement immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

It was not Teddy who got out of the car first, but Shen Wen.

He was wearing Qin Hei Ya's uniform and a work cap with the words "We are not playing sports cars, but to make ducks fly faster" printed on the back.

The purpose of the two of them coming here is to stimulate Mr. Zhao to see if the other party will go too far. The second is to provoke some relatives of the leaders of Mr. Zhao's subsidiary, and to help the senior prosecutors who have already been in charge of Dongshan, Make a fire.

In other words, come fish.

In fact, the "strength" of Teddy and others is not weak. They have been in Dongshan for so long, and they have met such a leader, and Ge Laoer worships his brothers. In terms of connections, they can be called "Dongshan version of Mr. Tai".

It is a pity that the two sides have different ways and do not conspire with each other.

Mr. Zhao loves real estate, and Teddy loves sports cars.

One likes to make black-hearted money in the city, and the other likes to practice sports car skills in the countryside...


Practicing sports car skills in the countryside?

That's right, didn't the roads and bridges and expressways built at Datai Road and Bridge just run around before it was opened to traffic?

With this kind of good place, you don’t have to worry about being investigated, you don’t have to worry about maintenance, and there is also an ambulance helicopter from Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine...

Therefore, not only the rich children from Dongshan who like to play sports cars joined in, but also some "second generation" from Nanhe, Dongbei, Jianfu and other places.

"Brother Di, what are you doing today?"

"We come from the country, do it according to our rules!"

"Are you really playing suona in hall D?"

"Sounds festive."

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