Build Madness

Chapter 779 It doesn't matter whether you play or not, the atmosphere must be raised

Chengji Center is divided into six phases, but not every phase is called Chengji Center.

for example:

Phase III, Celebrity Palace;

Phase IV, Royal View Garden;

Phase five, Central Washington.

Phase 6, Zhanqian Street.

Even the commercial sector is named Quancheng New Era, Excellence Plaza, Mingshi Mansion and Baimai Park respectively.

This is Mr. Zhao's routine.

Although they don't engage in the brands advocated by Ge Xiaotian, they are just like the skit "Mutton Skewers" performed by two teachers, Chen Zhu. One signboard stands for one stall.

As for the auction of the most expensive land and the sale of the house with the greatest discount, the former takes care of the needs of leaders, while the latter controls the psychology of consumers, which is also very adaptable to the current society.

Therefore, when it comes to business, Mr. Zhao's brains are unique in this period.

At least Daheng, Country Garden and other developers were all suppressed by it.


at dusk.

Quancheng New Era club.

The hall was filled with smoke, the lights were feasting, and many men and women stepped on the vibrating floor to enjoy the money.

In a luxury box.

Mr. Zhao was half lying in the chair, with his legs resting on the table, playing with the Golden Sand Warbler in his hands, squinting his eyes at Guo Zhenwu.

The first phase of Chengji Center was sold out, and the second phase was also almost sold out.

In addition to causing many inevitable troubles, the secondary renovation incident basically has no impact on the subsequent real estate income.

What makes him angry is that his subordinates are very quick to do things.

Look at Shen Zhipeng's employees, who sneak into their cafeteria to eat and drink, and take the initiative to reduce expenses for the boss.

Look at Ge Laoer's employees, they can make the real estate look decent without giving orders.

And when it comes to me, it doesn't matter if I look crooked, and I only add trouble to myself.

Make yourself look like the big villain.

"Sit upright for me, stand like you stand, and sit like you sit."

Mr. Zhao roared, and looked at Guo Zhenwu again.

In fact, he didn't have any idea about this fool in front of him. The cafeteria was eaten and drunk, and the live broadcast was held on the construction site.

Pay this idiot a salary, tell the other party to leave quickly, and punish Ah Wei later, and the matter is over.


Have you ever seen one against a hundred?

Seeing the posture of the other party pointing at Shen Zhipeng's No. 100 person with a dung fork in his hands, Mr. Zhao's mind was full of: Damn it!

If the hundred and ten people in Awei were gang-beaten by Shen Zhipeng's thousand employees last time, if there were such fierce people on their side, the result would definitely be different.

Therefore, Mr. Zhao has a heart of loving talents.

"Where is my hometown?"


"No wonder it's so tall and majestic... How many people are there in the family?"

"Seven people, but they were all eaten by wolves. I killed the wolves and escaped on horseback."


Mr. Zhao's eyes changed, no wonder he was so dazed, because his brain was stimulated, "It's okay, I will do things by my side in the future, and I will protect you from worrying about food and clothing. I will introduce you to a beautiful daughter-in-law later, and give birth to a few big fat boys. The family will be rejuvenated again.”

Guo Zhenwu was deeply moved, "Thank you Director Zhao."

"Come on, drink."

at this time.


‘Happy gongs and drums beat out every year’s celebration~~’

'The beautiful dance brings joy every day, and the oil paint of the sun makes today's day red~~'

The refreshing singing accompanied by the passionate suona instantly overwhelmed all the noise in the hall.

"What's going on outside?"

Mr. Zhao looked at A Wei who had just been fished out.

The latter ran out quickly, and then returned, "Mr. Zhao, it's Teddy and Shen Wen who are here to make trouble."

"Is this group of people full?"

Mr. Zhao knew Teddy, the chairman of Datai Road and Bridge.

He also knew Shen Wen, Shen Zhipeng's son, long before he entered Dongshan, he wanted to win him over, but it was a pity that Shen Zhipeng was not on the right track and opposed him everywhere.

As for the relationship between the other party and Ge Laoer...

No matter on the road or online, there are different opinions, but Datai Road and Bridge cooperates with Tiancheng in many aspects, such as hub logistics, real estate enterprise purchase, personnel transfer and so on.

But Mr. Zhao felt that this time it should have nothing to do with Ge Laoer.

Zhao's father joined hands with CNOOC's old money to suppress petrochemicals, which was dominated by Tiancheng.

During the period of cooperation between the two parties, Ge Laoer had no reason to trouble him. If the two parties broke up and Zhao's father united with Petrochemical, and in turn suppressed CNOOC, which had already invested 3 billion in Sujiang, the situation would be reversed.

This is also the family's plan to seize Ge Laoer's weakness.

"Go, go and have a look."

In the lobby.

Teddy stood at the bar, waving a red handkerchief, "Come on, come on, everyone twist with me, hey~~~Happy gongs and drums..."

Are you afraid you are crazy?

The men and women on the dance floor were dumbfounded.

"What's the matter? This is our unique dance music in China, don't you believe it? Change the suona, cymbals, and gongs, and start playing the heroic song... Hey, hey, hey!"


"Don't be shy, come on, twist, dance, what a sweet song, from the full moon to the first seven, it will accompany you for a lifetime."


Mr. Zhao came to the front hall and figured out what happened. His nose was almost crooked, and he blew it away. Some people were wearing black and white impermanent clothes.

Come to my funeral?

"The one surnamed Tai is too much."

Teddy didn't know, so, "Your club has a rule, if you want to come in, you have to make up and change clothes, blame me?"

"So you just put on theater makeup, costumes, and wooden boots, and come to play with me?"

"It doesn't matter whether you play or not, the atmosphere must be raised."

The style of music in the hall changed, "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix".

People in the hall: "..."

Mr. Zhao: "..."


Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

"Boss, there's a fight over there."

"Let's fight, the opponent has Guo Zhenwu, and Teddy has Tianwei. If the masters compete with each other, it is estimated that the club can be dismantled. The follow-up will depend on how Young Master Zhao will vent his anger on Teddy."

Ge Xiaotian very much hopes to attract some people from Jifu.

Originally, he had negotiated with Shen Zhipeng to expel Mr. Zhao, and the Jifu Merchant League would take over the other party's real estate, and both parties would split half of the subsequent proceeds.

But after Mr. Yu left, Dongshan reshuffled his cards.

The eldest brother of the Shen family was transferred to Jiangbei, and the new leader of the High Procuratorate is not a "speaking mind". He has been doing inspection work all year round and does not understand economics.

Old Shen couldn't get support, and his hometown Jifu, where he had stayed for 20 years, favored Young Master Zhao. Dispirited, he decided to leave other cities in Dongshan to build the Xingyuewan Ginza property.

And in his plan, Lao Shen is the main force to deal with Mr. Zhao.

Now that the main force wants to back down, and Tiancheng can't make a move because of the Sujiang CNOOC project, he can only ask the high-level prosecutors to use their abilities to deal with a group of people who help Mr. Zhao, on the one hand to give old Shen some support, and on the other hand to consolidate his position.

"Arranging a strong thigh for the hostility, I am afraid that I am the only one in the home planet."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, looking at the high-speed compensation plan for Nanhe and other places formulated for the second time.

After rectification and re-application, according to special regulations, the compensation for land acquisition was increased from 8,750 per mu to 36,000.

This is a decision made with reference to economically developed regions.

But it cannot be popularized on a large scale, because farmers in economically backward areas like to save money.

Getting high compensation and depositing it in the bank seems to have interest, but with the development of the economy, it actually decreases year by year. It is impossible to "transfer" more and more of this money, and it cannot form an effective economy. Increase the compensation for land acquisition and increase the amount of high-speed investment, which will bring a burden to the financial budget.

However, Tiancheng spends more money, and then encourages farmers to buy houses, or invest in starting businesses, which is in line with the development concept and matches the model of economically developed regions, so it was approved.

However, not all companies are able to do what Tiancheng does, making every industrial area at the intersection of high-speed and crossing 'live'.

If you imitate, it is estimated that it will fail in all likelihood, because there is no Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce as a foundation, there is no Tiancheng's water, land and air hub plan as a link, and it is not as rich as Boss Ge...

"Then contact local leaders, start land acquisition, and build this highway to Taihang as soon as possible."

"What you said before, recruiting labor to join the clock-based plan, Tiancheng Technical Secondary School gives priority to the admission of land-expropriated farmer students, tuition-free admission, etc., does it still count?"

"Sure, it will take time to build an industrial area at the intersection of high-speed and crossings. If we don't increase their income, how can we repay the loan after buying our house?"

Dao eleven nodded, and was just about to leave when he suddenly realized, "Boss, before the compensation per mu was 8,750, the farmers basically couldn't afford the down payment when they got it, but now we pay 36,000. Let farmers buy a house worth 60,000 to 70,000, or even hundreds of thousands, but the other party can already afford it, and then apply for a mortgage, and then the bank remits the total house payment to us. In other words, the compensation we will eventually send, Is it possible to get it back three times, or even five times? Moreover, farmers take the remaining money, take out loans to start a business, set up a company, and a large amount of money will be remitted to the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce... You increased the compensation for this? Genius ah!"

"No, I want to make it possible for poor people to afford new houses."

Ge Xiaotian patted the table, and pointed to the "An De Guang Mansion with thousands of rooms, a great place to open up the world and all the poor people are happy", "How can you look at me like that? I am a conscientious entrepreneur!"

"Touch it, doesn't it hurt?"

"You go and sit under the waterfall all night."


Ge Xiaotian didn't want to cheat anyone. Putting money in his pocket would only lead to less money, not more. In this way, the assets of farmers will be increased, and a "small town" will be formed when the high-speed crossing is formed, and the value of real estate will increase. Reduce the pressure of loan repayment and live a richer life.

In the end, it doesn't matter whether the farmer will appreciate him or not, the important thing is a win-win situation.

Of course, there is no such thing as a good thing in the world. Investment needs to be prudent. You can't blindly follow the trend, and you can't blindly trust others. You must firmly believe that only by following Boss Ge can you make a fortune.

When this kind of concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even if he said to go to the moon to build infrastructure, some people probably believe it.

‘Doing things with style is too superficial, and doing things with ideas can be invincible in the world. '

———Boss Ge, 02.4.15

Ge Xiaotian wrote a paragraph on the white paper, and immediately threw it into the shredder. He turned around and sat in the chair, staring at the three green radish bought by Sister Xiu, and Teddy also finished fighting with Mr. Zhao.

Sure enough, that night, the Qiaojifu branch of Dataai Road was closed down.

But unexpectedly...

the next day.

The funds of the four major banks and seven commercial banks of Zhao Gongzi's eleven companies were frozen.

Reason: foreign real estate speculation.

Chengji Center was not only unable to turn over funds, six community construction sites and four commercial construction sites were forced to suspend all operations, and these companies were also caught in the inventory sequence.

Under the impetus of Tian Cheng, foreign investment in real estate speculation, or the 'Foreign Restriction Order', was promulgated five years earlier than in another time and space.

It cannot be said that overseas investment in Huaxia Real Estate is not allowed, or that it is not allowed to engage in the real estate development industry. It can only be said that if overseas investors invest in Huaxia Real Estate, they must buy and live in it for themselves, and cannot buy in bulk. For development, if you invest 1 million, you must form a real company with a registered capital of 500,000, which is about half of the total investment, and you cannot borrow other foreign debts to invest, you must borrow red notes from Huaxia.

In this way, the possibility of running away with the money is locked.

As for some of Mr. Zhao's companies, once they are defined as foreign-funded real estate speculators, they are considered 'internal traitors' and are likely to face 'confiscation' punishment.

"Teddy's godmother... No, a woman is so ruthless that she might even be afraid of herself."


Teddy fought Mr. Zhao, temporarily making up for the gap that no one troubled Mr. Zhao after Shen Zhipeng retreated.

And when the leaders of the Higher Procuratorate clean up a batch and promote a batch, Shen Zhipeng will have a new thigh, and he will fight Mr. Zhao again in the future.

During the interspersed period, the blood and tears of some house-buying owners were interspersed, and many media dared not report the evaluation...

Then Teddy lost and was beaten badly.

Shen Zhipeng lost and almost went bankrupt.

Mr. Zhao is domineering and invincible...

In the end, he met himself, lost a mess, and ate peanuts with Zhao's father.

"What a perfect script."

Ge Xiaotian writes and draws, picks up the smart card, enters the encrypted channel key, and contacts Teddy's godmother.

The other party has outstanding business ability in Dongshan, and has been transferred to the "General Bank of the People" to supervise all banks. Coupled with his influence in Dongshan, he has the ability to help Teddy vent his anger.

But this ability can at most make Mr. Zhao lose some money, instead of eating peanuts, he needs to be persuaded...

A phone call is over.

Gazi Gazi...

The fax next to it spat out messages from the intelligence department.

Ge Xiaotian planned to take a closer look after eating.

But I found the word 'urgent' printed on it.

Roughly double it.

He found himself underestimating the enthusiasm for the Vikings in Europe and America.

As of today, April 15th, the funds raised by donations or crowdfunding have exceeded 200 million Franklin, and more than 30,000 people have come to seek refuge.

As for "Viking Legend", invested by NT and filmed by Disney, 16,000 tickets were pre-sold on the SG platform.

This is a ticket, not the undefined 'movie ticket price'.

If you set 10 Franklin, the pre-sale box office alone will be as high as 1.6 billion. A rough calculation of theater ticket sales is enough to create the most in the mother star.

Because of this, the Disney crew was under a lot of pressure. The main director died of an embroidered animal blood tattoo due to his deep understanding of the Viking culture.

Thus making the "Viking" cast a layer of mystery.

But most importantly...

The legend of Viking failed to pass the review in China and was banned from showing because the screen was too bloody, the content was too open, and the plot was too gangster.

Also banned was last year's elaborately filmed 'Kung Fu Soccer'.

For Ge Xiaotian, the legend of Viking was filmed by his North American NT Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. in a joint venture with Horton, Share King, etc., purely for the purpose of making money.

In order to adapt to European and American tastes, it is impossible to change the script, so it doesn't matter if it is not released in China.

However, Kung Fu Football cannot be screened, which means that during the May 1st period, their own theaters will face the embarrassing situation that there will be no blockbuster works, and they will not be able to drive a series of commercial operations such as Tiancheng Plaza.

In other words, if you don't watch movies, you will lose a large number of shopping and consumption groups.

However, compared with another time and space, the name has been changed, and the costume has also been changed. This kung fu is not Shaolin, but a real Buddhist master. Influence, logically speaking, should not be banned.

"The procedures are not complete?"

"No, it is... The leaders feel that the filming is too real. It just so happens that the 2002 Sancha Cup and the 2002 World Cup match time overlap. The two diametrically opposed scenes can easily mislead overseas football fans and make them think that China doesn't pay much attention to it. The World Cup, sending the weakest team every time, ends up affecting diplomatic relations."


"The higher-ups suggest adding some special effects, the more gorgeous the better... There is still half a month until May Day. With the strength of Tianyu, there is absolutely enough time."


I tried my best to avoid the troubles of another time and space, but caused new problems that should not have arisen.

Ge Xiaotian looked up at the sky, "Tell me, is this a paradox?"

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