Build Madness

Chapter 780: 2002 Sancha Cup

Paradox is very interesting, and it also gives birth to many thought-provoking propositions.

For example, the paradox of color blindness that suspects that everyone sees colors differently.

For example, the Russell paradox that triggered the third crisis of mathematics.

Such as the Fermi Paradox, which is well known to alien enthusiasts.

However, in Tiancheng's scientific system, paradox is defined as a very broad reasoning and justification method involving mathematical science, philosophy, logic, semantics, etc., which is used to enhance the calculation method of Shi Guangji.

In general, the significance of studying paradox mainly depends on which field it is in.

Mathematicians study it and can promote mathematical innovation.

Scientists study it and can produce artificial intelligence.

Debaters study it, can improve the ability of leverage.

Thinkers study it and create more philosophies.

Businessmen who study it can strengthen their ability to deceive people and make a lot of money.

For ordinary people, paradox is a kind of interesting logic, which can expand their own thinking.

But if people with weak logic study paradoxes, nine times out of ten they will mess up their brains and go... crazy.

Like Ge Xiaotian, cheaters need to take out a small notebook to write and draw, to clarify their thoughts, and they can't play paradox at all.

Fortunately, my master is a master of masters in this respect.

Therefore, the business of Tian Cheng's fooling people has nothing to do with Boss Ge, it is all the masterpieces of masters.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian felt much more comfortable.

"I just said, I am kind."


Dao Shiyi didn't know what happened to another space-time kung fu football, and he was thinking about the relationship between "adding special effects" and "paradox". It was very inexplicable to see him stand in front of the French window in a daze for half an hour, and finally spit out this sentence .

Are you afraid you are crazy?

"What are you looking at?"

"No, boss, look, this green radish is very beautiful."

"What's breaking the aesthetics, it's better to insert two dogtail grasses."


"Go, go out for a stroll."

"Boss, what about adding special effects to Kung Fu football?"

"Then add it."

No matter whether it is a novel or a movie, there is a position for the work during the review process.

Such as fantasy, magic, science fiction, urban, reality...

Kungfu football is a real work, using all the stunts practiced by the masters. There is no tricks, no post-production synthesis, and no elements such as "qigong", "murderous spirit" and "idea".

If special effects are added, it will be labeled as 'this work is purely fictional' and classified as a 'fantasy' work, which means that everything in the film is fake.

Abbreviation: match-fixing.

No support fund is involved, and which subject matter is classified has no effect on the income.


Without special effects, Ge Xiaotian is not worried about problems.

With special effects, he was worried that the World Cup would say that he used football to satirize Nan Bangzi's match-fixing, so as to promote the Sancha Cup.

You know, this World Cup has the most black calls and the most fake games.

But Sancha Cup, this year is prehistoric grand.

Since it does not adopt the unique system of the country and region, but the enterprise system, whoever invests, who owns the team, can hire Tiancheng players through points, or form their own.

Even without counting hundreds of large conglomerate teams from the Mainland, Xiangjiang, and Taiwan provinces, overseas competitors include:

Eleven teams from North America, including Horton Security, Horton Communications, NT Real Estate Development, North American Fisheries, Disney, etc.

There are six teams in Montenegro, including Sanctuary Security, Odyssey Antivirus, Montenegro National Team, Servi District Team, etc.

Ice Bear has ten teams, including Neobras, Neo Ranch, Amur State Team, Okhotsk Ship Industry, and the Mokos Real Estate Development Enterprise Team formed by Ah Huang and the others.

There are 12 Nanyang teams, including COSCO South Vietnam, COSCO Cambodia, Thaimei Telecom, Thaimei National Team, Chia Tai International, Nanyang Agriculture, etc.

Wajima has three teams, including Ninja Alliance, Ninja Express, and Ninja Technology.

There are two teams from Nanbangzi, including KS Group and the revived Daewoo Motors.

Six African teams, including Baiser Power, various tribes...

And the 'Accor Group' from France, which has Sofitel Hotel, Old Votel Hotel, Ibis Hotel and other teams, as well as the Australian team and the third brother team formed by Chen Feng's partners...

In the words of the deputy director: this is not playing football, it is in line with international standards, and we must pay attention to it!


In the 2002 Sancha Cup, the sub-fields were spread all over the newly invested stadiums in the fifteen cities of Dongshan last year. The opening, semi-finals, semi-finals, finals, and ending were set in the more meaningful Jinxiuchuan University City.

This is also one of the reasons for building smart photovoltaic elevated.

In other words, to show the appearance of China's new era to the outside world.

As for the Planetary Sports Center...

It represents the "First Tiancheng Games", and it will not be opened until the construction is completed.

The season starts on April 17 and ends in early October, during which period corresponds to May 1st Golden Week, summer vacation, and October 1st Golden Week.

As the main competition location, Jinxiuchuan also accelerated its construction.

After the second phase of development is completed, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and golf villa areas will be built around the two existing areas.

There is a photovoltaic viaduct on the periphery, an X-shaped main road in the middle, and a "racing track" without pedestrians between each other to communicate with various colleges and universities.

Ge Xiaotian walked out of the Jinxiuchuan Operation Department. It was April, and the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming. Looking around, he seemed to be in a future city combining classics and art, abstraction and technology.

The most eye-catching ones are the twenty-four characters, which are like the finishing touch, making the whole new city full of vigor and vitality.

Tomorrow will start the game, Jinxiuchuan University City will suspend classes collectively.

Under the organization of the student union, many students put on the clothes representing their respective schools, lined up on both sides of the main road, and extended flowers and applause to the overseas players who came from afar.

It doesn’t matter to the brawny men in the sub-region, and there is nothing surprising about their appearance. The brawny men in the European region have color contact lenses developed by the optical research laboratory and optical shop. There is no problem with their eyeballs. They are painted with dyes developed by Tiancheng Aerospace Department. The hair color and leg hair are also fine. .

The key is that no matter how tanned a strong African man is, he is not a big black man...

Even with dyes and aboriginal clothing, the whole person looks...

"Strange, why does this old black look weird?"

"Yeah, I saw on TV that their calves are all slender, but this group of old blacks... are their calves too thick?"

"Possibly a football player with overdeveloped legs."

"This is not in line with human mechanics..."

"They just play well."

"Makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian thought about using Zhenlaohei, but Zhenlaohei was either digging mines or digging diamonds, he had no time to play football, and he didn't have the perverted strength and skills of a brawny man. It's good to introduce the Sancha Cup without any trouble, but How can you play a good ball?

"Well, let's make do with it. Anyway, Africa can prove that this is a member of the tribe. After all, these black and strong men are all chiefs who rely on their strength."


The competition venue is a large-scale comprehensive open-air stadium built on the mountain a long time ago.

After a new round of renovation, although it looks crude, it has shown natural construction technology in terms of construction.

How many contractors are there that can hollow out the mountain and insert the stadium into it?

In addition to the semi-mosaic UFO stadium, this is the second building.

Building materials are saved, creativity is bold, shape is uncanny, and the whole is natural!

Since there is no roof, there is no need to consider the span. The stepped stands of the venue can accommodate 150,000 people. If temporary seats are added to occupy four football fields, an additional 30,000 spectators can be added.

But it is not a regular football stadium, so it did not break the parent star record.

Six thirty in the evening.

The participating teams are all in place, and the invited leaders from all over the world are all in place. The opening ceremony of the 2002 Sancha Cup will be held.

First of all, the old team from last year and the new team this year will choose representatives to play an exhibition match.

For half an hour, entertainment is the main thing, just exciting.

After that, the new DJ who replaced the female DJ cooperated with the official commentator Mr. Huang Xiang to introduce the participating teams to the audience in front of SG TV with their own styles.

Well, this time only SG TV is live.

Because after Zigbee Network replaced the signal receiver, it increased the frequency of signal transmission and improved the quality of video and audio. The conversion equipment originally sent to each radio station failed and could no longer be rebroadcasted for ordinary TV.

Want to watch, must buy SG TV, or SG equipment.

After the introduction, the chairman of Tiancheng Sports Operation Group made a speech on stage, talking about the purpose of the competition, its significance, sponsors and so on.

It's not Ge Xiaotian, he is gathering with Holden and others at this moment to conspire with 'Viking'.

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