Build Madness

Chapter 785 Domineering Young Master Zhao Meets with Zeng Xuan

SG equipment and smart one-card bring Chinese language to all parts of the mother planet.

Whether you learn it or not, the Pokemon developed with the Huaxia language encoding machine has always influenced users with an increasingly humanized Chinese language.

Good morning, good noon, good evening, don't forget to bring an umbrella when it rains today, dear, happy birthday!

Naughty, cute, cold, caring, queen...

The all-pervasive life service, the meticulous and caring greetings perfectly reflect how powerful Tiancheng's 'subtle influence' has always been good at.

However, the Chinese language is extensive and profound, not to mention foreigners, even our own people may not be able to fully grasp it.

In order to allow overseas users to learn the most basic common language as soon as possible, the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space has specially designed a set of "courses" for Pokemon.

Man-machine dialogue first, dialogue, dialogue again.

Then input pinyin according to the elf's prompt, aoe, iuv, bpmf...

Then learn radicals and fonts.

At the same time, each regional forum will also arrange teachers to provide one-on-one guidance through voice software.

Currently the fastest progress is Amur, and many Maozi brothers can speak Northeast dialect fluently.

Next is Montenegro.

Montenegro is different from Neobras and Nanyang Rubber Plantation, where all Chinese products are used, including automobile operation and maintenance, mechanical operation and maintenance, CNC programming, computer prediction, retail product manuals...

In order to let the people of Montenegro master the technology earlier, and also to drive the development of Tiancheng’s new project “Shaanxi Industrial Chain”, in the middle of last year, the area where Tiancheng Labor Dispatch Company exported the largest labor services to Montenegro was Shaanxi.

Teachers, farmers, farmers, maintenance engineers, mechanics, CNC personnel...

After a year of hard work, the people in Montenegro can basically speak a few words of Shandi dialect fluently.

In fact, the popularity of smart cards in Nanyang is not slow. There are many Chinese, overseas Chinese, and ethnic Chinese in the area. It should not be difficult to learn Chinese. However, the project has just been established and it will take time to consolidate and consolidate.

Therefore, the players in the three areas are almost at the same starting line, that is to say, they can speak, but they can't write, and they can only type pinyin...

Players from Montenegro, Bingxiong, and Nanyang poured into the Kung Fu football server, and there was an upsurge in Chinese pinyin immediately.

In-game chat channel.

"ha lou, wo shi xin shou, qiu dai."


Seeing the ID with the suffix 'Black Mountain' speak, the Huaxia players were collectively stunned.

What the hell?

Hello is just hello, it’s okay to say hello, but you can change hello into halou... You are a foreigner, can’t you speak English?

Immediately afterwards, the ID suffixed with the word "Thai Girl" spoke:

"Qiu xi fu!"

"Hey, demon, how dare you come to Huaxia to steal our daughter-in-law?!"

"Xi fu, not daughter-in-law, but shi hu!"


Liger? And monkeys!

Where did you learn the Chinese pinyin?

The Thai girl player turned on the voice and explained: "Sorry, I just started learning Huaxia, and the pronunciation is not accurate. The voice input, the master is indeed xi fu, or shi hu. I didn't turn my mind just now. I forgot to turn on the Thai translator and directly translate it into Huaxia, not Huaxia translated into Huaxia Pinyin."

As soon as the call was over, the players who chatted together cheered up immediately.

Montenegro player: "Mei zi?"

Ice Bear player: "Old girl, your pronunciation is correct, master is indeed xi fu, no, it's lao gong!"

Chinese player: "..."

'As I said before, demon, why don't you two understand? '

Players from multiple regions share one server, causing endless joy due to language barriers.

But before I had fun, the whole server froze for a second.

System: This world has completed data exchange with Washima, and now all coaches can conduct friendly matches, spontaneous regional matches, or form teams to improve their respective teams with Washima coaches.

System: Boss Ge felt the grand occasion of this year's Sancha Cup, and decided to spend 100 million red notes out of his own pocket to name the first cup "Kung Fu Football".

System: The champion team can get 2 million bonuses, the runner-up one million bonuses, the third runner-up 800,000 yuan, the top eight 500,000 yuan, the top 16 teams 200,000 yuan, the top 32 teams 100,000 yuan, the top 64 teams 50,000 yuan, and the top 100 teams All players within 20,000 and the top 1,000 can get a "ball soul" worth 10,000 red notes, and the top 10,000 players, except for the top 1,000 players, can get a "ball soul" worth 5,000 red notes.

System: Boss Ge is rich and powerful, and said: If the number of players exceeds 10 million during the competition, the naming fee will be doubled, and if the player exceeds 20 million, the naming fee will be doubled ten times.

System: Starting today, coaches who already have a team can sign up through the world entrance. Every day at 6-8 am, 12-14 pm, and 19-23 pm, the first round of knockout matches will start. Cha Cup is synchronized for 20 days, which ends on May 7th.

System: The first player has a chance to 'resurrect'.

System: For the convenience of players to distinguish their identities, the recharge channel of Baixiaotong Forum is now open. Players can spend a small amount of money to synchronize Baixiaotong avatars, or spend a certain amount of money to customize their favorite avatars.

System: This world has completed data exchange with North America...

System: This world has completed data exchange with Northern Europe...

System: Open the Overseas Sancha Cup player card pool. Note: In order to correspond to the reality, the "language" attribute is specially added for the players. If the overseas coaches are not familiar with Chinese, the attributes of the Chinese players drawn or obtained will be weakened by 50%. There are no restrictions on players, after all, overseas players can speak Chinese.


Not to mention the player's reaction to the first Kung Fu Football Cup, nor to mention the resentment of overseas players towards the development team...

Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

Ge Xiaotian put down the materials in his hand and fell into deep thought.

He is not bored, running to be a football coach, nor is he trying to make money by playing card games.

Look, the team lost all, and all the first shots earned in the game were rewarded.

The reason why he did something was because he was waiting.

Wait until the first round of investment high-speed lawsuits are settled.

Wait for the completion of the photovoltaic intelligent elevated line.

Wait for Mr. Zhao, who is deeply involved in "foreign real estate speculation", to break the situation.

Now the news is coming.

The lawsuit was a complete victory, but because many contracting companies poured funds into the project, in the end, apart from obtaining a lot of qualifications, they did not receive much compensation.

This is expected, at least the funds invested by those enterprises in the project are equivalent to donating to Tiancheng, saving tens of billions for the investment in the Westward Expressway.

The most important thing is that Tiancheng's standards have been promoted to the greatest extent, and if they are not implemented, they will be accused.

The completion of the photovoltaic intelligent elevated highway is a reform of Tiancheng in terms of transportation.

After two years, Laotian Machinery, which is now Tiancheng Electric Industry Co., Ltd., together with BYD and Jiefang Bus Manufacturing Factory, has successfully developed the first generation of smart buses using "lithium iron phosphate batteries" as energy sources.

Its operating principle is similar to that of a driverless car. The tentative route is from Jinxiuchuan University City to the entrance of the photovoltaic intelligent elevated road on Jifu Jingshi Road. There are no stops in the whole process, automatic return, automatic cruise, automatic charging when getting off the elevated, and the power source is photovoltaic intelligent elevated itself.

In the early stage, except for Tiancheng employees, other passengers are prohibited from boarding the bus. It will be put into trial operation around the clock for half a year, and it will be decided whether to further promote it depending on the results.

But it is unlikely, because currently there is only one photovoltaic smart overhead on the parent star.

In addition, the three companies jointly launched an ordinary version of the electric bus, equipped with intelligent assisted driving functions, such as automatic deceleration of the driver when he falls asleep, an alarm for line deviation, automatic troubleshooting of the whole vehicle, etc. The double-compartment model of the winch is priced at 1.2 million, which is about 20% off the price of a fuel bus.

The matter of Mr. Zhao is a bit interesting.

As early as a few days ago, Ge Xiaotian chatted with Teddy's godmother for a long time, and took out the 2 billion Franklin invested by Nanyang Zhengda International in the desert project, and the 8 billion Franklin earned by the Okhotsk Sea Shipyard from selling and renovating the aircraft. Purchase five-year treasury bonds, so that Teddy's godmother can 'let go' Mr. Zhao.

That is to say, Teddy lost the match against Mr. Zhao, and the latter did not have 'foreign real estate speculators'.

As a result, Mr. Zhao worshiped Zhao's father endlessly.

Zhao's father thought that the backer of the capital would make a move, and he was also very excited.

Of the father and son, one was more unscrupulous in Jifu, and the other was in Jiangsu, preparing to transfer exposed overseas funds.

That's right, although Mr. Zhao's 'foreign investment in real estate speculation' is just an excuse, but in fact, the other party is indeed 'foreign investment in real estate speculation'.

It's just that this matter was not enough for the father and son to eat peanuts, so they helped each other deal with this matter and continued as originally planned.

As for why Ge Xiaotian knew that the other party was indeed 'foreign capital speculators'...

Before the Spring Festival, in the Canal Development Zone, I ran into Xiangjiang’s supervisor surnamed Zeng and Nanyang Chinese entrepreneur Zeng Zi. Among them, the younger sister of the supervisor surnamed Zeng served as the chairman of Standard Chartered Bank in Asia.

And Zhao's father's foreign account is Standard Chartered Bank.

This is the first foreign-funded bank to enter Huaxia. Although its strength in the Asian region is not very good, it has strong business capabilities. At least the money deposited, even if it is 'stolen money', it is difficult for the authorities to get it back.

Not because England is behind the opponent, but because this bank is playing very well.

In another time and space, it helped the country of Lang, which was completely blocked by North America, to turn over funds and purchase guide eggs.

If this is not considered powerful, then the gang of Soma and other ruthless forces purchasing weapons on behalf of them, is it considered awesome?

This is also the reason why Ge Xiaotian is unwilling to contact the other party.

My own house is so clean, why bother to go into other people's muddy water?

However, Teddy and Mr. Zhao got into a fight, but the woman surnamed Zeng disclosed to Teddy Zhao's father's account information at Standard Chartered Bank.

The other party helped Teddy, it must be to build a good relationship, and then use this to get in touch with him, Boss Ge, who rejected the other party.

Ge Xiaotian also understands what Standard Chartered Bank wants.

Temporary storage of aircraft transaction funds, temporary storage of aircraft maintenance funds, deposit and withdrawal of arms transaction funds...

It's a pity that some of these businesses were handed over to Horton, and some were handed over to Mr. Zhuang of Nanyang Development Bank.

Even the funds of more than 30 offshore companies, in the names of several entrepreneurs from France, Germany, and Italy, have a normal turnover in Swiss Swiss Bank.


Although Mr. Zhao followed his own plan and entered the unscrupulous state of 'If you want to destroy him, you must first make him crazy', but Ge Xiaotian needs to consider that the woman surnamed Zeng helped Teddy, but he still shuts her out, isn't it a bit 'unreasonable'.

What's more, they have already come to the door and watched the game for two days.

"Master Zhao!"

Ge Xiaotian put down the materials and motioned to Eleven, "Let him be more awesome."

"No matter how awesome it is, it will surpass his father."

"The tiger father has no dogs, wouldn't it be better? Also, in the name of my Uncle Ge, I will give him a medium-sized helicopter so that he can raise his profile."

"Good boss."

"How long has Zeng Xuan been here?"

"All morning."

"Please come in."

Not long.

The mature woman who had met once in the past and had a chat with her came to the door of the office wearing a slightly casual formal suit and stepping on short high heels.

Knock knock.

"Mr. Ge, you are finally willing to see me."

"Please sit down."

Ge Xiaotian pushed the armchair back half a meter away from the desk, leaned on his back as if nothing had happened, and folded his hands in front of his chest, "Mr. Zeng, you should know that our company is very big."

"That's why I persevered in seeking cooperation."

"But I feel that your bank is too small."

"Our bank was successfully listed in Hong Kong and London, and the current market value is 30 billion pounds."

"I donated a highway worth 300 billion red notes, and I plan to spend 300 billion red notes to green the desert. In this calculation, it seems that I have lost two Standard Chartered."


"First of all, thank you for reaching out to Teddy."

"The Datai Road Bridge belongs to you. Helping Teddy is also to seek this opportunity to meet." Zeng Xuan smiled slightly, and took the tea from the aunt-level secretary.

"I just like a businessman like you who doesn't beat around the bush."

Ge Xiaotian opened the drawer, looked through the materials, and took out three copies, "As long as it is done, I will cooperate with your bank."


"Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, North American Horton Group, Nanyang Agriculture and Agricultural Machinery, Nanyang Development Bank, Montenegro Odyssey, Shangpin International, Endurance Alliance, etc., more than a dozen business groups jointly invested 5 billion Franklin, intending to help the Vikings. After completing the transformation of the group, Warren Buffett, the stock king, relied on his club to help it go public."

"Hiss... is this true?"

"As long as there are no obstacles in Northern Europe, or England don't take advantage of the opportunity, it will become a reality very quickly."

"Don't know what I need to do?"

"The Horton funds are in North America, the Odyssey funds are in Montenegro, the Nanyang funds are in Thailand, and the Ninja League funds are in Wajima. The funds in Thailand are Thai baht, and the funds in Wajima are Japanese coins, which need to be exchanged into Franklin. And, your company remits To complete, the five billion Franklins need to be transferred from various parts of the home planet to the external account of Tiancheng Electric Industry within two weeks to purchase a fleet mainly consisting of two medium-sized aircraft carriers."

Zeng Xuan was stunned.

"I just said, your house is too small to play."

"No, no, Mr. Ge, we can complete the exchange, but... Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce invests in the Viking Pirates, and the latter then uses the investment to buy your aircraft, is there any difference from buying the aircraft directly to invest in the Vikings? "

"Yes, I need money to build an aircraft, where does the money come from? Or, I need to find a bank to exchange money for me."


"Of course, don't think that I'm begging you for this. I'm just giving your bank a chance. It's done well and there will be big business next time."

"I wonder if you can reveal a thing or two?"

"Are you sure it's confidential?"

"Forget it, I don't want to know too much."

"A smart guy."

Ge Xiaotian pushed the three materials in front of Zeng Xuan, "Sign it, and your purpose of this trip has been achieved."

"Why do I always feel that I am a tool delivered to my door?"

"You think too much."

"Um...Mr. Ge, the material is wrong, right? How is this a trillion diamond project?"

"Oh? Sorry, this is my next big business order for your company."


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