Build Madness

Chapter 786 Trillion Diamond Project

Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

Boss Ge's dedicated office.

Zeng Xuan was sitting upright in the chair, holding the 'Trillion Diamond Project' tightly with both hands, and two thoughts subconsciously emerged in his mind.

The opponent is playing tricks.

Or... really took it wrong.

But Zeng Xuan is more willing to believe the first guess.

Because the young man in front of him is Ge Er Er.

A legendary figure who spreads his five fingers and slowly clenches his fist, which can affect the business of the entire Asian region.


What can the other party do if they play tricks?

Isn't it for the development of banking business that the opportunity to meet this time has been obtained through many hardships?

Now that the opportunity has come, you must not give up.

Therefore, Zeng Xuan's fingers tightened when he saw Ge Lao Er stretching out his hand to his chest, wanting to take back the materials.


No matter how small a multinational bank is, it is always a bank.

What's more, the other party is the Bank of England with a market value of tens of billions of Franklin.

Therefore, in Ge Xiaotian's eyes, this is a company with 'value'.

According to intelligence, Xiangjiang returned, England withdrew, and Standard Chartered Bank lost its umbrella in the Asia region.

Zeng Xuan became the chairman of the bank at a young age, mostly due to her eldest brother Zeng Quan who is in charge of Xiangjiang, and her second brother Zeng Pei who is in charge of Xiangjiang security.

Well, during this period of time, the surname Zeng is very powerful in Xiangjiang, or in Nanyang.

Including the chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Zeng Zi, the founder of Hollyland.

As for the future...

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead...

When Ge Xiaotian didn't see Zeng Xuan before, it wasn't because he ignored him, but because he wasn't ready.

After all, valuable things can only create more value when they are used at the most appropriate time.

Now that the deployment of the Viking Pirates has been completed, they just need a bank that can be infiltrated to help them handle funds, or conduct exchange settlements.

As for the 'Trillion Diamond Project'...

To be honest, I really got it wrong.

The next business he prepared for Standard Chartered Bank was not diamonds, but real estate.

At the beginning, we reached a cooperation with the old man in Denmark. The other party purchased a pirate ship value-added community. According to his own plan, he entrusted the other party to purchase the land after two or three years. Tian Cheng ran over to build a pirate theme park with diverse gameplay, forcing the other party to purchase the 'Royal Navy' again. Fight pirates to drive your own ship business.

At that time, Tiancheng Real Estate will enter Northern Europe, but it is impossible to always rely on the old man in Denmark to purchase land, and some institutions in other countries will also need to help with land acquisition.

Standard Chartered Bank is one of the plans.

"Hey, I've been playing football, playing games, paying attention to Mr. Zhao, and secretly dispatching Ninja League, Montenegro Odyssey, and Neo Brass to prepare for the launch of the touch-screen smart card. There are too many things in my mind, and I am a little absent-minded in doing things. , It seems that I need to find some time to go out and relax.

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, wanting to take back the materials, but found that Zeng Xuan's grip was tighter.


Are you serious? !

"Mr. Ge!"

Zeng Xuan had a serious expression, "Although I just glanced at it, I believe that our company can help your company achieve this plan."

"Then do you know what it represents?"

"Represents how much money you can earn."

"your answer, I'm satisfied with!" (your answer, I am very satisfied)

Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers, Dao Shishi fetched two goblets and poured red wine.

"Is it pretty?"

"crystal glass?"



Zeng Xuan was full of ghosts, "Diamonds?"

"After entering the Age of Doom, the development of all new things in the world is based on the electrical industry, including machinery, electronics, genes, armaments, and biochemistry..."


You just talk about it, why Mao wants to bring the "End of Dharma"?

Zeng Xuan picked up the goblet, hesitated to speak.

Ge Xiaotian seemed to have entered a state, and said to himself:

"Longtian Science and Technology is very powerful. I used to think that Mr. Wang would promote the development of Huaxia Science and Technology, and could continue to narrow the distance with the Technology Alliance. Unfortunately, when I learned about lithography machines, etching machines, equipment for manufacturing lithography machines, and manufacturing etching Machine equipment, including manufacturing these equipment, suddenly discovered that the root cause of technological backwardness is not that we have no talents, nor that we have no funds, nor that we have no relevant technologies, but that we have no industrial base.”

"Fortunately, Mr. Wang discovered graphene, which is a miraculous material."

"It looks soft, but because of its unique structure of carbon atoms, it is the hardest in the parent star, and it has characteristics beyond silicon electronic components."

"Longtian used graphene to create computers with superior performance. With these computers, Tiancheng reversed the industrial production method and triggered industrial innovation. After that, it took a unique path, and now Tiancheng Electric Industry is formed."

"Perhaps it is difficult for you to imagine the power of an 'electrical industry'."

"For example, it created electricity, created electromagnetic waves, created countless laws, gave birth to electrical components, gave birth to secondary circuits, gave birth to computers and various automation systems."

"It has changed the way of human life, promoted computer networks with electronic technology, and ushered in the information age."

"To put it bluntly, whoever controls 'Industrial Electric' controls the entire world."

"You might ask, what does this have to do with diamonds?"

"I think you must know what elemental structure, atomic structure, and molecular structure are."

"If the electrical industry creates an instrument that changes these structures, then we can 'study the essence of things', such as intercepting the gene chain, making you a superman."

"Don't put on a look of disbelief, we're already doing things like genetic engineering."

"So, in another way, if we study carbon atoms, can we change its structure?"

"It can be done, and it is already being done, such as adjusting the arrangement of electrons outside the nucleus, or triggering fusion to form a 'peaceful world', as well as 'neutron eggs' and 'antimatter eggs'..."

"In computers, there is a technology related to it called 'quantum'."

"Quantum algorithm, quantum entanglement, quantum computer... These are the technologies that North America has just announced to be successful."

"Of course, Longtian Technology and Tiancheng Electric Industry are not far behind. We and the Huaxia Aerospace Department will soon announce photonic technology and photonic computers."

"On this basis, it seems not difficult to adjust the carbon atomic structure of diamonds. In other words, based on the diamond substrate, fused with graphite technology, and using the methane carbon molecular precipitation method, according to a specific model, it can 'grow' into a 'colorless diamond with high Foot Cup', also not difficult."

"However, don't get me wrong. What I said is not difficult. Not everyone can do it. The goblet in your hand is the finished product that thousands of scientific researchers and nearly a hundred physicists took a year to make. Its value ...can buy your company."

Zeng Xuan: "..."

The Trillion Diamond Project is a man-made diamond that has been researched by the company for more than a year.

After obtaining related technologies from Mr. Governor Amur, the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space relied on its own technology to make adjustments and improvements in various aspects, and finally avoided the existing detection methods of the parent star, creating a 'no nitrogen and other impurities' that is different from conventional man-made diamonds. color diamond'.

These diamonds have been tested and valued by authoritative organizations in many countries. They can perfectly avoid the instruments used to identify type IB diamonds, and can also perfectly avoid the laboratories used to detect man-made diamonds, turning them into 'top natural diamonds'.

Many overseas experts give an average valuation of 300,000 Franklin per carat, but the actual production cost is only 2,000 red notes.

so expensive?

The price of diamonds is related to factors such as color, purity, and appearance. The higher the purity, the higher the price.

However, diamonds are a good thing to outsiders, but to Tian Cheng, apart from being used for cutting machining, electronic component probes, etc., diamonds have no other uses, not even the system.

Attention, no.

Even stones, wood, coal, etc. can be recycled, but diamonds cannot be recycled. This made Ge Xiaotian wonder whether the system dislikes diamonds.

In fact, he admired De Beers, the largest diamond supplier on the parent planet.

Because the other party used the phrase "Diamonds are forever, one piece will last forever" to create a marketing scam, selling a small stone composed of the least scarce carbon element on the mother planet as a symbol of love recognized by the world.

Even more irritating.

Although I know that diamonds are a scam, even though I follow the netizens to shout "whoever buys it is stupid", in the end, I am "willingly" because of love.

Because women like this kind of shiny things, they may even say something that they can't refute: Can't you be a fool for me once in this life and buy the right diamond ring?

Voila, this is 'Marketing Ultimate'.

Ge Xiaotian used to hold graphene and often fantasized about how to make this material which is obviously very soft but actually the hardest material on the parent star at present, and sell it for diamond prices.

It's a pity that the huge value it contains does not allow it to have too high a price.

It's intriguing to compare the two...

As far as the current market is concerned, artificial diamonds only account for 1%, with a total value of about 200 million Franklin.

From the data point of view, it seems impossible to make a lot of money.

But regardless of another time and space, or this time and space that has undergone industrial innovation, the output of China's artificial diamonds has always remained the first in the parent star, accounting for 90% of the total output.

Who knows how much of this goes to the jewelry market?

For example, yellow diamonds and blue diamonds made by high temperature and high pressure, such as green diamonds and black diamonds made by chemical vapor deposition, are all artificial diamonds used in industry, and the manufacturing technology is almost public. Technology is completely different.

Many of these diamonds are polished into commodities by diamond merchants using harder diamonds, and sold at sky-high prices.

It is for this reason that Mao Xiong once supplied a large amount of colorless broken diamonds to the mother star market, causing the price of natural diamonds to plummet.

But immediately afterwards, De Beers launched a 100 billion advertisement to emphasize that the preciousness of a diamond is not determined by its size or color, but that each diamond has its own unique meaning.

This marketing plan not only reversed the plunge of diamonds, but also greatly increased the value of diamonds.

In other words, diamond suppliers raised their prices.

Ge Xiaotian's "trillion diamond plan" is not to sell cheap diamonds. This is unrealistic, and it will only increase the number of "enemies". idea.

His plan is to send.

Free for buying a car, free for buying a house, and free for playing games.

In other words, embellish your own products with diamonds to maintain the unique high-end style.

This is more marketable than selling alone.

for example:

Look at that Tianba, the bull's head logo in the middle of the wheel hub is not only still, but it is even inlaid with drill teeth...


Ge Xiaotian put down the copy of the "Trillion Diamond Project" in his hand, and looked at Dao Shishi blankly, "What plan did you make?"

"No, it's Master Yizhu."

"Let him clean all the toilets in the University City to be brand new, and I'll check back later."

"Not sent to Africa?"

"You want to go?"


Seeing Dao Eleven's silence, Ge Xiaotian picked up the oil pen to change the plan.

‘Look at that Tianba, the bull’s head logo in the middle of the wheel hub is not only still, but the horns of the two bulls are still emitting sharp light! '

'Damn it, it's a diamond! '

Real estate is much simpler.

The Xingyue Bay property rights transaction, in addition to following the official regulations, also has a set of agreements certified by Tiancheng.

The style is similar to the certificate placed in the Auto Trade City.

The white writing, simple font, and generous appearance correspond to the official stamp of the head of the household, and the overall scale is full.

With this certificate, you can enjoy all the benefits of Tiancheng's industrial chain, such as task-based subsidies, credit-based loan shopping, free public transportation within property rights, re-employment after unemployment, and re-starting a business without a job...

If a house does not have it, its own value may drop by half.

If an old house in the country owns it, its own value may be multiplied several times.

It can be said that it represents the brand image of Tiancheng.

If you set a diamond in it...

Value-added real estate is second, and the most important thing is brand identity.

other products……

Dragon Legend: In the 2002 summer sand attack competition, each winning guild in the regional server will receive 200 10-carat diamonds...

Dragon Continent: The new version of JJC in 2002, the top ten will get the new version of figures, Tianyi hairpin made of diamonds, Tianyi earrings, Tianyi bracelets, Tianyi accessories...

Stand-alone game: Collector's Edition Diamond Box.

And abroad.

Diamond level Tianchuang mainframe.

Diamond Edition smart card.

The exported Tianba Dongba series can also use this to enhance its own brand value.

This is the 'Trillion Diamond Project'.

Everything is based on supporting its own products.

And the "profit" created in the end will easily surpass individual sales.

After all, if you simply sell diamonds, you need to consider the suppression of your overseas counterparts.

Ge Xiaotian watched Zeng Xuan carefully understand the materials, "Do you know how much money I can make with it?"

"Understood. But, Mr. Ge, you let me know so much, it seems that you plan to entrust me with the business of these products in Northern Europe or Western Europe."

"No, you are the chairman of the sub-region of Standard Chartered Bank."

Zeng Xuan instantly understood what it meant, "I will invite the head of Standard Chartered..."

"I don't trust the other party, I only trust you."


"Actually, you can do it too. It's very simple. You just need to find a way to use the 5 billion Franklin remitted to Tiancheng Electric Industry to buy the original shares of Standard Chartered Bank. From now on, you can 'speak with power'."


"Five billion is not enough. I still have a 2 billion air tanker sale from South America, and the 3 billion Franklin final payment for the Incheon Bridge."


"10 billion, for a bank with a market value of 30 to 40 billion, it is enough to get the right to speak."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "For outsiders, it is impossible for Standard Chartered to sell shares to Huaxia people, but it is very simple for you, because Standard Chartered's business in China will be closed within a month without your two elder brothers' care. If the Nanyang Development Bank is defeated, it will lose all business in the sub-region within two months, and withdraw from the sub-region after three months."

"I'm becoming more and more self-inflicted."

Zeng Xuan also smiled back, not paying any attention to the threatening words, "Mr. Ge, in order to have a job, it seems difficult for me to refuse."

"You are a smart person, you will make the right choice, at least the door of Tiancheng is open for you."

"Thank you Mr. Ge for your kindness."

"Pleasant cooperation."

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