Build Madness

Chapter 788 National Style Martial Arts Masterpiece

B1 of Jinxiuchuan Public Library.

Tianyu Temporary Office.

Ge Xiaotian drives away You Minxing and starts the test server

The 3D martial arts project was established for one and a half years, which seems short, but it used all the resources of Tiancheng.

For example, the Shenlong 3D engine is freely available to SG game developers.

For example, billions of material libraries including decoration, manufacturing, film and television, and songs.

For example, based on the GIS system, the "virtual world framework" that imitates reality production.

For example, on the basis of thousands of Limin activity centers, collected village chronicles, township chronicles, county chronicles, rumors, historical events, famous person chronicles, natural disasters, strange weather, etc.

For example, the use of 18 kinds of weapons collected through VR games, various hitting images extracted from VR games, and the sound effects recorded by monks fighting in reality...

For example, with Tianrong as the mainstay, various economic schools have assembled a "virtual currency system" created by many financial experts.

To put it bluntly, even if it is the largest game developer on Mother Planet today, it will take at least 30 years, or even impossible, to complete the above tasks.

And if you brag about it.

Ge Xiaotian dares to say that this game reproduces the history of China with a 20% reduction rate.

Although most of it is 'illusory', this is entirely to prevent some players from finding their ancestors and doing something against human ethics.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and logged into the Shenlong account.

The game cannot modify the data, nor can it open a trumpet, because once the character is born, the personal information will be synchronized to the "place of birth", and a "mark" will be generated in this world.

It's like being a farmer.

When a character appears in a village, all NPCs in the village will get the information about the player, know the person's name, who is the father, how many acres of land the family has, and even generate a player based on the questions answered when the player chooses his birthplace. Some nicknames.

If the player is not satisfied with this identity, he can choose to 'rebuild the character', but if the player comes to this village again one day and mentions the name of his last character to the NPC in a specific interactive channel, the villagers will probably say :

'Oh, Er Goudan, he died in a terrible way. Later, the village divided his fields, sold his house, and collected money to buy a broken mat to bury him in the back mountain. Many years have passed, and no one has laid a foundation. Now the grave is grass They are all up to the waist. '

However, due to the server's "pre-reading" and "real-time reading" seamless map technology, the player's personal information can only be synchronized to the NPC in the same village.

But on the other hand, in reality, young farmers who were born and bred have hardly traveled far and have little "fame" in other places, which is reasonable.

If you want to expand your sphere of influence, players need to increase their reputation.

From obscurity, to practicing martial arts hard, to entering the rivers and lakes for the first time, being a chivalrous man, to becoming famous in the ten miles and eight towns through his own efforts, and even... If the grandpa of the government and county is unhappy and directly intervenes, he may be: famous Shaking the village, the sound moved the government and the public.

The other is.

The server's "pre-reading" and "real-time reading" technologies also make 3D martial arts out of the scope of traditional games.

First of all, there is no Novice Village.

When a player is born, the village is loaded according to the set identity or personal information. Unless players from the same village, or make an appointment to form a team to become 'brothers of the opposite sex', it is difficult to meet other players in this village.

Secondly, there is no blood bar or strength.

The character is dying, and the game screen becomes blurred.

The character is tired, and the action of being manipulated becomes sluggish.

He was killed in seconds, and the screen went black.

Like poisoning, drowning, hunger and thirst, cold and heat, the same is manifested.

Another is that the player creates the plot.

A certain player is a hero in the village of xx, and the village will leave a legend about it. When another player comes here, he can obtain the player's information, and the two parties can have some contacts, such as getting acquainted, chasing and killing...

Thus leaving more information to the NPC and creating a new village-level task.

This interactive system is based on the production of Shi Guangji's parent body that continuously absorbs Internet information, which is a basic capability for servers.

After reading the general setting, Ge Xiaotian created the character.

From birth to adulthood, interspersed with some random stories, and then entered the game...

'Winter of the first year of the Yuan Dynasty. '

"There was a severe drought in the world, and there was a plague of locusts. '

"Qingzhou tyrant Ge Shi was plundered by refugees. As the youngest son, you unfortunately live on the street and become a beggar suffering from hunger and cold. '

Clear subtitles scroll slowly.

Ge Xiaotian's face was full of bewilderment...

At this time, several fast horses came roaring.

"Master Wang donated 30 hectares of land outside Qingzhou City, worth more than one million yuan. Anyone who cannot support their families can go there by car."

An old beggar next to him twitched his lips, "Wang Mang is a traitor, he will be forced to serve as a private soldier..."

Ge Xiaotian rubbed the gossip shift key, selected the plot in the chat box, and entered: "Master, I want to learn martial arts."

The old beggar turned over the silver and fell asleep...

Ge Xiaotian operated the character to wake him up, but he received a prompt: The old beggar starved to death.


'Your action of pushing people was seen by officers and soldiers who don't know where you came from. The other party saw you as white and fat, and thought of arresting corvees. Please make a decision as soon as possible, whether to escape from this place or wait to be arrested. '

'Attention, if you escape, you may be killed on the spot, and if you are caught, you may become a villain in the current background. '


Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette and called You Minxing, "These reminders seriously affect the experience, it's best to remove them all."

"Boss, the first single-player plot is to familiarize players with the 'openness' of this game. The second plot will gradually reduce hints, allowing players to learn to observe and use their brains. The third plot will remove hints and allow players to accept This kind of gameplay. If it is directly removed, I am afraid it will confuse a large group of old players who are used to skipping plot dialogues."

"That's good, always remind, there is no sense of substitution."

Ge Xiaotian's character is suffering from hunger and cold, and he has no way to hide for the time being. Even if he picks up the butcher's butcher's knife next to him, he probably can't beat the strong man in leather armor riding a horse, so he was simply arrested.

The character is thrown into an ox cart and follows the knight to Qingzhou City.

Along the way, frost was everywhere, withered trees and glaciers, and on the vast land, swarms of locusts appeared occasionally, followed by numerous corpses...

Wait until the ground.

Indeed, as the old beggar said, the character was confined in a camp, and had good food and drink a few days ago, and then someone questioned him and verified that the character was indeed Ge Shi, a gentry from Qingzhou. The strong man learns the method of spear formation.

Joining forces to learn martial arts is the most common "situation" for players.

It includes not only rebels, officers and soldiers, bandits, and private soldiers, but also sects, guards, traveling merchants, and so on.

It can be said that everyone has their own circumstances, and even the most ordinary different people may do things that affect the entire game world.

The other is the core gameplay of this game: the martial arts system.

According to the positioning of the game, real martial arts have no airs, and the battle of life and death is only between two or three rounds.

Players fight against each other, and if they want to win, they need to simplify the moves they have obtained from various places.

Such as parry, counterattack.

Buttons can be set separately for the two moves. When the opponent slashes, the opponent presses the number key 1, and then presses the number key 1 again to launch a second-stage counterattack.

But if the opponent uses the ground lying knife, it will not be able to parry or counterattack. If you press the number key 1, you will be judged to be a "broken move", and your own side will have a "broken leg".

In order to avoid this situation, the side needs to add in the 'number key 1', 'If the opponent uses the next three attacks, I will use 'jump' to avoid, or attack the opponent's vulnerable parts. '

What is the other party's weakness needs to be explored by the players themselves.

The martial art of avoiding the opponent's "laying knife on the ground" is not only "jumping", but also has countless variations. It is up to the player to choose which one to use.

But number key 1 can only express these contents.

If you encounter a heavy hammer or a powerful weapon, you need to take out the 'number key 2' and continue to write how to deal with them.

In addition, there are short-handled, long-handled, and alien weapons, including ballistas, crossbow bolts, shield strikes...

What's more, if players want to be strong, in addition to collecting advanced martial arts, they also need to be familiar with martial arts moves.

But people's memory is limited, each martial art has different targets, and the combat style of the game is also very short. How to achieve a one-hit kill, or how to master all martial arts, players have to explore by themselves, how to learn by themselves The martial arts are mixed together to create simple and useful moves.

Like "lung step and punch", which involves stepping forward, then the left joystick "up button" plus the left button "punch" can be used together with the direction.

In the same way, boxers can program according to the role orientation, including elbow strikes, whip kicks, back kicks, heavy punches,

For programs written in single keystrokes, this is called a 'macro'.

Each 'macro' can deal with a type of weapon, or a set of martial arts.

If multiple "macros" are put together, players can switch their weapons at any time according to the "macros" to restrain the enemy's weapons and martial arts, and they can succeed every time. This is called "martial arts master".

However, people's physical strength is limited, and it is impossible to run around with eighteen kinds of weapons on their backs.

Therefore, players need to "sharpen a sword for ten years", constantly explore the weapons that suit them, and constantly explore the martial arts that suit them, and finally become a "grandmaster of the generation".


The game time and real time are almost 3:1, no amount of weather factors can be reflected.

But according to this ratio, the player may live a lifetime, and may not survive the end of a dynasty.

Therefore, there will be some 'historical events' in the game.

Such as the Wang Mang uprising.

Players are first given a month to familiarize themselves with it, then the Western Han Dynasty collapsed and wars broke out everywhere, players then spent three months to experience the troubled times, and then a new dynasty was established, and a "world story" was released to transition players to the war-torn period of the early Eastern Han Dynasty.

Follow-up, the "rivers and lakes" in the peaceful and prosperous age, the "bandits and heroes" under the changing dynasties...

Ge Xiaotian played for about five days, and finally found out the weapons and martial arts that suit him before entering the 'Three Kingdoms'.

A tiger with a heavy sword and a body as light as a swallow.

The two seem to be quite a mismatch.


Have you ever seen a strong man with a big knife weighing forty to fifty catties used as a stick?

At least when I met Lu Bu on the grassland, the opponent who hit with three swords dismounted and surrendered...

"Boss, don't modify it, the server has already crashed three times." You Minxing complained.

"This game is too difficult."

"You have played the game for two years in five days. What is the difference from playing a single player with a hacker or a cracker? You can't find the sense of experience and immersion at all."

"The main thing is, he throws a punch, I dodge, he whips his legs, I jump, he throws a punch, I block... the brain can keep up, but the keys can't keep up."

"You are called handicapped."


Ge Xiaotian sighed and didn't take it seriously, "It seems that I need to play more and practice more. If one day I see the opponent make a move, I can find the corresponding button subconsciously. I don't need to think about it, and I can definitely become a master."

"This is the brain... No, it's called quick eyesight and quick hands."

While the two were chatting, Dao Shishi walked into the office.

"Boss, there is a boss from Bashu who wants to meet you through the gold VIP membership of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce."

"Bashu? Do we have property there?"

"Beef hot pot is one, and nothing else."

"Then what business does he want to start?"

"Real estate development, like Boss Xishanmei, is preparing to obtain the authorization of a similar brand of 'Xingyue Bay'."

"Moon Star Bay?"

"No, Boss Mei has already changed it to 'Xinghewan', Bashu is going to want 'Xinghuwan'."

"Do you want someone?"

"Yes, not only technical workers, but also machinery."

"It can be considered."

Ge Xiaotian opened his smart card and found the corresponding business from Tiancheng Real Estate Development.

Tiancheng has more and more funds, and the ability of the expatriate managers is uneven. In order to avoid misuse, the planning department has given several investment templates according to the price standards of various places.

The 200-acre package A has an initial investment of 40 million yuan. It is similar to Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County. It is divided into four communities. One community will be built first, and the next community will be built after getting the pre-sale...

The 200-acre B package, with an initial investment of 100 million yuan, will be similar to Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County after it is formed, and it will be developed together as a whole...

Package A of 400 mu, with an initial investment of 80 million yuan, is similar to the canal CBD plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum...

The 400-acre B package, with an initial investment of 200 million yuan, is similar to the canal CBD pen, ink, paper and inkstone...

The 800-mu package A, with an initial investment of 200 million yuan, is similar to the four Xingyue Bays in Xiangxian County...

The 800-acre B package, with an initial investment of 300 million yuan, is similar to a canal CBD, including plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, pen, ink, paper and inkstone...

8,000 mu of university town, the first phase of 200 million yuan, can accommodate four schools, two canals CBD template...

5,000 mu of new urban area, the first phase of 600 million, a commercial street, four Xingyue Bay, a canal CBD...

The initial investment is indeed the first investment for other companies, and the second and third phases of investment will be followed up.

However, Tiancheng's initial investment, if invested in, will be profitable within three months, and all subsequent investments will be deducted from the profits, so there is basically no need to spend any more money, even...

Just like Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, only 20 million was spent in the early stage, and 100 million will be obtained soon...

Money comes so fast.

If you adjust a certain price on the basis of this package and promote it to the boss of Bashu, how much the price increases will be your final "profit".

But playing this way seems to earn a little less.

Just like the boss of Xishanmei, she has been ignoring the other party. Apart from being a VIP, the rest of the other party is to enjoy the joy of making money, which is more comfortable than her own.

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