Build Madness

Chapter 789 New Chairman of Tianyu International

Boss Xishanmei got in touch with Boss Ge through the game recharge channel not long after the opening of Legend of Dragon.

After some discussions, Tiancheng gave up the plan of investing 51% of Xishan Sanjin Mining. Instead, it licensed the brand to Boss Mei's newly formed "Sanjin Real Estate Development" for free, and took the project construction fee in exchange for community property management and commercial operations. .

Some of the details here are complicated, and Tianrong is responsible for handling them.

In general, when Boss Mei invests in Star River, he doesn't have to worry about the quality of the project, the failure to sell it, or the follow-up operation, and only makes profits from selling the house.

This profit is definitely not as high as Tiancheng Xingyue Bay, because Tiancheng won the commercial sector, and the construction fee paid to Boss Mei was almost double that of his own.

For example:

For a house in Xingyue Bay, Tiancheng can earn 60% of the profit.

As for a house in Star River Bay, Boss Mei can earn 20% at most.

But Tiancheng's construction speed is fast, and Boss Mei has Sanjin Mining as a source of funds. Although the profit is low, he can play 'risk-free investment'.

That is to take the land for flowering everywhere, throw all of it to Tiancheng to undertake the construction, and then wait for the opening of the market. The house is sold out, and the profits are withdrawn.

Therefore, in the past two years, the Xishan construction project has never stopped.

In addition, Boss Ge's reputation has risen, and Boss Mei also has connections in the local area. Leaders at all levels treat the "Sanjin Real Estate Development" in the same way as President Yu treats Tiancheng.

Because of this, Boss Mei, who only takes money to invest, has a more comfortable life than Ge Xiaotian.

The company doesn’t care, the project doesn’t need to ask, the coal mine is handed over to the subordinates, usually drives a sports car, enjoys the thrill of speeding, and occasionally plays games to experience the joy of recharging money.

Perhaps, this is the so-called 'big winner in life'.

It's just that Boss Mei has been a little sad recently.

He suddenly discovered that Boss Ge's hair had grown out, but he was still bald.

It started with the opening of the UFO Stadium two years ago.

At that time, bald heads were prevalent, and many executives of Tiancheng shaved off their heads one after another. As a new younger brother, in order to show his sincerity, he also shaved first as a respect.

But at that time, people with shaved heads crowded the barber shop, and he was in Sancha Township, and Tian Cheng's hometown, so he didn't dare to play tricks.

Fortunately, a subordinate came up with a brilliant idea.


I went to a hotpot restaurant to buy some alcohol, put it on the fire, and it was all over. Although my scalp was a little burnt, it was neat and clean than a shaved one.

And the consequence is...

The hair follicles are burnt to death and cannot grow back.

For this reason, Boss Mei drank the brain-tonifying kidney liquid and applied the brain-tonifying kidney ointment, but unfortunately, except for the slight enhancement in that aspect, it has no effect on hair growth.

Some time ago, he had exchanged experiences with the baldhead supporter, Brother Hao.

I never thought that the other party would grow out too!

The most important thing is that looking through the corporate news under Tiancheng, all the former bald men have short hair.

In other words, bald heads are out, now 'calipers' are in fashion.

Calipers, a few millimeters of flat head, how can there be such a wig?

There are still more than ten days until the "May 1st Golden Week". Boss Ge Da has prepared for this grand ceremony for a long time, and notified that the "Tiancheng Real Estate High-Level Meeting" will be held in Jinxiuchuan University Town on April 20th.

Boss Coal doesn't want to appear in front of Boss Ge Da in an unconventional way, and be 'watched'.

Because since he studied the 'Tiancheng Corporate Culture' in depth, he has a deep understanding of the essence of 'Gou'.

Just like other coal bosses betting on stones, blocking money, and having fun in various ways, almost all of them are dead.

And he, being idle and bored, led his subordinates to stay in the company to play games, and when he was bored, he would find a village contractor 'Wheat Farm' to drive a sports car. Seeing that the coal mine environment was too bad, he hurried to find Tiancheng for repairs. Some money to express sympathy, ten out of ten to six or seven, but he became the representative of the whole people of Xishan...

Otherwise, this is called a 'big winner in life'?

If Boss Ge pays attention this time...

Think about the Boss of Everything, Mr. Pang, the boss of Tiancheng Machinery, Lao Hong, the director of Tiancheng Machinery, Gao Song, the former chairman of Tianyu, and Xu Ling, the first secretary of Tiancheng...

‘Tsk tsk, how miserable! '

Boss Mei snorted and took a sip of pearl milk tea, looked around at a group of very capable subordinates, and said vaguely: "Today I'm talking about this, but I can't find a way, you all go down to mine and experience life!"

"Boss, there it is!"


Boss Mei frowned happily. Sure enough, his subordinates were very helpful, "Tell me."

"Jinxiuchuan University City Art College has a 3D sketch major, and its works are full of three-dimensionality. Why don't we have a set on our head?"

"How's the effect?"

"That's super good. Make a big hole on the road. If you don't get down and look carefully, you'll think it's real."



Boss Mei is very sensible.

Play the game and recharge the most money, join the merchant association and recharge the highest vip, and never complained about the profits Tian Cheng asked for in Xishan.

In terms of the value of partners, it is definitely the first place.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian thought of the other party, but did not intend to pay attention to the other party. What he was thinking about now was how to arrange the Bashu Xinghuwan project, and then strive for more benefits.

"How is the opponent's strength?"

"I used to do well in Bashu, but once I was contracted for a road and bridge project and was affiliated with a construction team under the company. After two guarantees and three guarantees, only 20% of the project payment was directly deducted. Later, the project was indeed completed. But when the acceptance report came out, things got serious, and the owner of the construction team ran away. This Bashu engineering construction company became a scapegoat. Fortunately, the other party had a way, paid compensation, and rebuilt the road. It survived, but its reputation in Bashu is not good. Now, I can only go to other places to engage in real estate, and contract some small road and bridge projects."

"This is our Tiancheng brand."

Ge Xiaotian picked up the plan that Dao Shiyi put in front of him, looked through it carefully, and thought for a while, "Bashu is restricted by the economy, and the real estate market is not good. Let's test the water with Fengdu first, and multiply the internal investment budget we made by three. Then ask the other party for all the proceeds of the first three years."

"It's so harsh, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the other party to accept."

"They can't get a profitable project, so they have nowhere to go. Now they meet my single-plank bridge, and the opposite side of the bridge is infinitely exciting. It's hard for them to refuse. If you refuse, you might as well ask the business people to tell them that if Tiancheng really plans to enter Bashu, there are many choices. "

"Good boss."

When Dao Shiyi left, Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly and looked at You Minxing, "The purpose of shaping 'Boss Mei' is to make 'smart people' compete to be Boss Mei. It seems that the effect is very good so far. In time, Nanyun, Beihu, Xiguang, Nanhu... will all be merged into Tiancheng in this way. It's just a show to go south. Look at Wei Changfeng's group of people who are nervous, they are almost guarding against thieves every night, comparing me to Meng De .”

"The boss's manipulative ability is at its peak, and You admire it."

"However, then again, 3D martial arts games may be cold in the early stage, you have to bear the pressure."

"No problem, as a game with depth, culture, background, and openness, it must go through a lot of tempering before it can become an immortal work."

"I wish you success."

Ge Xiaotian took out a document from the document bag, "Sign it."

"This is?"

"Chairman of Tianyu International, 2% bonus shares, old rules, no trading rights."

"Boss, I only play games."

"That's enough, just like this 3D martial arts, players in every village can use their own experience to edit a wonderful film and television work, it can be a story, it can be realistic, it can be an anecdote, it can be a funny film , it can be a martial arts movie, and what Tianyu has to do is to promote, promote, and promote again... until one day, players find in the 3D martial arts world that they can build a village, form an army, become a king, or establish a family. When we become the head of a generation and treat NPCs as players, we will be closer to artificial intelligence."

That's right, the purpose of this game is not to serve the players, but to let the Shi Guangji matrix absorb the player's behavior, to see if it can give birth to 'wisdom' or cultivate 'self-awareness'.

This is related to the plot dialogue, allowing players to participate in the plot, create the plot, and constantly interact with the NPC, to stimulate the ability of the Shi Guangji matrix to 'repair' its own defects, and make the NPC more intelligent.

Under such conditions, if 'self-awareness' cannot be born, it proves that human science and technology will not produce 'wisdom', and stay at most as 'artificial intelligence'.

And if it is born, it will trigger the self-destruct program set by the monk, and only keep the experimental data.

This is a long-term plan.

Of course, the construction of three more aircraft carriers will be completed, and the system will be upgraded again.

What kind of technology can be brought by the next level of "information age" determines the achievements of one's own in the field of "artificial intelligence".

You Minxing nodded, picked up the pen and wrote his name.

Although he is in charge of game development, isn't a game a kind of technology?

"Boss, tell me, if you integrate 3D martial arts, AR technology, and VR technology, will the game console you described, the holographic virtual reality helmet, be born?"

"If you take it literally, we are close to it. But if the mind enters the virtual is almost impossible, because it requires biology, life sciences, and the need to extract thoughts, in other words, make your brain a chip , Make your thinking into data, and then you can enter another world.”

"I recently read news reports on quantum technology in North America. The other party said that this technology will be realized within three to five years, and it will be put into commercial use within ten years."

"Oh? Then I have to talk to the Nine Institutes and tell him that the photon technology we provide can realize 'time and space travel', allowing people to cross parallel worlds in the form of thinking and go back to ancient times, but there is only one way to do it." A passer-by can’t change everything.”

"We have this technology?"

"I'm so bragging, you also believe it?"


Ge Xiaotian was noncommittal about this kind of meaningless question, "Blowing, anyone can do it, but only a few people can do it. In the end, those who can blow it will remain the same, and those who are determined to do it can accumulate experience even if they fail. Make a comeback."

You Minxing was thoughtful, "Does this mean that I can reform Tianyu International?"

"Anyway, anyway, Gao Song left you a lot of funds, enough for you to do it according to your own ideas, but you have to remember, you also have to set aside enough 'resurrection coins' for your next successor."


"By the way, I heard that the game company invested in the Guangzhou area plans to release several new works using the Longtian engine after the summer vacation?"

"Yes, there are Jianwang issued by Xiju Company, and Tianxia issued by Tianxia Company..."

"Wait, Tianxia? Fantasy?"

"Yes, Yiwang was planning to acquire the other party, but after getting the regional agency of 3D martial arts, it gave up."


3D martial arts is called Tianxia, ​​but the original Tianxia is called Tianxia.

This is Li Gui who messed up Li Kui.

Ge Xiaotian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and suggested:

"Forget it, don't call the 3D martial arts the world, give the name to Tianxia Company, invest in the other party, and give the other party the right to use the latest 3D engine for free."


"Aren't you afraid that other game developers will launch too many games, posing a threat to Tianyu?"

"Ha, in that case, doesn't it mean that I am inferior to them? Need to use commercial means to target them?"

"Makes sense."

"Moreover, players have different tastes. Out of 100 people, 10 like to play martial arts, 10 like to play fantasy, 10 like to play small games, and the rest are non-game lovers. Instead of competing with each other for these 30 people, it is better to play Another 70 non-game enthusiasts were pulled in.

Also, most of the outside games are angel-invested companies. If they are popular, we can earn more.

In addition, Tianyu International does not have other works, such as first-person shooting games, third-person mech games, third-person cartoon character games...

Plus Tianchuang host's "My World", Longtian's first game "Sims" to be released, Ninja League's upcoming "Watermelon Ninja", Weihua's upcoming "Simulation Aviation"...

A super platform must have a large enough game library.

As a controller, I look at the big picture, not a single work. "

"Very good, I will leave Tianyu International to you, I am relieved!"

Ge Xiaotian got up and stretched, and patted You Minxing on the shoulder, "I hope that Director You can take Tianyu to the sea of ​​stars."

"Follow the boss' footsteps."


Leaving the basement floor of the library, Ge Xiaotian did not return to the operation department, but came to the intersection of the photovoltaic intelligent elevated road.

In order to ensure the schoolwork arrangement of major colleges and universities, Jinxiuchuan University City only held the knockout round for two days.

On the 19th today, fans, tourists, and players all left, and students resumed their classes. Except for the buses transporting fresh graduates back to their hometowns, there were few vehicles on the elevated road.

"How many college students are willing to support the Limin Activity Center in accordance with their profession this year?"

Dao eleven replied: "Three thousand and seven hundred."

"so much?"

"Who wants to miss out on joining Tiancheng?"

"We can't use this to attract them to the countryside for support, but let them have their own ideas and ideas."

"In fact, this year's nearly 20,000 fresh graduates all chose to go to the countryside, but in the end they got four-fifths of the test questions."

"Impossible, right? I have been trained at the Mastermind University, why can't I do a set of test questions correctly?" Ge Xiaotian was a little unbelievable.

"The test questions are written according to the folk customs and folk culture of the registration place. There are no multiple-choice questions, only questions and answers, including how to integrate into the local area, how to avoid conflicts, how to deal with disputes, and how to promote the development of the Limin Activity Center..."

"It's like taking a civil servant exam..."

"It must be like this. Otherwise, small conflicts are easy to talk about. In case a taboo is violated in a remote village, and the villagers dig a pit and bury it, or soak it in a pig cage, it will be a lot of fun."


"Our people were almost hanged on a dead tree to dry fish. Fortunately, the strong man was so strong that he ran away with the dead tree on his back in the middle of the night while no one was around."


"In remote areas, the information is not well-informed, and the transportation is not convenient. Although the villagers know the law, most of them still follow the old rules. Turn a blind eye, unless there is a major case, will bring enough people into the village to investigate."

Hearing this, Ge Xiaotian woke up suddenly.

He has been in his own industry chain for a long time, subconsciously ignoring the issue of age.

It's still in 2002, even if it was Sancha Township in another time and space, it might be necessary to use earthen guns to grab the ridges of the fields during the busy farming season.

"After the May Day Golden Week, you can help me adjust my work schedule. I plan to go to the countryside to have a look."


"Nanhe, Xishan, and Beihe are all fine. By the way, let's find out about the compensation for the demolition of the expressway."


While chatting, the two came to the elevated management office.

Only 20 unmanned electric buses have been put into operation, and all of them are currently running empty.

Because 'intelligence' does not mean that the program can meet the conditions of use, but also requires 'adaptation'.

Familiar with road conditions, familiar with driving methods in all kinds of weather, familiar with how to deal with emergencies...

When everything is mature, it can really be put into operation.

Moreover, at the initial stage of operation, it only serves Tiancheng employees and serves as an airport 'shuttle bus'.

As for the shuttle bus from Jifu Jingshi Road to Jinxiuchuan University City, in addition to driverless electric buses, there are also ordinary electric buses normally installed.

Also using the electricity brought by the photovoltaic intelligent elevated, the only difference is that this kind of bus does not have an intelligent system, and cannot optimize the consumption of electricity during driving in the best way.

In other words, the driver brakes, starts, decelerates, accelerates, and consumes much more power than an unmanned bus.

There is only one route for normal pick-up, so there is no need to care about these, but if all Tiancheng industries use unmanned buses, the final electricity saved will increase exponentially.

As for what to do after the driver loses his job...

Overseas exploitation of resources, there is an urgent shortage of veteran drivers.

Even if the personnel are satisfied with ordinary mechanical driving, the remote control driving technology has matured. To mine in Neobras, to mine in Antarctica, or to mine on the moon, you also need a remote driver...

Therefore, Tiancheng's bus drivers, apart from driving to work, spend their spare time learning 'mechanical exoskeleton operation', 'two-legged mecha driving skills', 'multi-legged excavator maintenance plan'...

Even in order to avoid being attacked by ruthless forces overseas, subjects such as 'tank maintenance', 'warplane maintenance', and 'ship modification' have been set up.

When Ge Xiaotian walked into the management office, the veterans who were in charge of driving the bus continued their life in the military camp and were practicing how to clear mines with bulldozers...

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