Build Madness

Chapter 790 I'm Actually a Scout

Minesweeping is a dangerous job, and bulldozers must not be used for minesweeping, but the appearance of the equipment is similar.

Its chassis adopts T90 suspension system, including torsion bar, torsion bar spring, load wheel, supporting pulley, induction wheel, driving wheel, etc., and the middle part adopts six mine detection mechanical arms developed by comprehensive microwave and micro-processing technology, and the upper part adopts The 'trip computer' developed by integrating robot technology and remote control technology.

The full name should be: Remote Sensing Minesweeper.

The self-weight is 25 tons. If two "mechanical blasting combined mine-sweeping vehicles" are towed, the overall mass will exceed 45 tons.

(The appearance of a mechanical blasting combined with a minesweeper is equivalent to replacing the blade of a bulldozer with a 'roller', rolling it over a minefield like a rolling pin.)

The research and development of this machine is not for selling, but because there is a real demand for it.

In 2002, there was no peace overseas, and many areas were still in a state of war.

Just like Montenegro, which once belonged to the Southern Alliance, when Tiancheng invested in the other side, 'Kosovo' located in the south had just experienced NATO bombing.

In the process of building or renovating the farm, not to mention digging out all kinds of mines, it is not surprising even if an unexploded aerial bomb is lifted by a tower crane.

And then...

Cooperating with Chen Feng to grow oranges on the border of Nanyun, more than 300 strong men were injured in the bombing in the past year.

This is also due to the fact that the strong men have rich experience and strong skills. If it is an ordinary person, they will lose arms and legs at least, or they will disappear on the spot.

Therefore, bus drivers practice far more than the remote control system in their free time, and when they go to Montenegro to serve as bus coaches and bus company executives, they can also deal with the thunder over there by the way.

In Tiancheng, it's normal to have multiple jobs.

This is not the black heart of Boss Ge, who wants to use this to increase the workload of the employees.

Instead, give full play to the professional level of each employee, so as to achieve the purpose of multi-position coordination, saving manpower and increasing income.


Ge Xiaotian strolled around the elevated management office, standing behind the staff who simulated mine clearance.

"How about it?"

"The technology is too advanced, and the operation is like playing a game. It feels a bit fake. It is completely different from the mentality of the South Vietnam battlefield more than ten years ago."

"That's right. North America's battle in Eastern Europe and Ice Bear's battle in Che Country taught a lesson to the good students of the countries on the home planet. In the future, victory will not be won by more people, nor will it be won by more equipment, but whose The concept of war is advanced, whoever has a higher level of technology can be fearless."

"Boss, have our machines been put into production?"

"Two hundred cars have already rolled off the assembly line."


Two hundred vehicles may not be much for a car.

But switching to a high-tech equipment similar to tanks that can only be used for mine clearance is a bit of a waste.

There are many mountains in Nanyun, so it is necessary to deploy signal towers and adapt to the local mountain forest environment. At most ten vehicles are arranged.

As for the southern part of Montenegro, the war is still raging. After the minesweeping, it may not be long before another batch of people will be buried. They only need to take care of their own property, and they need at most 20 vehicles.

Build two hundred cars in one breath...

"Someone will buy it."

Ge Xiaotian smiled mysteriously, and patted the old driver on the shoulder, "Work hard, and you will be assigned in the second half of the year, and your salary will increase tenfold."

"thank you boss!"

Who would buy a minesweeper?

North America!

It has been more than a year since the parent star united army was trapped in a certain mountain area by Harden, who was getting stronger and stronger.

The mountains and plains around the main camp are full of thunder, and even the people who buried them can't find where the thing they buried, let alone the North American soldiers.

According to incomplete statistics, the total number of depleted uranium models produced in North America alone is as high as 100,000. If you count the British, French, German and Italian models, as well as the large models produced by Ice Bear...

It can be called the largest minefield on the parent star.

It stands to reason that the joint conference could have rescued the beleaguered army by helicopter, and then destroyed all its own weapons to avoid falling into Harden's hands.

But people have Ice Bear and the shoulder swish swish developed by North America, which are specially aimed at helicopters...

Therefore, North America is now a little absent-minded about the agricultural trade war that Tian Cheng has prepared for a long time, and only wants to get out of the quagmire.

Boss Ge expressed his sympathy many times. In order to gain North America's support for NT real estate, he specially ordered Tiancheng Electric Industry to spend one billion Franklin to develop a 'remote sensing mine-sweeping vehicle', and donated one to support the joint meeting of the home planet. The effect was very good...


So far, no scientific research institution has cracked the 'Dragon System'.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian was refreshed, and just about to leave the elevated management office, a crawler robot with a height of 1.6 meters blocked his way.

"Boss, I am the fastest arithmetic robot on the home planet!"

"Then how much do you think I have?"


The robot fell into 'contemplation', the signal lights above its head flashed repeatedly, and seemed to be searching the database...

"It's so stupid! You can't even kiss the richest flatterer on the boss' home planet, so what use are you for?"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, "Go back to the furnace."

"Oh, no, boss, I'll sing to you: I'm a little duck, babble, babble, I'm a little duck, babble, quack..."


Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but want to laugh because of his weird tone, he raised his foot and kicked it away, "Eleventh, tell your senior brother, don't always follow the funny template when making this thing in the future."

"Boss, it's not a template. It's the No. 001 set in the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce in the Canal Development Zone. It's broken."


"It's not that self-awareness was born, but it was taught badly by those bosses, such as going to the women's bathroom with a sneer of 'hehehe', going to the street to grab snacks from children, running to tell ghost stories behind the security guard's room in the middle of the night...even A boss took it across the Internet to watch movies on overseas websites.”


"It connects to the mother body of the Shiguang Machine, shares the database with the server, replaces several memory blocks in succession, and keeps going to the Internet. The 'memory' will be restored soon, so it is locked here."


Hearing this, 001 displayed a sneer expression on the display screen representing 'face', "You can lock my body, but you can't lock my heart that yearns for the outside world, boss, I'm going to report that on Eleven, he Pluck your hair, I saw it!"

After finishing speaking, 001 took the 'face' and played a video...


Although Ge Xiaotian already knew about this, it was a different feeling to see himself being tampered with by a shrunken old Taoist priest in his sleep.

Dao Shishi looked at No. 001 in disbelief, "You betrayed me!"

"Everything is for the boss!"

"October, it's not easy for the bus to run back and forth in the wind and rain. Go and clean it for you, especially the wheels and chassis. They should be as clean as new."



After leaving the elevated management office, Ge Xiaotian wandered around again.

The significance of the existence of Tiancheng Bridge Design and Research Institute is that in addition to researching difficult road and bridge construction schemes, it also cooperates with the Architectural Design and Research Institute to be responsible for the diversified use of road and bridge buildings and structures, and to maximize investment benefits.

Therefore, the photovoltaic smart elevated is not only suitable for connecting Jifu and Jinxiuchuan, but also a flower market designed according to the sunshine time period, a pedestrian street, a snack street, a fitness center, and a dedicated BRT lane inside the Jinxiuchuan University Town.

The concept of BRT has been put into Tiancheng's industrial chain two years ago to create a super-fast bus that buys a ticket before getting on the bus.

Since last year, Tiancheng Industry's internal roads have adopted the 'no sidewalk' scheme, and all roads are connected by overpasses.

As a result, the bus arrival speed, carrying efficiency, and safety factor are firmly ranked first on the mother star, and it has also been unanimously praised by authorities in the mother star construction industry and urban development.


Outsiders engaged in public transportation cannot control the road design plan, because they lose money.

Outsiders engaged in roads, bridges and roads cannot control the operation mode of public transportation, because they lose money.

Perhaps only a comprehensive real estate development company like Tiancheng can tailor this model according to its own industry, make up for public transportation with profits from other industries, and then use public transportation to feed back other industries, so as to achieve a "win-win" situation.

By the time the bus was wiped off on Road Eleven, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

After class, some college students are preparing for evening self-study, and some are hanging out together.

Ge Xiaotian put on his peaked cap and found a roadside stall to sit down.

This year, the temperature has warmed up earlier, and the heat is also extremely fast.

Before May 1st, young people with strong firepower have already changed into short sleeves, shorts, and short skirts...

At eleven o'clock, there are some barbecues, and I want two bottles of 'pure juice'. I just want to have a good meal, but Ge Xiaotian drives them away.

"Looking at your outfit, you look like a professor. Sitting here, the students dare to chat?"

"Then I'll change my clothes and become the second uncle of the barbecue boss."


In Tiancheng Industry, 'food stalls' are not one family or one area.

Instead, Tiancheng provided the venue, provided tables and chairs, and all the snack businesses arranged their booths around this area.

It is not only convenient for management, but also orderly and not chaotic, and it can also make many customers gather together to be lively and lively.

Not long after, the dining area was 100 meters long, and the dining area with five tables and one row was full of students, as well as people who came from the commercial sector, residential community, and Dongshan compound to join in the fun.

With the completion of Jinxiu No. 2 project, Jinxiuchuan now has a population of 150,000, half of which are students, half of employees, businessmen, and parents of students.

Attracted by colleges and universities, the development speed far exceeds that of Zaoshi New City.

Its own commercial value also kills the heavily invested canal development zone.

This shows the status of education in people's hearts.

It's nearly seven o'clock.

Diners came and went, and many customers who could not find an empty seat at the snack street in Jinxiu No. 2 area rushed here one after another.

If we put it in the future, generally speaking, freshmen have not lost their high school habits. Most of them stay in school for evening self-study. In a hurry to prepare a graduation thesis, or have already graduated, only juniors dare to run outside.

But this is '02.

There are very few students who can afford computers or Shi Guangji notebooks.

And Jinxiuchuan University Town has no Internet cafes...

Therefore, every evening, the sophomore and junior students all run out, and the school's comprehensive cafeteria will basically reduce the workload by two-thirds.

For the outside world, it is estimated that the canteen will be compensated, and the school has to implement closed or semi-closed management.

But in Tiancheng, the snack street outside is also his own, he can eat whatever he wants, and no one will stop him if he wants to eat expensive ones.

"Hey handsome guy, share the table?"

"You pay the bill, and I agree."


The three girls who came together took a look at Ge Xiaotian's dozen barbecue skewers and two bottles of puree, and looked around hesitantly. Before they agreed, two sweaty boys sat directly beside Ge Xiaotian.

One is short and fat, the other is tall and thin.

The chunky boy picked up the smart card, "Brother, I'll pay the bill!"


"Hey, why don't you two come first?"

"If you don't make a deal, it means you haven't reached a deal. Why can't I get involved?"

The short and fat boy rolled his eyes, ignored the three girls, and looked at the thin and tall one, "I haven't seen you for a year, how the hell are you so skinny? Come today to make up ten kidneys!"


Hearing the words, Ge Xiaotian almost spat out the puree in his mouth, and looked at the fat man in surprise, "Dude, you didn't make it up by eating kidneys, did you?"

"Definitely not, I'm a fitness professional, Liu Beibei, have you heard?"

"You are Liu Beibei?"

"Of course not, I am Jiang Tao." (appears in Chapter 314)

"do not know."

"Aren't you a student of Jinxiuchuan?"

"Why don't you know you, so you're not a student here?"

"Because I published the theory and techniques to get through the two veins of Ren and Du, and obtained the certification of traditional Chinese medicine and the silver certification of Tiancheng. I am the most outstanding student of traditional Chinese medicine in the 2001-2002 session of Jinxiuchuan."

"Aren't you a fitness professional?"

"Then you are definitely not a Jinxiuchuan student."

"And why?"

"I don't study the human body, how can I do fitness?"

"Makes sense."

"Brother, how about coming to school with us?"


"Forget it, I won't talk to you. I haven't seen my brother for more than a year. We need to have a good chat. Excuse me!"

The fat man turned his head, looked at the thin one, and said, "Accordingly speaking, it shouldn't be. Tiancheng Sports Operations Department recruits basketball students, isn't it said that food and housing are in charge?"

"You still study the human body, look at my muscles, aren't they more solid?" Huang Zhipeng, who couldn't even afford shoes in the past, clenched his fists and bulged his muscles.

"It looks like that, but look at the XBA and the North American men's basketball team. They are all muscular men. You are so thin, can you enter the XBA?"

"I have joined the XBA, and now I am the main forward in the college league."


The fat man was stunned, "Why haven't I seen you play?"

"It's not Tiancheng's internal competition, it's the China League CUBA. You can watch the live broadcast of the sports channel next Friday, and you will be able to see me."

"There is only SG TV in the school. After the Zigbee network is upgraded, the wireless signal can no longer be received. But I can skip class and go to a hotel in Jifu to watch your live broadcast."

"forget about it."

The tall and thin man was a little disappointed, "When I participate in the XBA League, I will give you a ticket."

"That's a good feeling."

Fatty seemed guilty about skipping class, so he picked up the puree and changed the subject, "Brother, you still have to train and drink tea. I'll finish the wine."


Ge Xiaotian listened for a long time, carefully looked at the tall and thin man, and had a vague impression in his mind.

This should be the first batch of sports talents recruited by the family. After systematic training, nutritional supplements, medicinal diet and physiotherapy, and military camp effects, the opponent's physical fitness has surpassed that of a super athlete, and he has been promoted to the bronze level of Tiancheng Sports Certification.

Dayao also broke through to the bronze after finishing training, becoming an existence comparable to a strong man.

Thinking of Dayao, Ge Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that the North American side is about to draft.

"Brother, I'm actually a scout."

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