Build Madness

Chapter 791

In another time and space, Ge Xiaotian undertook the construction of many high school campuses and university campuses, and also had contact with many sports talents.

Generally speaking, 90% of high school students who excel in sports practice sports for the physical examination before the college entrance examination, so as to obtain extra points for the college entrance examination, and then enter a good university.

This seems to be a shortcut to higher education.

In fact it is.

After entering university, these exceptional students will either be transferred to social sports, and will be engaged in sports journalism, sports diet, sports health, and sports research in the future, or transferred to physical education, and will be engaged in physical education teachers in the future.

Only a small number of people passed the high-level athletes in high school, second-level, first-level, and continued to move forward, but in the end, because the score of the college entrance examination was not as good as that of the 90% of the special students, or they were accidentally injured in certain types of competitions, the college entrance examination If you fail the rankings, you will be stunned by everyone.

In other words, before becoming a professional athlete, there are very few opportunities to show yourself, not to mention the strict selection of "youth training" and "workers' sports" that can only be entered by children of government-owned enterprises.

And in basketball, it's even harder.

Due to the 'bone age' involved, calcium supplementation is required, and the cost of food and nutrition alone can dissuade most families, even petty bourgeoisie.

Just like Dayao.

Both parents are athletes of the older generation. My father retired and entered a government-owned enterprise. My mother, as the captain of the Huaxia Women's Basketball Team, retired and entered a sports research institute, but spent most of her salary on food.

In addition, individuals need to have sports thinking and basketball IQ.

Meet the above points, and then look at the domestic environment.

In 2002, the Huaxia junior high school basketball league was just a proposal proposed by the education reform, and many people may have never even heard of this name.

This means that there is no stage for real basketball talents to show themselves, and they still need to take the college entrance examination, or take 50,000 or 100,000 yuan to enter colleges and universities with sports subjects in a single move.

However, how many families can afford 50,000 or 100,000?

Here comes the point.

After entering the university, students who want to become professional basketball players must participate in CUBA.

CUBA is also known as China University Student League.

It is currently the amateur basketball game with the widest coverage and the largest participation scale in China.

Founded in 1998, it was invested by Beijing Henghua Group and organized by the University Sports Association designated by the Huaxia Ministry of Education. sports values.

Participating in CUBA, if you perform well, you don't need to wait until you graduate from college, you will have the opportunity to enter the China Men's Basketball CBA, and then be selected for the national team to fight for glory.

It seems beautiful to say it, but in fact it is a big wave washing the sand.

There are as many as 2,000 colleges and universities participating in CUBA, at least 10,000 participating athletes, and the number of places entering the CBA is only in single digits.

The other is.

After entering university, if the university participates in CUBA, fortunately, I have the opportunity to display my talents, but if the university does not participate in CUBA, it means that the basketball sports specialty student has to give up basketball, just like the college entrance examination specialty student. Turn to social sports, or physical education, and become a sports reporter and physical education teacher in the future.

This shows how difficult it is to be a real professional basketball player.

Perhaps, this is also the reason for the prevalence of "sports practice is for extra points in the college entrance examination".

In order to improve this situation, or to prepare for the Olympics, after XBA was successful and promoted vigorously, the deputy director hinted to someone many times: properly let go of the 'draft right'.

In other words, the CBA cannot only recruit athletes from youth training and industrial sports, but must absorb CUBA elites. Then your XBA must also recruit CUBA players, so as to expand the influence of CUBA and promote the sports awareness of a new generation of youth.

Ge Xiaotian would definitely not agree.

The players who play the Sancha Cup football match are all strong men. Most ordinary people can reach the level of strong men after intensive training and nourishment with nutrient solution. At present, in Tiancheng's construction team, foreign employees account for 70% of the total number. so.

But strong men play football because they can play Cuju, but they can't play basketball.

Therefore, those who play XBA are all elite troops, more than ten times stronger than strong men.

The reason why Dayao shoots three-pointers and wanders around the perimeter as a "guard" is because he can't rush into the inner circle and can't withstand a reasonable collision.

This is the 'experience' obtained after experiencing life and death, and being injured N times, otherwise how could he owe 200 million in 'nutrition fees'.

Dayao is like this, let alone a rookie selected from CUBA who has experienced life and death.

But the deputy director hinted that it was impossible for Ge Xiaotian to ignore it.

After wanting to come to China for the right to operate the middle and high school basketball games, he notified the Tiancheng Sports Operations Department to sign a cooperation agreement with the North American men's basketball team that had participated in the XBA league twice.

Both sides are commercial competitions, North America wants to enter China, why doesn't Tiancheng want to enter North America?

The end result is:

Before the start of each XBA, the North American men's basketball team gave Franklin 200 million in sponsorship fees.

The cost is shared equally by the ten North American men's basketball teams participating in the XBA and the merchants who sponsor the stars.

For the operators of these ten teams, as well as businesses such as Adidas and Nike, after sharing equally, each company will only spend 20 to 30 million yuan. With this money, they can use the XBA platform to promote their respective teams and brands, thereby driving business operations. , Dividing up the Huaxia market seems worthwhile.

What Tiancheng got was that the North American men's basketball team had to be selected from the CUBA draft, with at least five spots each year, no dismissal within two years, no refrigeration, and no less than ten minutes per game.

In this way, it can be regarded as an explanation to the deputy director.

After all, the reputation of XBA has not surpassed the deep North American men's basketball team for the time being. In terms of driving CUBA's influence, the latter is more concerned.

As for whether CUBA has its own strong man...

It is not too much to enter the university by self-study and play CUBA occasionally.

Besides, college students in their thirties are also normal. After all, some are studying for postgraduate entrance examinations, and some are studying for master's or doctoral degrees...

However, his own strong man has not yet entered the university, and in the past two years he can take the top of the sports specialty students of the technical secondary school.

Look at the two brothers, one fat and one thin, silent, Ge Xiaotian

"Brother, I'm really a scout. Just now, my boss watched your game in CUBA and felt that you are very suitable for the Clippers."


The thin and tall man is also very troubled, because the XBA does not recruit players, he will either enter the CBA or the North American men's basketball team. Now the opportunity has come, but...

"Sorry, I'm only 17 years old. The North American men's basketball draft requires eighteen years old."


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, and suddenly remembered that the other party was recruited into Tiancheng Technical High School from the third year of junior high school, and he joined the college basketball team in the name of Jinxiuchuan University City to play CUBA.


can be operated.

Horton's entry into the Clippers, coupled with the influence of its consortium, although it cannot influence the North American Men's Basketball League, it can make a fuss about the data.

Just like Uncle Mu, who knows how old he is?

"Don't worry, an invitation letter will be sent to your dormitory later."

"I don't know if the school will agree."

"You two continue, I will talk to your school leaders."



Near May, Tiancheng Technical Secondary School has completed its third enrollment.

Most of the students recruited this time are from Xishan, Nanhe, and Shaanxi, and there are few locals from Dongshan.

There are also more than 2,000 international students from Bingxiong, Montenegro, Nanyang, Baxi and other places.

Huaxia students are studying in Jinxiuchuan, and overseas students are studying in Qinggang Aviation Academy.

Due to the completion of the Jinxiuchuan infrastructure project, the military training was transferred to the edge of the Dongyue Beilu Golf Course, which was twenty miles away.

In order to build the golf villa area, Tiancheng Contractor set up many temporary houses there, together with military tents, enough for the students to rest.

This year, Tiancheng did not carry out the 'tank' driving, or step-tan collaborative training project, but deployed 20 sets of two-legged equipment, and 200 sets of assault vehicles transformed from multi-legged excavators, as well as low-altitude drone drills. break defense.

It's not really a sensation, it just attracts dozens of satellites to stare at it around the clock...

Ge Xiaotian came to the office of the principal of the technical secondary school.

Dao Zhang, who is the principal, is communicating with Tiancheng International's human resources department through Shi Guangji.

According to the curriculum arrangement of technical secondary schools, freshmen start school in September, and third-year students will have on-the-job internships.

After two years of learning theoretical knowledge and being familiar with the operation of things, this is the benefit of directional delivery, and it is also the result of the assistance of the system university.

Wait for the Taoist to finish talking.

"How many students will be able to work this year?"

"The group can get the bronze certification, and they can all work."

"What about the diploma?"

"Only two people got shit luck, got the answer right, and cleared the organ tower."

"No wonder I saw the lights in the organ tower still on on the way I came."

"Do you want to lower the difficulty?"

"If I can't do it right, and they can do it right, doesn't that mean I'm stupid?"


"Just kidding, the ability to solve problems in the professional field represents their respective abilities, and also represents the gold content of Tiancheng's graduation certificate."

"What about the two who got the right answer?"

"Sometimes luck is also a symbol of strength. After the post study is over, a graduation certificate will be issued."


"Is there any arrangement for the special sports students?"

"Most of them are preparing to take the college entrance examination, and a small number of them enter the Tiancheng Sports Operation Department. However, some of them are under the age of 18 when they enter the workplace. I arrange for them to participate in the Provincial Games held in the Lotus Stadium in October this year, and then Go to the Neobras Sports Operations Division and be in charge of this year's XBA Neo Division."

"very nice."

Ge Xiaotian wandered around the office, casually flipping through books, "Where are the foreign students?"

"Qinggang Aviation Academy recruits 2,400 overseas students this year, mainly studying aircraft driving, radio communication, research and development and manufacturing of high-tech materials... Our school requires that all applicants must have a lot of space on the Golden East Coast. Only a 120-square-meter property room and a new energy electric car can be admitted, this is to prevent criminals from stealing our school’s confidential materials.”

"120 flat?"

"Basically, two or three people buy in partnership."

"Less, if two or more people buy together, the price must be raised."

"Ten thousand and one flat, you have already sold it at a sky-high price, no one can afford it no matter how high it is. Moreover, some villas are now considered second-hand houses because they were sold to secret agents and spies."

"How can it be called a second-hand house? Those people don't live in it."

"What are you arguing with me? You are engaged in real estate, can you not understand the title document and the first transaction and the second transaction?"


Just as Ge Xiaotian was trying to figure out how to raise the price in another way, the smart card suddenly sounded.

‘Decheng, the person in charge of Desert Watermelon. '


Decheng is located in the northwest of Jifu, on the alluvial plain of the Mother River, and the soil in the territory is mostly alkaline.

In the Tiancheng Xingyuewan industrial chain, Decheng plays the role of a new energy experimental area.

At present, China's largest solar energy manufacturing center, hybrid vehicle assembly center, BYD graphene battery R\u0026D center, Tiancheng Electric Industrial Wind Energy R\u0026D Base, Wanshi Technology Optical Sensing Components Research Institute, and the glass king's capacitive screen, resistive screen, Capacitive touch screen and other six processing plants.

And its subsidiary, Qihe, also owns the largest alkaline soil improved watermelon planting test field in China.

April 21st.

Early watermelons have grown seedlings, and late watermelons have just been sown.

Old Zhou, a melon farmer, squatted on the bank of the Mother River and worked on the watermelon field for a whole day. On the way home, he read the Tiancheng employee handbook by heart, and felt his heart again.

He very much agrees with Ge Wanwan's words: There are thousands of opportunities to make a fortune, if you don't know how to do it, you just don't want to do it.

Last year, when he heard that Tiancheng had sold his shop, he sighed with emotion at this sentence. He tightened his belt, bought a corner building together, and started a cross-season watermelon business, which yielded a lot.

Having money in his pocket also made Lao Zhou more agree with every word Ge Wanwan said.

‘No one wants to plant land for a lifetime, and everyone wants to make money to drive a car. '

‘Dongshan is developing rapidly, and if you don’t seize the opportunity when it comes, what you miss is not a billionaire, but a lifetime! "

Think about it.

Lao Zhou bought a bottle of wine, drank it all in one go, put on his courage, and swaggered into the Limin Activity Center.

"I want to invest in new projects."


The person in charge of the Limin Activity Center secretly prepared an explosion-proof shield, "Uncle, let's sit down and talk about anything."

"Is there any good project? I voted for it."

"What do you do?"

"Grow watermelons."

"Growing watermelons..."

The person in charge looked at Lao Zhou carefully, "Did you drink too much?"

"Drink too much, can I still walk in?"

"Do you really want a good project?"


"I wonder if you know desert watermelon?"

"I've heard of it, nonsense, right?"

"For this project, my boss spent 300 billion to repair the highway, and there was a big news some time ago."

"Isn't that Dongshan Expressway?"

"Those who have access to the desert will be announced on May 1st."


"This is a good project. If you can win Dongshan sales agency, in the future..."

The person in charge raised his eyebrows, "Also, my boss cared very much about the melon field he founded by himself. In order to expand overseas markets, he specially planned a project to build a watermelon brand. If Mr. Zhou is willing, my boss, pay attention, it is my boss." , not Tianmao, nor Tiancheng, is willing to sign a partnership agreement with you."

"Ge...Boss Ge wants to do business with me?"

"Well, it's a rare opportunity. After all, the partners with my boss have all become billionaires."

"Won't you go in?"


"Just kidding, just kidding, I do!"

"Okay, I'll help you get through to the boss..."


"Boss, the excellent melon farmer you brought to our attention last year has been found. Zhou Dafa has a lot of experience in planting watermelons in alkaline sandy soil. Now he has twenty-five corresponding certificates from our Tiancheng certification, and he has also published many technical exchange posts on the forum. , has been recognized by many professors in the field of agriculture."

"Good seed! Let the distinguished guest answer the phone."

"Ge...Mr. Ge."

"Brother, just call me Brother Ge."


"Brother, I'm going to farm in the Northwest. I originally planned to rent two deserts to grow cantaloupe. Then I thought about it. The desert is also a land, but it lacks water. Since the soil is also alkaline, why can't we grow watermelons in the desert? ?”

"Mr. Ge, alkaline soil is not suitable for growing watermelons. The melons are small and not sweet. We were able to succeed on the banks of the mother river because the sandy soil is weakly alkaline, which can be neutralized by adding a small amount of sulfuric acid fertilizer. The desert is extremely alkaline. Strong, and severe water shortage, watermelon lack of nutrition, will die of drought.”

"It doesn't matter if you lack water. The melon seeds we studied are drought-tolerant. Besides, there is water under the desert. Otherwise, where would there be an oasis? In fact, the most terrifying things in the desert are quicksand and storms. I plan to set up wells for the desert. A circle of walls...forget it, let’s talk about it when the time comes, let’s do an experiment on the edge of the desert first, if it succeeds or not, I can still make you lose money?”


"By the way, I heard that my brother opened a fruit shop?"

"Yes, you know?"

"Sure, when our desert watermelon is ripe, I will make it into a brand. I have even thought of a name. The small one is called Gua Gua Le, which is refreshing, sweet and crisp. The middle one is called Ding Gua Gua, which is a kind of insect-killing watermelon. Big ones are called melons, with high nutrition and high protein. Super-sized ones are called melons, which are not attractive to eat, but can be used for carving... Your melon shop will definitely be heard all over the world."


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