Build Madness

Chapter 792 Desert Watermelon Project Tiancheng Supreme Meeting

Ge Xiaotian didn't fool Lao Zhou.

Gua Gua Le, Ding Gua Gua, Gua Da Zhuang, Gua Ba Tian...

This is indeed a brand modeled after the type of watermelon.

It also includes comics and animations of "Battle of the Guagua Family", and "Angry Guagua" entrusted to the game developer Tianrong Angel Investment.

Moreover, he personally named the melon store and designed a unique operation method.

For example, desert grapes are sold in melon stores, but they are not called grapes, they are called: friends of melons.

For example, there is a freezer in the rest area of ​​the melon store. There is no ice cream for cold drinks in it, but only edible ice.

For example, next to the melon store, there must be Lao Li's chain cold fresh meat, so let's put up a sign and write: The mortal enemy of melons.

It can not only attract the attention of customers, but also drive the business of neighbors.

For example, there is a mango smoothie in the melon store, with some watermelon added, called: Melon's partner.


Comrades of melon: cactus fruit (medicinal diet).

Melon traitor: Lubao melon (vegetable, similar in appearance to watermelon, produced in Heilong).

Melon's reinforcements: frog toys, dolls.

Melon information: comics, animation, magazines.

Melon's Hometown: Viewing the Desert in VR.

The trump card of the melon: the follow-up desert watermelon variety.


In short, this is a complete watermelon industry chain.

There are also countless forms of eating, not only various original shapes made with the help of automated equipment, but also watermelon salads prepared according to local tastes, squeezed watermelon drinks rich in plant nutrient solutions, watermelon cakes, watermelon snacks...

Here, no matter children or young people, or middle-aged and old people, can enjoy the fun brought by watermelon.

In fact, Ge Xiaotian planned this plan long before he revealed to the deputy director, the Nine Institutes, and Mr. Yu that he was going to grow watermelons in the desert.

I originally planned to do it myself, and once again show people the talent of Boss Ge in business.

Later, Ge Xiaotian felt that he was already recognized as a business genius by his mother planet, and there was no need to add more icing on the cake. It was better to rely on the desert project to cultivate a few entrepreneurial models and drive people's enthusiasm for investing in the desert.

However, this year's desert watermelon is only a pilot project, and the peak output is only 100,000 tons. Compared with the Chinese market that needs 70 to 80 million tons every year, it is pitifully small, and it is estimated that it can only supply four or five stores.

Is it profit...

Definitely lose money.

Investing in high-speed, research and development of ground-effect transport aircraft, building a desert town, transforming the desert plan, and building a desert server cluster, any of which requires hundreds of billions of funds to support. In the last hundred years, it is impossible to earn back the investment, and it will even lose more and more.

But if the terminal sales are handed over to Lao Zhou, the account cannot be settled in this way.

It is necessary to distinguish the relationship between the two parties so that others can make money.

Ge Xiaotian took a pen and paper and wrote and drew:

"This year there are 300,000 mu of melon fields, 700 seedlings per mu, and about 60 grams of seeds. The Ministry of Aeronautics and Space needs 50 red notes to cultivate 1,000 grams of seeds. The cost of seeds per mu is 3 red notes. The total cost of seeds is about 1 million."

"It is expected to produce 100,000 tons of melons, or about 200 million catties, with a wholesale price of 10 cents per catty, and a total sales of 20 million yuan."

"Tianmao takes 20% for planting and 50% for transportation... almost 14 million is removed."

"The remaining 5 million yuan, after deducting taxes, ten store management fees, and staff salaries, Lao Zhou can get almost 600,000 to 800,000 yuan a year."

In the end, Ge Xiaotian nodded, "Although there is a little less, if you want to open a store, you need to maintain the store. Wait until next year and let Lao Zhou get more. It can also become a model of farmers' entrepreneurship, and maybe it will be featured in Huaxia News."

As for how to make money at home...

In the early stage, only desert watermelon, desert rice, African lungfish, and traditional Chinese medicine were planted, and the cost sharing was ridiculously high. However, if we continue to introduce other companies, such as Chia Tai International, Nanyang Agriculture, and Taiwan Plastics...

Then start a new batch of projects.

Like desert locusts.

With the help of high-temperature environment to build plastic greenhouses, use discarded melon seedlings as natural feed, after adult worms are all packaged, sent to various Limin activity centers, Leige barbecue shop, Tiancheng canteen, fried, grilled, fried, steamed...

Locusts are rich in protein, carbohydrates, insect hormones and other active substances, and contain vitamins A, B, C, and trace elements such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, and manganese. Tongluohuoxue, enhance memory.

It is delicious, a tonic, and a medicinal diet when people eat it.

If the chicken ate...

All of them lay natural and pollution-free double-yolk eggs. (Excess nutrients, of course, there is also the possibility of excessive hormones, but Tian Cheng will not use the latter.)

Thus, desert laying hens, desert eggs...


It has its own car manufacturing, and can engage in desert rally, desert torque car experience field, and desert motorcycle competition.

There is Tianle Tour at home, which can create desert oasis, desert camel sightseeing, and desert adventure.

The house has high-tech, and can install a desert telescope to dig out undiscovered asteroids...

The more industries created, the more people in the east can be attracted to invest, work and live.

When people use ground-effect transport planes and high-speed roads all the way to the west, countless new industries will grow rapidly, and the cost shared by each enterprise will decrease rapidly. When the output value exceeds trillions, the town will turn into a city...

"This is 'Tiancheng (City)'!"


Ge Xiaotian thought for a long time, put down the pen and paper, turned on the GIS system, and found the 'blocked area' on the northwest side of the Sahara.

In order to make this project more convincing, as early as half a year ago, Tiancheng arranged for personnel to go to survey and map, and then arranged a large number of transport planes, with a unit of 40 tons, to transport thousands of tons of urgently needed materials there.

Now, the temporary airport, temporary gathering place, pilot watermelon field, including the server cluster transferred to the desert, have all been settled.

There is no shortage of people, no shortage of equipment, and it has been secretly exploited to restructure the "grass square grid". The "four square grid" sand control project in the form of real estate developers has started.

This year's goal: 500,000 mu, including the previously calculated 300,000 mu of melon fields.

If it wasn't so fast...

The system farmland is square.

Is it okay to level the sand dunes and only build strip foundations?

All of the above is one of the main news released by Tiancheng during the May 1st Golden Week this year.

That is to say, "all the way to the west" is publicized, and formal investment promotion begins.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian signaled Eleven, "Notify Tianmao to help Lao Zhou set up Guagua Company, and enroll him in a cram school, so that he can learn Tiancheng's corporate culture in depth before Damo Watermelon is put on the shelves."


When Dao Shiyi left, Ge Xiaotian looked at the representatives of the third-grade lecturers, counselors, and a dozen deans who were summoned because of the arrangement of the third-grade students.

When everyone came to the office, they were immediately attracted by the half-real, half-simulated industrial area in the GIS system.

"How about it?"

"The boss is a genius!"

"No, I mean, do you want to go?"


Who really wants to go, isn't it good to stay in school?

"You all know that our Tiancheng Secondary School has a hard and fast rule. When students enter school, they follow the lecturer through the first and second grades, and then follow the lecturer to learn. After one year, the students enter the job, and the lecturer returns to the school to guide the new students. We can all sign agreement."


"It's great over there. The scenery is unique. The sky is high and the land is wide. It's cold if you want to be cold, and hot if you want to be hot. You can eat the melons we grow and the chickens we raised. You don't have to go out of school, and you don't have to worry about students running to the Internet..."

The principal asked curiously, "Boss, what do you mean, where do we want to open a branch school?"

"Yeah, with so many industries, how can there be no education system? Besides, on-the-job internships are not entry-level jobs. You need to have a formal residence and a unified learning place. I plan to let you lead the team there."


"Okay, the notification is in place. You should prepare as soon as possible after you go back. After May 1st, take the special line of Shandong Airlines to go directly to Sahara."

"Forced landing?"

"The temporary airport has been repaired, and it will land like a goose at most."


"Don't worry, as of now, our handjob is 100% safe."

Ge Xiaotian was just about to leave when he suddenly remembered the fat man and the tall thin man, "There is a basketball player named Huang Zhipeng who is going to participate in the North American men's basketball draft. It's a problem."



The next day, April 21st.

The top management meeting of Tiancheng Real Estate Development was officially held in the comprehensive auditorium of Jinxiuchuan University City.

Attendees included Chairman Nanhe Tianhao, Director of Beijing Tiancheng Office, Chairman Beihe Tianbo, Chairman Xishan Sanjin, Chairman Shandi Tianwang, Chairman Jianfu Tiancheng, Heilong Construction Delegation, Magic City Wuzhou Avenue Director of the office, director of Nanyun Tiancheng Business Department, and Sahara Town.

The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate the overall resources and assist all the way to the West Expressway.

The second is... to build a spectacle.

The 21 wonders in the 15th city of Dongshan were hidden in the snow for two years, not to keep them as trump cards, but were demolished three times. After reconstruction, they underwent more than a dozen major changes.

Without it, our own development is too fast, and this thing can't keep up with the form.

It was built for the first time, imitating famous overseas structures.

Logically speaking, in 2002, it was quite compelling, but now Tiancheng has become the object of overseas imitation, such as Xingyue Coordinates in Xiangxian County, Shisuo Building in Yunxian County, Water Chestnut Building in Wenxian County, Sancha UFO Gymnasium, Jishi Lotus Sports Center, layout of Jinxiuchuan University Town, Zaoshi Star Sports Center, Neobras God of War sculpture...

If you imitate others, you will lose the price properly.

So they demolished and rebuilt, and built ancient Chinese buildings.

But Xingyue Bay is a symbol of the new era, and it has nothing to do with the ancient style. It would be awkward to have an ancient building at the entrance.

So, it was dismantled again.

What to build next...

Ge Xiaotian sorted out the things he had at home, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he decided to arrange a space launch site for each of the 21 communities.

One is to drive residents' enthusiasm for high-tech.

The second is to promote young people's yearning for space.

The third is to popularize technology, attract popularity, and further enhance the standard of Xingyue Bay.

Besides, Xingyue Bay has the word Xingyue, which matches the launch site very well.

After the construction was confirmed, Maoxiong's space launch sites in the style of the 1970s and 1980s landed one after another.

Then transform it so that its style is biased towards the future.

Coincidentally, the Zigbee network was upgraded, and the radius of a single base station was expanded from the original kilometer to five kilometers. The base station signal receiver was also added with a satellite signal conversion device. Therefore, the space launch site has a radar and a ground monitoring station...

The whole is both true and false, and from the outside, even experts would say it is true.

And from the inside...

The ground monitoring station is similar to the satellite control center, and the Zigbee network base station is the same as a small server, while Tiancheng's server is much larger than the outside world due to its many storage modules.

Coupled with simulated satellite launches, simulated rocket technology, and 3D martial arts game servers deployed in various places...

Even if you enter the inside, as long as you don't operate it, no one will dare to say it is fake.

Think about it, if it was made public the day before May 1st Golden Week, how sensational would it be?


Inside the auditorium.

The bigwigs who can influence the real estate market in North China gathered together.

Ge Xiaotian sat firmly on the rostrum, and after introducing the spectacle of the "Space Launch Site" to everyone, "The Dongshan Zifeng network has been upgraded as a whole, and the Internet access speed is more than ten times higher than that of the previous generation. Moreover, after adding the 'Visible Light Communication' technology, in time, the rocket will be on the ground." The installation of small artificial suns in half will greatly increase the rate of information transmission, and the form of Internet access will also change from searching for wireless signals to light visible to the naked eye."

"Everyone knows that as personal terminals become more and more intelligent, more and more programs have the function of reading, storing and receiving signals in real time. If the environment signal is strong, the smart card consumes less power. If the environment signal Weak, the smart card will increase the power of the signal receiver and increase power consumption, which leads to the fact that the ordinary battery of 800 mAh can last for two weeks, but now the ordinary battery of 2500 mAh can only be used for three days, so compared to Yadi will develop graphene batteries and special-shaped batteries for compressing the internal space of mobile phones."

"But if there is visible light, the strength of the signal will be determined by the light. Even in the dark, as long as the mobile phone is in an environment with light, it does not need to increase the power of the signal receiver, thereby reducing battery consumption."

"This is another great benefit of building an 'aero launch site' besides attracting popularity, popularizing technology, and promoting the development of aviation."

"In addition, if you place an order now, I will give you a 9.1% discount."

Chairman Man Hall: "..."

Why did you call us to a meeting just to sell this thing?

Also, it is strictly required to reserve land for structures in various places, just for today?

"There is only one chance, after the May Day Golden Week, the price will increase!"

After the days are divided into families, each family is different. If you want to exchange funds, you must go through the formal process, instead of Boss Ge yelling, the younger brothers have to pay, and you must find a suitable project as the method of capital operation.

At present, although Ge Xiaotian is the chairman of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings, in fact he only has three companies under his name, Tiancheng Construction, Tiancheng Real Estate Development, and Tianxiu Group.

The last one is just an empty shell and can be ignored. Ge Xiaotian only holds 5% of the first two shares, and the rest is distributed to the brawny men in charge of middle and lower management.

But even so, his personal wealth is still among the top ten in China.

If would be a little scary.

"Boss, how much does a single seat cost?" Brother Hao secretly signaled everyone to be safe and decided to test someone.

No way, Tianhao Group is also poor.

Tiancheng is a comprehensive enterprise supported by Tianrong, Tianle, Tianwei, Tiancheng Electric Industry, Wanshi Technology, etc.

But Tianhao is not like this. Tianhao can’t manage Tianrong, Tianle, etc., and sometimes has to serve each other. It is only a real estate development and construction contractor.

Therefore, if Tianhao earns ten yuan, Tiancheng may take away five yuan, and the rest will be used to recharge the VIP of the chamber of commerce and pay the annual membership fee.

Being squeezed in this way, the year-end bonus is calculated according to the income at the end of the year. If the regional target cannot be achieved, I am afraid that the money will be paid.

How many companies are there that require employees to pay back money?

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