Build Madness

Chapter 793 Tiancheng Supreme Meeting

The younger brothers are all cultivated by themselves, and Ge Xiaotian knows well what brother Hao thinks.

With a slight smile, he looked at the crowd:

"Leaving aside the cost of the 'spectacle', let's talk about the development of companies in various places."

"After two years of laying the groundwork, Nanhe Tianhao Group has basically taken shape. In the future, its main business will no longer be limited to selling houses. Like Tiancheng, it will rely on the resources of the chamber of commerce to build its own industrial chain, such as Tianhao Yunxian Toy Factory, Tianhao Bianliang Film and Television City, Tianhao Huayuankou flower tourism base, and a series of manufacturing plants invested by Tianhao..."

"Through the above, the value-added real estate will drive the sales of commercial housing and the leasing business of shops. Tianhao's revenue ratio in the first half of this year has increased by 250%."

"A very auspicious number, which means that Tianhao International's total profit this year will far exceed that of previous years, almost five or six times that of last year, and it also means that this is a transformation."

"The same is true of Beihe Tianbo, which built its reputation through Wangjing Real Estate, used Huaxia No. 1 Street to promote its own brand, and used Shen Zhipeng's Ginza industry to repair its shortcomings due to too fast development. Now the overall revenue has reached Nanhe Tianbo. Two-thirds of Howe Group, the future can be expected."


Ge Xiaotian looked at Boss Mei, and always felt that the other party's head was weird, "Xishan is very good."

The latter was a little panicked, "Well, boss, don't treat them differently, I am one of my own, so talk more."



"Although Shandi Tianwang was established relatively late, there are many regions to help, plus it is responsible for the terminal project of the all-way west expressway, building Yulin and ALS ground-effect transport aircraft airports. In the future, Xishan will definitely become a 'hub' to the desert, with great potential. huge."

"So, don't think that I'm planning on your year-end bonus. Profits in various places have skyrocketed, and you will definitely not be treated badly at the end of the year. And the purpose of today's meeting is mainly to coordinate all the way to the west. As for the spectacle of this base station, I will just say that, As soon as everyone listens to it, go back and prepare the money and it’s over.”

"Hands up if you disagree."

Brother Hao and the others: "..."

"Well, since we all agree, let's talk about heading west."

'Xiaomian, is it meaningful to entangle this issue with me? '

Ge Xiaotian curled his lips in secret, and turned on the projection equipment, "Everyone has got the road map of the high-speed project in their respective areas, and I believe they have all understood it in depth.

"The highway heading west is currently the only channel connecting Dongshan and the Great Northwest. In addition to the service areas along the way and the industrial parks at the upper and lower crossings, it is also related to whether everyone can obtain desert products."

"What does that mean?"

"From the end of next year, tens of millions of tons of watermelon will be 'transported to the east'. The desert-type ground-effect transport plane will arrive in Shaanxi, leaving one tenth of it. One, enter the Nanhe River, leave one-tenth, enter the Beihe River, leave one-tenth, then the remaining third, go north to the northeast, and one-third enter Dongshan, and finally send it to Jianfu and Shanghai Wuzhou Avenue."

"The same goes for desert rice, African lungfish, traditional Chinese medicines such as cistanche, desert laying hens and eggs."

"Some people may say that one-tenth of the total output is far from enough to meet the needs of my family's industry."

"Yes, definitely not enough."

"Therefore, it is necessary to increase investment in the northwest desert."

"But just like the statistics I gave you, the increase in the revenue ratio means that all places have to spend money and build a 'miracle' to increase the speed of the Zigbee network. We are not listed companies, cannot raise funds, and rarely Loans, insufficient funds, what should I do?"

"In order to solve this problem, I will bring the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce into the 2.0 era, and join together for manufacturing and investment..."

"After more than half a year of adjustment and improvement, the project has matured."

Ge Xiaotian opened the GIS system, "However, don't use ordinary people's thinking to think about how to persuade customers to invest in Damo, we must let people scramble to offer investment."

"But the question is, how can we create this situation?"

"Ding Hao, you answer."

"Boss, if I'm in Nanhe, I will quietly put the project investment program on the smart card. Everyone can install it. There is no publicity or publicity, and there are no discounts or guarantees. Only the first batch of people who install it, that is, Our employees discuss this matter with each other in various places, including the Baixiaotong information platform, to "unintentionally" attract the curiosity of people around us, and then let the other party know about the project through their own employees, so that they feel "profitable", Then install this program alone and complete the project investment alone."

After Brother Hao finished speaking, he concluded: "To put it simply, it is to make it a trend. I saw that everyone is investing in the desert, and I happen to have some funds on hand. Instead of investing in construction machinery whose yield has declined, it is better to try this new project."

"Yes, it makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian operated the GIS system and put the picture on the screen behind him, "Actually, in the past two years, we have been doing something similar to what Brother Hao said, that is 'angel charity'."

"Every time people donate a sum of money, even if it is anonymous, the money has the characteristics of 'context', where the money goes, who it is given to, what it is used for, where it is made, and what it is taken What are the materials, what is the price of the materials, and who provided the materials... To put it bluntly, if I donate a house, I can get the cost, design, and beneficiary information of the house.”

"Of course, in order to protect the personal privacy of the beneficiaries, we will formulate relevant legal provisions, which will not only ensure that the donations are good, but also ensure that the beneficiaries can become talents."

"And in the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce 2.0 model, investing in construction equipment also has this simple function."

"But investing in Damo seems very unreliable."

"Therefore, the Department of Aeronautics and Space has added a map function and a customer representative to visit the application button in the 'context to follow' system."

"That is to say, customers invest in the Sahara No. N area and plant corresponding crops according to the type of investment. If customers are not at ease, they only need to pay a certain travel fee to visit the site."

"In this way, isn't it very reliable?"

"Because it looks very reliable, we don't need to recommend it to customers, but ask customers to actively invest."

The female DJ in charge of Jianfu Tiancheng raised her hand and said, "Boss, do you mean to say that this project is very unreliable, and we can't guarantee it to customers, so we need to do this?"

"I found that your understanding of Tiancheng's corporate culture is not thorough enough, go back and deepen it, and don't ask such meaningless questions in the future."

Female DJ: "..."

It's not that Ge Xiaotian doesn't want to give customers a guarantee, but he can't.

Tian Cheng's way of governing the desert was already full of 'magic'. Although he knew that he would succeed, the outside world did not.

Supporters, such as the chairman, deputy director, Wan Lao, and President Yu, were all worried, and even secretly prepared hundreds of billions of funds, preparing to turn the tide and prevent Tiancheng from collapsing when Tiancheng failed.

Opponents, such as the remnants of the Devil's Chamber of Commerce, Wei Changfeng, Mr. Zhao, Chen Donghai, etc., all wished for Tiancheng's failure, and then gloated over Tiancheng's misfortune to carve up Tiancheng's property.

In this situation, if the customer is guaranteed to be profitable, it will definitely be criticized.

Because there is no investment method that can guarantee that investment is risk-free, the essence of investment lies in the control of risks.

And any investment that is guaranteed to be risk-free is not called investment, it is called cheating, and it is called illegal capital. (masked words)

Therefore, investing in the desert, even if it is open, must create some "natural disasters and man-made disasters" to make customers nervous, and like to increase the profit share.

This also creates a sense of 'coolness', or: a sense of accomplishment.

Let customers boast when they meet: 'Look, how discerning I am. '

In this way, this project will attract a group of people who dare to take risks and want to make a lot of money.

As for how much subsequent investors can earn...

It's not up to the family to make more money, but it's not up to the family to make more money?

For example, if you invest 10 million yuan, the expected return is 2 million yuan.

Suddenly one day, a sandstorm swept across the desert.

Online news rushed to report, and after hearing the news, the client was very desperate, thinking that the investment might lose money.

However, in order to ensure the interests of the client, Tiancheng dispatched the construction department and contacted the Northwest Construction Corps to jointly rescue the crops invested by the client.

In the end, the project not only survived, but also made a profit of one million!

Will customers be ecstatic?

Will he be grateful to Tian Cheng and the Northwest Construction Corps?

But in reality, this sandstorm is very small...

An investment of 10 million yuan ended up making a profit of 3 million yuan, but after giving 1 million yuan to the client, Tian Cheng took the remaining 2 million yuan into his pocket.

Capital, if it has a conscience, can it still be called capital?

But you can't say that Tiancheng pits customers, because customers really earn money, even more than investing in other projects.

Therefore, the expected income in the agreement is just a word, and the actual income is two different things.

In another time and space, there are more investment routines.

For example, project A with an investment rate of return of 5%, in fact, the operating company uses funds to invest in project B with a rate of return of 10%, which is more risky. After project B makes a profit, it will return the profit of project A to the customer and earn The price difference, if the riskier project B loses money, the company will run away...

For example, a project with an investment yield of 5% is actually a loan with funds, or it is used to fill the accounts of a certain company...

In short, investment does have risks.

As for whether it violates the law, the operating company is looking for loopholes in the law.

For the sake of reputation, Ge Xiaotian will definitely not deceive customers, and the plan he envisioned is just a "game".

Just like the stock market, under the ups and downs, there are countless pains and joys hidden, so that billions of "players" who are willing to take risks can be retained, and countless news can be created.

The same is true for Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce 2.0, but it is more exciting to play 'natural disasters and man-made disasters'.

Ge Xiaotian removed the factors related to the system, and described the above ideas through the GIS system...

Brother Hao and the others were dumbfounded.

"I decided to publicize 'All the Way to the West' on the last day of the May 1st Golden Week, but I will not reveal too much about the project content, leaving countless suspense to the outside world. In the next year, everyone needs to lay out and all the way to the West Product-related stores, planning and operating plans, and creating... just like the atmosphere that Brother Hao said."

"The boss means..."

Brother Hao was worried that some people would not understand, so he explained again: "Have you ever seen cat and mouse? Once Jerry read a book and pretended to laugh, which aroused Tom's curiosity, but Jerry didn't let Tom see what he read. The book, so that Tom snatched the book later, probably meant that."

Everyone flipped through the silver, Shuai Bo complained: "You think we are stupid?"


Ge Xiaotian smiled cheerfully, "Okay, let's talk about going west this year first. I hope everyone can make serious preparations, strictly implement it, and strive to build Damo into Tiancheng's second industrial chain."

"Yes, boss!"

"Next, let's talk about the agricultural trade war and the civil aviation industry."

Ge Xiaotian switched the projection, "This year Dongshan planted cotton to fight against North America's cotton spot manipulation. Tianrong has won a small victory in this regard, but the loss of the soybean meal market is an indisputable fact. Even if the expansion of Neobras Farm is doubled, But it will not be harvested until the second half of this year, which will not improve the current situation, and the Neobras farm is too small compared to North America, Western Australia, and Australia."

"The desert can grow watermelons, grow rice, and raise fish. The first batch of products will be on the market in September. Does that also mean that if Tiancheng says that he owns millions or even tens of millions of acres of soybeans in the desert, the outside world will Will you believe it too?"

"Boss, what do you mean, let's use this fake news to attack the soybean meal spot market?"

"Yes, to slow down the opponent's offensive, it is best to delay until October when Neobras agricultural products arrive in Dongshan."

"Then why don't we grow soybeans in the desert?"

"It is possible, but it needs to be 'sand reformed soil' through adhesives. It is easy to say a few thousand acres, but millions of acres, or tens of millions of acres, requires four to five thousand red notes per mu. How much manpower is needed, Financial resources, material resources? At least not right now, besides, if there is no desert, it will inevitably change the climate and environment of the entire sub-region, heavy rainfall, or severe drought, the gains outweigh the losses.”

Brother Hao was thoughtful, "You mean, let us control the price of soybean meal in the industry?"

"To be precise, it is to reduce the price of non-GMO soybeans. We will use a sum of money to compensate farmers, buy at high prices and sell at low prices, and impact the non-GMO soybean market."

"Boss, you have to spend money on the first few projects, and if you lose money on this one, we, Jianfu, have not yet made a profit, so we can't bear it."

"No, this subsidy is provided by Tianrong. Tianrong will definitely make a lot of money by attacking the opponent's soybeans in the spot market. How much subsidy should be given to farmers will never be less than one cent, but the purchase still needs to rely on Everyone."

"That's no problem. Let's pay for the acquisition first, and then we'll be fine as long as the funds from the Tiantian financing arrive in the account on time." Shuai Bo nodded.

"Since this is no problem, let's talk about civil aviation."

In fact, corn is also related to the agricultural trade war, but corn is a strategic reserve, and the superiors have conservative planting areas, such as the Great Northwest Construction Corps, and Tian Cheng does not need to consider this aspect for the time being.

At present, we mainly deal with soybean meal and cotton, because it is related to farming and textiles.

As for rice, wheat...

More and more desert rice will be planted, and the No. 101 wheat variety in Dongshan Farmer's Experimental Field will also be vigorously promoted.

Ge Xiaotian switched the GIS system projection, "The ground-effect transport aircraft is about to be put into use. Before that, we still need to engage in short-distance civil aviation to connect the entire Northland into one and form an aviation grid to assist passenger and cargo transportation."

"This year, Dongshan Airlines, invested by Tiancheng, has obtained the authorization of 20 small and medium-sized airports. This is a good start, and it can also set an example for everyone in the region."

"After returning home, everyone took Dongshan Airlines as an example and chatted with the big leaders in various places to invest or control the airlines in their respective regions, regardless of their size, we all invested in aircraft."

"Boss, we have no money."

"Yes, this year's year-end award is for everyone here, ten small and medium-sized transport planes per person."

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