Build Madness

Chapter 794 The Northern Lands Are Formed Together

The year-end awards were revealed, and there was no sound in the auditorium.

Sending out tua first, and then handjob, seems to be getting more and more difficult, but in fact, even the child's milk powder money is included.

Even if Brother Hao doesn't love money, he still can't stand it. Taking a look at Shuai Bo, he has a posture of revolting.

The latter glanced at the 50 school security guards sitting in the front row, showing 'Are you stupid' eyes, and then wailed:

"Boss, we can't play like this, or should I go back to make a movie?"

Among the crowd, Shuai Bo is the worst.

Boss Mei has a mine at home, Brother Hao has won the year-end bonus (in the first year), and the female DJ has also received salary.

And he.

In the year when he became a film star, someone Ge gave him a choice, either to get a dividend from the film, or to be the boss of Wangjing.

A wise man would definitely choose the latter.

Now that the status is established, the deposit in the smart card has always been negative...

Just like the old saying that was widely circulated within Tian Cheng and recognized by everyone: It looks glamorous on the surface, but in fact there is no money in his pocket.

(Tiancheng employees who build a house in the countryside or buy a house in the city will advance their wages for the next few years, which means they owe Ge Xiaotian money.)

"Xiao Bo, you owe me 50 million yuan, but I still insist on giving you a year-end bonus. I have done so many times at home and abroad. Where can I find such a generous boss?"

Shuai Bo opened his mouth and swallowed mmp abruptly.

Why do I owe so much? Don't you have any coordinate coefficients in mind?

"Rewarding the plane this time is a good opportunity for you to turn around. Think about it, if you take your own year-end bonus, that is, 20 planes to invest in a certain airline in Beihe, this is equivalent to investing in shares in your own name, and you can earn as much as you want , has nothing to do with Tian Cheng, or me."

"Hiss... makes sense!"

Brother Hao's eyes lit up, and he patted Shuaibo on the shoulder, "This time it's a real blessing."

The latter pulled away the big rough hands on his shoulders in disgust, "Do you also believe what the boss says?"

"But I don't feel bad about getting twenty transport planes for nothing."

Boss Mei next to him nodded seriously, "It's really not a loss."

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back, and you don't get bonuses."

"I want to eat, but the company belongs to me. Boss Ge doesn't want it. It makes me panic all day long, for fear of falling into the footsteps of Boss Wanshi."


I'm afraid you're going to pay my boss all your mines.

Shuai Bo rolled his eyes, simply ignored this guy, looked at Brother Hao, and said desperately: "Don't you know that there is only one airline in the world that makes a profit, and the rest are all compensated? It's like the three major airlines in China. It's all reorganized!"


"In case of losing money, it has nothing to do with Tian Cheng or the boss. In other words, we have to pay for it ourselves."

"Damn it, it's so dark!"

"Keep your voice down."


Ge Xiaotian was worried about being beaten, so he sat at least 20 meters away from Tiancheng's district-level directors, and there was a row of school security guards in between, so he couldn't hear the discussions below.

"To be honest, in order to increase my status for everyone, I am so worried that I don't think about food and tea. Twenty small and medium-sized transport planes, no matter how cheap they are, the unit price will not be less than 100 million Franklins. This means that everyone here He will gain nearly 20 billion in assets, and his ranking on the rich list will increase a lot.”

Everyone: "..."

Fudge, keep flicking!

Who still looks at the rich list now?

Ge trillion ranked 108th.

Shen Zhipeng ranked 126th.

Li's richest man in Beijing is ranked 321st.

Chen Feng's worth is definitely not inferior to Shen Zhipeng, but he is not on the list.

What's even more ridiculous is that Old King Longtian was ranked 66th.

And who is on it?

First place: Qi Feifei.

The second richest woman in China, she is in charge of Tianba Dongba TUA, Sancha Wuling, Beihe Great Wall and other brands of automobiles, and holds nearly a hundred automobile trade cities in Beidi.

Second place: Qin Ming.

The chairman of Daqin Bingfeng owns five aircraft carriers to be delivered, three aircraft carriers under construction, more than 30 warships of various types, hundreds of ironclad ships, and an unknown number of precision machining factories. Qin Hei Ya.

Logically speaking, he can be the richest man, but... everyone knows who is behind the scenes.

Third place: Hong xx.

Its various gray machines are preparing to develop aerospace fighters.

I don't know its name, I can't see its person, it's full of mystery.

But it is said that they are Sancha people...

All in all, Tiancheng regards the China Rich List as an advertising platform.

Once someone's industry has a new project, whoever can sit in the position of the richest man for a period of time.

Just like this investment going all the way west, everyone has to be on the list...

"That's it. The high speed all the way to the west, plus the aviation grid, and the water conservancy project under construction. From now on, the north will be connected into one piece, forming a community. If you want to beat anyone, let's copy them together."

‘Hehe, next time you fight, you will fight yourself! '

Everyone looked at each other and made a secret decision.

Ge Xiaotian sat too far away to see the reaction below, so he switched the GIS system contentedly.

"The spectacle of the launch site, the high-speed road all the way to the west, the investment in the desert industry, and the laying of short-distance civil aviation are all key projects this year. Next, let's talk about some seemingly insignificant things that can affect the real estate market."

The chairman of the board of directors from all over the country received the notice of the meeting half a month in advance, and also got the summary of the meeting.

Wen Yan turned the material to the end.

"In the past two years, Tiancheng Xingyue Bay has mainly focused on housing, insisting on one household and one apartment, and even established a real estate transaction company to deal with second-hand housing transactions to stabilize housing prices."

"However, as the Xingyuewan brand is recognized by more people and the concept of value preservation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, we have to consider the factor of 'big customers'."

Ge Xiaotian switched the projection and cited a case.

Lao Zhang is a rich man, with more than a dozen companies under his name, receiving tens of millions of dividends every year.

But Lao Zhang is not good at managing money, and he doesn't want to deposit money in the bank, so what should he do?

buy house.

Bought two buildings in the prosperous section of Jifu.

Here comes the problem, these two buildings are not rented or sold, and they don’t even need properties. Every night, the surrounding lights are feasting, but here it is dark.

Not to mention that the citizens are troubled by it, even the Ji government can't stand it.

Not because it affects the appearance of the city, but it is easily reminiscent of the real estate recession.

"Group sales and new property sales have almost saturated the real estate market in the suburbs. Next, we have to face 'big customers'. As real estate developers, we can't let 'big customers' go. How to solve the problem?" Negative question?"

Shuai Bo raised his hand and said, "The buyers are required to turn on the lights."

"When someone buys a house, it belongs to them. According to the law, we have no right to ask the other party what to do."

"Send solar lighting equipment to collect energy during the day and illuminate at night." Brother Hao suggested.

"You pay for this budget?"

The female DJ said: "Repair the building on the periphery and create an exterior wall lighting project. From a distance, it is both beautiful and beautiful."

"They just want a house in Xingyue Bay."

Boss Mei: "It's better to change the follow-up sales to sell two-thirds and keep one-third, staggering each other. The whole building will be on and off, which is normal."

"It's easy to say in summer, but what about winter? You don't live downstairs and upstairs, and you turn on the floor heating to keep your home warm? Besides, although there are only a few people who buy the whole building, big customers are not short of money, and no one wants their house to be zero." It's so scattered that I can't remember the house number."


"This is what I think, gather big customers together, buy the whole building, or buy a dozen households, ten people will form a community, building No. 1 is used for living, and all the follow-up will be saved. Get up every morning, Lie down by the window and take a look, and feel at ease."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he made a list, "This type of community is basically uninhabitable, so there is no property fee, no heating, gas, water and electricity fees, and only a small management fee is required."

"In order to avoid negative impact, we will use the management fee to build the lighting project, and arrange for Tianwei security guards with higher standards from the perspective of clothing. Well, there are only four or five people."

"In addition to these, we can also provide cash-out services for big customers. That is to say, if a big customer needs money urgently one day and wants to sell the real estate, Tiancheng Real Estate Service Company will recover according to the current price."

"This plan is just a trial run. Each region can set up a dedicated one in each city-level Xingyue Bay. If the effect is good, it will be extended to county-level Xingyue Bay or new rural communities."

Brother Hao raised his hand and said, "Boss, what should we do if we encounter real estate flippers if we open a quota for house purchases? Or, what should we do if we encounter those who are specially used to trade second-hand houses to earn the price difference?"

"In the past, our plate was small and we couldn't handle the tricks of the real estate speculators, but it's different now. There is no shortage of houses in Xingyue Bay, and it will double in size in the future. We can sell as much as the real estate speculators are willing to buy. Yes. It’s a good thing for us. It’s just that everyone needs to find out them based on the ‘big database’ and sell them some houses that don’t affect other residents. It’s best to focus on villas and duplex houses. If the other party’s demand is large, then compile according to customer information. A small real estate plan, which is specially sold to the real estate speculators. As for the house price, if it rises, it will fall, and it will drop slightly, or it will remain unchanged for many years, which is normal, and it can also prove that our house price is indeed stable."

Boss Mei nodded, "Actually, a long time ago, I wanted to suggest that our family should relax restrictions on house purchases. When selling a house, 30% is rigid demand and 70% is investment. Maybe the proportion of investment will be higher. We don't do this business. It’s like sending money to your competitors.”

"It used to be to build the Xingyuewan brand and win control over the real estate market. Now the time is right, and it's not too late."

"Then...boss, do you want to get rid of the real estate developers that are reserved everywhere?"

"No need, the real estate market is huge. Our family can take up to 30% of Beidi at most. Even if it is in Ginza, it will be less than 50% in the end, and the rest will be divided up by the new rural community... You have to let them drink Soup?"

Ge Xiaotian kept in mind the principle of 'one family should not dominate', while cultivating Lao Shen, he occasionally created a few competitors.

Boss Mei has studied Tiancheng's corporate culture in depth, so he naturally understands some of the truths contained in it, "Then I will go back and secretly support a few opponents, engage in a price war, and take this opportunity to create some hot news, which will also attract more people to shut down. "

"It's getting more and more big picture."

Ge Xiaotian was full of admiration, "It's just that your hair... looks quite unique."

"Hey, this is called zero inch."


Ge Xiaotian turned off the projector, and suddenly remembered some trivial things, "The Northland is connected into one, and the data of the smart card in each region is shared, and the customer information is shared, but I don't want companies from all over the country to push marketing advertisements across regions, and they must strictly follow the Zigbee network charging model. It is targeted and time-sensitive, making advertising push a 'life service'."



The chairman of the board of directors from all over the country is very busy, and it is difficult to get together. It is impossible to hold only one collective meeting.

In the next few days, Ge Xiaotian had a one-on-one detailed understanding of the operating conditions in various places.

For example, Nanhe Xinbao Qingtian series of film and television.

For example, the acquisition of many tourist spots in Beihe.

For example, the renovation progress of the ancient city of Xishan Pingyao.

For example, the renovation project of Hukou Waterfall in Shaanxi...

Until April 26, a piece of news that was not shocking but caused a global sensation came.

Huaxia successfully developed China's first 'photonic computer'.

This means that the nine institutes have finally given up on the conventional path of silicon electronics technology and embarked on a path of 'optical technology' similar to that of Tiancheng.

The basis for manufacturing the photonic computer is the relevant materials that Tiancheng provided to Jiu a year ago.

It relies on high-density laser beams entering an array of mirrors and lenses for information processing.

Photons replace electrons, optical operations replace electrical operations, and logical operations and information storage are performed.

The algorithm is definitely not binary, that is, there is no so-called '0' and '1', but uses the wavelength, frequency, polarization state, and phase of light to represent different data.

The reason why it is a sensation is that Huaxia has developed the world's smallest photon directional coupler using a micron-scale semiconductor laser, which can decompose and control light in a semiconductor layer with a width of only 0.07 to 0.1 microns. The device is twenty times more powerful.

It will take at least twenty years to achieve this twenty times.

very hopeless.

This reminds the technology alliance of the semiconductor company that was extradited a year ago, and the ATI technology company that disappeared in Alaska.

But the Science and Technology Alliance cannot admit defeat. The North American Bell Research Institute published a news claiming that the second-generation quantum computer was authorized to IBM to be used in the production of the fastest server on the parent star, with calculations exceeding 100 trillion operations.

It's a pity that Longtian Laowang jumped out and declared that the Longtian graphene optoelectronic computer has reached 2000 trillion times per second.

Well, Pharaoh is not rough.

And the result is...

North America once again launched a new round of technological blockade and trade strike against Longtian, a game console manufacturer.

But in North America, SG pad sales are still booming.

At the same time, the Ninja League, which acquired Sega Game Company, announced that it will invest 500 million Franklin to develop an epoch-making game based on the second-generation touch-screen SG pad of Longtian, which will rectify the name of Sega.

the next day.

Launched the touchscreen SG pad.

The touch screen smart card was launched.

The touch screen 3D navigator was launched.

The series of touch-screen household appliances was launched.

Longtian's first home console 688 is listed...


Watermelon Ninja is now available.

The Sims hits shelves.

Minecraft update.

Tianyu launched the first 3D martial arts online game of Mother Star...

The suppliers who have been taken care of by Angel Investment for two years, and secretly developed, also took out their first cards.

April 30th.

One night passed, as if the whole world had changed.

Especially at the gate of Xingyue Bay, the space launch sites with milky white halos on the top...

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