Build Madness

Chapter 796 Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes

As the largest comprehensive entertainment company in China, Tianyu has always paid attention to authenticity and timeliness in online news.

As long as the content includes the six elements of news, time, place, person, cause, process, and result, and complies with the relevant laws, even if the big boss of the company wholesales twenty boxes of brain-tonifying liquid with different flavors and hides the drinking, Tianyu will Dare to give it a headline.

This is the business model formulated for Tianyu’s news business when Gao Song was the chairman of Tianyu.

But now, the touch-screen version of the smart card is hot, and it also has camera and video functions. The news of "a man was injured and hospitalized because of dismantling the home console" became a hot topic immediately.

Refinement, pinning, and tipping, before noon, the number of replies exceeded 100,000.

But the response was a bit intriguing...

"tui, every time a new product is released, why are you so shameless?"

"Second Ge, how much is Lao Wang giving you?"

"In the past, when new products were released, it was fine for friends and merchants to blackmail each other all the time, but now they are playing self-hacking!"

"Boycott this kind of news!"

"Real-name report to Tianyu..."

"Report a fart, as long as you have bought a house, you will know that Tianyu's reporting hotline is exactly the same as Tiancheng Real Estate's customer service!"


"It fooled me into buying a small high-rise."



Unable to bear the 'pressure' brought by the 'Internet public opinion', Longtian Old King showed up again after the launch of Longtian's new product and held a press conference.

The scene was extremely serious, but unfortunately there were only two people...

"In order to protect its own intellectual property rights, Longtian Technology products are strictly prohibited from dismantling. This is a solemn statement that has remained unchanged for two years, and it is also protected by multiple laws."

"Longtian will not bear any responsibility for the damage and loss caused by human factors such as cracking and dismantling. Instead, the parties will be held accountable for the loss of Longtian's property rights and image loss."

"It needs to be reiterated that Longtian products will not explode, but in the unofficial dismantling process, it will touch a specific mechanism, destroy the internal chipset with a mechanical impact, generate a kind of kinetic energy, and make a loud noise, causing the smart card to explode. Cracking, the collapse of home consoles, but such things will not happen without dismantling, even if you drop, smash, burn, or crush, it will not happen."

Customers who have used Longtian products basically know that this is a feature that SG products have had since the first generation.

It is said that in order to implant this function, Long Tian specially spent two billion red notes to buy out a 'top secret technology' from Tian Cheng.

I have to say, Ge Lao Er is really dark.

No, now for the hot news, I don't even want my face!

But no matter how much the outside world is talking about, this news has indeed attracted many groups who do not know about the new products launched by Longtian and Weihua.

Wait until the afternoon.

More and more smart card users are flocking to LT stores and WH stores around the world.

Trade in old for new.

It doesn't hurt to swipe the card.

The quality of life has improved, and there is some spare money in my pocket.

In addition, the smart all-in-one card is a necessary "passport" in Tiancheng's industrial chain. If you don't buy it, you have to use the old one, and the old device does not have many new functions.

For example, when a company checks in, as long as it is within one kilometer of the company, it can show a scissors hand to the camera and tell the boss or HR that I have arrived.

For example, video clips and picture clips, in the future, without going to a photo studio, you can take a selfie to make the required ID photo, and then transfer it to each other through the device to print out the ID card...

Such as wonderful moments, emergencies, on-site evidence...

For example, Xiaoxiaole, Lianliankan, Fruit Ninja, which can be played with fingers...

Under the influence of multiple factors, by two o'clock in the afternoon, 5 million touch-screen smart cards had been sold.

And Weihua, which has been competing with Longtian Technology for a long time, is not bad in sales.

Self-developed Kirin chip, self-created EM UI desktop based on Shenlong system, with gestures such as sliding inwards from both sides to return, pushing up the desktop to switch applications or exit programs, single-finger double-tap screen capture, two-finger double-tap screen recording and other gestures Operation, entrust Wanshi Technology to manufacture, and launch the touch screen version mate2 strongly.

Including Mate2 business machine, enterprise custom machine, official custom machine... The model and price are basically the same as Longtian.

In addition, Weihua announced that new products will land in Taiwan Province, Xiangjiang, Wadao, Nanyang, Ice Bear, Montenegro, and Africa on June 1.

As soon as the news came out, a number of newly emerging or established domestic mobile phone manufacturers announced the transformation of personal micro-terminals and made various auxiliary products.

But the appearance of the touch screen did not make the Science and Technology Alliance team up to attack Long Tian and Wei Hua again.

Motorola, one of the four founders of Saipan, announced its withdrawal from the Saipan camp, focusing on the Linux operating system equipped with Java technology.

Ericsson, one of the four founders of Saipan, merged the mobile phone business with Soni, changed its name to Soni Ericsson, and decided to sell its shares in Symbian and switch to the Win Mobile system.

Seeing that the situation is not good, LG and other manufacturers have suspended the follow-up research and development of the touch-screen version of Symbian.

The god-level system, which was so popular for a while, encountered coldness for the first time.

In other words, the market prospect created by 'touch screen + artificial intelligence' made the Science and Technology Alliance suspect that it was on the wrong path...

Then, Pingguo, which has been secretly squeezed by the technology alliance, suddenly jumped out to promote the A chip developed by itself based on the ARM architecture, and the exclusive ios system, and held a new product launch conference, and decided to release an epoch-making product belonging to North America in October: Love Crazy Four.

Immediately afterwards, Nanbangzi Sanxing signed a hardware technology use agreement with England's ARM company...

The same is true of Philips, Nintendo, and Fujitsu, which have jointly decided to develop embedded ARM development boards based on the ARM structure, or embedded ARM CPUs based on the ARM core.

What is ARM?

A type of microcontroller.

For a while, the technology world was in chaos.

You know, long ago, the Science and Technology Alliance used tricks to despise Longtian Technology, which plays with backward single-chip microcomputers, but now it wants to...

"Resolutely boycott single-chip microcomputer!"

Intel, Microsoft, IBM, Gaotong and other giants spoke together, and then collectively said: "ARM is not a single-chip microcomputer. It is different from the 51 single-chip microcomputer. It is a microprocessor. Has grown into a 32-bit MCU..."

Old King Longtian: "Don't face!"

Science and Technology Alliance: "We ask ARM to cancel the ARM authorization of Longtian Technology!"

ARM company: "Sorry, people are playing with high-speed single-chip microcomputers, while ours is a microprocessor, there is no concept, and we don't need authorization. And, if you ask for a licensing fee, doesn't it mean that we are indeed using spicy chicken single-chip microcomputers?"

Technology Alliance: "..."


Overseas turmoil is surging, and domestically, due to the arrival of the May 1st Golden Week and the hot sales of SG home consoles, a "game feast" has begun.

that night.

Shenlong Xiuzhen has 30% more online players than before.

Dragon Legend online player decay speed has been greatly reduced.

Go-karts and dazzling dance troupes remain unchanged.

"My World" is not a game, but a communication platform for customers to create items. It can be hung up in the background or operated remotely. Knowledge Online has more than 10 million customers.

Other games, such as Steampunk World, Horde and Alliance, have seen a steady increase in online rates.

Wait until eight o'clock in the evening.

The second batch of end game friends launched 'Tianxia', 'Jianwang', 'Tianjiao', 'Yitian', 'Dahua 2', Lianzhong World'...

Almost all received rave reviews.

The only tangled thing is that 90% of the players didn't figure out why Tianyu had been holding back for a year and invested heavily in China's first 3D martial arts masterpiece.

Good is good, all is well.

The picture is exquisite, the scene is real, the AI ​​is unique, and the sense of operation and freedom is also unprecedented.


I'm online, what should I do? What am I going to do? What should I do?

There are no missions, no strange killings, and no related plots. Except for the occasional two text prompts that are easy to be ignored, the follow-up exploration is all up to you.

And after browsing the forum, except for the simple world background and the "dreams" that I haven't figured out, the rest are...

"I inherited twenty acres of fertile land from my grandfather. I have to say that my family is really rich."

"Poor peasants."


"My family should be at the squire level. There is a big manor. An old man who has never met has left me ten large granaries. Just now I saw that there were hungry people outside. Out of curiosity, I opened the granary to release grain. The system even reminded me, My prestige has reached 'Famous Township', the county magistrate looked at me with admiration and awarded me the post of 'Traveling in the Township', what is this?"

"In the Han Dynasty, there is one pavilion for ten miles, and one township for ten pavilions. The township officials mainly include three elders, Qiangfu, and Youjia. The three elders are in charge of education, and Qiangfu is in charge of the administration of a township. Li, Shi, Wu. There is a Li chief in a Li, a Shi Chief in a Shi, a Wu Chief in a Wu, and a Pavilion Chief in a pavilion, and the rank and salary are below a hundred stones.”

"I'm so dumbfounded."

"That is to say, you used five large granaries to change to a post in charge of the township-level security office. You still have an iron job, and you have a hundred and ten people under your command."

"Damn it, I made a lot of money!"

"Fart, troubled times will soon come, Wang Mang's uprising, the first one will cut off your sacrificial flag!"


"Let me tell you a secret. I picked up a jade pendant in the village ancestral hall, and I didn't care. After returning to the village practice room, I thought about eating and studying again. I never thought about it. I just quit the game, and the smart card Pokemon actually reminded me. , the jade pendant of the same style has already been mailed, let me pay attention to check it!"

"Shouldn't it be, this game has just launched a virtual product in less than a day?"

"I remember Tianyu issued an announcement that in some remote corners, there are some mysterious treasures and props hidden, which can be brought back to the practice room or home for collection. Could it be these things?"

"After reading your post, I couldn't help being impulsive. I picked up the shovel and ran to the back mountain. I dug someone's ancestral grave and found a golden lock. The text reminded me that I was paid attention by the 'Captain Mojin', but received I don't care about the hunting of the wanderers in the village, will Tianyu send me a golden lock by post?"

Tianyu Interactive GM: "You want to fart."


A certain player: "Wait, just now the big bull in the village told me that my ancestral grave was dug up, could it be you?"


"Grandpa, my ancestor left me a gold lock, and it was dug up by you boy!"


"Anyone want to report to the government? I'm a village traveler. I just got my certificate, and I have hundreds of thugs under my command!"

"You two are talking nonsense, such a big map... Damn, how did you find me?"

The person whose ancestral grave was dug up: "I just asked a few words, and someone told me that the village king next door did it!"


at this time.

Ge Laoer's number one black fan, old Z, a film critic who treats people wrongly, published a 100,000-word introduction to the game.

Or half a strategy.

The title is: Tianyu, Redefining Games.


I entered the game at about ten o'clock in the morning, and stayed in it all the time. I didn't even eat lunch, and played until six o'clock in the afternoon.

At the beginning, like most players, I was confused by this new world of martial arts.

In other words, I am used to the task-style gameplay of Shenlong Cultivation. I am not used to this kind of gameplay, which I named as "triggered, random, joint, and real-time".

But if you have a deep understanding of this game, you will find that the real game should not have tasks.

There are tasks that represent the game playing you.

No task, play the game on your behalf.

There are bound to be people who disagree with this statement.

Then let me analyze it from various aspects.

I believe everyone has read the forum, there is a player who dug someone's family's grave, so, in reality, should the person whose family's family's grave be dug up should report to the authorities?

Coincidentally, there is a player in the forum who opened a warehouse to release food and obtained the status of 'Youjia', which is equivalent to the director of the security office.

Next, shouldn't he go out and hunt down the grave diggers?

In the real world, those who dig graves are brought to justice, Youjiao is rewarded by his job, and victims get their grievances as they wish.

But this is the world of martial arts, the grave diggers get the attention of the 'Captain Mojin', although I don't know who Duofang is or what power he is in, but he is definitely not upright. block from...

Just like the sentence in the scene drama "Wulin Biography" just released: Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!

Is this series of events just a 'story'?

According to the game brief given by Tianyu, this incident will leave 'traces' in the local area, and it may become a legend after many years...

It may even be made into a movie or series.

Believe in Tianyu, it has this ability.

Moreover, in the movie-level mode, if this event is recorded in the background, there is no need to hire actors, no need to arrange scenes, and only editing is needed to connect the content together. In other words, this is what Tianyu has always been empty' Web drama'.

Based on the above, I am terrified of thinking carefully.

Because of such a large map, 'new stories' created by players are happening every moment.

Of course, the above is just speculation.

So how do we play the game properly?


Entering the game, you can decide your own future according to your own preferences.

If you want to be a commoner, you should keep yourself safe and farm the land honestly, but you may encounter disputes in the rivers and lakes and die unexpectedly, because even if you learn the "crop tricks", you can't beat the green forest people.

If you want to become a righteous hero, or become a villain to do whatever you want, then you have to sharpen yourself and obtain the means to save your life. There are many ways, such as apprenticeship, adventure, gaining the appreciation of certain characters or forces to join them, or joining the army...

If you want to become a wealthy gentry, you can also do business, win contacts, and hire experts...

In the same way, they can also set up escort bureaus, form gangs, and even learn from Boss Xishanmei, preparing to 'take the opportunity to act'.

In addition, there are several hidden gameplays, which can be regarded as an extension of martial arts, just as there may be some mysterious events in reality.

One is Wu Zhu, similar to traveling doctors, but basically they all stay in the village, they can cure diseases, and they also have the method of health preservation, so it is difficult for players to 'change jobs'.

The second is dream interpretation. Players can enter the NPC dreamland, defeat the nightmare to get NPC rewards, or dig out some secrets of the NPC through the babbling in the dream, or listen to a story about the NPC to get some clues to the event.

After successfully interpreting the dream, the player can secretly go to a certain place to hunt for treasure according to the NPC, or complete the interaction with some important NPC according to the clues raised by the NPC, gain the recognition of the other party, and then get the "benefits".

The third is forging. As the name suggests, blacksmiths are very strong. If you don’t understand, you can go and see.

The fourth is refining medicine. Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, and the doctors were parents. It is a huge group with high prestige, but there is also a poison doctor among them.

Fifth is the key point.

All players who have successfully created a character will receive a touch screen smart card prompt.

But don't think that there is only one practice room in it, which allows you to retreat and practice anytime, anywhere. I suggest you go to 'Tianyu Interactive' to try it, and you will find shocking secrets.

All in all, in this world with a high degree of freedom, you can become the 'Xia' in your heart.


In the early morning of May 1st.

Weicheng Tiancheng Square.

The 'City That Never Sleeps' will be opened during the Golden Week.

The newly built Tianyu Interactive suddenly welcomed hundreds of customers, and immediately after that, countless players came from all directions.

"Old Z never deceives people. He said that there are shocking secrets, and there will definitely be."

"But I always feel that the chances of this product being a dog's bed are getting higher and higher."

"How is it possible, he scolds Ge Laoer twice in three days."

"Yeah, it's because he's been scolding every day, but he's alive and well, that I doubt it."

"Then you definitely don't know that he is squatting behind bars. Every time he comes out, he finds an excuse and is arrested again the first time he comes out."


"By the way, what's the secret?"

Out of curiosity, a player exclaimed.

"Fuck, is it true or not?"

"What happened?"

"I actually recorded my own equipment into the game!"


"Log in to VR fighting, if you have conventional equipment, not the kind with special effects, as long as the VR proficiency is full, you can spend dozens of dollars to synchronize to 3D martial arts."

"Switching a shotgun into a cannon instantly? It seems that I will play more VR fighting in the future... It always feels weird."

"Also, you can also spend tens of dollars to record your own image into 3D martial arts, and the character will be your own appearance from now on. If you think it is ugly, you can also spend dozens of dollars to have plastic surgery on the character to make yourself handsome. "


"The most important thing is that if you have purchased Splendid Huaxia's ancient costumes in reality, you can also spend tens of dollars to record the items into 3D martial arts."


"The reverse is also true, that is, put the game costumes into reality and customize the same style from Splendid Huaxia."


"The other thing is, if you build your favorite 'home', 'house', or 'structure' in the game, Tiancheng will help you build it with a 20% discount."

"Stop talking, Kari really has no money."


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