Build Madness

Chapter 797 The Third Day

3D martial arts operating concept is very advanced:

Using virtual games as a publicity platform, through unique gameplay, players will have the idea of ​​consumption, thereby driving the sales of real products.

Then enter the real products into the game and turn them into props to increase the playability of the game and further attract more new players.

for example:

ACustomer likes ancient costumes and ancient accessories, but doesn’t like playing games, but the smart card suddenly sent a push, ‘You get free fashion and exquisite accessories in 3D martial arts, please log in as soon as possible to collect them, and don’t wait until the expiration date’.

The smart card will not deceive people, and there is no deceptive information.

A. Does the customer log in or not?

If you log in, you need to buy a home console, and if you don't log in, you may miss out on 'free items'.

Moreover, the recent news about 3D martial arts games has been overwhelming, and customer A is also very itchy...

Another example:

Player A likes to play 3D martial arts and dragon cultivation, but does not like ancient costumes and ancient accessories. In order to obtain fashion props in the game, he has to buy real objects to enter the game and transform them into virtual items.

But after you buy something, you just keep it at home, even if you don’t wear it out, you have to try it, right?

Give it a's fun.

Tried it still looks fancy.

Tried three times... Is there a better looking one?

After all, the players will meet again soon. After admiring themselves, it will be a competition of appearance...

Let's hold an offline 'fashion event' first, and select Tianyu's first male model and first female model.

Let's hold an online "face value contest" to select the most beautiful and most handsome Western Han.

Then gather the champions, runners-up, etc. together, copy the script created by the players in the game, and make an online drama.

Ge Xiaotian can guarantee that even if the 3D martial arts has a lot of bad reviews, through these operations, it will be able to make it popular.

Moreover, the purpose of Tianyu's launch of 3D martial arts is to cultivate "artificial intelligence" and to experiment with "new online shopping platforms" instead of making money from the game, which can definitely give players many, many benefits.

Just imagine.

When people get used to this "virtual-reality linkage" model, if the 3D martial arts textures are replaced with modern-style "sims", and VR and AR technologies are added to certain areas...

After get off work, a few colleagues, or a few netizens meet together, take risks, play dungeons, play competitive games, break time or the end of the game, use the map switching function to teleport to a certain main city, and wear VR glasses.

Players use the first-person perspective, chatting and walking on the streets of the main city, admiring the products in various shops from reality to the game, choosing their favorite items, bargaining with the smart NPC rented by the merchants, and then placing the Virtual characters are put into reality through AR technology to complete the 'try-on', or put virtual items in the room to simulate the physical effect, and finally reach a deal and end this pleasant online shopping.

If we deepen it a bit more, put the scenes of Shenlong cultivation, such as Qianshan Taixu Temple, Tianzhu Xuanwuguan, Bashu Yijiange, Zhongyuan Huasheng Temple, even Beech King City, game monsters, etc., into this game. Tourism' is not born?

The virtual experience is still shocking, what will happen to the real scene?

This also stimulates the tourism industry.

This also means that the "players" who will enter 3D martial arts through home consoles in the future are no longer limited to game lovers, but also include customers.


It is not easy to realize this kind of technology. It needs a home console with better performance and support for VR and AR technology, and a Shiguang machine with stronger computing power and larger storage capacity.

for example:

Currently only the Dongshan map is open, and there are about 20 million NPCs in the game.

Every time a player is born, Shi Guangji sorts out the relationship network between the player and the player, between the player and the NPC, and between the NPC and the NPC every second.

Only this amount of calculation is about 20 million times per second.

If there is a second player, a third player, or the 10,000th player, even if it is calculated once a minute, the amount of calculation will increase geometrically. It is definitely not two trillion times, it may be thousands of trillion times, or even billions of times.

However, the fastest computer currently has a peak value of only 2 quadrillion operations per second.

Therefore, for the time being, 3D martial arts can only use counties as independent maps and villages as statistical units, and use multiple integrated servers to share the entire Dongshan map equally to avoid server lag caused by huge calculations.

Moreover, considering 'player siege' and 'foreign race invasion', a small county may gather 100,000+ players and a million+ NPCs, and each county-level map is divided into 20 seamless maps, using The secondary server carries.

Based on the above, it will take at least ten years to realize 'virtual reality'...

However, this kind of server group will soon spread to Nanhe, Xishan, Beihe, Northeast and other places, and eventually cover the entire Northland, using 200 million smart NPCs to drive players' enthusiasm for virtual reality and complete the early stage.

If the 3D martial arts effect is not good...

Then change the skin, adjust the operating model, and continue to experiment.

Leaving aside the possibility of cultivating 'intelligence', once this model matures, Tiancheng will be able to abandon the existing online shopping platform and launch a 'virtual reality shopping system'.

At that time, whether to list the old-fashioned online shopping platform, attract money in multiple areas of the parent planet, and then cash it out, or directly package and sell it, will be a 'giant pit'.

And the "Virtual Reality Shopping System" is online, virtual shop rental, virtual NPC rental, virtual goods and real goods conversion fees...

In You Minxing's words: This is "Third Tiancheng", and the business is "Tiancheng Real Estate Development" in the game.

What? The next day?

North American NT.


May 1st.

The basement floor of Jinxiuchuan Library.

After more than half a month of renovation, this place has become one of Tianyu International's branches.

early morning.

After You Minxing took over Tianyu International, he held a high-level collective meeting for the first time.

Attendees included the three directors of film and television, the president of video and audio operations, the executive director of toys, the director of high-tech interaction, the chief planner of the game company...

Ge Xiaotian sat in the empty last row to help him out.

During the meeting, Director You took the 3D martial arts operation concept as an entry point to adjust the existing business of Sky Entertainment, and decided to develop 'European and American games', 'Sci-fi games', 'Battlestar battle games', such as diversified game fields march into

To sum up in one sentence: rationally use the resources of the holding group to redefine the game.

the end.

Wandering Star: "Ten years of sharpening a sword..."

"Ten years is too long, seize the day and night. It will be done within five years, otherwise the collective..."

Ge Xiaotian walked to the window and looked up at the moon, "At that time, our family will definitely be able to go up."

Sky Entertainment executives: "..."


After the meeting.

The wandering star Youdong invites Boss Ge to sit in the office for a while.

Being the chairman of a group under Tiancheng International Holdings is not easy.

Not to mention whether you can get money or whether you will be "arranged", throughout the year, there are very few opportunities to have an in-depth chat with the big boss.

Therefore, You Minxing seized the opportunity and planned to fight for Tianyu again.

As for what to strive for...

If successful, Tianyu will be invincible.

inside the office.

You Minxing turned on the projection device, "Boss, I have a good idea to strengthen Tiancheng's influence, but this idea is a little fuzzy in my mind. If I tell others, it may be difficult to understand, but with the boss's business sense, I think it should be It helps me clear my mind."

"Oh? Tell me and listen."

"Boss, we implement the work-point system in Neo Brass, and it is the same in Nanyang Rubber Plantation. Work points have a certain value, and labor can only be obtained. It can be traced back to its source, and its whereabouts can be traced. "Leaving traces", "traceable", "open and transparent", "collective maintenance within the industry", "independent of local currency, with its own value" and other characteristics."


"If the 'work point' system is moved into 3D martial arts, with the county level as the unit, or the secondary server of the 'seamless map' as the unit, setting the area to have a point, the player needs to spend time, brainpower, physical strength and family consumption The life of the mainframe, to get this 'workpoint', Tianyu will set its own 'value' for this 'workpoint', promise to exchange, this workpoint will be recognized by many players. And the players who pay the 'labor' are definitely not willing to 'workpoint' 'Devaluation, or 'disappearance', so as to maintain 'work points'. On this basis, the more labor, the more work points, will it eventually develop into 'electronic currency'?"


Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and looked at You Minxing with a strange gaze.

Isn't this Bitcoin?

It's just that the computer mining is changed to searching in the game. The form is different, but the concept is relatively similar.

Moreover, Youminxing has not yet touched the core of the 'block chain', and has problems with the setting of 'work points'.


too fast?

Ge Xiaotian has considered that science and technology promote the progress of the times, and new things produce new ideas. Soon, talents in his own industry chain may come up with things that should belong to five years, or even ten years.

But he never thought it would be so soon...

"Old You, have you heard of 'Blockchain'?"


"This is a 'valuable electronic currency system' that is based on information technology and does not rely on third-party management agencies, through distributed accounting and hierarchical storage."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the Shiguang Machine, made a form, drew three circles on it, labeled ABC, and then drew two lines, labeled xy, "For example, if I make a program, if someone looks for work points in these three circles , every ten minutes, my two lines will form an intersection within three circles, whoever finds it first will be given work points, how can I find the intersection as quickly as possible without seeing xy?"

"Calculate the number of tables in the ABC area, and calculate the probability that xy passes through each table, but I don't know the value of xy."

"I can provide you with the program to find the intersection, but you need your device to support the computing power and enough power to search the three areas of abc to find the intersection."

"Then how can I trust the program you provided, has it been tampered with?"

"Then it's not my problem, it's your problem whether you want to play or not."


"In addition, ABC represents the area where you, me, and him are located. If there is a fourth seeker, D, or even EFG will be added... The more seekers, the more areas, the more coordinates to calculate, and the higher the probability." Low, but my work points are getting bigger and bigger because of the increase in seekers, or the increase in people who recognize it.”

"I understand this. After all, computing will wear down the computer, and searching will take time. We don't want to do useless work. However, after the area increases, although the computing power requirements for the computer remain the same, because there are too many areas, there will be double calculations. A large number of mid-to-low-end CPUs are needed. But mid-to-low-end CPUs are also expensive, and the number of work points that can be found per unit of time is definitely not comparable to the cost of buying a CPU for me... Maybe I can replace a GPU with general-purpose computing capabilities, that is, a graphics card. Find work points at low cost and make a profit."

(Normally speaking, the computing power of a graphics card GPU is definitely not as good as that of a CPU, but for example, a GPU is like a middle school student, and a CPU is like a Ph. Hire a Ph.D. to help you do the same arithmetic. If you ask a thousand questions, who can calculate faster? This is the 'mining card' used by the mining machine.)

You Minxing seems to understand, "That is to say, my idea can help Longtian Technology to promote the sales of home consoles? Even launch special equipment for finding intersections?"

"No no no!"

Ge Xiaotian smiled and shook his head, "It's just a small amount of money, we can give it up, what we have to do is to spread the work points to the whole mother planet, let everyone look for work points, recognize work points, and define the concept of 'block chain', declare its It is not under our control, it is a 'value-preserving product' produced by a combination of factors such as time, labor, and loss."

"I understand."

You Minxing suddenly realized, "If everyone agrees with it, we are the controllers of 'workpoints', and the whole mother planet will work for us."


Ge Xiaotian took out a blank piece of paper again, "When this concept is mature, countries or regions will soon launch corresponding electronic currencies, but 'work points' will still exist, unless no one is looking for intersections, causing them to Devaluation."

"When the time comes, shall we sell our work points?"

"I don't launch this thing, why should I sell it?"


"What I mean is to connect Tiancheng's overseas industries together and use this concept to redefine work points. It's not what I mean by looking for intersections, but actual mining."

"You mean, put my idea into industry?"

"Overseas, it's not domestic, experimentation is the main thing."

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and sent the recorded things to Daoyi of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space.

The latter quickly called to communicate.

"Boss, the thing you proposed... has something."


Ge Xiaotian glanced at You Minxing, "It's not me, it's Lao You, You Dong."

"Oh, I thought you were showing off your power again..."

"speak English."

"Well, this concept can be implemented overseas. May 1st Labor Day, labor is the most glorious."

"I want to ask you, if this 'currency' is launched overseas, can we crack it?"

"No matter what you talk about, what time, labor, loss... But at its root, it can never be separated from 'computation'. In terms of computing power, our family has never lost. You can dig as much as you want with the main brain market."


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