Build Madness

Chapter 798 First Day of Golden Week

The blockchain is a serious technology, but the various coins created with the blockchain as the bottom layer are not serious, and only those who make the rules know.

For Tiancheng, the blockchain is useful. It can coordinate the logistics supply chain, analyze the application scenarios of the Internet of Things, solve the confidentiality agreements related to individual registration in each real estate community, and rectify the Zigbee public network services so that it can identify them more quickly. A device that needs to be connected to the Internet.

But digital currency is of no help to Tiancheng. After all, Tiancheng does not have the ability to issue currency in China, nor does it need to 'launder money', nor does it need to secretly transfer funds across borders.

Because it's legit.

However, as the second-generation chairman of Tianyu, You Minxing needs a certain degree of popularity and exposure in addition to his own ability and relevant certificates, so that he can exude a "beautiful" atmosphere.

In other words: packing!

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian handed over this matter to Daoyi.

Ask him to help You Minxing write a paper on the 'area chain'.

Daoyi is very professional.

Organize the content of the two people's discussions, and add codes to the 'xy intersection points that may appear in the ABC area' according to the coordinates.

For example, area A has 1024x1024 intersections, the first work point is born at 1x1, then its code is A 1-1-0, if the second work point still appears at this intersection, it is A 1-1-1, The same applies to areas such as BCD.

Corresponding to reality, it is equivalent to the serial number of the red banknote.

If the work points in area A are traded to area B, the code is changed to A1-1-0-B1, and if the second transaction returns to A area, A1-1-0-B1-A1.

In addition, add digital time stamps and content again, for example: A 1-1-0 (On May 1, 2002, the director of Tianyu International Games published a blockchain paper), which is to note the time when it was found and what happened on that day matter.

This can be regarded as perfecting the characteristics of work points that can be traced back, inquired, and open and transparent.

And in terms of encryption.

Currently the most popular one-way encryption is hash algorithm, such as MD3, MD5, SHA-256.

And also includes private key, public key, asymmetric algorithm and so on.

In reality, it is equivalent to anti-counterfeiting of real banknotes.

Anyway, if there are some or nothing, Daoyi will give them all, proving that 'You Dong really understands'.

Then do three consecutive, Kun six breaks, shake the bowl, gen cover the bowl, leave the center empty, hurdle full, exchange the upper gap, Sunny lower break, sixty-four hexagrams, three hundred and eighty-four lines, endless reincarnation, infinite changes ...

Shenlong Algorithm, follow the calculations of outsiders.

In less than two hours, Ge Xiaotian got the 'paper'.

But in the face of the extremely visually impactful long and short horizontal lines and weird symbols, he suspected that the old fellow Dao Yi was taking revenge.

There are indeed many people who study the Book of Changes and study the Book of Changes.

But in these years, if you have studied the power of Zhouyi in depth, will you be able to do procedures? I'm afraid I don't even know how to use a computer.

And a talented person who knows how to program can understand Zhouyi? I'm afraid it's not that I don't even know the symbols.

In particular, use this kind of thing as a secret key, make an algorithm, or show it to foreigners...

10 o'clock in the morning.

Once the blockchain paper was published, it was written by the new chairman of Tianyu International, which immediately attracted many people in the industry to watch.



We all understand the truth, but what does it mean?

"You Director, can you tell me something?"

You Minxing (enterprise certification): "I understand everything I know, and I don't explain much if I don't understand. Just know it yourself. If you are really curious... Tianchuang shopping has a copy of 'Book of Changes', the public version is free, and it only accepts printing. Fee, very cheap, 99 Franklin, there are detailed explanations inside, remember, please look for the pictures and texts of Tianyu.”



You Minxing looked at Ge Laoer who was sitting at his desk and posting on the Baixiaotong information platform with his Shenlong account...

"Boss, I always feel that my reputation has been ruined."

"Old You, as the helm of enterprise operations, you should face up to your own essence."

"What essence?"

"Making money is the main thing."


"You know, I haven't forced you to open dozens of accounts like Gao Song, and pretend to be a girl to chat with forum netizens."

"Is there such a thing?" You Minxing was startled.

"You know so little."

Ge Xiaotian shrugged, "Copying this paper to the win platform will definitely let the capitalists see through the economic benefits it contains, and then launch an application similar to work points. At that time, we will be able to operate it and eat black."

Logically speaking, the 'work point system' created based on the blockchain has no central server, and each client terminal is a 'service period'. The more people there are, the more difficult it is to crack, and its encryption algorithm and digital time stamp also making it difficult to replicate.

But as Daoyi said, no matter how advanced the concept is, it cannot be separated from "calculation".

How to get a lot of 'work points'?

One is to cross the time limit, ignore the rule that one work point is born every ten minutes, compress time, and create countless work points.

This requires the use of the newly launched 'quantum computer' in North America.

As for whether it can be done, no one knows.

The second is "disgusting the real with the fake".

Be it 'workpoints' or 'bitcoins', they all use 'probability' to protect the integrity of the entire blockchain.

Taking 10 people as an example, 3 people have problems, and 7 people are sanctioned together. It is for the minority to obey.

Substituting into the blockchain, 3 fake work points appear, and the remaining 7 work points prove to be fake.

But for a replacement, the 7 work points are fake, and the 3 real work points will be kicked out.

In this way, as long as the number of devices you control is far greater than the real 'client terminal', you can create an illusory area disguised as ABCD outside the ABCD and other areas, and dig out the 'fake armor 1-1-0', 'False B 1-1-0', then prove that 'True A 1-1-0' is false.

Of course, this requires the 'work point system' and 'bitcoin system' based on the blockchain. There is really no central server, that is, there is really no third-party supervision and no third-party operation to achieve this step.

If there is a server, it will be easier. If the panda burns incense and worships, the other party's system will be completely paralyzed. If you install Odyssey antivirus...

Taking the ten-minute rule as an example, any client terminal in the entire parent planet calculates the result at 9 minutes and 57 seconds, and the result at 9 minutes and 58 seconds is mine. In the end, the client terminal in the blockchain has dug mines, but This mine appears to be yours, but in actual bookkeeping it is mine...

(It's equivalent to getting all the bookkeeping rights, but I authorize him to the corresponding client, and I can sell it all on the trading day and stop playing.)

Of course, there is no need to do this in the early stage. You need to wait for the "various coins" to have a certain value, or when the other party plans to cut leeks, help the other party to create a digital currency storm, and let the people on the mother planet see what money rolls are. run……

In fact, the digital currency based on the blockchain can be put into Montenegro for experiments.

However, Tiancheng focuses on mining resources and controlling the region. If it is based on the blockchain, it means that the digital currency is no longer under its own control, and the output method is determined by the market and users.

This is equivalent to looking for trouble...

(In reality, the upcoming digital red banknote is based on national credit, does not depend on the blockchain, and belongs to the centralized management model. The core content of the blockchain is decentralization, which is basically impossible to achieve at present, because there are users A group means that there is capital involved, and having capital means that someone is manipulating behind the scenes.)


Chatting with You Minxing at the Tianyu branch until the evening, the first day of the May 1st Golden Week has just passed.

In the morning, Tianyu launched three blockbuster films in a row, including: Kung Fu Football directed by the King of Comedy in Xiangjiang, the so-called knight-errant martial arts film invested by Splendid China (filmed during heavy snowfall in Beihe in winter, Ge Xiaotian cameo), filmed two Year's disaster film 'The Day After Tomorrow'.

Kung fu football is similar to another time and space fantasy, but the action is cooler and more real.

The so-called chivalrous man tells about a dispute between the rivers and lakes, mainly embodying moves, attire, and dialogue methods, which can be regarded as attracting some enthusiasm for 3D martial arts games, such as the meaning of the word "farewell" in different scenarios, such as "cut with a sword", Demonstrate the domineering arrogance of a ruthless person. It is to create a batch of popular words.

The day after the shooting, originally corresponded to the coldness of the previous two years, but this year it suddenly warmed up, and it became a disaster caused by "warmer weather". What summer hailstone killed people, and absolute zero frozen everything. With the story of a father rescuing his son, it radiates reality ecosystem.

In addition, "Refugees" produced by Montenegro Odyssey, "Blood Diamond" directed by Africa Sky Entertainment Takamatsu, steampunk "Main City of Humanity" produced by Neo Brass, and "Shocking Case" produced by Huo Dun in North America have also successfully registered The major theaters of the mother star.

The refugees mainly talked about the negative impact caused by the fight against Harden at the parent star joint meeting. Since North America wanted to withdraw its troops, they did not comment on this.

Blood Diamond mainly tells the blood and tears of a group of black diamond miners, which has a profound impact on the diamond market and promotes the rise of artificial diamonds.

The main human city tells the story of the goblin rebellion, which led to the fall of the human emperor, the dark elves' massive invasion, and the fall of the human main city. The grand scene is presented with virtual technology, and goblin technology and steam elements are added to create a visual feast for the audience.

The shocking case tells the story of a group of rich second generations in the North American technology industry who are bored and looking for excitement. They took out the most advanced experimental products from their homes, hired a group of veterans, and successfully stole the parent planet by exchanging civet cats for princes with high technology. The story of the bank vault. The whole process is full of high energy, and every scene will show a new type of technological equipment, which completely overturns the current technological concept. Anyone who has seen it will definitely be hooked.

As of the evening, the seven blockbuster films that were released simultaneously around the world won a box office of one billion Franklin for Tianyu.

European revenue is shared equally with France's Accor, North American revenue is shared equally with the Holden Consortium, and Sky Entertainment exclusively enjoys Asian and African revenue.

This is the result of internal voting within Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce.

And movie reviews...

Take the "shocking case" as the most.

First of all, it reaffirmed the dominance of the North American Science and Technology Alliance and won the strong support of the White House.

The second is the day after tomorrow, entering the millennium, the climate is changeable, the tsunami and then the earthquake on the third brother's side, killing and injuring thousands of people. Several large tornadoes occurred in Taiwan Province, the Gulf of Aden, and Bermuda, and billions of Franklin were lost. After the film was broadcast, countless scientists called for environmental protection. Tiancheng took the lead in supporting it and announced that it would hold a global press conference tomorrow: investing trillions to control the desert.


Once the news was released, the entire mother planet fell silent.


All kinds of surprises.


During the May Day Golden Week, not only Longtian and Tianyu broke out.

Tianheng launched the new Sancha Wuling. This model continues to use the Mitsubishi sports car engine, but it has added a GLONASS navigation system and a cheap SG driving computer. The lawsuit with Mitsubishi can still be won, and the price is 20% off...

Tiancheng Electric Industrial also launched a variety of agricultural and industrial equipment.

One is the combine harvester, which can replace the threshing parts according to the type of crops. The price of a single unit is 200,000 red notes, and it comes with a ten-year free maintenance service provided by the industrial chain of the Limin Activity Center.

The second is to launch an inland river transport ship, driven by pure ethanol + liquid oxygen turbines. The smallest ship can transport 2 tons of cargo. It is equipped with special SG early warning equipment and SG intelligent avoidance programs for ground-effect aircraft to prevent collisions while driving in inland rivers. A single ship sells The price is 100,000 red notes.

The third is to launch small and medium-sized transport aircraft, small and medium-sized agricultural aircraft, and desert-type super ground-effect transport aircraft.

The former two are used for civil aviation and agriculture, and the latter has a single transport capacity of up to 200 tons, which is used to connect Yulin in Shaanxi Province and the Sahara town in the northwest desert.

The fourth is to launch 500-ton excavators, 300-ton loaders, sell TBM shield machines, sell 100,000-ton gantry cranes, and sell double-arm bridge erecting machines...

To this end, Tiancheng Electric Industry held the first Asia-region Industrial Expo in Jianfu, and many leaders from Jianfu came to the site to guide the work.

Other groups under Tiancheng also launched their carefully prepared properties during the May Day Golden Week.

There are Xingyuewan community, smart homes, boutique villas, and this year's main temperature-controlled room.

But in terms of influence, all companies or industries are inferior to Jifu Chamber of Commerce.

On the morning of May 1st, Shen Zhipeng unilaterally announced that he would raise 50 billion yuan to fight Dongshan Tiancheng to the death.

At noon, the Jifu Chamber of Commerce implemented the agreement signed two months ago, and secretly reached a deal with Tiancheng Real Estate Development to purchase 21 lands near Xingyue Bay.

In the afternoon, the Jifu Chamber of Commerce recruited foreign workers, announced the end of the layout, and called on people with lofty ideals and bosses who hated Ge Laoer to join the anti-Gezi alliance.

There were very few people who responded publicly, but it is said that in the evening, hundreds of billionaires had approached Lao Shen and expressed their strong support.

Are there many people who hate Ge Laoer?

A lot, in Huaxia it is conservatively estimated that a strengthened brigade is needed.

After all, Tiancheng's industrial chain really touches the interests of too many people.

Including Chen Donghai, Mr. Zhao, and Wei Changfeng who found Lao Shen again.

"I really want to have a nest."

Ge Xiaotian put down the information in his hand, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at "the sunset is infinitely good", opened the smart card, and turned the sky into hot news.

1. Invest in the desert...

2. Shen Xiaoqiang...

3. Asia Industrial Expo...

4. GPS navigation failure...

5. Wanshi Technology sells twenty 120nm lithography machines...

Ge Xiaotian clicked on the fourth article.

The news is all in the form of posts, not the typesetting of the future.

There are titles, six elements of news, pictures and certifications.

"It's the May Day holiday. I planned to visit Dongshan for three days. I never thought that when I entered the south gate of Dongshan, the GPS would start to deviate from the navigation route. Could it be that Dongshan's satellite signal is so bad?"

The second floor: "It shouldn't be. I travel long distances. The independent navigator provided by the company has always been very accurate. Even roadside restaurants and hotels can give consumption standards."

The third floor: "Your is GLONASS, and mine is also GPS. There are also problems since yesterday. Not to mention the accuracy, I can't even locate it."

Fourth floor: "Didn't you hear that GPS stopped its business in China?"

The fifth floor: "I called the operating company, and the other party was looking for the reason, and said that in the Dongshan area, the GPS signal was indeed seriously attenuated, but it didn't seem to be interfered."

Gehlhei: "Lorry, for a long time, I thought it was something, electronic equipment, it will definitely affect the performance after a long time, maybe the life of the navigation satellite in outer space will be exhausted, resulting in the loss of positioning function, buy a Globe The Nass navigator is not enough, I heard that Ge Laoer shot five more, all using graphene and optoelectronic components, and the positioning accuracy has been reduced to less than five meters."

"Is your name so strange?"

"What's so strange? I'm Ge Hei, my friend."

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