Build Madness

Chapter 800 The Real 'All the Way West'

No matter in which field, there is a 'weather vane'.

It does not refer to an instrument for measuring the direction of the wind, but a word used to describe future trends.

Like graphene.

Experts believe that its characteristics will change technology and the future, so it has hidden infinite value. Therefore, when graphene stocks appear, whoever recognizes them will buy them. The more people buy, the more valuable it is, so it will be cut off.

The same reason.

When the "peaceful world" can frighten the heroes, all the countries on the home planet will speed up their research.

Genetically modified technology can generate huge profits, and all scientific research laboratories with some strength have also invested in it.

It also includes nanotechnology, optoelectronics, quantum technology, the future of Bitcoin, and more.

The desert project was proposed by Tiancheng International Holdings, a mythical company that has never failed in terms of investment, and dozens of other powerful supergroups located in different regions followed suit...

This project is 'weather vane'!

The press conference was interrupted due to uncontrollable chaos at the scene.

During this period, many well-known academic experts distributed around the home planet have expressed almost unanimous opinions:

"I believe that in the near future, desert products will sweep the commercial field like graphene and impact the existing market."

"As for the cost..."

"It must be expensive in the early stage, but when more and more companies invest in desert projects, quantified transportation, and huge market prospects, it will cause a qualitative change in the project, and finally let desert products enter every family."

The same comments, theories, and papers are overwhelming, sweeping the SG platform, win platform...

For this reason, Tian Cheng not only dispatched the three major security companies of the home planet, but also paid Franklin five million.


If someone helps you to boo, you have to pay for your hard work.

We are legit after all.


The scene of the press conference.

The first batch of companies investing in the "All the Way West" project included Ninja Alliance, Nanyang Chia Tai, Nanyang Agriculture, Taimei AS Communications, African Union, and dozens of small and medium-sized companies controlled by these large groups but unknown to outsiders enterprise.

Therefore, when many external business owners contacted their respective finances and returned to the scene to wait for Boss Ge to sign the first batch of investment agreements, when they rushed to spend money on the project...

The chairman of Nanbangzi KS Group, who squatted behind bars like a light meal, raised his hand forcefully:

"Our KS Group will spend 2 billion Franklins to purchase a sea ground effect transport aircraft, which will be used to build a sea tourism transportation line from Incheon to Qinggang, Yancheng, and Weicheng."


The scene exploded again.

People originally thought that the 'All the way to the West' project was just a desert project led by Tiancheng, but they never thought that the starting point of the east was not Qinggang, but Incheon.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be a matter of course.

The Incheon Bridge is about to be completed across the board, and Nanbangzi's investment in "all the way to the west" is entirely for tourism considerations.

Without waiting for the people at the scene to come back to their senses, the head of the Siberian Petroleum Group stood up chewing gum,

"In order to promote the development of West Siberia, my father decided to take the oil field worth 15 billion Franklin and entrust Tiancheng to build a logistics transportation line connecting West Siberia to the Sahara town."


The West Siberia Plain, the Tyumen Oil Field, the forests that can provide 200 million cubic meters of wood every year, and countless minerals...

In other words, the most urgently needed materials for the desert project are all available there, and the distance is also the closest.

The most important thing is that this represents the 'all the way to the west' project. Indeed, as Ge Laoer said, Tiancheng prepared for two years, taking into account all factors, and formulated a perfect plan.


Before the reporters recovered from the bewilderment and shock.

First hit by the "Ice Bear" secretly with a mysterious fleet, then robbed by Greece, followed by "refugees" snatched by Montenegro, and then patronized by a gang of ruthless people, the local chicken who almost fell apart in the end even sent an official representative.

"We will mortgage Franklin's tax business worth 30 billion to pay for the first phase of the reconstruction project that Tiancheng helped us with."

As soon as the voice fell, in the AR projection above the head, the highway leading to the small town of Sahara, one goes north to Siberia, one goes through Kazastan, connects to the south of Ice Bear, stops at the northern shore of the Black Sea, and faces Tuji across the sea...

Everyone at the scene: "..."


After the large-scale iron lump incident, the public relations team of Tiancheng International Holdings has been fighting for the reconstruction project of the local chicken.

But because Tian Cheng has a good relationship with Ice Bear, and the native chicken was the main force to stop Ice Bear, the project was blocked by many parties.

For example, Tiancheng quoted 30 billion Franklin, and European and American countries immediately lowered the price, quoting 28 billion.

Tiancheng had long expected that Europe and the United States would block it, so the 30 billion Franklin offer was almost the cost.

European and American countries are bound to lose 28 billion due to expensive labor and ridiculously high construction costs.

Therefore, after quoting prices, European and American countries delayed the time for various reasons and did not sign the contract for the time being.

The local chickens are anxious to regain their vitality, but they dare not offend Europe and the United States. This matter has been stalemate for more than half a year.

Later, Montenegro rose and gradually replaced the status of native chickens. Then, due to the delivery of the aircraft, they broke up with Tiancheng and unilaterally tore up the "Black Mountain Infrastructure Agreement" signed with Tiancheng. The attitudes of Europe and the United States changed quickly.

In other words, Europe and the United States intend to give up the native chickens, and some Z customers even secretly encourage Montenegro to lay down the native chickens and control the passages between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea in order to more effectively prevent the ice bears from going south.

As for the bad relationship between Hei Shan and Tian Cheng, why did he still participate in the Sancha Cup...

Sports know no borders.

The native chicken is indeed not weak, but both Black Mountain and Ice Bear are eyeing it, and without external assistance, I am afraid that there is no need for these two idiots to set fire, and Odyssey killing soft can paralyze it.

Just when the local chickens were panicked and confused, the public relations team of Tiancheng International Holdings said: My family has Tianwei, an electrical industry, can make tanks, gray machines, aircrafts, and satellites, understand?

Therefore, the native chicken came under the pressure of many parties.


Ge Xiaotian will definitely not let go of the native chicken. Franklin quoted 30 billion. Although he can make some money, he certainly doesn't make much, let alone the tax business.

However, there is a core content of Tiancheng's corporate culture: let customers taste the sweetness first.

As long as Tiancheng's industrial chain enters the native chicken, there will be plenty of troubles in the future.

However, the VIPs and reporters at the scene were stunned because of the speech made by the representative of the local chicken.

"It's so fucking crazy!"

"Could it be that this expressway is about to break out of the sub-region and connect to the Asia-Europe Bridge constructed by Tiancheng?"

"That is to say, I can drive to Europe in the future?"


And the outside entrepreneurs have witnessed the powerful and well-funded super groups, and even the forces represented by the country participating in the project...

"Mr. Ge, let's open the investment promotion platform. If we are asked to wait in line to sign the agreement, when will we have to wait?"

"Yes, Mr. Ge, the electronic agreement is fast and convenient. How about listing the items and operating them on the platform?"

"You play so big, I only have 30 to 40 million in my pocket, I can't get on the stage, and I don't need to sign an agreement on this occasion, it is better to sign online."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "Don't worry, the 'All the Way to the West' project is currently only half open. Although the cumulative investment has reached trillions, but... when did I, Ge Laoer, say falsehood?"


It's only halfway there? !

Including the leader, the collective was dumbfounded.

At this time, the AR scene above the head changes, showing the blue sky and the sea.

On the vast coastline, thousands of 10,000-ton freighters stand still in the rough waves.

"In the past two years, Tiancheng's most stable partner, Sino-Ocean Group, has been committed to opening up new routes, and for this, Franklin lost nearly one billion."

"Next, I would like to invite my year-end friend, Mr. Yuanyang, to introduce the rest of the 'All the Way West' project."


Although the ocean boss seldom appears in Tiancheng's news, this guy has contracted two-thirds of China's ocean trade.

As long as you go to sea, whether it is people or goods, you will almost always use ocean services.


Compared with the first time we met, the ocean-going tycoon, who has entered the age of 50, is still the same.

Moreover, due to the business of Da Qin Bingfeng, and the reason why he often hangs out with Lao Qin recently, there is a tendency to develop into a bodybuilder...

The Sino-Ocean boss stepped onto the stage and took over the familiar AR control equipment, "It's a pleasure to meet Brother Ge, and it's a pleasure to share the achievements of Sino-Ocean Group with you on such an important occasion."

"In the past two years, Sino-Ocean Group has received the support of Tiancheng International Holdings, and finally developed a route that is in line with the current development."

The AR scene switches to Heilonghe.

On the wide water surface, hundreds of boats compete for the current, thousands of sails are densely covered, inland river transport ships come and go, or transport iron ore, or transport timber, or transport equipment...

From Neoblas to Heilongjiamu City, from Neoblas to Komsomolsk, and then to Okhotsk...

The shipyard that was buried by snow in the past has now become a new gathering place. There is a zoo and botanical garden in the northern col, a temple street in the western plain, a fishing port in the southern inland sea, and a transfer station in the eastern pier.

Timber is processed into semi-finished products, aggregates are mixed into special cement, minerals are screened and classified, fishery products are packed in batches...

Freighters at sea, some headed for Chukotka and Magadan in the north, some headed for Vladivostok in the south, some headed for Nanbangzi Incheon, and some headed for Kitakyushu, Japan...

But there are more freighters heading south.

Stop at Qinggang Dongjiawan, Yancheng Xingyuewan, Weicheng Paoma Island...

The fleet that continued to go south, some entered Jianfu, some entered Taiwan Province, some entered South Vietnam, and some entered Taimei...

The ocean boss explained and reported the investment amount. When the last fleet passed through Maliu and arrived in North Africa...

"This is the 'All the Way West' maritime project."


The audience gasped.

How big is this project?

Mo Ran, the master of plastics in Taiwan Province, the king of Xiaomi raised his hand and said, "We expect to invest 5 billion Franklins to expand the rubber product market, and the investment area will be distributed around the 'all the way to the west' sea route."

Immediately afterwards.

Taiwan province's manufacturing industry, chemical fertilizer industry, etc. have reported regional investments ranging from three to four billion yuan to as many as six to seven billion yuan according to their own businesses, that is, building branch factories.

Nanyue didn't have a company to offer, but with the two piers invested by Boss Ge, the other party could use the power of the whole country to pile up a decent super group in order to obtain the 'ticket' to join the project.

Nanyue Pingxian Foreign Trade: "We will invest 2 billion Franklin in Dongshan, and reach a strategic cooperation with the Li Brothers Group to build our own shoe industry."

Cambodia is poorer than South Vietnam. In other words, all the Nanyang partners brought by Boss Ge Da are poor, but Cambodia also has a wharf, which is an armed wharf...

(There are no permanent friends in the business field. Cambodia can be regarded as suppressing the existence of South Vietnam and Thai girls. If they are not obedient... Nanyun Tangerine Project builds a dam, and Chen Feng opens the gate to release water.)

Taimei has invested the most in the All the Way to the West Offshore project.

Perhaps Yingla revealed to her family that someone was dissatisfied with her elder brother, which made some people feel the pressure brought by the "80,000 employees of the rubber plantation". In addition, the Kra Isthmus Canal has been dug, and the north and south will soon be separated. The royal family of Thai sisters was also worried about "leading wolves into the house", so they had to cut meat to feed wolves, and broke their fortunes to eliminate disasters.

AS Communications Group invested 2 billion Franklins to set up the Zigbee network, and another 1 billion Franklins to purchase three servers.

Taimei Finance opened 15 billion Franklin low-interest special loans for the desert project, that is to say, it encourages national loans to invest in projects related to the Northwest Desert. (Just like the circle that Ge Xiaotian drew for Dongshan at the beginning, the funds in the circle have reached a certain level, and it is necessary to absorb external funds to raise the development to a new height. Otherwise, the money in the pockets of the masses will be transferred around but will never increase.)

Taimei has made a decision to plant rubber on a large scale this year. It is expected that the backlog of rice from previous years will be digested within two years. After three years, rubber exports will be exchanged for Nanyun rice imports.

The three tasks made the on-site leaders a little confused.

Because...there was no relevant news at all.

But anyway.

Boss Ge Da offered three waves of "dog support", which thoroughly stimulated the on-site entrepreneurs and outside bosses watching the live broadcast.


"What kind of trillion project is this? This is the Asia Business Alliance!"

"God all the way to the west, this is the unified commercial front."

"If you don't join, maybe tomorrow you will be suppressed by these companies!"

"Ge Erhei's name, I have seen it today!"

"Fuck me, Nanyang Development Group is in charge of handling the capital transactions of 'All the Way West' business in Nanyang."

"Hehe, it looks more and more like an alliance!"

"Standard Chartered Bank is responsible for the capital flow of 'All the Way West' business in Europe and Africa."

"Tianrong International is responsible for the Ice Bear and Huaxia regions."

"Look, Heixinge Papi has prepared everything. Think about the end of the first batch of companies investing in Dongshan Expressway. Even the company was split up and sold by this guy. I'm afraid it's not because he has no money in his pocket. If you don’t invest in companies that are going all the way west, you can get some money.”

"It makes sense, he must be poor and crazy for spending so much money on the desert project."

"Then what shall we do?"

"What can we do? Vote."


The public opinion on the Internet was basically unanimous, and they all believed that Ge Laoer was poor and crazy, and was going to recruit a group of companies, and find a reason to attack another group of companies.

And the fact seems to be the case.

The vigorous press conference ended in less than ten minutes.

All the mother planets know that it seems that Tiancheng is hostile, but in fact it is Tiancheng's younger brother, Shangpin International, who launched an attack on the Xiangjiang fruit market.

This year is different from previous years. In the past, Tiancheng was in the explosive period, and all projects were emerging, but now Tiancheng is in the precipitation period, and all projects doubled in size.

Just like animal and plant breeding bases, there used to be one in Nanwa, but now it is spread all over Dongshan, expanding to twenty.

The quantity has increased, the product variety has increased, the number of products has doubled, and the price has dropped rapidly.

"Sure enough, Ge Lao Er is taking revenge on the business group that blocked Tianmao from entering Xiangjiang."

"It's no wonder that some time ago, the director of Xiangjiang went to Dongshan to recognize his ancestors and insisted on being a fellow villager with Ge Laoer. It turned out that 'all the way to the west' planned to take the tycoons from Xiangjiang first."

While entrepreneurs and many netizens were discussing...

In the afternoon, an even more unbelievable news was revealed at the investor meeting of "All the Way West".

"We will jointly invest 5 billion, 8 billion, and 12 billion in batches in the 'Viking Pirates' to build the Nordic 'All the Way West' project."

"At present, we have received 3 billion Franklin from the Huo Dun consortium, 1 billion Franklin from the Buffett Club, and 500 million operating funds from Accor International. These three funds are regarded as the first round of financing. Beijing Pirates' backdoor listing."

A netizen: "Am I crazy, or is the mother planet crazy? Help the pirates go public?"

An expert: I really can't brag about this, no amount of money is worth it, the key is that no one believes it!

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