Build Madness

Chapter 801 Crazy World

The news of helping the Vikings go public caused an uproar in the home planet.

Although some time ago someone was raising donations to support the Vikings, but the parent star joint meeting to attack Harden's ruthless group was frustrated.

In anger, all these people were imprisoned for endangering regional security, including the retired flight director in North America. (In fact, I was worried that the latter would leak the secrets of the flight crew, and use this as an excuse)

For the filming of the Viking pirate legend, North American Disney Pictures paid 200 million Franklin's "site fee", during which a director and two famous movie stars died. It's a real pirate.

Now helping the other party go public, it's like...

The robber who ran into the neighboring village last night to burn, kill and loot suddenly changed his identity this morning and suddenly became a security officer.

"This world is crazy!"

However, what is even crazier is that after a brief silence, quite a few scholars, experts, celebrities, and famous movie stars voiced their support on the blogging platform that Google had just acquired.

"They are not pirates, they are pioneers of freedom in the new era, and they are an adventure group who dare to pursue themselves!"

"On March 12th, an avalanche occurred in the Karal Mountains in Eastern Europe, and more than 300 people were trapped. The Vikings organized personnel to rescue them. After paying the lives of three members and hundreds of thousands of financial and material resources, the trapped people were rescued and one cent was confiscated. Money! I support the Vikings going public, they are good people!"

"I have the honor to have participated in the Viking Party and met the Viking leader. He is a wise man and a great philosopher. He told me: Life is like a bouquet of flowers. Only when you watch it carefully can you see its beauty; Just like a glass of red wine, only by savoring carefully can you taste the unique taste; life is like a fire, only by burning to the fullest can you show yourself!"

"I love life as a Viking, full of freedom and hope..."

"The story I had to tell Viking Tata and I..."

"Selected Poems of the Second Chief of the Vikings..."

"The unique aquaculture technology of the Vikings..."

"Viking pigeon blood tattoo..."

"Walk into Viking and discover kindness..."

The all-pervasive speech is more overwhelming than "all the way to the west", and it almost overwhelms every information exchange platform.

Some people with "three views are very upright" are so angry that they want to scold their mothers.

But more people choose to 'understand', and then feel... Vikings do have the ability to go public.


Everything that happened overseas has nothing to do with Ge Xiaotian.

After all, the stock king Laoba promised: as long as people recognize Viking, we will make money, and the funds absorbed will be used to advance payment for the World Trade Center reconstruction project.

As for the pentagonal tender...

Because North American NT real estate development has Huaxia as a shareholder, it was rejected by a unanimous vote.

However, this does not have much impact on NT's brand launch and strong listing.

After the incident happened, Director Sun, who is the president of NT, called and said that someone in the Huo Dun security group might want to join Tian Cheng, and even gave him a lot of information for free, and secretly helped him with many things...

'It's all my people, can I not send you information? '

When Ge Xiaotian heard about this matter, he attached great importance to it. After analyzing it with Director Sun on the phone for a long time, they finally agreed: wait and see what happens.

'Fuck, now even my own people have to act. '

After dealing with this matter, Ge Xiaotian returned to the first floor of the organ tower and continued to host the first investor meeting of "All the way to the west".

The conference mainly discusses the investment sectors of various enterprises.

For example, Chia Tai International established a pharmaceutical factory in Ulu, providing 2,000 jobs.

For example, Nanyang Agriculture will set up a crop research center in a small Sahara town.

For example, the Siberian Oil Company set up a Siberian timber processing plant.

For example, Nanbangzi KS Group purchased 10,000-ton oil tankers.

For example, South Vietnam founded a shoe factory...

So many factories, so many jobs, such a large demand for materials, how to solve it?

All in all, this meeting can be regarded as resource allocation, rationally building a "all the way to the west" project that advances both sea and land, so that participating companies can promote each other and develop together.

The meeting will last for one and a half months...


That night.

Jinxiuchuan University Town Operations Department.

With such a big project, Tiancheng absorbed 30 billion Franklin for China in the first round of investment alone, and the follow-up impact will be even more far-reaching. Europe and the United States definitely don't want to see the East rise.

For this reason, the Pacific Fleet, which has leased the Malay harbor as a base, blocked Maliu on the grounds that the rainy season must be rectified.

Although it claims that all ships are prohibited from passing, it mainly targets ocean-going groups.

In addition, most of the routes across the Pacific Ocean need to pass through Hawaii, and North America secretly instructed the seaport management agency to "make things difficult" for the Sino-Ocean Group.

He didn't say that he would be detained, or that he wouldn't be released.

However, the transportation is all agricultural and sideline products, and if they are detained for a long time, once the shelf life expires and the inspection fails, the trouble will be even greater.

Fortunately, Holden has a port in Canada, as well as a trans-Pacific and Bering sea route.

But...there are pirates over there.

This is also the main intention of North America to make things difficult for Sino-Ocean Group: Don't blame us if you encounter pirates over there.

The Las Vegas pirate ship is famous.

And the Las Vegas Pirates must be brutal...

inside the office.

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the Dao 11 summary report, a bit dumbfounded, "I set up a wind vane, the original intention is to drive the development of the desert project on the mother star, extend the science and technology related to the development of the desert, and attract the wealthy local tyrants in the oil country by the way. , invest in this project, but...why did it involve pirates again?!"

"You shouldn't be listing 'Vikings'."

"The 'All the Way to the West' investment group is complicated internally. I disclosed this news purely to test out malicious companies. Moreover, dealing with a few leakers can also deter the crowd and strengthen cohesion and Tiancheng's prestige."

In some respects, it is far easier for private companies to engage in "all the way to the west" than for the government, and anyone who refuses to accept it will be beaten.

But relatively, the company needs to be very powerful in order to ignore ZZ factors.

Like North America blocking routes.

Without the Kra Isthmus Canal and the Okhotsk Shipyard, the future Sino-Ocean Group can only engage in offshore trade and pay customers a large liquidated damages.

If North America ordered Wadao and Nanbangzi to cut off their business with Sino-Ocean Group, and then supported a brand new Huaxia Shipping Company to attack Sino-Ocean Group in all aspects, the latter would definitely fail.


On Pirates...

Who can guarantee that there are no pirates in Maliu?

Who can guarantee that there are no pirates in the Gulf of Aden?

Who can guarantee that there are no pirates in Bermuda?

Who can guarantee that there are no pirates in the Bering Sea?

Maybe there are pirates even in the north and south poles...

"Let the Sino-Ocean Group take the Bering route first, and if you encounter pirates, tell them that the Sino-Ocean Group has paid the 'protection fee'."

"what do you mean?"

"It's normal for pirates to fight for territory."

"But boss, the origin of the Viking pirates can be traced, the pirates in the Gulf of Aden are deeply rooted, the pirates in Bermuda have a long history, and the pirates in Las Vegas... are just legends."

"Pirate culture is prevalent, and there is another 'blockade' in Alaska. Some people are red-eyed, or they want to find excitement. It makes sense to set up an awesome pirate group."

"Then... who is arranged to go there?"

"let me see……"

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and opened the intelligence system to study it, "This old guy who used to be the director of the flight crew seems to want to be a pirate?"

"It is said to be so."

"Think of a way to test and test. If there is no problem, arrange someone to help him create a sensational 'prison escape' on the home planet, which is comparable to a blockbuster movie, and then let the 'pirates' take him in, and finally 'convince' him who was the flight attendant. Courage and resourcefulness, he is willing to let him be the boss of the pirate group."


"Bering Pirates... No, the Las Vegas Pirates, isn't there?"

"Boss, can you stop making yourself more and more like a villain behind the scenes? Our family's regular army, which was originally good, was all sent by you to be ruthless people, pirates, and even bodyguards..."

"Why, do you have an opinion?"


"That's good, go get busy."


After Dao Shiyi left, Ge Xiaotian browsed through the latest information.

Tiancheng is its own main company, so any matter that can affect overseas nerves, it will inevitably make friends and businessmen make bigger news, which will be used to attract firepower.

This time is no exception.

It is still Longtian Technology, which is internally defined as a 'target'.

In the past year, Longtian Technology has made a lot of money.

SG pads sell well in Asia, the Japanese version is popular in North America, and the Hong Kong version is available in Europe.

A total of 500 million units were shipped.

It doesn't mean that there are 500 million people using it, but that about two-thirds of them are used as display machines and belong to enterprise purchases.

With the help of SG pad push, Longtian's newly launched home console is also well received, with 20 million units pre-ordered online and 100,000 units sold offline.

The average price of the SG pad is 600 Franklin, and the home console is similar. After removing the cost and partner dividends, Longtian's net profit is as high as 30 billion.

If the financial statements are made public, the home planet should be the first.

In addition, Longtian Technology's main business is graphene technology authorization and graphene semi-finished product wholesale, and it has also gained nearly 10 billion Franklin revenue.

Others include more than 2,000 patent authorization fees, shareholding or shareholding company revenue sharing, commissioned service fees for research and development...

It can be said that if there is no North American suppression, Longtian Technology will surpass Microsoft in minutes.

It's a pity that Longtian has been targeted in various ways, and now he can only sell game consoles.

Based on the above, Old King Longtian has said in public more than once: Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, if I let Lao Tzu fly, the first thing is to kill the Science and Technology Alliance!

In the grand plan of the May 1st Golden Week, Tian Cheng is in the light, and Long Tian is in the dark.

Then turn the situation around, expose Long Tian, ​​let Long Tian come out to pick up the guests...

Therefore, what Longtian Technology has done this time is even more awesome than Tiancheng's trillion-dollar plan.

At least in the accounts, Long Tian paid for it himself...

8 am on May 2nd.

The Huaxia Academy of Sciences and Longtian Technology established the largest graphene refining base on the parent planet in Heshi, Dongshan, and Longtian invested 40 billion red notes.

10 o'clock in the morning.

Lao Wang appeared in Dongshan Decheng and established the largest photovoltaic equipment research and development center on the parent star with CNOOC. CNOOC invested 5 billion yuan and Longtian invested 20 billion yuan.

11 am.

Lao Wang appeared in Nanhe Zheng's Mansion and joined forces with BYD to set up a research base for 'special-shaped batteries'.

12 o'clock noon.

Lao Wang mobilized all the funds of the company to establish:

Dongxin International (Dongshan Chip International Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd.), located in Xincheng, Zaoshi, can manufacture 300mm wafers that integrate graphene technology and silicon electronics technology, and produce 0.24um chips, mainly for industrial manufacturing.

Nanxin International, located in Kaifeng, Nanhe, can not only manufacture 300mm wafers and 0.24um chips, but also produce optoelectronic components, mainly for the field of automobile manufacturing.

Beixin International, located in Cangzhou, Beihe, can produce most semiconductors, photosensitive elements, circuit boards, and intelligent single-chip microcomputers, mainly for medical equipment, communication equipment, and electronic products.

Located in Jianfu, 'Rongxin International' can produce logic circuits, storage devices, mixed-signal circuits, detection equipment, etc., mainly for the shipbuilding field.

Located in Xishan, Xixin International can produce integrated circuits for toys.

Located in Shaanxi Province, Soilcore International mainly researches and develops advanced aerospace electronic components.

The six major chip companies have almost consumed all of Longtian's wealth.

Afterwards, King Longtian got a loan of 100 billion yuan and announced to 'build a car'.

In the words of Lao Wang: I have long been upset about Ge Laoer, what tua, the boss is here, what tua, the boss is gone, he... tui!

The car made by Longtian is not of the same type as Tiancheng Electric Industry.

It's like a rendering of 'accidentally' drifting outside.

Motorcycles and heavy machines look like those in science fiction movies. The wheels are radiant, the body is silver and white, and the overall shape is streamlined. It accelerates like a bolt of lightning.

According to the color, the names are very domineering: Light and Shadow, Firefox, Lingbo.

In addition, there are three-wheeled heavy machines, not the one with people in front and the carriage behind, but the kind with no carriage and double rear-wheel drive. People need to lie on top of the locomotive and touch the handle of the front wheel with both hands. The speed was not disclosed.

As for cars.

Two-seater sports car, Phantom, Razer.

The four-seater sedan, Jiaolong brand, is equipped with the most cutting-edge technology of Longtian, and it is said that it can be transformed.

Here comes the point.

The extended commercial sedan has its own radar and full-range satellite signals. It is named: somersault cloud.


Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian almost burst into tears with laughter, "God is somersaulting cloud, are all the people in the car the great sages? Change it."

"What's that called?"

"With the current exposure of Longtian Technology, it is not good to name it, and replacing it with symbols can better shape the marketing plan."

Ge Xiaotian picked up the white paper and scratched it randomly twice. Feeling dissatisfied, he picked up a long strip of eraser, dipped it in some ink, and scratched it diagonally, then reversed and scratched diagonally again, "How about this?"

"Isn't it an X?"

"Look carefully, isn't it like the gate of time and space?"


Dao Shishi stared at the blank paper in silence for a long time, then nodded expressionlessly, "Like!"

"Of course, the name is definitely not the Gate of Time and Space, but: Fortune Express."


The corner of Dao Shishi's mouth twitched slightly, "Boss, let's call it Somersault Cloud."

"Just kidding, the name is Longtian Laowang... Longtian, Laowang... hey? How about the Dragon King?"

"Riding the Dragon King? But this has nothing to do with technology."

"All right."

Ge Xiaotian looked through the information again, "Horton has revealed many times that North America asked us to release the arrested 'reporters'. This time, let them arrange it."

"Let them bring back the news that Longtian invested in the chip company?"

"Well, including cars, and... Longtian is preparing to build 'Noah's Ark' to deal with the secrets of the 2012 catastrophe."


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