Build Madness

Chapter 802 Domineering Pharaoh Digging Pit Online

The next day, May 3rd.

At five o'clock in the morning, Sancha Township Tianwei Security Group and Sancha Township Militia Office issued an emergency notice through the Zigbee network like SG equipment and smart card users:

'Half an hour ago, about thirty-five 'students' who received in-depth training on Tiancheng's corporate culture at Tiancheng's internal education base injured the 'instructor' and fled overnight. '

‘Such acts of disregarding the elders and deliberately defaulting on tuition fees are really heinous. I hope the Dongshan people will communicate with each other and be more vigilant. '

‘If you find a fugitive, don’t say anything, don’t act alone, please use the touch screen smart card camera function immediately to record the environment and location of the other party. '

‘Assist in the successful arrest and reward 200,000 red notes. Provide effective clues and reward 100,000 red notes. '

'This is the first reward offered in 2002. It was signed by Dongshan Highest Security Office and Dongshan Highest Notary Office. It is compliant and valid. '

After the launch of the Tiancheng mission system, the novel experience has attracted countless people who are keen on public welfare.

Mr. Yu studied for a long time and found that this thing was interesting. He couldn't bear the recommendation of someone Ge and helped Dongshan Highest Security Office purchase a similar platform.

Assist in the investigation, assist in solving the case, assist in the arrest...

Of course, you need to report your personal information and pass the corresponding assessment to obtain this qualification.

However, Mr. Yu forgot one thing.

The assessment must be based on self-defense counterattack, thinking response, and popularization of laws. However, affected by the K.O martial arts competition, Dongshan and the surrounding areas all practice martial arts.

In addition, Tianyu Interactive launched a simulator to cultivate fighting ability, and the smart card also often pushes some safety knowledge.

This leads to...

Almost all the young and middle-aged residents of Xingyue Bay have obtained 'qualification certificates'.

Therefore, people who were woken up by the forced notification were still a little bit angry at first, but when they saw the amount of the bonus, they cheered up instantly.

One hundred thousand!

Work hard and save ten years of struggle!

Early in the morning, there were suddenly many "aimless" people wandering around on the street...

"Fried buns!"


"Soup with Pepper……"

The breakfast stall, which was somewhat sluggish due to the Golden Week, became lively in an instant...

This made many small owners of breakfast shops very suspicious that Ge Laoer was messing around again.

However, after making money, everyone knows what to say and what not to say.

"Boss, have you seen this man?"

"I have a little impression, it seems that I bought two buns here...Damn it, this is the clue!"

but in fact...

The first batch of thirty-five 'reporters' released had already arrived at Longshan Base, the capital of North America in Nanbangzi.

However, Ge Xiaotian had long since given up his plan of arranging strong men to mix in.

Most of the agents and spies sent to North America come from Nanbangzi and Wajima. After careful inspection, they will definitely find clues. Whether they are interrogated or monitored, they may affect the whole body. If the security of the Ninja Alliance and Huo Dun is exposed, some The loss outweighs the gain.

And those who were released were all real spies, and the deployment of Longtian's technology industry was quickly placed in front of the Technology Alliance and confirmed.

ten o'clock in the morning.

The Science and Technology Alliance accused Longtian Technology of illegally and secretly selling "parallel cargo machines" in North America and other places, which seriously violated the trade law. It also accused Longtian Technology of occupying a total of more than 300 patents without authorization, and demanded that Longtian Technology compensate 5 billion Franklin's economic loss.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the news reached Huaxia.

Not to mention the public's reaction to this, Longtian Lao Wang just shrugged fearlessly, ignored this issue directly, publicly admitted that Longtian Technology has indeed made a big move recently, and announced that an online public meeting will be held in the afternoon.


It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lao Wang appeared in front of thousands of netizens on time.

The starry sky behind, the planets on both sides, and the magnetically levitated office desk in the middle, the whole scene is unreal, extraordinarily dreamy.

Lao Wang held the pointer and pointed out of nowhere, and virtual desktops far surpassing Tiancheng's AR projection appeared around him.




"I rely on it!"



Lao Wang seemed unable to see the bullet screen, and the old god said in Zaizai:

"I always firmly believe in the words of the great figures: science and technology are the primary productive forces."

"In the new century, chips, or integrated circuits, have become the foundation and mainstream of technology, and have become an indispensable part of life."

"With it, we can integrate more logic gates, flip-flops, multi-task managers, etc., into a small 'circuit board' to reduce the size of electronic products and make them become Lighter and more portable."

"For example, the CD player evolved into an MP3."

"For example, VCD and DVD players have evolved into MP4."

"For example, smart phone applications not only include MP3 and MP4, but also have functions such as radio and calculator."

"I believe that the more advanced the technology, the smaller the electronic products. Maybe it won't be too long before the smartphone will become a pair of 'glasses', or a mosaic biochip, or a personal assistant floating around .”

"However, if we Huaxia want to achieve this step, Long Tian alone is far from enough."

"Just like the 6888 version of the smart card, in addition to the Soc chip that integrates multiple task processors, it also includes a rear video camera, a rear f/1.6 aperture photosensitive camera, a rear f/2.4 aperture telephoto camera, and a front 3D depth-of-sight camera. Sensitive camera, IPS hard screen assembly, graphene battery, running RAM, storage ROM, Zigbee network transceiver, Glonass navigation system baseband, ambient light sensor, infrared sensor, gyroscope, gravity sensor, flash , microphone, player..."

"Every extended application of a Soc chip needs a dozen or even dozens of electronic components to support it."

"Every electronic component needs a complete industrial chain."

"Currently in the field of Huaxia Science and Technology, Longtian Technology and Weihua Communication are mainly responsible for R\u0026D, and Wanshi Technology and Qixi Great Wall are the main contractors. Although we are competitors with each other, we all adopt the method of self-production and self-sale to increase profit points."


"Because R\u0026D costs a lot of money, and laying out in the early stage is even more expensive."

"We can only choose to make high-end mainstream chips first, and earn high profits through direct sales to make up for R\u0026D and early investment in order to expand the scope of business."

"However, as personal terminals have more and more functions, even if the total number of employees of our competing companies exceeds 100,000, we still cannot handle the high-intensity work system of 8 hours x 3 shifts, and the huge Market demand."

"Also, the current production and manufacturing are high-end chips, excluding semiconductors and microcircuit boards needed for household appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, microwave ovens, range hoods, and remote-controlled toys."

"If you want to live a better life, you still need to mass-produce the basic circuits of household appliances, so that they can enter thousands of households and become the most common consumer goods."

"Therefore, up to now, just like the innovation of industrial foundation, Huaxia's electronic technology and semiconductor technology fields are also facing a transformation."

"It's not referring to Longtian, nor my competitors, but the whole of China."

"Some time ago, I took out 50 billion Franklin and decided to be the pioneer."

"Large-scale laying of wafer manufacturing plants, mass production of low-end chips, large-scale laying of semiconductor manufacturing plants, mass production of various electronic components, helping countless small and medium-sized technology companies to rise, competing in different regions, promoting each other, and developing together... "

"Create a unique brand that belongs to our Huaxia!"

"Once successful, most of the washing machines, microwave ovens, cooker hoods, and even TVs that need to be imported to complete assembly will all use domestic chips, and the price will drop by at least half."

"Yes, that's right, everyone heard correctly, it is indeed half!"

"Because there is no patent licensing fee, no middleman earning the price difference, and no need to bear the tariffs arising from export and import, and there is no 'rare is more expensive'."

"It's like a North American smartphone."

"Cameras and semiconductors are produced in Wajima, and Wajima manufacturers need to pay patent fees to camera R\u0026D companies. To make finished products, you need to pay for leaving Wajima, and you need to pay for entering North America. From production to assembly, there will be a series of labor costs, Shipping, insurance..."

"The display screen and display assembly are produced in Nanbangzi, and the follow-up process is the same as that of the camera."

"The photosensitive element is produced in the Netherlands..."

"Other parts are also from all over the parent planet..."

"Calculating the cost, things that originally cost one yuan may triple when they enter the assembly line."

"When a semi-product is made, the screen, experimental system, and R\u0026D applications will be adjusted, and the price will double again."

"Electronic products depreciate rapidly, almost once a year. In order to quickly withdraw funds and obtain high profits, mobile phone manufacturers will double the definition of product prices."

"Then, the manufacturer draws the money, and the dealer draws the money..."

"What ends up costing a dollar can sell for twenty, or even fifty."

"This is electronics!"

"Hearing this, everyone should be able to understand why the most common smartphone costs three to five thousand yuan, while SG devices and smart cards only cost a few hundred yuan, right?"

"Of course, speaking from my conscience, I'm sure I still have some money to make."

"But our R\u0026D personnel need wages, raw materials need costs, and labor costs are needed."

"More importantly, I can create ten jobs by producing one SG device, producing, transporting, and selling..."

"Therefore, I hope that everyone will support domestic production and actively participate in the construction and development of domestic science and technology undertakings."

"When we are successful, I believe that according to the price level, everyone can buy air conditioners and refrigerators with one month's salary, and a normal home host with two months' salary. , buy a new car in three years, and the collective happiness will lead to a well-off life!"

Lao Wang's passionate speech ended, and after a brief silence, the barrage directly buried the entire screen.

"President Wang is domineering!"

"Long live the motherland!"

"China rises!"

"Made, I won't go to the desert with Ge Laoer to make money, and the million dollars in my pocket will be spent on technology. It doesn't matter how much I earn, I must use purely domestic products!"

"The SG equipment you are using now, isn't it pure?"

"To be honest, it's not true. Cameras and semiconductors have traces of certain companies in Wajima...Of course, it's just a guess. Longtian is blocked by the Science and Technology Alliance, and Wajima doesn't dare to provide technical support to it."

"Then what are you talking about?"


Wang Wen, the richest man in Beihe: "We really should work hard. I would like to take this opportunity to meet Mr. Wang. Don't worry, I'm in real estate and I'm not afraid of being targeted overseas."

Ge Feng, the richest man in Black Dragon: "I am me, and my son is my son. The two of us don't get along, and I can't get used to that kid. Here, I support Mr. Wang and take out 20 billion red notes to wait for orders."

Shen Zhipeng from the Jifu: "How could I be missing when you hit Ge Laoer? The Jifu Chamber of Commerce offers a 30% discount on the rental fees of technology-related shops!"

Mr. Cao, the king of glass: "With the support of the superior department, the domestic LED screen has caught up with the tail of the technology alliance, and the more advanced OLED has also made a major breakthrough. We will open up all the latest achievements for Longtian Technology, and strive to let Mr. Wang's products, Use the best, latest, most advanced screen every time!"

Wanshi Technology Montblanc: "From today, we will no longer accept low-end chip manufacturing, but help small and medium-sized enterprises absorb this type of technology and complete the manufacturing work. Next, Wanshi Technology will move to higher-end ultra-large-scale chips. Integrated circuit manufacturing process, launch a sprint, strive to develop our own 120nm, 90nm lithography machine, etching machine, and strive to catch up with overseas 75nm as soon as possible.”

Tian Cheng has always planned and acted before doing things, and Longtian Technology, which is secretly controlled, is no exception.

Investing in graphene refining bases and six chip companies has long found partners.

And these partners, seeing that many business leaders have voiced their support, have also poured out to help build momentum.

But those who are interested find out...

"Strange, why are they all new companies whose names have never been heard? What about those computer manufacturers, TV manufacturers, and air-conditioning and refrigerator manufacturers?"

"Are you stupid? I didn't hear Mr. Wang say that most of the chips and electronic components used in this kind of products need to be imported, or they need to buy patent authorization. If they dare to support Longtian, believe it or not, they will be out of stock tomorrow? "

"The most important thing is that most of those companies are listed companies. After the supply is cut off, the market value will definitely plummet. It is estimated that they are not listed companies that can withstand overseas sanctions."

"After you said that, I realized that these companies that dare to speak out are really unlisted companies. Lao Wang is really awesome. Ge Lao Er set up three super chambers of commerce for capital turnover, but Lao Wang kept silent. Use your own hard work to get to the present.”

"Boss Wang is awesome!"

"Wait, all Ge Laoer's companies are not listed..."

"Why bring up that black-hearted Ge Papi? Do you have a house? Do you have a car? Can you afford an electric car!"

"There are all of them!"


Amidst the noise, the webcast platform opened a dedicated channel for certified journalists and entered the questioning session.

"Mr. Wang, what is the manufacturing process of the most advanced lithography machine of Longtian Technology?"

"This is the secret of Wanshi Technology. However, there are Longtian shares in it, and I also have the right to disclose some of the content. Our most advanced chips use 75nm, which is the same as the manufacturing process disclosed overseas, but it cannot catch up with the technology alliance to launch next year. 60nm, or 45nm. But..."

King Longtian smiled slightly, "We are ten years ahead of overseas countries in terms of materials, which is an insurmountable gap. Moreover, the performance of chips produced with graphene circuit + silicon electronic backplane technology is at least ten times that of chips with the same process. Therefore, Long Tian is not only not backward, but very advanced, at least I think so."

"Mr. Wang, what do you think of the 'Running Score' software giving the SG pad a score that just surpassed the low-end models?"

"Wang Po sells melons, sells melons, sells her own brag, don't believe that thing, she has the ability to transplant the watermelon ninja in the touch-screen SG device to a smartphone, how many of you can take it with you? I'm afraid the smartphone will become a hand warmer ...Oh, sorry, I overestimated them, there are no touch-screen mobile phones overseas at the moment... What a fucking laggard."


"Mr. Wang, I heard that you have a bad relationship with Ge Xiaotian, the chairman of Tiancheng. Your company is so strong, why didn't you buy Tiancheng?"

"Yes, sooner or later I will let that guy go to farm."


"Mr. Wang, I heard that Longtian Technology is planning to carry out a major project related to the future of the parent planet. Can you tell me a little bit?"

"Who did you hear that from?"

"Daotu heard..."

"Do you know the picture of Tuibei? There are also Mayan prophecies and divine apocalypse. Now that the world is warming, the ice at the poles is melting rapidly... Uh, sorry, I was just joking."


What the hell are you talking about at the beginning, and then saying that you are joking, who will believe it?


The capital of Nanbangzi, the North American Longshan base.


The supervisor with the stars on his shoulders turned off the Longtian Technology webcast supported by SG equipment, walked to the desk, and looked at the intelligence personnel who had finally escaped from the mine by digging a secret tunnel, and several groups of blurred photos taken by the other party.

"Is this all true?"

"Yes sir, before going to the mine, we worked as coolies in Qinggang Tiancheng Electric Industry. One time when we returned to the dormitory after get off work, we passed by their temporary office. Old King Longtian was arguing with Ge Xiaotian, and even almost got into a fight. The projection equipment in the hall played These are the contents, and Lao Wang can be vaguely heard saying:

When the continental shelf is submerged by the flood, the Himalayas are the best place to build the 'what ark'.

Ge Xiaotian retorted: Let me build a ship in the Himalayas, and also install an escape elevator for the shipyard on Mount Everest. If the news spreads, I am afraid that not all mother planets will laugh at him.

Lao Wang also said: For the future of mankind.

I was worried about being discovered, so I didn't dare to continue eavesdropping, so I quickly took photos with the smart card issued by Tiancheng. Later, I used the loss of the device as an excuse to log in to the Shenlong account again, and synchronized the photos to the personal cloud of Baixiaotong on the win platform , and then the photo was damaged, so I had to find a way to restore it like this. "

"What ark? Looks like a football..."

The supervisor took the photo and observed it carefully for a long time, entered the keyword in the military equipment, and quickly jumped out of 'Noah's Ark', and entered the 'tweet back picture', and quickly jumped out of the magical story in Chinese legends that can infer the future, and then entered ' Mayan Prophecy'...


After reading the content, the supervisor picked up the communicator, "Look at the northern foot of the Himalayas... the exact location? How do I know? What? I found it so soon? It's a big factory building? It's estimated to be at least two kilometers long? Two hundred meters Wide? Built against the mountain, and there are super-large equipment such as gantry cranes and wind power towers? Fuck, are you sure you read it right?"


Northern foothills of the Himalayas.

The 'matrix' formed by the cylinders emits countless laser beams with frequent fluctuations under the supply of wind power.

The light beams are intertwined, some simulate roofs, some simulate equipment, and some cover green plants...

More than 30 staff sat in the satellite monitoring station, operating several satellites named GLONASS navigation system, observing the area from different angles.

In the picture, it is indeed like the results of North American satellite monitoring that there is a super factory building.

"Think of a way to show the bow of the boat."

"Not enough power..."

"What about simulating an elevator?"

"Can they see it?"

"Whatever, the more real the better."

"With the existing equipment, it can only be launched at a height of 2,000 meters."

"Enough...wait a minute, the sun shifts, adjust the AR projection to the shade first."


Longshan Base.

Satellite crew: "Oh my God, sir, their superplant will run!"

North American Chief: "???"

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