Build Madness

Chapter 803: Ge Erqiu Goes Online

There are multiple branches of AR technology.

One is to rely on the display device to form three-dimensional light and shadow, so that the image goes out of the screen, with dynamic interaction function, which is currently in the theoretical stage.

The second is to synthesize virtual images based on video perspective technology, and use projection equipment to project three-dimensional virtual images into reality, which also has dynamic effects, but does not have interactive functions.

This time Lao Wang used this technology to operate the visualized light and shadow desktop in the void during the press conference, making the viewers think it was the first one, but it was actually a fool.

The third is to form a matrix of projection equipment, use laser beams to change the refraction of ambient light, and match the simple scenes set in advance to form large-scale virtual images, also known as: static augmented reality, without dynamic effects.

For example, if the ashtray is broken, one-third of it is missing. Using this technology to complete it, you don’t need to wear glasses, and you can’t tell the truth from one meter away.

Another example is the creation of game projects such as mirages, AR mazes, and 'Live Hell'.

In fact, it is also possible to make real ones at close range, but the current technology cannot reach that level, unless micro-nano-scale optoelectronic components are used to make the light more textured.

The foundation of the above technologies is photonic technology.

AR is an application of 'visible light' in the branch of photonic technology.

In time, build a frame, use visible light as exterior walls and decorations, and use the material properties of light to create a "thermal light curtain", and you can completely create a skyscraper that can change its appearance and shape as you like.

If the frame is changed to a steel structure combined with organ skills, or carbon nanomaterials, not only buildings can be built, but cars, tools, and airplanes can also be built...

Did you think of the 'Universal Capsule'?

This is the main reason why Daoyi chose photon technology as his own technology tree.

If you compare it with quantum, 100 red notes can make optoelectronic components, and 1 million red notes can make quantum-carrying devices. In the future, quantum theory, quantum algorithms, etc. will need to be verified.

Moreover, the life of optoelectronic components is as high as 50,000 hours, and the power consumption is dozens of times lower than that of silicon electronics, while quantum devices can only be used for 6,000 to 7,000 hours, and the power consumption can be described as terrifying.

It can be seen that the photon, which does not require too high environmental requirements, is far more suitable for the current social development than the quantum, which requires absolute zero temperature to stabilize the structure.

"I say, let there be light!"

In Jinxiuchuan University City, at the first investor meeting of "All the way to the west", Boss Ge, after reading the information, stretched out his right hand and folded his fingers together as if nervous.

The many partners who are discussing the plan below are all a little confused...


"Oh, well, let's continue."


Lao Wang is busy cheering up the Chinese science and technology community, overseas satellites are busy researching super factories, and Ge Xiaotian is also busy allocating resources and deploying industries.

Overseas companies pour money in, they have to let others taste the sweetness, and then attract more investors to China, right?

Just like the 'circle' he drew for Sancha Township before.

When the circle develops to a certain stage, the money in people's pockets is transferred to and fro, reaching saturation and unable to grow any more. This requires external funds and resources as nourishment to make the economy of the circle rise to a higher level.

This is true for Sancha Township, Dongshan, Huaxia, and Mother Planet.

So, Ge Erchui went online.

"At our level, to measure whether a person is rich or not is not only the deposits in his card and bank liabilities, but also how many resources he can mobilize."

"Just like me, Cary only has... ninety-six and eight dollars. Do you dare to say that I am poor?"

"In the same way, let's figure out who is the real invisible rich man in this world."


"No, with such a small salary every year, food, drink, housing and transportation will cost money. Getting married and having children means overdrawing your parents' retirement savings. Buying a house means mortgaging yourself for the rest of your life. If you lose your job, 60 to 70 percent of ordinary families will have to dissolve."

"Business owner?"

"According to Tiancheng's big data statistics, this year China has just exceeded 200,000 millionaires with Franklin's worth, while there are no more than 2 million millionaires with millionaires in red notes."

"We multiplied the actual number of people by 3, let alone the corporate debt they bear, and we don't count whether they have business competition with us. In terms of the number of people alone, it is obviously not the main target group for our desert products."

"The next thing is the iron rice bowl."

"In China, the salary of the iron rice bowl is not high, but the benefits are good. I get some food today, some drinks tomorrow, and some more the day after tomorrow. With so little money in my pocket, what do I use to buy our desert products?"

"Then the question is, who is the richest in China?"


"Don't look at me questioningly, it's just the way it is."

"They have a yard, they don't need to buy a house, they have land, they can grow whatever they want, and eat whatever they want. Although they only earn a small amount of income every year, tuition fees are exempted for compulsory education, and there is no disease or disaster. They basically spend no money. Some people may say, what about money? ?”

"In China, the vast majority of peasant households favor sons over daughters. There are many factors involved. One is labor, and the second is inheritance."

"For example, Zhang San's family has ten acres of land. There are two children, a boy and a girl. When they grow up, the daughter will marry far away, and the son will inherit the family business. If there is no boy, the land will be owned by the village collective, and the daughter will not have the right to inherit."

"Therefore, inheritance is very important. As the saying goes, there are three types of unfilial piety. It is the greatest to have no descendants. In order to have descendants, most farmers have sons."

"Girls in rural areas have decreased and boys have increased. What if there are not so many marriages?"

"Increase the dowry money, whoever has the highest dowry can get a daughter-in-law."

"Actually, it's more serious than this in the city, because there is a 'matched family' and various marriages...let's not talk about that for now."

"I'm thinking, if we can reduce the dowry money, reduce the expenses of red and white things, and increase the yield of crops, will the quality of life and consumption level of farmers be raised by N steps?"

"I did an experiment in Dongshan, set up water conservancy, promoted education reform, and assisted in road paving...very successful!"

"As of May this year, Dongshan Tiancheng has 2,000 benefiting activity centers, 50 million farmers have participated in the experimental field project, and 10 million farmers have engaged in small-scale operations of benefiting the people. Employment in companies and branches."

"In other words, nearly 90% of Dongshan's 100 million people are my clients."

"So, we have Tian Cheng now."

"In the same way, Tianhao Group, Tianbo Group, Tianwang Group, and Sanjin Group are also doing the same."

"We have reliable data to prove that before the end of the year, Tiancheng's customer base will grow to 500 million people, and we will win Huaxia South next year, guaranteeing a minimum of one billion customers."

"Just ask, how many people are there on the mother planet?"

"Besides, I also own the Ice Bear Market, Nanyang Market..."

"Comrades... No, brothers, believe me, if we can make the farmers in the sub-region rich, we will be the uncrowned kings in the business field!"

At some point, the business leaders in the conference room lit up their cigarettes one after another...

At the end, Qi Shushu frowned and took a deep breath.

"It seems reasonable."

"But something always feels wrong..."

"Is this really how Tian Cheng earned his money?"

At this time, the projection device plays the video.

In the picture, the Limin Activity Center in Yangkou Town, Shouguang, Weicheng, is allocating this year's vegetable planting arrangements.

On both sides of the road, there are densely packed Feige electric vehicles.

In the steel structure parking lot, Sancha Wuling was parked layer by layer, including several new Beihe Great Wall cars.

Tens of thousands of farmers, wearing the shorts and short-sleeves newly launched by Li Brothers and Angel Investment Enterprises this year, or bought a catty of pork, or bought a broiler chicken, or bought a bottle of code, or wrapped a few sausages... …

Take the smart card to receive planting tasks from various companies, and receive the seeds and seedlings cultivated by Tianmao.

Camera goes up...

On the periphery of the Limin Activity Center, three new rural communities are arranged in a zigzag shape, and an asphalt road connects the surrounding villages.

In the village, the newly built houses are tall and spacious.

In a living room, a family of four is eating in front of the SG TV.

On the table are eggs mixed with mashed garlic, cucumbers mixed with pig ears, a pot of steamed Yellow River carp...

Almost all the surrounding furniture and appliances bear the imprint of 'Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce'.

The camera cuts to the fields.

At the beginning of May, the wheat in Dongshan has already granulated, and it will be harvested in one month.

The non-vegetable farmers in Weicheng did not clean up the wheat field for pressing wheat as usual, but gathered together to clean up the canals laid last year and bury the PC pipe irrigation system to be carried out this year.

On several nearby Zigbee signal towers, the large LED display screens broadcast the current temperature, humidity, wind power, precautions...

The camera zooms out, and the combine harvesters are heading to the south, passing by the Intercity Pioneer and Tourist Civilization buses...

The same scene also happened around the other 2,000 Limin Activity Centers.

This seems pretty ordinary.

But compared with two years ago, there are no earth houses, no cows pulling horses, no beggars on the street, and the old man picking up dung with a dung basket has also disappeared.

Instead, clean clothes, refreshed faces, and positive energy, as well as a street scene that is not inferior to the city.

The screen changed.

Tianrong and Tianmao combined data and gave a statistical table.

The name of the farmer is covered by a mosaic, and the assets owned by it are displayed behind it.

The amount of land, real estate rights, electronic vehicles, annual personal income...finally aggregated into family funds.

More than 200,000 households, about 70 million.

More than 300,000 families, more than 50 million...

(False data, the land and courtyards are converted into family funds according to the demolition compensation. In is impossible for all farmers to be demolished.)

Ge Xiaotian's way of secretly changing the concept stunned all the business leaders on the scene.

Same as before.

"It seems reasonable."

"But something always feels wrong..."

Everyone frowned and lost in thought.

"So, farmers are indeed the wealthiest group."

"Although the consumption power is not as good as that of the cities, the quantity has caused a qualitative change. No wonder Tiancheng can make so much money."

"Indeed, the products they use are all from Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce."

For a while, there was a lot of discussion below.

Ge Xiaotian waited for a moment, then said:

"Just imagine, if we convert the resources in the hands of farmers into funds, how much can we earn?"

"And the Westward Expressway project is the link responsible for the transformation."

"It runs through China horizontally, passes through countless towns, has hundreds of crossings, and thousands of emerging industrial parks."

"If gas pipelines are laid along the highway, and every household has access to gas, Siberia Petroleum and KS Group will make a lot of money."

"If the pharmacy is laid out in accordance with the industrial park, Nanyang Chia Tai International will win the Beidi pharmaceutical market and make a lot of money."

"If you rent shops in the Limin Activity Center and invest in desert product companies, you will make a lot of money!"

Ge Xiaotian finished drawing big cakes for the business leaders on site one by one, with a firm tone, and added again: "At that time, our brothers present here will all become family-style consortiums, and joining together to enter the European and American markets is by no means wishful thinking!"

As soon as the words fell, the additional investment page appeared on the SG pad screen in front of every boss.

"Believe me, I have won countless times with my partners!"

After finishing speaking, Ge Xiaotian seemed to think of something, "Of course, I hope that everyone will not be a white-eyed wolf like Horton. My master made him rich, and let him grow from a down-and-out family member to a leader who can influence DuPont step by step, but finally betrayed him." me."


Although this is a joke, it is more convincing.

After all, Horton did want to run DuPont.

It is almost an open secret that Horton went to Huaxia to fight black boxing to get acquainted with Ge Laoer, and joined Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce to invest in Neo Brass.

(The relationship between Horton and Tiancheng needs to be cleared up. Opening up part of the business cooperation can also cover up the hidden part.)

Hearing this, the business leaders on the scene picked up the SG pad one after another.

Drip, Nanyang Agriculture added 500 million Franklin investment...

Drip, Nanbangzi KS Group added 1 billion Franklin...

Drip, the Siberian oil company mortgaged bitumen worth 2 billion Franklin...

(Petroleum needs to be imported, and asphalt needed for infrastructure needs to be imported.)

Dip, Taimei AS Communication added 500 million Franklin...

Drip, Nanyue mortgaged 500,000 mu of paddy fields...

Drop, Cambodia mortgages the toll right of a certain road section for 20 years...

Drip, Kazastan mortgaged a non-ferrous metal mine in the Altai region...


The first day of the meeting is over.

Starting tomorrow, many business leaders and regional official representatives will refine their investment plans in accordance with the general direction set by Boss Ge.

That night.

Ge Xiaotian checked the decision made by the Science and Technology Alliance against Longtian Technology.

In fact, there is no decision. The other party slandered Longtian for occupying the patented technology, which is indeed slander.

The chip architecture is divided into three major directions.

Data flow, control flow, bus flow.

Data flow: data is a straight line from input to output, and there is no data that turns back. This is a pure data processing architecture with relatively single functions.

Control flow is an architectural design based on a state machine or CPU. Simple chips use a state machine, and complex chips must use a CPU as the control core. If RAM and ROM are added, a control chip is formed.

The bus flow belongs to the chip design architecture based on the bus. One or more CPU, RAM, ROM, I2C, UART and other components are connected to the bus, which is also the current mainstream architecture.

If these components are arranged and combined to form a chip that meets various needs, and then controlled by multiple secondary chips and governed by a main chip, it becomes a Soc.

At present, there is no Soc structure overseas, Longtian is the creator, and overseas is actually the one who occupies the patent, but overseas will not admit this, otherwise they will have to pay Longtian.

If it is placed in the future, there is no need to make it so complicated, because there are some public version structures overseas, and no authorization is required. As the saying goes, you can climb higher by stepping on the shoulders of others. Why bother to move the stones yourself?

But it was the millennium at that time, and there was no suitable structure for personal terminal needs. Longtian was able to make a set, even if it was not very mature or perfect, as long as it was not made public, it would always be in the leading position.

As for other aspects, self-designed chips must create algorithms, codes, editors, translators...

If you want to carry this chip, you need to design an IC board and a printed circuit board.

Since none of the above adopts international general standards, the semiconductor pins, headphone jacks, speaker jacks, and charging jacks all need to be redesigned.

Therefore, the first generation smart card can only listen to music outside, without camera, gravity sensing and other functions. The second generation smart card cooperated with Goertek to have a series of earphones. The third generation borrowed Wajima controlled by the Ninja Alliance. Only semiconductor companies have the camera function.

Longtian Technology did not occupy the patent, and the thieves of the technology alliance called "stop the thief", nothing more than to force Longtian to disclose the Shenlong architecture to prove itself, and then copy the Shenlong chip to develop smart phones.

It's a pity that Pharaoh is a 'not stingy'. He held an online public meeting today, and was almost harassed by the officials during the reporter's questioning session.

Without it, there are too many swear words, even Xiao Bu scolded...

After Ge Xiaotian read the information, Dao Shishi handed it over to Shi Guangji.

"Boss, Dayao sent some videos of the North American men's basketball training camp."

"Let me see."

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