Build Madness

Chapter 804 Sorry, I have to pay back the money

in the video.


A strong man with a height of about 2.3 meters jumped up slightly, pressed the basketball in the attacker's hand on the backboard with one hand, grabbed it with five fingers, raised his eyebrows in the desperate eyes of the opponent, and sent the basketball to the backboard with a long pass. In the hands of one's own attacker, complete an assist while preventing the opponent's dunk.

The screen flashes.

The strong man caught the ball, ignoring the two tall black men who blocked him in the reasonable collision zone, and jumped up with both feet and directly pressed on it.


The ball goes in and flies...

The screen flashes again.

The strong man made a three-step layup, like a god of war possessed, carrying three defenders who rushed forward, and smashed the ball into the basket.

Subsequent screen...

Uncap, fan cap, dunk, nail board, nail board, nail board again...

In a training match, only a strong man beat his opponent who was also a rookie, scoring only a few three-pointers.

Many team coaches, team managers, various reporters, as well as players and onlookers around the sidelines were all stunned.

"My God, isn't this too flexible?"

"he's changed!"

"Yeah, it's completely different from two years ago, it looks like a tyrannosaurus, but I like it!"

"What I care about is, what exactly did he go through?"

"It is said to be an XBA hell-level training camp..."


The XBA is very different from the CBA.

The former is purely commercial in nature, and its purpose is to attract audiences and drive industrial development.

In order to show the aesthetics of violence, XBA players can dunk but never shoot; in order to create a stimulating picture of muscle collision, they can collide reasonably and never distance themselves; for viewing and fun, they can play tricks and never score honestly.

This is business operations.

In such an atmosphere, Dayao completely abandoned the habits he had developed in CBA, and changed from getting up, aiming at the frame, bending his arms, shooting, and hitting the board to bending his knees, lowering his center of gravity, and raising his arms.

Because getting up, aiming at the basket, bending the arms, and shooting, it is easy to be taken off, but bending the knees and lowering the center of gravity can not only guard against opponents, but also raise the arms to make fake moves, which is convenient for projectiles or penetrating dunks.

North American culture and North American men's basketball style are similar to XBA, which makes Dayao, who is accustomed to XBA's violent play, far more popular in North America than in another time and space.

It is a pity that the Clippers acquired by Horton did not have the No. 1 pick, and only ranked eighth in the first round. It is impossible to get Dayao.

But it doesn't matter, Dayao's task is to attract wealthy clients to Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to repay the debt. Even if there are no clients, he still has to create clients with his own strength...

After watching the video, Ge Xiaotian immediately understood the meaning Dayao conveyed to him: eat very well, and you will definitely make money!

Looking up at the time, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and it should be ten o'clock in the morning in North America, so he dialed the Dayao communicator casually.

"Don't press me to pay the debt, okay? It makes me very stressed."


"Haha, just kidding, watching the latest news, Boss Ge is so busy, why do you have time to call me?"

The young Dayao looks like a gourd, but under the influence of the military-style elite units, not only has his personality become bold and cheerful, but his originally magnetic and hoarse voice also has a taste of iron and blood.

very sexy.

Perhaps the hell-level training was too painful, and the vocal cords were damaged by roaring...

"Yao, when does the joint trial training for rookies start?"

"The physical fitness has been tested, and there will be a confrontation this afternoon."

"In this way, let me make a bet for you, as long as you can get the No. 1 pick, I will give you a discount on your loan. And, if you get honors in your rookie season, what is the best rookie team, what is the best rookie, what is the best No. Six people, the more honors, the bigger the discount!"


"Really! Think about it, even with a 9.9% discount on 200 million debts, you can save 2 million."

"I always feel that you will not be so kind... Are there other conditions?"

"No, I'm all for your own good."


"I'll ask someone to send you the electronic agreement in the future. Of course, your primary goal now is to get the rookie champion, 9.1% off!"

"It's 91% off from the beginning?"

"Well! By the way, don't forget our other task, to attract customers, if you don't work hard, the agreement will be void."



North American men's basketball joint training camp.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The rookie first round matchup is about to begin.

Dayao sat in the audience area holding an SG pad in his hand, carefully read the information sent to him by the 'mysterious man', looked around at various players who were also rookies, gritted his teeth, and secretly made up his mind...

He got up and moved to the side of a big black man who seemed to be quite friendly, and pretended a little strangely: "Hey, brother, I know you, Kurd!"


The big black man was a little confused, and he seemed to be unable to remember the connection between him and this "bigger man" from Huaxia, but this "bigger man" from Huaxia was very strong, "Oh, Yao, hello."

"Brother, I heard that your cousin is not doing well in the Grizzlies?"

"Yes, he injured his ankle the year before last and has never recovered."

"Do you know why I am so brave?"


"Actually, I was injured too."

Dayao took off his high socks, revealing the scar left by wearing assistive devices at Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine after a fracture the year before. "


The big black man's eyes were round, he couldn't believe it.

"Now I'm better and stronger!"

"My cousin must be very envious."

"Actually, your cousin can do the same as me!"

Dayao waved the SG pad in his hand, "Do you have it?"

"I don't."

"Then you need to buy one... Here is my contact information. When you have an SG pad, I will send you an internal production program. Just register, and you or your cousin may become like me! "


Dayao smiled slightly, sat down at his original position, and opened the notepad:

'Today, May 2nd (one day later in North America), two clients were recruited, with a success rate of... 50%. '

Immediately, Dayao opened another file and looked at another big white man...

after a long time.

The temporary assistant couldn't stand it any longer.

"Yao, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, I have to pay back!"


It was a long time again.

Dayao took a regretful look at the dozen or so rookies he hadn't been in touch with, put on his uniforms, and went on trial.

It's just that the rookies, coaches, scouts, team managers, and many reporters on and off the field were horrified that the Chinese big man who had high hopes and was definitely the No. 1 pick this year seemed to have become stronger again today!

It doesn't matter if you take off caps, fan caps, nail boards, or steals, but you can still shoot three-pointers!

Moreover, the shot is very neat, every time it is hollow!

The most nonsensical thing is, you are a big man with a height of 2.3 meters, what kind of backwards do you play?

Who can cover you? !

This made the coaches who originally thought that Dayao was not suitable for their team also moved their minds.

"Almighty center forward!"

"There is no shortage of big men in the league, but there is a shortage of big men with quick feet!"

"Outside center? My God, I seem to see a new era!"

"Take him, at any cost, our team must have him!"

"I want to use the first-round draft picks for the next three years, plus 20 million Franklin, to exchange for the No. 1 pick this year!"

"The big shark is in trouble!"

"No, I feel that all the centers, including the big and small forwards, are in trouble!"

And on the pitch.

With a roar, Dayao was as powerful as a mountain, and with his huge body, he frightened the defenders who came forward to block him, and smashed the ball into the basket.

When he landed, the previous violent aura disappeared instantly, with a trace of apology on his face, he pulled up his fallen opponent, "Sorry, I have to pay back the money."


Ten seconds later.

Dayao jumped up and grabbed the rising basketball that had just left the attacker's palm with one hand, "Sorry, I have to pay back the money."


in a minute.


Dayao made a successful dunk, grabbed the basket and hung in the air, looking down at the two defenders who were lying on the ground, "Sorry, I have to pay back the money."



The ball is blown away...

"Feel sorry……"


The ball is tackled...

"Feel sorry……"


The ball is pinned to the backboard...

"Feel sorry……"

The 20-minute trial match ended quickly, not to mention the opponent players, even Dayao's teammates were stunned.

"What did he keep repeating?"

"I don't understand, maybe it's faith."


Dayao didn't even know that he had become the No. 1 pick. After the trial training was over, seeing that the rookies were about to leave, he quickly took out his SG pad...

"Brother, please stay!"


The next day, Huaxia May 4th.

Ge Xiaotian watched the talent show video again, but heard that Dayao was planning to open a restaurant in order to attract clients...

Thinking of Yao Restaurant in another time and space, Ge Xiaotian seemed to have a clear understanding.

"So it is!"

At this time, Dao Shiyi handed over a thick stack of materials, "Boss, the final investment has been summarized, a total of 31 billion Franklins, and valuables worth 8 billion Franklins."

"That's all?"

"if not?"


In 2002, Franklin's 39 billion was a huge amount of money, definitely not a lot.

The reason why Ge Xiaotian disliked it was because 90% of it was his own money.

In other words, about 90% of the investors in "All the way to the west" are "trusted".

For example, Taimei AS Communications, investing all the way west, is to repay the arrears for purchasing Zigbee servers and setting up Zigbee network that were negotiated half a year ago.

For example, Nanyang Agriculture invested all the way west to pay for seed patent licensing fees and purchase of agricultural machinery.

For example, Nanyue Footwear mortgaged 500,000 mu of paddy fields to Tiancheng in order to purchase shoe-making equipment and better Tiancheng to avoid evacuating the two 100,000-ton docks.

For example, Taiwan Provincial Plastics invested all the way west to obtain new plastic technology and obtain huge orders from Tiancheng.

Who is the real investor?

Nanbangzi KS Group, and Siberia Oil Company.

Just these two!

In other words, making such a big noise and causing such a sensation is just to fool these two companies...

After all, apart from ethnic Chinese and ethnic Chinese, there are really not many overseas companies, or overseas officials, who recognize the Chinese market.

And those who came over from Pidianpidian were all ambitious and wanted to monopolize a certain field.

Otherwise, in another time and space, there would not be so many Chinese companies that went bankrupt, closed down, and were acquired one after another.

Dao Shixi took out two pages of information, "KS Group invested a total of 2 billion in Franklin and obtained 5% of the shares in the gas project of the Limin Activity Center. 10% of the shares in the central gas project, and Tiancheng is responsible for pipeline laying, periodic maintenance, and overall operation, accounting for 85% of the shares.”

"Shares or something... It's not important. What's important is to use their money and resources to finish our project as soon as possible."

"Boss, if you do anything to them in the future, our Tiancheng's reputation will be ruined."

"It's a good reputation in China, but overseas...what does it have to do with me?"


"Besides, it will take five or six years to complete the whole project. By then, maybe we have a new project. We will continue to dig holes and let Tom lead them to jump in together."


"Funds and materials are in place, converted into red notes, based on Shangxiadaokou Industrial Park, supporting new companies, helping new self-employed entrepreneurs, and recruiting a large number of new employees, everyone will have money in their pockets. In the future, whether to build new houses or buy new houses , or both... There are plenty of choices."



Today, the 'All the Way to the West' investor meeting mainly discusses the investment quota that needs to be allocated in each region.

With GIS systems, things become very simple.

Simulate it once, calculate the cost, give priority to the project with the shortest revenue cycle, and then notify the person in charge of Tiancheng's construction, so that the personnel and equipment will be dispatched to the construction site of the high-speed project that is about to start.

This is natural efficiency.

And the quick response speed also made the two real investors feel at ease.

That night.

The planning plan of Longtian Technology was sent to the Office of the Operation Department of Jinxiuchuan University City.

Ge Xiaotian burned his brain cells for a whole day, and wanted to play a game to relax, waved his hand, and signaled Eleven:

"Let Lao Wang decide for himself. If every company's decision-making comes to me, will I still be alive?"

"Boss, Lao Wang feels that this plan may affect our overall development."

"you have seen?"

"seen it already."

"What plan?"

"Longtian decided to split the smart one-card business. Of course, in fact, it still adopts the core technology of the smart one-card. It just changes the appearance, redesigns the UI desktop, forms a new brand, and creates a 'competitor'."

"As long as the smart card or the concept of the personal terminal remains the same, you can do whatever you want."

Ge Xiaotian has nothing to do, people already have a variety of choices when buying a house, and the smart card in the future will definitely not be limited to three or four styles, which will make Tiancheng "lose color".

If in addition to Weihua's mate series, there are a few more...


"Oh, it was Manager Lei you dug from Jinshan the year before last. After training for this period of time, he has been able to lead the team to go out independently. Coincidentally, the establishment of the six major chip companies, and the launch of younger and cheaper phones by Rice Technology can also promote the development of low-end and mid-end electronics. product development."

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot him."

"He is currently the general manager of the SG pad market of Longtian Technology. He has some experience in this area. It is not difficult to establish Rice."

"Segmenting the SG pad, smart home, and Zigbee base station, and only making one product, there is no way out."


"This... ZTC Zhongtian? Isn't it ZTE?"

"It's Zhongtian, a new company, but they can't get the core technology of the Shenlong chip. It is based on the encoder and uses the Chinese language to shape the Sinicization system. It is equivalent to putting a shell on the smart card, adjusting the appearance, using the rice technology chip, and selling ZTC. personal terminal."

"It's okay, but it's really not good to come in and urge the other party to develop their own skills...Angel cast."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he suddenly thought of Xia Xin who he had admired for a long time when he bought the "fighter in the mobile phone", "Where is Xia Xin?"

"It is a Sino-foreign joint venture and has been listed. Currently, Longtian Technology's public relations team is in contact with the other party, but the people who control the company are overseas capital. It is unlikely that they will switch to Shenlong chips."

"Forget it, there are some alternative companies, Bird, Tianyu, ZTE, Qiaoxing's CECT... Big deal, let the home appliance companies that secretly support Longtian, such as Gree, Konka, Hisense, etc., all engage in personal terminals. It matches well with various products.”

"In this way, isn't the smart card going to be a bad street?"

"No, the smart card is not a brand, it means the same thing as 'mobile phone'. In the future, it may become a personal assistant, a personal brain, and the brand should be hung in front. For example, if you change Weihua mobile phone to Weihua smart brain, rice mobile phone will be changed to Weihua smart brain. Wait for rice assistant."


"Of course, no matter how many functions each smart card can carry, quality must be the first priority. After all, dividing Longtian, we are not trying to make money, but to create a hundred schools of thought, and promote China's technological progress through brutal market competition."

"You want to use multiple brands to share the overstocked electronic components? As long as they buy in, even if the finished products cannot be sold, we will clear the inventory."


"Then repurchase it at a low price and sell it to Montenegro, Africa, and Neobras to replace the old-fashioned smart card that was laid out some time ago. It goes out and in and out again. High, it's really high... Uh, boss, I still have something to do ,I'm leaving!"

"It's late! No wonder I always feel like a big villain recently. It turns out that you, the old man, are subtly influencing me. What an upright and positive plan, but you forcefully call it a conspiracy!"

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