Build Madness

Chapter 805

Dao Eleven was at the top of the organ tower last night, the Golden Rooster was independent all night, and this morning it was very easy to be on the hot news.

Although it was a punishment given by someone, it did not attract the slightest ridicule. Instead, people were astonished at the solid basic skills of this Taoist priest.

Then found out...

The third K.O Martial Arts Tournament has begun.

Commercial operation has 'attracted' many overseas fighting masters, and also brought hundreds of thousands of overseas tourists.

Paired with the popular Sancha Cup knockout match, the two complement each other, watch football during the day, enjoy fighting at night, tickets, retail, travel, all three are correct.

Ge Xiaotian only paid a little attention to this kind of 'operation', then put it behind him and continued to participate in the 'All the way to the West' meeting.

It is very cumbersome to refine the investment plan. The considerations are not limited to spending money, but also include: logistics points at the upper and lower crossings, passenger stations, breeding farms, planting farms, commercial areas...

In fact, it is unreasonable to set up crossings in remote villages and towns because the high-speed "all the way to the west" deviates from the city.

Because agricultural machinery cannot get on the highway, urban residents still need to walk a long path to reach the crossing if they want to get on the highway. The same is true for getting off the highway.

Fortunately, most of the Xingyuewan communities are located in the suburbs, and the Limin Activity Center is located in the countryside. In order to connect the public transportation system and the shipping system, many provincial roads have been renovated in the past two years.

The high-speed up and down crossings are located between the two.

This is to further shorten the distance between urban and rural areas, and it is also the guidance given by the superiors.

Today's meeting mainly discusses the Shangxiadaokou Industrial Zone in the section from Qinggang to Weicheng.

Therefore, Qinggang Shaobaitou and Weicheng University leaders came together, accompanied by county and town representatives, new business owners and so on.

Dao Shiyi presided over the meeting, first introduced the investor's wishes, then introduced the investee, and then distributed the investment project...

Since overseas investment companies are mostly "trusted", the scene is particularly harmonious, causing young and old leaders to frequently cast suspicious glances at someone...

And someone, at this moment, is huddled on the rostrum, secretly playing games.

The May 1st golden three-day holiday is over. The more you play the 3D martial arts game, the more confusing it is. Not only did it not lose players, but it ushered in a new explosive period.

This morning alone, half a million new characters flooded in.

This is not an operation method of Tianyu, but through the old Z science popularization method of film critics, many players have found their own "life path".

For example, the "Mobei Swordsman" who likes to walk alone has become a "reward eater" who specializes in receiving various rewards and lives by rewards.

For example, a certain enterprise united together to occupy a certain mountain, and started the business of "I opened this road, and I planted this tree...".

Correspondingly, there is another company that set up an escort agency and fought several times with bandit players, but unfortunately the strength is too weak, and finally decided to hire "eating rewards".

For example, a young couple was obsessed with the "dream" game, and they found an ancestral "diamond ore" by relying on NPC's babbling in their dreams, and then they actually received a 50-carat diamond in the mail from Tianyu.

For example, several large-scale game guilds joined together, raised 50,000 players, secretly manufactured engineering equipment, captured Dongshan Qingzhou City at night, and looted all the luggage and property in the city. But the player's first city has not been lost, and the GM has not said anything.

The presidents of the major guilds feel that this is also a way to play. They select members who are engaged in the management department, and assign Qingzhou City defense and handling affairs. They never thought that these players would be awarded titles recognized by the game system.

Although the prefix has the word 'rebel', players are sure that this is indeed a way of playing.

This morning, the leaders of several conferences finished their discussions and elected the first player city lord.

This made many players who were still confused suddenly brighten up.

"Ten thousand people attack the city?!"

"Isn't this just a 'Legend of the Dragon' with more freedom and more gameplay?"

"Although it cannot be upgraded, there is no task reward, but you can strengthen yourself through training, and strengthen your fighting proficiency through practice. Overall, it seems to be no different from upgrading."

"Damn it, someone was promoted to Xiaolian and became a follower of the imperial historian. It is said that he is a dean of the history department of Beijing University."


Most of the 500,000 players who flooded in today are because of the 'thousands of people attacking the city' and the confusing gameplay.

That's right, 'dumb play' seems to be a selling point.

And Ge Xiaotian...

Ever since the game character joined Wang Mang's hidden rebel army, he has been receiving 'systematic training'.

Every day, there is a lot of fish and meat, and occasionally some dirty wine. If the training performance is excellent, there will be property rewarded by Wang Mang himself.

In other words, this is the Regiment of the Guards, or the Regiment of the Dead.

Ge Xiaotian didn't hang up any more, and didn't mobilize the information from the background. He just speculated based on the training content, and estimated that Wang Mang was training the guards.

Because Wang Mang has great power, he doesn't need to launch a full-scale war, he only needs to control the palace to be the emperor.

However, the game background is just a reference, how the game world develops depends entirely on the players.

As for killing NPCs of famous historical figures and affecting the historical trajectory, will it cause "distortion of history", Tianyu Interactive has specially made settings in this regard.

For example, when Ge Xiaotian kills Wang Mang, the game system will issue a notice, and the official website will post Wang Mang's life and corresponding historical events, announcing that the game world has been emptied by players, and the creator will fix the 'bug' in a certain period of time.

And after the repair, it is equivalent to a major version update, entering the next era, settling rewards, and then allowing players to participate or change history.

However, since NPCs can interact with players, if some players, such as the dean who was promoted to Xiaolian, report Wang Mang's rebellion to the emperor, the historical trajectory will also be changed.

The same is true.

After training today, Master Wang appeared in the barracks in a state of embarrassment, summoned all the generals, brought enough supplies, walked out of the Dongshan camp, and headed for the Central Plains.

In other words, Nanhe, Xishan, Beihe, Shandi, Grassland, Yumen, and the desert, seven maps not inferior to Dongshan's scale, are all open.

3D martial arts world, the first historical event staged.

Then all players receive a system prompt:

1. Join Wang Mang's rebel army.

2. Guard the Han Dynasty.

3. Hold high the flag of righteousness and recruit troops.

4. Dormant people wait for an opportunity to move.

Then a statistics window appears on the game page.

The strength of the Han Dynasty: 1.5 million.

The military strength of various vassal kings: 500,000.

Wang Mang's rebel forces: 20,000.

Civilian bandits and rebels: 50,000.

Population of the Han Dynasty: 60 million.

Number of online players: 900,000.

After the incident, the forum immediately exploded.

"Damn, according to the game settings, gather all the players, we can replace the Han Dynasty!"

"You're thinking about farts, and you have weapons and supplies? Wang Mang's rebels are besieging Qingzhou City but not attacking. If this incident hadn't happened, the players in those large guilds would have starved to death."


"Which camp are you going to join?"

"It must be Wang Mang. Although the new dynasty is short, it really existed, and Wang Mang was also the emperor."

"An announcement has been made on the official website, the history has been emptied, and the creator is fixing the bug, which is expected to be 100 years old."


"Oh, one hundred years in the game, if you convert it, it's almost one year in reality."

"This is the duration of the version. It seems that Wang Mang can't win the Han Dynasty for the time being, and he can't die for the time being. You can join any camp."

"Big news, a new faction has appeared. Xishan Sanjin Group has settled in Xishan, and a guild composed of 100,000 employees and players has decided to march to the grassland!"

"Prevent aliens?"

"No, according to inside sources, it's for horse grabbing!"


"Form the cavalry!"

"Fuck, isn't this a martial arts game?"

"Look at the in-game announcement. The entire army of the Xishan Guild has been wiped out, and another camp has appeared, the Xiongnu, with a total strength of 2 million."

"2 million?!"

"All the people are soldiers."


"Why does this feel like an ancient war game?!"

Immediately afterwards.

The entire forum suddenly seemed to be stuck, and there were no posts for a long time.



"I rely on it!"


"Is this product open?!"

Player Yun: "What's wrong? I'm too busy today, so I'm not online."

"Ge Hao killed 'Wang Mang'."


"Mmp, Ge Hao, you know who it is even if you think about it with your butt!"

"How could he kill Wang Mang? Did he hang up?"

"Open 'Remains of the World' and see for yourself."

"Ge Hao, after the Dongshan tyrant Ge family, was ransacked by the "rebels" in the first year, but he got into the dog hole to save his life. In order to get revenge, he joined the rebel army and received secret training. The next year, he discovered that the rebels were instigated by Wang Mang. , Someone reported Wang Mang usurping power, and after Wang Mang raised his troops, he was ambushed and killed in the tent, and then he was dismembered by Wang Mang's descendants, and died!"


"Second brother died?"

"If you are on the list of historical figures in the game world, you will definitely not be able to revive."

"In other words, permanently delete the character?"

"What the hell, this made me suddenly feel tragic."

"Wait, why is there such a game?"

"At the cost of sacrificing game characters, leave it in history?"

"At least, you leave your mark in the vast history of the game."

"But you are gone, even the data has been deleted, and all the items you actually bought can no longer be re-entered into the game."

"Are you afraid that you are not a cloud player? Do you know what is the family inheritance system? Such as family heirloom treasures, inheritance of official titles, and inheritance of honor?"


"Look at Ge Hao's offspring!"

"Nephew Ge Zhantian? The only descendant of the Dongshan Ge family? After Ge Hao killed Wang Mang, he was named a Marquis by the Han Dynasty?"

"Fuck, player prince?"

"Is this Ge Laoer's new role?"

"It really is a permission dog!"

"Boycott Brother Ge!"

"Block Brother Ge!"

"Strongly protest, Ge Laoer must be kicked out of the game!"

"Upstairs, can you learn some history? Marquis of Han is useless. You have fiefs but no real power. It's just a title!"

"That's a marquis too!"

"As the level goes up, can we lack equipment and martial arts?"

"That's right, boycott Ge Laoer!"

Tianyu Interactive: Our company has communicated with the big boss and asked him to leave the game. Hereby note: Everything is possible in the game, please do not protest against far-reaching events, characters, or even NPCs, otherwise it will be banned.

Player: "..."


Once you are addicted to playing games, it is easy to lose the concept of time.

Ge Xiaotian relied on the experience he accumulated from playing games to "remain traces of history" in 3D martial arts, and it was already May 10th when he left the game.

The meeting of "All the way to the west" is discussing the high-speed crossing on the section from Decheng to Shijiazhuang.


In the venue, from time to time someone coughed or sneezed.

"Why do you have so many colds?"

"Originally one, and then infected two..."

"Summer flu?"

"Yes, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been notified to start prevention and control."

"That's good."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, feeling a little relieved about it.

Affected by memory, he knows the big events in 2003.

To this end, Tiancheng has successively invested nearly tens of billions to build 'garbage disposal stations' in all Xingyuewan communities, Limin activity centers, urban public areas, and even communities outside the Tiancheng system.

Because their own research institutions have a lot of data that can prove that most infectious diseases originate from garbage disposal.

Garbage pollutes the air, pollutes water sources, and is accompanied by mosquitoes, flying debris, pollutes tools, and pollutes food.

If the source of pollution can be dealt with, there will be no harm at all.

Up to now, Tiancheng Garbage Treatment Station has 20 postdoctoral fellows, more than 50 waste materials researchers, hundreds of chemical experts, biologists, and 20,000 practitioners.

In addition, Tiancheng has invested in the establishment of "Garbage Disposal Major" and "Bacteria and Virus Detection Major on the Surface of Objects" in nearly 20 colleges and universities including Qinghua University, Beijing University, and University of Science and Technology.

This is a discipline with a wide range of design, not limited to how to dispose of waste, but also biochemical research.

In fact, during the autumn and winter communication last year, winter flu also occurred. About 300 practitioners were infected by handling household garbage, and then passed it on to their family members. Nearly 50,000 people in the industrial chain had upper respiratory tract infections.

Viruses are difficult to eliminate. To prevent such things from happening, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has increased the production of medical surgical masks, medical gloves, medical protective clothing, and related medical equipment. Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has also developed traditional Chinese medicine to curb flu symptoms.

Although Ge Xiaotian was overseas at the time, Tiancheng International Holdings united all its departments to launch an exercise to prevent and resist influenza. It is recommended that residents, customers, and staff in the industry wear masks in public places, and test their body temperature when entering and leaving public places. Through the "Health" program of the smart card, the body temperature test is uploaded, so that the Research Institute of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine can make decisions on flu prevention or response to the flu based on the information provided by people.

As the saying goes, habits become natural. Most viruses are transmitted through droplets, direct or indirect contact with secretions. If they can be controlled in the middle, the number of patients may be reduced by 80% this year.

Let's just prepare for 2003.

In case that thing hits Dongshan, or Beihe, Xishan, and Nanhe, factories are on holiday, shops are closed, and goods are unsalable, which will not only affect sales and operations, but also affect trade import and export. At that time, it is estimated that the family will lose tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions. .

If the impact can be reduced through prevention, even if Tiancheng distributed masks for free, it would still be profitable.

Moreover, the industrial base determines the upper limit of technology, and the level of technology determines the manufacturing cost.

Since Tiancheng itself needs a large number of masks, such as electronic manufacturing, dust-free workshops, catering services, food processing, spraying processing, electroplating hardware, chemical steel, beauty, manufacturing, etc., in order to avoid bacterial and viral infections, Chinese medicine hospitals conduct masks study in depth.

Distributed medical surgical masks, which include fiber non-woven fabrics and filter melt-blown fabrics.

Both are made of polypropylene, which is almost the same as building materials. In some high-end brand stores under Tiancheng, non-woven fabrics are even used for packaging and handbags.

It is not difficult to manufacture medical surgical masks, but the difficulty is how to superimpose fiber non-woven fabrics and filter melt-blown fabrics to block the spread of bacteria and viruses.

First code them both.

Fiber non-woven fabric: X, fiber spacing 20 microns.

Filter meltblown cloth: G, fiber spacing 5 microns.

(Not in English, because the former translates to S, and the latter translates to M)

To make a mask, generally more than three layers are used, that is, XGX, two layers of fiber non-woven fabric, and a layer of filter meltblown fabric in the middle. It needs to be 'sewn together' with ultrasonic waves. It is said that bacteria, viruses, and soil can get in...

Ultrasonic sewing technology needs to reach the micron level so as not to damage the X or G structure.

Here comes the question, micron-level lithography machines cost hundreds of millions of yuan, how much does it cost to 'sewn' medical shell masks with the same standard equipment?

External Quotation of Tiancheng Electric Industry:

XGX, three-layer standard type, 50 million red notes.

XGGX, four-layer standard type, 200 million red notes.

XGGGX, five-layer standard type, 500 million red notes.

XGGGX, five-layer nano-scale, that is to use new fibers to re-develop non-woven fabrics and melt-blown fabrics, which can 100% eliminate bacteria and viruses, 2 billion Franklin.

In addition, these equipments are only used to make masks, and it takes 10-15 days to sterilize and disinfect the masks to meet the standard. If something happens, I can’t afford to wait.

Therefore, Tiancheng made preparations in advance, so that the colleagues whose mask stock could meet the demand, began to prevent and control the summer flu, which was also considered as accumulating experience for that matter.

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