Build Madness

Chapter 806 High-speed up and down crossings (continued)

Thanks to medical conditions that follow technological advances, the summer flu is just a blip.

In the middle of May, many projects of Tiancheng are also ushering in a new stage:

Zaoshi Modern Film and Television City commissioned trams.

The steel structure hoisting of Zaoshi Star Sports Center.

Choose the location of Xingyue Bay by joining a group from all over the country.

The Shanghai Wuzhou Avenue project was established.

Jingang million-ton terminal was approved.

Capital increase and expansion of Desert Project.

All the way to the West Expressway to prepare for the foundation stone laying ceremony.

The foundation leveling of Daqingshan Wonders Group is completed.

Many Limin activity centers rush to harvest and cultivate.

And overseas.

The whole line of the Kra Isthmus Canal was excavated.

Six 300,000-ton terminals in Nanyang started operation.

Neobras revived.

The Okhotsk Shipyard installed boilers for the last three small carrier ships.

The Siberian Petroleum Company mortgaged forests and minerals, and its own personnel were arranged to verify the handover.

In addition, the system personnel will also secretly fund the Montenegro Odyssey, secretly develop the bipolar bases, secretly help the African Union, follow the development of rubber plantations, and secretly form a maritime 'industry'...

In addition to infrastructure, manufacturing companies are also expanding aggressively.

The food processing factories are scattered in Shangxiadaokou Industrial Park.

The assembly line of the electronics factory is divided into entrepreneurs according to categories, and they are also relocated to Shangxiadaokou Industrial Park. (Low wages in villages and towns, close to the highway and convenient transportation)

The numerical control workshop of the machinery factory switched to automation equipment, and the part that required manual operation was still relocated to Shangxiadaokou Industrial Park.

The cement plant supplements coal mills, blending machines, roller presses...

The cement component factory supplements unburned brick machine and block forming machine...

The industry expanded and jobs increased. After two years, the labor dispatch company recruited foreign workers again.

This time, 350,000 employment quotas will be opened.

The number of grassroots personnel tripled, management was selected from within, the pressure of competition exploded instantly, and the pace of life of Tiancheng employees also suddenly accelerated.

Each one is like a tightened clockwork, compressing all the time to the extreme, wishing to use one minute as ten minutes.

Take the initiative to arrive at work early, take the initiative to delay leaving get off work, take the initiative to understand the responsibilities of different positions in the same department, and take the initiative to learn skills other than assessment...

Come and go in a hurry, even the BRT bus speeds up a lot.

Such an atmosphere affects the surrounding non-natural industries, early stalls open early, and retail stores close later.

Since the vast majority of employees no longer go downstairs to eat and shop, merchants have ordered monthly subscription services for takeaway or delivery.

And the biggest change brought about by all this is that besides the "Sleepless City" section under construction, the streets that used to be deserted at 8 or 9 o'clock, now there are many people coming and going at 11 or 12 o'clock, or even one or two o'clock in the morning.

Perhaps, this is called 'prosperity'.

As the overall leader, Ge Xiaotian hopes that people's pace of life can 'slow down'. He has made similar plans before, but Huaxia has entered the golden stage of development. If he wants to surpass Europe and the United States, he can only 'fast'.

Use ten years, or twenty years, fight them for a hundred years, or even two hundred years, to complete the "curve overtaking".

However, in this way, some talents are also lost.

They like a slow pace and cannot handle a high-efficiency, high-pressure, and private-space working environment.

However, high-tech high-tech attracts more talents to join Tiancheng or Longtian.

Because many people understand that if they don't get a ride, they may fall behind.

Look at the changes in China in the past two years. If you don’t learn new technologies, don’t update the knowledge base in your mind, and only rely on the content in school textbooks, how will you find a job in the future?

According to the survey report of Tianyu International, regardless of this year, 80% of the fresh graduates choose to apply for Tiancheng Holdings, or Longtian Technology, or Weihua Communication, or Wanshi Technology.

As for the remaining 20%, some of them went abroad to study, and some were accepted by Nine Institutions.

"It's no longer interesting to study abroad."

Ge Xiaotian sighed after signing the last document.

Put it in another time and space, send out ten high-achieving students, as long as two can come back, Huaxia can earn money.

But in this time and space, Huaxia chose the path of optical science and technology, stayed overseas for ten or eight years, and when he returned to China, he might fall behind.

It's a pity that no matter how much news Tiancheng and Longtian make and how much influence they cause, they still can't change the charm of 'studying abroad', especially the rich.

For example, send the children out to play for a few years, get a high-sounding overseas diploma, and rely on their own resources to pile up a star or a small boss when they come back.

"Times have changed!"

Ge Xiaotian sighed again, put down the signing pen, handed the signed documents to the secretariat, and greeted Eleven, "Today, all the way to the west investor meeting ends the industrial deployment, and we will start going to the countryside tomorrow for inspections. There is no problem. This project It can be implemented.”

"The leader of Shaobaidou is very dissatisfied with the arrangement of the groundbreaking ceremony venue."

"The Dongshan road section has already been constructed, so it is not suitable to hold the foundation stone laying ceremony. Moreover, even if it is held in Dongshan, it will not be arranged in Qinggang. He will take advantage of all good things. Other leaders must have opinions."

"Then according to the original plan, set it in Jinyang Mansion in Xishan?"

"Well, let Boss Mei's Sanjin Group bleed a little, and make the ceremony more grand. After all, it's a trillion-dollar project..."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he caught a glimpse of the 'Great Shelter for the Underprivileged All Happy Faces' hanging on the wall of the office, and for some reason he remembered the treasured sword given by the old man at the demobilization office.

"In this way, I will inscribe a pair of words as the background wall of the foundation stone laying ceremony, and then bury the broken knife together with the foundation stone."

"Your inscription?!"

Dao Shishi couldn't believe it, and quickly refused: "Boss, don't mess around. Although you don't believe it, I believe it."

"Believe it or not, believe it or not, I pulled out all the newly-made military equipment of Daqin Bingfeng, and 'blessed' the whole process of high speed?"


"Besides, have you seen my calligraphy?"

"No, but your not as good as Ah Huang's."

"Ah Huang?"

Ge Xiaotian frowned, thinking that Dao Shishi was talking about Xiao Huang who ran the ice bear, that kid was not well-educated, and his handwriting was indeed good, but he immediately reacted, "Do you dare to beat around the bush and say that my handwriting is not as good as a dog crawling? Tonight, continue to stand on the top of the tower with one hand!"


"Besides, your boss' calligraphy is definitely a master masterpiece. I studied hard for a long time back then."

"how long?"

"About... three hours?"


"Believe it or not, I am very talented in this area, and I have mastered nine of the ten orifices..."

Ge Xiaotian rummaged through the box, but found no pen, ink, paper and inkstone, so he asked his aunt's secretary to help prepare, and took the opportunity to move his fingers, and waited for the materials to be brought into the office. Shen Dantian, "Drink!"

Pen and dragon snake...

Dao Shishi was terrified, "What a powerful skill!"

"Is it? Thanks to the compliment, you don't have to sleep on the top of the tower tonight."

"thank you boss."

The aunt's secretary standing aside was stunned for a long time, wiped his face, and wailed softly: "It's over, this room is full of ink, when do I have to wipe it?"

"Don't worry, it's art."

Ge Xiaotian's limbs are "dragons and phoenixes", and he wrote "Wang and forget the big, then there will be goodness; doubt and hesitation, then there will be regrets; resolute and dare to do, ghosts and gods will avoid it." '

"How about a look?"

Dao Shixi was silent for a long time, and took a deep breath, "Good words, good characters, you can see them as if a runaway horse comes from the sky and leaves in the dust, and it is like a dragon flying in the sky, moving around, coming from nothingness and returning to the void. The almost insane primitive vitality also contains the aura of heaven and earth...Boss, I feel that you have reached the realm where no pen is better than a pen."

"This flattering is comfortable."

"However... I see that when you are running your wrist strength, it seems that you are still not ready. I once had a junior brother who did the same. Master helped him make a special strange pen. After practicing for a long time, he finally broke through to the Mahayana realm."

"Oh? What kind of pen?"

"It's flat as a whole, it's hard to describe... You can find a paintbrush first, or paint and practice."

"Painting? Paintbrush?"


Dao Shixi nodded firmly.

Ge Xiaotian opened the cupboard again, and when he was rummaging through pens, inks, papers and inkstones, he happened to see a big whitewashed brush with some pens and inks on it...

"Boss, write at a slant, then write vertically. Remember to lift it up at the end... Hey, yes, you really have a talent for this."

"Why do I feel like I'm painting the cracks in the wall?"


Dao Shishi's tone became firmer. He walked to the spread of white paper and nodded solemnly, "Calligraphy incorporates Confucian perseverance, courage, and aggressiveness, and also contains Lao Zhuang's indifference, dispersal, and tranquility. This kind of artistic conception that does not seek richness and variety, but saves the worldly glitz in the brushwork, in order to pursue the true meaning of space. Boss, I can be sure that your current brushwork has temporarily entered the Dacheng, and you only need to practice more in the future to stabilize the state."


Ge Xiaotian even began to doubt himself, "So fast?"

"Yes, you are a calligraphy genius!"

"Then I use whitewashed inscriptions?"



The next day, May 12th.

'All the way to the west' investment group went to the countryside to inspect.

High-speed projects span thousands of miles, with hundreds of crossings and nearly a thousand industrial parks. It is impossible to go through all of them.

Therefore, select several important areas in advance, such as Shouguang Vegetable Supply Base, Decheng Qihe Watermelon Planting Base, Hengshui's largest investor Laobaigan General Factory...

Then they took ten helicopters and dragged a 100-meter-long banner. Every time they went to a place, they called the local leaders and ostentatiously landed in the corresponding area during the day.

In fact, Ge Xiaotian wanted to keep a low profile, but his superiors did not allow him.

In other words, few overseas companies really want to invest in Huaxia these days. Now that such a super group is brought in, if it is not because of the official situation, it is not easy to intervene in "All the way to the West", I am afraid that an alternative magic city will be held A cooperation forum, or a meeting for the common development of the parent star, is used to promote 'reform and opening up'.

Therefore, this visit was a sensation.

When we arrived at the site of the foundation stone laying ceremony of Xishan Jinyang Mansion, the site of the largest overpass-style transportation hub in Xishan, there were reporters, people, leaders, entrepreneurs, and many Chinese and overseas Chinese who came to join in the fun.

On such an important occasion, the host, Boss Mei, would naturally not be absent, and even acted as the host himself.

As the richest man in Xishan and the representative of all the people in Xishan, his identity is here, and he can also control the scene by acting as the host.


"What a strange word!"

"The meaning is profound, it fits the highway, and warns the driver, but this handwriting..."

"If you use a brush, this technique is really extraordinary, doesn't look like a brush."

"It is said that it was sent by the headquarters of Tiancheng Holdings. Such a big company must be looking for a certain hermit master."

"That's right, some of the calligraphy treasures of the masters of Tianyu have exceeded tens of millions. This writing technique must be top-notch!"

"I don't understand... maybe my realm is too low."

"Wait, the seal in the lower right corner... Ge Shi's second child?"

"Second Ge?"

"Ge Xiaotian can write calligraphy?"

"Can write, the masters of Tianyu have said more than once that their writing skills are not as good as the boss's."


There is a lot of discussion.

Tens of thousands of balloons and thousands of white pigeons fly into the sky.

Banners were raised, hanging baskets were suspended, and countless flowers fell from the sky.

Boss Mei repeatedly introduced the "All the way to the west" expressway project that has been announced on Tiancheng's official website.

Including: starting and ending points, crossings, number of industrial parks, construction purpose, main investors, main contractors, expected completion date...

"Only a year?"

"too fast?"

"The subgrade has been completed for the Dongshan road section, and Tiancheng is responsible for the construction of other road sections. With Tiancheng's speed, resources and strength, it is not surprising that it will take a year."

During the reading, many people in the outermost circle had to watch the temporary advertising wall because they could not see the big stage.

Responsible for maintaining the necessary Tianwei, and enthusiastically helping to interpret it.

"There is an industrial park next to my house? Mother, is it real or not?"

"Really, it's only 500 meters away from your Xiaohuang Village. Go back to the Limin Activity Center and see what you can do."

"But I'm illiterate. If the smart card doesn't have voice broadcast, I'm afraid I won't even be able to use it."

"Numbers must be known, right? If you want to do business, you have to learn how to receive and pay. Besides, there are illiterate businesses, such as car washing, agricultural and sideline product processing, or small piece business..."

After Tiancheng divided some industries, in order to facilitate "small and medium-sized production enterprises", it formulated a series of "small workshop-style" manufacturing models.

Such as leather jackets.

With an investment of 200,000 yuan, it owns a factory building and is responsible for the preliminary production of leather garments.

The products obtained cannot be considered as semi-finished products, but can be called 'leather garment blanks'.

The quantity is huge, not too high-tech, just reciprocating operation, as long as the employees are patient, they can operate the corresponding equipment and get paid by piecework.

And when the leather garments are ready, they are transported to another processing factory, which is a county-level factory, and let employees with certain skills carry out in-depth processing to obtain semi-finished products.

Then transport it to the finishing factory area, make finished products, and finally send them to brand companies, label them, package them and sell them...

This is equivalent to an alternative streamlined processing, focusing on the allocation of human resources, how capable they are, and how much they are paid, but this model has high requirements for logistics.

If road transportation is used for the whole journey, the cost may not be reduced too much, but if it is Tiancheng's shipping system...

Through the upper and lower crossings, connecting the nearest river, and relying on the huge amount of reasonable calculation of the operation schedule, one batch will be busy for a month, and the second batch will float in the river for a month, without delaying production and manufacturing.

This is an industrial park that integrates high-speed on and off road crossings and shipping systems.

Not only fur products, but also toys, durable goods and so on.

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