Build Madness

Chapter 807 Highway Foundation Laying Ceremony

On the northwest side of Jinyang Mansion, in the valley to the east of Taigongye Mountain.

All the way to the West Expressway is holding a grand foundation laying ceremony.

In the venue, tens of thousands of employee representatives of Xishan Tiancheng Construction, wearing overalls and sun visor helmets, stood together according to the department.

Outside the venue, countless brand-new construction equipment, tied with red silk and raised banners, are arranged according to categories.

Row by row, row by row, as far as the eye can see, it seems that the mechanical legion is about to set off...

On the ceremony stage.

Boss Mei read out the project introduction, which has lasted for an hour and a half.

This year the climate has suddenly warmed up, and it feels like summer in mid-May.

It was 11 o'clock in the morning, the scorching sun hung high in the sky, and the heat wave in the valley was head-on.

Boss Mei shrank in the office and played games all year round. He was so pampered that he covered his whole body with delicate skin and tender flesh. He had never suffered this crime.

Coupled with the many mountains in the west, many areas belong to the loess high slope climate, so that...

Before he stepped off the ceremony stage, his face was red and his ears were red, and the exposed parts outside the short-sleeved shorts were almost all exposed to the sun.

"Next, I invite Ge Xiaotian, Chairman of Sancha Township Tiancheng International Holdings Group, Mr. Ge to speak on stage."


The tsunami-like applause filled the valley, and also attracted the crowd who couldn't squeeze in from the outermost.

"Hey, he is Ge Xiaotian?"

"What a handsome boy!"

"That's not right, the story about the disabled and the strong in the textbook doesn't mean that he is crippled?"

"Yeah, why aren't you lame?"

"You guys don't understand this, right? Tiancheng Electric is so powerful, maybe it's a prosthetic."


Ge Xiaotian couldn't hear the voices of the Xishan crowd, wearing casual shorts and short sleeves in cooperation with the Li Brothers Group, and wearing clean white air-cushioned sneakers, he stepped onto the ceremony stage without haste.

At this moment, when he saw the words he inscribed on the background wall, he suddenly felt familiar.

It's a bit like the slogans written with paint brushes on the red brick walls on both sides of the streets of Sancha Township in the past.

For example: If you want to get rich, build roads first, have fewer children and grow more trees.

With the thought together, Ge Xiaotian looked more and more like it. Although the font size was a little smaller, the font was unmistakable.


Under the eyes of everyone, Ge Xiaotian couldn't be too entangled, turned around, and straightened the microphone.

"In the past half a month, we have made a detailed plan for the industrial park along the expressway, implemented the investment to each household, refined the project to the individual, and specified the benefits to each individual..."

"Therefore, the highway heading west is not the link connecting Tiancheng's commercial sector, but the key for the people in the Northland to become rich and well-off."

"Believe in me, believe in Tiancheng, let us gather our strength together to create brilliance and win a better future!"


In less than a minute, Ge Xiaotian stepped down from the stage.

The same is true for subsequent entrepreneurs, local leaders, and superior managers.

Faced with this scene, Boss Mei was in a trance, and seemed to understand the real reason why Boss Ge taught him the project reading...

'Sure enough, life is full of pits, every step is a deep pit, and every pit is very deep! '

After taking turns to speak, investors and leaders lifted the shovel one after another and dug the earth to bury the cornerstone.

But when they saw the 'treasure sword' and the three animals, not only did everyone say nothing, but they thought it should be so.

In fact, folklore and superstition are difficult to distinguish, just like the 'Book of Changes', which is Chinese studies, philosophy, but also metaphysics.

Many contents in the book involve divination, feng shui, and the five elements. Divination, fortune-telling, and feng shui are superstitions among the people. Classified as 'superscience' by monks.

The other is burning incense and worshiping Buddha...

If superstition is really pursued, I am afraid that all temples in China will be closed.

Therefore, how and how to do the foundation laying ceremony of the super project, even if monks are hired to chant scriptures and Taoist priests are employed, as long as superstition is not promoted, there will be no higher authorities to invite tea.

In other words, let the rich investors and the hard-working construction parties all seek psychological comfort.


All the way to the west high-speed foundation laying, causing quite a stir.

After all, the industrial parks, numerous crossings, or hundreds of service areas along the way provide countless opportunities and jobs.

The investor meeting will continue after the first round of discussion.

The next step is to negotiate the 'product'.

From packaging design, to brand promotion, to market operation, overseas export...

Therefore, in addition to the existing investors, Tianyu International and Sun Paper also joined the conference, and invited Longtian Technology and many Tianrong angel investment companies to participate in the meeting.

Due to North America's trade blockade against Tiancheng, the export business is mainly handed over to Nanbangzi KS Group and Taimei AS Group.

The former is for East Asia and North America, and the latter for West Asia and Eastern Europe.

But what the investors didn't know was that Tiancheng had at least two secret 'channels'.

The Holden consortium in charge of the North American market.

Responsible for the Montenegro Odyssey in the European market.

The African Union responsible for the African market.

Pirates in charge of the Nordics...

In addition, Chen Feng's foreign trade is also doing very well, but he is the main force to restrain Nanyang investors, staying in Nanyun for the time being to plant oranges and build dams.

The second phase of the meeting is more cumbersome than the previous phase.

But the matter was handled by the Taoist leader and the master management team, and Ge Xiaotian was only responsible for making the final decision and signing.

So, sitting on the rostrum and seeing everyone busy, Ge Xiaotian had to find something to do.

In desperation, I played the game again.

Before Labor Day, there were many classic works on the SG platform, such as Minecraft, Tianxia, ​​Jianwang, Big Talk 2...

Ge Xiaotian tried playing one by one, and finally returned to 3D martial arts.

It's not that these games are not fun, but that he has played them all in another time and space.

And 3D martial arts, even creators, will be immersed in it.

Gein intelligent NPC.

Just like he killed Wang Mang, it seems to have changed the history of the game.

But according to the setting, the ancient society was mainly dominated by aristocratic families. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Zhengjun was the queen, and many brothers served as officials. His younger brother Wang Man had two sons, and Wang Mang was only one of them. Moreover, the Wang family controlled the government. There are many people there.

Therefore, after Wang Mang's death, his eldest brother Wang Yong and his uncle Dongping Wang Wangshang took over the NPC rebels and continued to march towards the Central Plains.

Due to the drought, there were many dissatisfied and rebels, and the Central Plains were in chaos for a while, and the green forest rose.

In this chaotic world, without the constraints of the 'government', players have discovered more new ways to play.

But there are also many people who know the history and start looking for 'Liu Xiu'.

However, Ge Xiaotian did not participate in these, but found a key item to enter the "inside world" from the "dream" gameplay, also known as the "weird guide".

This prop also exists in reality, as long as you play in Fengdu and buy two hundred red notes, you can get it through the "receipt code".

That's right, 'Inner World' is a gameplay specially developed for the Fengdu project.

Fengdu is also known as a ghost city, with its underworld, magistrates, ghosts and ghosts.

It is impossible for these fantasy elements to appear in martial arts games. In order to make reasonable use of server resources, Youminxing set the 'inside world' in the 'dreamland'.

For example, a bottle is broken in the martial arts watch world. The player wants to find out the reason for the breakage, but the surrounding NPCs don’t know it. The player enters the dream world through the "weird guide" and comes to the other world to communicate with the spirit of the bottle, or play back through the scene. , to find the cause of the broken bottle.

The map of the inner world is exactly the same as the world of Wuxia Watch, but the picture is gray and blue, and the sky and the distance are also foggy, so it is not too far to see.

Players fight in the 'inner world', and they don't need to be resurrected after death. They can continue to enter through the guide until the fatigue value reaches the critical point.

There are many ways to play in the "inner world", such as Taoism cultivation, soul cultivation, ghost cultivation, treasure digging, ghost hunting, and storytelling...

It's just that the abilities acquired in the "inner world" cannot be displayed in the martial arts watch world. Even if you become a ghost king or ghost emperor, you will still be a mortal when you return to the watch world.

But if the player abandons the physical body and only enters the inner world to participate in the purification of turbid air, perhaps the 'inner world' will become an alternative 'cultivation continent'.

Very interesting way to play.

Ge Xiaotian took a look at the fierce quarrel, the investors who all wanted to get the big profits, created characters, and began to cultivate their souls...

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