Build Madness

Chapter 809 The 'Tianfu? Star River Bay' in Dajiang

Chapter 809 The 'Tianfu Galaxy Bay' in Dajiang

Fengdu has a subtropical monsoon climate, and it is only a few hundred meters away from the river, which makes the air here extremely humid. Even on a sunny day, it will be shrouded in fog in the morning and evening.

On the morning of May 30th.

In the rising water of the Yangtze River, nearly a hundred wooden warships are connected end to end, across the river, forming a "pontoon bridge", and at the same time forming a commercial sector with warships as units.

There are retail stores, catering hotels, office centers, and entertainment facilities...

And at both ends of the cable boat, there are several waterwheel mills, windmill mills, and magnetic levitation props carried by the floating boat platform...

With the green plants placed on the deck, the LEDs hanging high, and a variety of paints, there is a feeling of "Heavenly City, Heavenly Alien, This Morning".


Yesterday afternoon, many county residents knew that a very large fleet had arrived in the river, and even some trendy residents knew that this was the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

But people don't know that this fleet will stay in Fengdu.

When the scorching sun blew away the water vapor, many residents walked out of their homes and were shocked to see everything in the river.

Including the leaders of small counties who came to apply for tax registration and business license after being notified by Nandu.

"Do we have a holiday here?"


"March 3rd? Tomb-sweeping Day? July and a half Zhongyuan? Neither!"

"What are they doing?"

"Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, what can you do, let's do business."

"Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"That's right, look at the sign of the anchor, isn't it the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"No, what I mean is, where is the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"Second Ge, Ge Baiyi, have you heard of it?"

"I've heard of this."

"The fleet is his!"

"Damn it, why did that son of a bitch come here?"

"Shh, don't yell, gossip in the county says that the mountains to the west are leased by Tianmao to raise pigs, but it's just people."


The noisy crowd gathered on the shore, seeing that there was no blockade, a few bold ones stepped forward tentatively.

And standing next to the windmill, the two seemingly burly 'door gods' suddenly waved the colored pages in their hands:

"Welcome everyone to the 'Tianfu Xinghewan' water amusement park, today the whole site is 50% off, hurry up and buy it!'"

Just when the brave people were about to approach the fleet, a crawler car suddenly ran to the bow, creaked and twisted, and turned into a humanoid robot while people were stunned, "Hi everyone, I am the fastest computer on the parent planet. Oh, yo, sister, your pants are open..."


The door god raised his foot and kicked it into the Yangtze River, "I'm sorry, I didn't tie it properly. Everyone boarded the boat in an orderly manner, and pay attention to safety on the water."

The robot that fell into the river didn't sink, but circled around like a jet boat, "Duddu, I'm the fastest rescue water robot on the parent planet, isn't it amazing?!"


Afterwards, the No. 1 machine was like juggling, performing various acrobatics on the water, such as crossing the river with a reed, extreme surfing, soaring through the clouds, flaming buttocks, and flying straight into the sky...

Such a fun scene attracted more people to watch, and more and more people boarded the fleet.


After watching the performance of Straight Up to the Sky, the crowd got a headache with their heads held high, and they didn't see the funny robot come down.

In the fleet control center, the supervisor took out the communicator very nervously:

"Boss, machine number one has escaped."


Hoo hoo...

Referring to the self-produced 'Tiancheng' helicopter developed by Mi-26, Ge Xiaotian received a message from the fleet control center.

"When the power is exhausted, it will naturally run back. Otherwise, what can I do? Beat it? If it is broken, it will cost money to repair."


"Don't worry about it. Get the atmosphere up as soon as possible. You must attract the population of the surrounding villages and towns, especially the jobs. You know, as long as you stay in Fengdu to work, more than 80% of them will stay in Fengdu to live."

"I know, 3,000 service posts have been vacated now. When the project in Chicheng starts, more jobs will be available. The biggest problem now is that there are jobs but no consumption."

"Don't worry, after the one-week transition period, Tianle will send tour groups here, there must be a consumer group. Also, you have experience in operating water amusement parks in the Canal Development Zone, Tiancheng has countless resources, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid."

Tiancheng's management never admits it, because it's not to raise pigs, it's to move bricks, "Boss, I'm worried that your 'ghost market' will conflict with the water amusement park."

"Ghost City..."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the airborne Shiguang machine and called up the corresponding information.

Ghost City is a reality project extended from the 3D martial arts 'inner world'.

The market opens at one o'clock in the morning and closes at four o'clock in the morning every day.

There is no specific place, it appears randomly. If you want to go to the ghost market, you must enter the 'inner world' and join the group of monks.

The ghost market is illuminated by red lanterns, but the overall color is blue, and there is fog in Fengfeng, so the atmosphere is definitely not bad.

Items for sale include antiques, jewelry, jade, diamonds, calligraphy and paintings...

Not only from China, but also from the Tsarist period, and even older Eastern European products.

And there are also some obscure businesses, such as fortune-telling, divination, geomantic omen, demons and demons...

Well, don't think the latter is a bit ridiculous, but a rich boss believes in this and will definitely make money.

The ghost market is open, there are local security stations to guard around, and Tianwei is responsible for guarding the gates. Non-"inside world" players and "monk group" netizens are not allowed to enter. If you want to enter and exit the ghost market, you must hire a "guide" who will connect customers. Ghost market, and send customers to a safe area after leaving the ghost market.

All vendors operate legally and reasonably...


Is it illegal to slay demons and eliminate demons?

This is called cleaning up dirt, and it belongs to the cleaning industry. How can it be illegal?

So cumbersome, the ghost market does not seem to make money.

But we need to consider the customer group, that is, rich people who are mixed with antiques, like jade, like Taobao, like to explore, or foreigners.

And Tiancheng has no shortage of "treasures", such as the treasures of Bering Sea, the official collection of Montenegro, the chicken museum, the collection of African chiefs, Qiye's Tianbao antiques, and the "extinct treasures" that masters are becoming more and more proficient in.

Moreover, Taoist priests and masters go to work during the day, go to the ghost market to meditate at night, and do some business by the way, which can also earn some extra money.

Ge Xiaotian sent the information to the person in charge of 'Fengdu Water Amusement Park', "Don't worry about the ghost city, it appeared in the Fengdu boundary in the early stage, and the location will be changed later, such as the surrounding counties and towns, Nandu District, Bashu Valley, and maybe there will be more Run to Dongshan, Beihe, desert, grassland..."

"Customers are willing to make such a fuss?"

"How to play? Or, this is the selling point. Think about it, you are an antique lover, and you are not short of money. Recently, you want to buy some treasures, so you ask in the group where the next ghost market will be, and wait for the location to be confirmed. Wouldn’t it be fun to go with a few old friends and visit the place where the ghost city is?”

"And our local industry can welcome a batch of new customers..."


"The boss is a genius!"

"have a future!"

Seeing the two of them bragging about their business, Dao Shiyi pouted, and waited for him to end the communication, "Boss, there are still fifteen minutes to arrive at Nandu Airport."

"Then inform Father Zhao and tell him I'm here."

Ge Xiaotian said that he would not travel far, but the Tianfu Group is a bit special.

Like Boss Mei, the Sanjin Group is deeply rooted in Xishan and has many contacts, so they don't need Tiancheng's help.

Like Brother Hao, Nanhe borders Dongshan, and Bureau Sun landed in Bianzhou by air, and the leader of Nanhe University has a good relationship with Mr. Yu, so there is no need for him to run over to get close.

Like Beihe Tiancheng, there is Li the richest man in the capital.

Like Shandi Tiancheng, that's the second brother Ge.

Like Northeast Black Dragon, that's Ge Laoer's father...

Even if Jianfu is Tiancheng, there are leaders of Fuda University to take care of it.

However, the Tianfu Group is a down-and-out family who lost to Bashu. The relationship is weak, the resources are gone, and the market is lost.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian planned to meet Zhao's father, whom he had heard of for a long time.


Although Fengdu is quite far from Nandu, many projects along the way are under the jurisdiction of Nandu, and some documents are also signed by Zhao's father.

Nandu compound office.

Father Zhao changed his appearance of being oppressed by CNOOC's old money last time, and he sat on the sofa in high spirits, looking through the approval report on the fleet going upstream and passing through the Nandu area.

"Tsk tsk, Ge Laoer's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. He has hired two mountains to raise pigs, leased a section of the Yangtze River to operate, used land in a county town to develop real estate, and even asked me for a piece of vacant land to build an airport... The key is, all of them are in the same place. No money."

The old man who was carried by the old money to the underground parking lot last time thought deeply: "In terms of development, we are not at a loss."

"But there are real estate developers in Nandu, and there are also resources. We can exchange these things for money. Why make it cheaper for Ge Lao Er."

"If he doesn't come in, how can you check and balance him?"


Zhao's father did not dare to take care of Ge Laoer, but he could manipulate the project in order to blackmail him and return his son who would not be able to get on the plane or leave the Jifu.

Immediately took out the documents for the construction of the airport, "Except for this, everything else has been approved."

"I think it would be nice to ask Ge Lao Er to help us build an airport."

"Who operates? Dongshan Airlines? China Southern Airlines willing? Chengfei willing?"

"China Southern Airlines doesn't know, but Chengfei probably will be willing. They are very close to Tiancheng Electric Industry. It is said that they want to introduce a unique engine technology of Ice Bear. Recently, they are asking their superiors for funds."

"It's not a small matter, it's a long-term plan."

Father Zhao waved his hand and picked up the phone that kept ringing, "What? Ge Lao Er is here? Arrived at the airport?"

"Why is he here?"

After the call was over, the old man sitting next to him was a little puzzled, "Let's give him the green light for the project with Chicheng, not to mention embarrassment, there is no delay, is it possible, to express our gratitude?"

"Chicheng used to have some contacts, but after the old boss ate peanuts, he shuffled the cards here. It happened that the Tianfu Group lost to Bashu, so Chicheng had no contact with us. I guess Ge Laoer came here for this."

"Is Chicheng related to the old boss?"

"The Tianfu Group's defeat in Bashu was caused by the old boss... How do you say that, the money is not in place."


"Fortunately, it wasn't in place, otherwise Chi Cheng might have to go on the road with his old boss."

After Zhao's father finished speaking, he smiled, "Unfortunately, it's the same with us, the money is not in place."

"The other party defected to Tian Cheng. He is an enemy rather than a friend. If he is not in place, he will be an outcast in the future."

"We'll talk about this later, let's meet Ge Laoer first. Given his current status, we have to give him the pomp we deserve."


Nandu Airport.

With the development of the economy, the number of people flying by plane has gradually increased.

There are corporate charter flights, business trips, and ordinary civil aviation...

At ten o'clock in the morning, it was peak hour.

Nearly a thousand passengers waiting to board the plane, passengers who had just disembarked, or airport staff were suddenly attracted by a loud humming sound.

Collectively looked up to the sky.

A strange helicopter with a gray and black body that looks like a weaving shuttle is slowly descending.

What surprises people is that this helicopter is very large. Compared with the civil aviation on the ground, the 737 is like... a son led by an adult.

Moreover, this helicopter has one front and one rear, two propellers!


It was not until the helicopter was stable and the propellers were stationary that people realized that there were four of them!

In other words, tandem twin counter-rotating propellers...

(similar to CH47)

In the collective panic, the airport security was dispatched, and more than a dozen burly men jumped off the helicopter.

The rear hatch opened, and four cool motorcycles drove out, followed by a domineering limousine.

See the static bull's head logo on the hub, and the sparkling diamond on the tip of the bull's horn...

"I bet a thousand yuan, it must be Ge Laoer!"

"Nonsense, besides Ge Lao Er's tua inlaid with diamonds, who else is so coquettish?"

"Damn! Ge Lao Er came to Nandu?"

"Didn't you receive any news about this?"

"A billionaire was sprayed to death just now, Ge Erer dare to run out with great fanfare?"

"Isn't this called fanfare?"


woo woo...

At this moment, three security vehicles and green military cards were parked outside the airport, followed by two Dongba.

Well, although Nanfang did not designate Dongba as an official car, when CNOOC settled in Sujiang, Ge Xiaotian sent Mr. Zhao off, so he couldn't forget his father.

Anyway, the Northland is officially universal, and the South's Momentum is not considered extravagant and wasteful.

Father Zhao got out of the car and hurried into the airport.

Seeing the extended tua driving out of the dedicated passage, he hurried forward.


Then he saw a robot-like thing wearing weird metal clothes and an aerospace helmet, lying across the unique trunk door that was sent out of tua, and then stood upright in front of him.

"Good leadership!"


"I'm Ge Xiaotian!"


Father Zhao felt suffocated for some reason, "Ge...Mr. Ge, what are you?"

"It's not safe outside, let's talk inside."


There are quite a few people who want to kill me, but I have seen people who are afraid of death, but I have never seen you who are so afraid of death.

Father Zhao saw him lying down again, and then being sent into tua by the mechanical arm, his face was numb, and even his spirit was a little dazed by the thunder.

And when you walk into tua...

Crack, squeak, squeak...

The metal clothes sitting on the sofa seemed to be deformed. Under the operation of the mechanical arm, one mechanism after another was opened, revealing Ge who was also sitting.

I saw the other party smiled slightly,

"Leader, it's better to see once than to hear, you are so young."


"Sit down, shall we go to your mansion, or to the project site?"

Father Zhao was stunned for a moment, and finally came to his senses, "Mr. Ge is exhausted, why don't you go to the house for a meeting first?"


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