Build Madness

Chapter 810: Second Ge is here

On the way to the southern metropolitan area.

Ge Xiaotian and Zhao's father sat face to face in the car, sipping tea and chatting, while secretly looking at each other.

Father Zhao is indeed very young.

According to the data, he is forty-three years old, but his real appearance is around thirty.

This is a little scary.

From Sujiang Jinling to the deputy director of the Nandu board of directors, you need contacts and qualifications, and the future is boundless.

No wonder Mr. Zhao was able to run amok. After completing the Hengji Center in Jingang, he went to Jifu to build the Chengji Center...

Ge Xiaotian felt that dealing with this person was far more troublesome than dealing with Chen Donghai.

Thinking about it, he picked up his teacup, looked out of the window, and said with a smile: "The scenery of the southern capital is really beautiful, but the road is complicated and back and forth, and it is very likely that you will get lost when you first arrive in your place. The leader has been here for many years. Familiar, if you have time another day, please let the leader show me the scenery of the mountain city."

"Mr. Ge asked, how dare you refuse."

Father Zhao also raised his teacup.

For him, Ge Laoer's visit was somewhat unexpected, but it was natural.

When CNOOC entered Sujiang, he relied on his network to almost squeeze Chen Donghai away.

When Chicheng entered Bashu, although he could not control the city, he could decide to enrich the projects, and he would approve the relevant procedures one by one.

Moreover, Tiancheng's fleet entered the lower reaches of the Yangtze River from Nansi Lake. If they wanted to go west to Bashu, they had to pass through the Jiangsu River, his hometown Jinling, and Jiangbei, Beihu and other places that he had or had governed or had friendly relations with.

Tian Cheng has no foundation in these areas, and it doesn't matter, as long as he informs, the managers along the way will find any reason to cut off Tian Cheng's transportation line.

If it was the past, Zhao's father would definitely do this, and even wanted to set up a game to get Ge Laoer in.

But now Tiancheng is not what it used to be. Its industries cover the north, and it has remote control over overseas markets. Recently, it is building a westward project. It is gaining momentum. Whoever dares to stop it will be against the entire superior.

Therefore, what Father Zhao is thinking about now is to attract Tian Cheng to Jiangsu, or Nandu, Bashu, relying on his own network to make the other party 'not dare to offend him', and then release his son.

Of course, if there is a chance to trap Ge Lao Er, Father Zhao will definitely not let it go.


The domineering tua, escorted by four steel locomotives, slowly drove into the southern metropolitan area.

Along the way, there was a lot of noise, especially the ruthless people entrenched in Nandu.

Who is Ge Laoer?

To the ruthless people, he is not Tiancheng's boss, nor is he a famous entrepreneur, nor is he a Laoshizi philanthropist, but...

Look at Boss Xi Shanmei, once one of the heavyweights on the road, now?

After being subdued by Ge Laoer, he didn't go out the door, didn't walk through the second door, and stayed in the office all day playing games, not daring to touch the things he did before.

in addition……

In the past two years, a super ruthless person appeared on the road, who specially picked KTV and movie theaters in the county town. He was invincible and invincible, and almost dominated the scattered entertainment projects in the county town.

Later, the super ruthless people disappeared, but these KTVs and movie theaters were collectively merged into Tianyu.

If you think about it with your butt, you can also know where those super ruthless people have gone.

Either fishing for sharks, or digging coal mines, or entering a brick kiln...

Moreover, almost all the rich men in Xiangjiang who offended Ge Laoer went in...

Therefore, the ruthless big brothers in Nandu put aside their personal grudges and conflicts of interests one after another, and gathered at Caiyun Lake Winery to discuss major plans.

"Huh? Where's Hu Chuan?"

"Yeah, this guy always likes to rush to the front, how come it's a critical moment..."

"Hu Chuan took a group of his men and ran to the construction site in Chicheng to move bricks."


"When I left, I said, let's divide his territory casually, and the things on the road from now on have nothing to do with him."


"Also, he took his parents, daughter-in-law and children to the construction site."


"Hey? Mr. Sun, why are you leaving?"

"Oh, let's continue, everyone. I suddenly remembered that there is still a shortage of small workers who move rocks on the Chicheng construction site. I have no skills, but I have great strength."

"Is it ashamed? Ge Lao Er just showed his face, and you are all scared?"

"You are awesome, I respect you as the boss of Nandu!"

"Fart, I'm just selling chestnuts, don't talk nonsense."


The ruthless people entrenched in the streets and alleys yelled for a long time, and finally broke up unhappy.

However, a real ruthless person, or a ruthless person with a background, doesn't have much interest in Ge Laoer.

after all……

When the sky fell, Father Zhao was holding it up.



The business district formed by the fleet is just a transitional product of Tian Cheng's crossing the south.

One is to quickly attract popularity and create momentum for the local real estate market.

The second is that the land in Sichuan is mountainous and the roads are difficult to navigate. The fleet can be used not only as a living place for employees, but also as a canteen

As for the income of the project, it depends on the real estate and infrastructure in the end.

Therefore, after Tianfu Group understood the functions of the fleet, it started the preparatory work for the project according to the plan.

For example, through shipping equipment, build sand and gravel aggregate plants, lime plants, cement plants, steel processing plants, and comprehensive mixing plants outside the county...

For example, for exploration along the river, according to the geology and landforms of the county, real estate and supporting facilities along the river will be set up.

Chi Cheng didn't know about Ge Xiaotian's arrival, so he worked until noon, looking at the sun, "When will the construction machinery provided by Tiancheng Electric Industry be in place?"

"Already on the way, arriving the day after tomorrow."

"That's good, the shipping is slow. If it is shipped now, it will probably take a month... Boss Ge is a genius, he has considered everything in advance."

As Chi Cheng spoke, he murmured in his heart: Sure enough, Tian Cheng had planned to go south a long time ago, and what Ge Lao Er said at the beginning that some companies replaced Tianfu Group was also true.

Suddenly, the manager in charge of recruiting rushed into the Tianfu Group office on the ship.

"Chairman, Hu Chuan is here!"

"Hu Chuan?"

Just as Chi Cheng was about to ask who it was, a thin black man appeared in his mind, "Hu Chuan, Jiulongpo, the southern capital?"

"Well, now Nanping also belongs to him."

"What is he here to collect money for?"

"I don't know, the other party came with five big gold cups covered in mud, all of them with something."

"I used to build roads in the urban area. In order to avoid trouble, I had to give him many benefits. Now in the wilderness, is it really the same as before?"

Chi Cheng took out his smart card and dialed the number of the fleet manager.

Fengdu is not connected to the Zigbee network, but the Zigbee network is a local area network. Through the base station of the fleet, a Zigbee frequency band for local communication can be constructed.

Not long after the communication ended, fifty Tianwei security guards trotted up the embankment.

But when I came to the recruitment office...

"Oh, brother Chi, no, Dong Chi, you are finally back! The folks in Bashu look forward to the stars and the moon, and finally they are waiting for you!"


Chi Cheng couldn't figure out what routine the other party was playing, "I said Hu Chuan..."

"No, you can just call me Xiao Hu! Director Chi, I heard that our construction site is short of people, so I quickly brought over a hundred brothers, all of whom are in good health, practical and capable, and you can order whatever work you have."


"Don't worry, it's fine to take care of food in the early stage. If you don't have money, let's do a project. We'll talk about it later."

As Hu Chuan said, he looked around and saw the bushes strewn with lime lines on the side of the road. Gotta get those limp twigs out, we know what to do, man, dude!"


No. 100 was a ruthless man, as if a wolf was chasing after him, he raised his shovel and rushed into the bushes, ignoring the piercing thorns, and started to work shirtless.

Chi Cheng was a little confused.

The management of the enterprise who came to support after hearing the news was also confused.

However, this seems to have just begun...

Hu Chuan's subordinates had just rushed into the construction site, and on the mountain road in the distance, several small vans were dangling, all pulling a car full of tattooed men, and they were driving here.

The people in the car seemed to feel that the speed was too slow. With a yell, they were like Hu Chuan and others, carrying shovels, shovels, shovels and other things, like dogs chasing them, and ran here desperately.

"Chi Dong, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still so handsome!"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Liu Hai, Nandu Tushifang, do you have any impression?"


The visitor didn't take it seriously, "Chi Dong, our mountain road is not easy to walk, and my big trucks can't get in, but don't worry, twenty four-wheel tractors will be in place soon."

"Earth and stone work, a team is indeed needed, but the standard needs to be in accordance with ours, and the cost..."

"Whatever the fee is, mine is yours. When the project is completed, you don't look at the credit, but the hard work, just share it with me."


Chi Cheng looked at the leaders of Fengdu in confusion, and asked with his eyes: Are these people crazy? Or is it that the southern capital is cracking down, and this group of people fled to the countryside to seek refuge?

The latter said with his eyes: I have not received any news...

Mr. Liu rolled up his sleeves and started digging ditches. On the mountain road over there, a group of motorcyclists came running again, followed by a long line of black...

"Chi Dong, slaughtering pigs and cattle, manual operation or workshop machinery, we all know how to do it."

"Chi Dong, I'm good at demolition!"

"Chi Dong..."

"Chi Dong..."

I have been busy for a long time.

The secretary handed over the satellite smart card and pointed to the news on it, "Chairman, Mr. Ge has come to Nandu."

Chi Cheng looked back at the group of ruthless people who were sweating profusely from exhaustion but did not dare to stop, "No wonder..."


At the gate of Nandu compound.


squeaky twist...

Tua's robotic arm sent the metal suit out of the trunk.

Seeing the scene that looked like a brain CT scan, Father Zhao's mouth twitched, and he looked around at the explosion-proof and green clothes guarded 300 meters away, "Mr. Ge, you don't need to worry about safety here."

"No way, North America has developed an electronic smart locking scope. The ghost knows if they have corresponding ammunition and equipment. If they do, it will not be safe within five kilometers."


Father Zhao was speechless, silent for a moment, and just about to say something, the office staff stepped forward and whispered softly.

The former was surprised and said in disbelief: "Really?"

"Yes, leader."

"Why didn't I receive any news."

"Already at the airport."


Father Zhao seemed to remember something, and looked at someone who was tinkering with metal clothes and aerospace helmets with complicated eyes.

"Mr. Ge, I'm in a hurry here. You can rest inside first, and I'll be right back."

"Oh, don't worry, the leader will go to work first."

Dongba, who was following tua, turned around, and Zhao's father and the office staff made a tight back row.

"Are you sure the destination of wishing the old is our place? Not Chengdu?"

"The encrypted telegram sent by the accompanying staff is indeed from our place."

"Could it be... to create momentum for Ge Laoer?"

"It's possible. However, Zhu Lao was in Nanyun a few days ago to inspect the orange project and dam project invested by Shangpin International, and he may also be passing by."

"Notify the following to do a good job of 'sanitary cleaning'."


When Father Zhao came to the airport, he found Mr. Zhu immediately, chatted for a while, and just wanted to leave...

"The leader, and another telegram, the general manager of finance and the Nine Institutes are about to arrive, and the destination is our place."


Zhu Lao must have also received the message, "What a coincidence, we just happened to discuss the Nanyun orange project together."

Father Zhao: Are you sure you didn't come here for someone?

Not long after, the newly reorganized Huaxia Civil Aviation passenger plane, Tianzi No. 7, circled over the airport and landed steadily.

But before everyone goes to greet...

A gray-black passenger plane, from far to near under the northern sky...

The body is slightly petite, and the operator is also Huaxia Civil Aviation, but the words painted on the tail represent the symbol of the deputy director's plane.

"Why is the deputy director here?"

No need for a telegram, Jiusuo, Mr. Zhu, the general manager of finance, and Father Zhao all know who is sitting on it.

This is a fighter jet with anti-missile and stealth capabilities, no less than the North American chairman's car.

on the plane.

The deputy director and Mr. Yu sat side by side.

"Old Yu, you have to know that Nandu is different from Jingang."

"Well, I understand that the task is heavy, but finding a place that is not natural can hone my abilities better."

"Actually, Shanghai is better than here."

"The 'Wuzhou Avenue' project that Tiancheng took in Shanghai last year has already started. If I went there, wouldn't it be obvious: 'I'm old enough to grab the fruits of victory!' The reputation is not good, and it can't achieve the meaning of training .”

"Old Yu...well, the superiors affirm your achievements and hope that you can come to Beijing as soon as possible."

"Thank you leader."

Chatting, the two big brothers got off the plane.

Seeing Jiusuo, Zhu Lao, and the general manager of finance, he was slightly taken aback.

The deputy director was puzzled and said: "It's not surprising that Mr. Zhu returned from Nanyun and passed through Nandu, so he came here to have a look. But the nine institutes and the general manager of finance plan to talk to Ge Xiaotian about the restructuring of the Zigbee network. Why did you come here?"

Mr. Yu seemed to think of something, "Not good! Brother Ge is here!"


In mid-May, affected by global warming, and someone caused trouble with a fake 'Ark', the mother star environmental protection organization IUCN, the mother star nature foundation WWF, the mother star environmental fund GEF, and the international Greenpeace organization Greenpeace, jointly organized a joint project in Switzerland. The country held a special meeting to invite members to discuss issues such as 'sustainable development', 'climate change', 'environmental protection industry', 'clean energy', and 'exhaust gas emissions'.

As environmental director, Wan Lao attended the meeting.

When I return to China, I will make a report as soon as possible, and then select areas to expand the scope of the original ecological protection area and demonstrate it to the world.

Bashu and other places that have not been polluted by industry have become the top priority.

So, Wan Lao came.

With so many important figures gathered in Nandu, not to mention the safe house, even the green clothes dare not relax...

That's why, the director of Nandu Security Office and the director of Nandu Lvyi also came.

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