Build Madness

Chapter 811: Er Ge's Clothes

(In the previous chapter, 808 was harmonized, and the entire content of the article was rectified, and it is expected to be released tomorrow. ———— August 20th)


The deputy director accompanied Mr. Yu to take up the post to show his importance to the latter.

Zhu Lao came to Nandu, just happened to pass by after inspecting the Nanyun orange project.

Nine Institutes and the general manager of finance are looking for someone to discuss the restructuring of the Zigbee network.

Wan Lao is for the ecological environment.

The director of Nandu Green Clothes is to protect the above leaders.

But it was different in Father Zhao's eyes.

What do you mean?

I didn't pay much attention to Ge Lao Er, why did they all come here?

And when he walked into the Nandu compound, seeing someone with a puzzled face and then a strange expression, Zhao's father was full of contempt.

'As expected of a businessman who has won many actor trophies, he pretends to be so! '


Ge Xiaotian dared to go deep into the tiger's den, so he must have a means to save his life.

For example, the 'two-legged' machine left in the Tiancheng helicopter.

Among other things, in the mountains and forests, in terms of escape speed, it is definitely the king of land.

And the metal clothes he was wearing were the sensing devices for driving his two legs.

As for why not take a helicopter.

Air targets are too obvious and vulnerable to attack, so it is not convenient to use two legs.

Moreover, this time he came to Nandu, his purpose was not to chat or negotiate with Zhao's father, but to use the proof of Mr. Zhao's foreign real estate speculation provided by Standard Chartered Bank to put pressure on the other party, so as to give Chi Cheng more treatment.

Zhao's father is not a good person, and he certainly doesn't want to have a clue to fall into the hands of others. In all likelihood, he will arrange for really ruthless people to do some outrageous actions.

At that time, he can take the opportunity to make trouble and make things big...

But the plan is the plan. Now that the lineup entering the compound is so luxurious, it must not continue.

Ge Xiaotian came back to his senses, and at the same time he stepped forward to greet him, he also looked at Father Zhao full of contempt and disgust.

It's like I want to kill you, but you actually brought all your immediate bosses here, isn't that too scary?

What's more, I am an upright entrepreneur, how could I use shady methods? !


When the deputy director and others saw Ge Xiaotian, they didn't ask him why he appeared in Nandu on this occasion, but greeted him very cordially.

After exchanging pleasantries for a long time, everyone gathered in Father Zhao's office.

But here comes the problem.

Everyone has their own purpose in coming to Nandu, now we get together unprepared, what should we talk about?

As the top leader, the deputy chairman intends to ask Wan Lao if he has encountered any difficulties while participating in the home planet environment meeting overseas.

But after thinking about it carefully, the other party must have made a report when he returned home, there is no need to talk about Wan Lao's work on this occasion.

As for wishing the elderly, there is no need to talk about it.

As for the nine institutes and the general manager of finance...

The other party is responsible for coordinating the overall situation, which involves confidentiality, so we can't chat.

Therefore, the deputy director looked around and locked his eyes on Mr. Ge who had already taken off his space helmet before he had time to take off his steel suit.

"Xiaoge, what are you?"

Ge Xiaotian certainly wouldn't say that he was going to do something, so he turned his eyes and said, "Oh, Leader Zhao has heard about Tiancheng's electrical industry for a long time, and plans to introduce a batch of automation equipment that is at the forefront of the mother star to Nandu."

"These are you wearing?"

"Yeah, don't look at it as bulky, it's actually very light, with a total weight of less than 15 kilograms, and there are power-assisted devices in the joints, which saves time and effort when walking. It only takes five seconds to 100 meters, and it can jump up to a height of three meters. .”

Without waiting for the deputy director to ask questions, the Nine Institutes suddenly stepped forward and touched Ge Xiaotian's leg carefully, "You have been researching for more than two years, and finally made the mechanical exoskeleton?"

"Yes and no."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the power, put the helmet on Jiusuo's head, "Did you see it?"

"That's right, the body heat is already obvious enough, plus the temperature control system inside the metal clothing, this is a walking target."

Jiu Suo thought for a moment, "However, it should be used for logistics."

"The whole set will cost at least 500 million."

"to be honest."

"Counting the remote control system, satellite assistance system, and routine maintenance... two billion."

"That's about it."

The deputy director and others were dumbfounded, "So expensive?"

Jiusuo shook his head, "If there is one and only this set, it is still the experimental model. Two billion is considered cheap. After all, the most expensive thing is the technology. In addition, in order to ensure that the experiment will not be interrupted by the wear and tear of the parts, the materials must be the most expensive. Alright. So, computing materials technology, manufacturing technology, technology corresponding to manufacturing equipment ... is not cheaper than an aircraft."


"In other words, the more compact and exquisite, unique and useful all things related to technology are, the comprehensive price will not be lower than tens of billions of red notes. Xiao Ge's quotation of two billions is too conservative."

Father Zhao's forehead was sweating, and he couldn't help but said: "Deputy Director, Mr. Ge is just joking, Nandu has no plan to introduce this kind of expensive equipment, and it won't be used."

"I'll give you a 10% discount!"

"We have no money."


Ge Xiaotian was almost choked, "We have to do business, we can't lose face."

"I'm afraid I'm going to lose my fortune if I talk to you in front of me."


Seeing that Zhao's father didn't take the bait, the Ninth Institute was also a little disappointed. However, the two partners cheated people more than once. Seeing that it couldn't be done, they walked around Ge Xiaotian silently for a few times, and changed the topic: "Look at its structure, it should be Does it have other functions?"

"After shrinking and packing, you can use the remote control system to let it go to any place within 100 kilometers around through the foot pulley."

Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to say that this thing is actually a sensing device, which is used to drive two legs.

Because although the two legs are advanced, they have no practical significance, and they are not even as good as multi-legged machines for mining.

"You gave it a name?"

"The evolutionary version of constant temperature suit, power suit, dedicated to polar operations."

"You have so many polar construction equipment, and I haven't seen you go deep into Siberia."

Nine Institutes cheerfully complained, "I will send you some precious technologies later, and you can help me copy a similar power suit."

"Then there's no need. Your technology is all related to aerospace and is of no use to Tiancheng. I will send it to you directly."

It's not that Ge Xiaotian doesn't want the technology of the Nine Institutes, but that the system is about to be upgraded and enters the next era. During this time, Daoyi and the others have absorbed a lot of overseas technology through the "Panda Guard" and the Shi Guangji matrix. At that time, I am afraid that they will unlock the current home planet. Part of the tech tree.

Now accepting the technology of the Nine Institutes, if it overlaps with its own technology tree, wouldn't it be a big loss.

Rather than wanting it now, it is better to sell it first, and after the upgrade, what is missing, and then ask Jiusuo for what it is.

After Ge Xiaotian was generous, seeing everyone staring at his metal clothes, he immediately got up and took two steps, "Is he handsome?!"



Ge Xiaotian didn't know what was going on with the leaders gathered in Nandu, chatted for a long time, found an excuse to leave, and left time for the other party to discuss work.

The deputy director and the others just met by chance, and there was nothing important to discuss at all. Hearing an excuse from Ge, he thought that this guy really had something to do, otherwise why would he leave the very important all the way to the west investor meeting and suddenly parachute to Nandu ?

So, not long after Ge Xiaotian left, the bosses left.


When the bosses left the office and were about to go downstairs, they saw Ge Lao Er squatting in the corridor, playing 'suffocate the cow' with his secretary who looked like an old Taoist priest.


Don't you have something to do?

Why are you squatting here?

Ge Xiaotian noticed that the light was blocked, looked up, and surrounded by a circle of leaders, with confused faces, "Aren't you in a meeting?" '

Father Zhao was completely lost.

What is this all about? !

However, Zhu Lao did have work arrangements, said goodbye to everyone, and went to the next destination.

Wan Lao set out to the original ecological protection area, and headed to the mountainous area with the director in green.

The deputy director brought Yu Zong to take office in Nandu. The latter seemed very reluctant when he saw Ge Laoer, but he still held a special meeting with the deputy director, Zhao's father, and other leaders.

So, at the end, Ge Xiaotian, the nine institutes, and the vice president of finance walked into the relatively safe and confidential tua.

"Xiaoge, after two years of trial operation and an upgrade from years ago, the Zigbee Network can be said to be fully mature now."

"what do you mean?"

"I plan to sell the part I hold in Longtian's shareholding and integrate it into Netcom."

"Is Netcom going public?"


"In this case, the original shares of Zigbee Network may be exiled to the outside world."

"According to the original agreement, Tiancheng holds 45% of the shares, Longtian holds 35% of the shares, Weihua holds 20% of the shares, and Netcom holds 10% of the shares, totaling 110% of the shares. But Netcom's investment of 10% is to obtain Without reducing the original equity held by Tiancheng, Longtian, and Weihua, it is a kind of "profit stock". Now, I sell 10% of the shares held by Longtian, plus 10% of Netcom's "profit stock" , in exchange for 15% of the original shares of Netcom, and the rest...remove Weihua's 20%, and you own 65%, which is enough to control Zigbee."

"15%...too much."

"Netcom gets 15% and will help Zigbee Networks to lay out the southern base station."

"I'm in the south now. The Fengdu base station project has been established, and then FL, Qijiang, Wulong, and then Nanyun, Jianfu, and Guangqu... Oh, CNOOC's old Qian and Mr. Yu helped me get the Guangqu."


"Actually, I once considered using the Zigbee system to attract overseas funds, but... the Zigbee system is just the foundation."

Ge Xiaotian understood what Jiusuo meant.

In commercial operations, it must maximize profits.

For example, if Zigbee is divided into 100,000 shares, 40,000 will be listed on the market, and the market value will skyrocket. The remaining 60,000 original shares may become 6 million shares, and they will be sold at that time...

This is a hundredfold gain.

In the stock market, a hundred times return is just average, and there are still thousands or two thousand times in history.

Think about it, there was only 60,000 yuan in my hand, and it suddenly became 60 million, or even 120 million...

If the heart is not good, I'm afraid it's not going to be pumped.

This is why companies are keen to go public.

For some directors who don't care about the business, why not do it?

The same is true for the roots of angel casts.

But every project that Ge Xiaotian, or Tiancheng, created for himself is an indispensable part of Tiancheng's industrial chain, let alone let others dictate, or be manipulated by certain financial groups.

"At present, it seems that the Zigbee network has been perfected, but it is only the foundation at this stage."

Ge Xiaotian opened Shi Guangji's notebook, and called out the satellite launch center outside the 21 communities of the 15th City of Dongshan, which was just announced a while ago, "What can you see?"

"Patchwork, seems to hide the law?"

"Don't you think it looks like a gossip disk?"


The Nine Institutes had a weird face, and they swallowed and complained.

"No, don't you feel, does it look like a spider's web?"


Is it different from Bagua disk?

"Look again, look carefully!"


"Does it look like a big pot lid?"


"Besides radar, what else is like a cauldron lid?"


"You see, on the whole, we are using radio now, but after the introduction of visible light, the community has been slowly adjusting and transitioning to visible light communication. If the 21 satellite launch towers in the entire Dongshan 15th City are connected to the city, increase the power, Using light as the base layer, sending exploration signals to outer space..."

"The 'Eye of the Sky' system you experimented at Jiangbei University of Science and Technology?" The Jiu Institute frowned and hesitated: "Is it impossible?"

"That's digital remote monitoring, and this one is optoelectronic exploration."


"Digital signals need to be converted, or in other words, what the device sees needs to be converted into digital signals for transmission, and then converted into what it sees and presented to us."


"Light is different. Just like the old-fashioned film cameras before, it will copy what it sees, and then send it back in the form of light, and it will be completely displayed in front of our eyes. Just like all the planets discovered now, how is the surface, It's all calculated and far from the truth, and the light is different, we can make it penetrate the outer 'atmosphere' of the planet and replicate the appearance of the surface."

"But the analog signal is lost along the way... no, it's an optical signal."

"For the time being, it doesn't matter whether it can find farther, or see the true face of the planet. Let's talk about other expansions of the Zigbee network system."

Ge Xiaotian saw that the Nine Institutes took the bait, terminated this topic, and changed it to: "You see, after the adoption of visible light communication, in the current industrial production and high-tech foundry, the signal delay can already be ignored. This is N times more advanced than the 3G network, and it also supports wireless. The basis for people driving public transport."

"I know, the core technology of photovoltaic intelligent elevated."

"One way to the west of the expressway, we use two-way eight-lane lanes, the middle is dedicated to transportation, smuggled cars and passenger cars on both sides, and emergency and danger avoidance on both sides are not included. If the project adopts the photovoltaic intelligent elevated mode, Tiancheng Transportation will It will save a lot of labor expenses and reduce shipping costs."

"The point is, your method of reducing labor costs will result in fewer jobs, and the labor support saved may not be as expensive as the cost of building two more channels, right?"

"You think I'm going to lose money and make money?"


"Actually, if you only count the high speed, the total is only 15 billion red notes, and the construction of two more passages will not cost 2 billion more. As for transportation support, do you know what is the current annual salary of a driver with an A-level license?"

"Ten thousand?"

"Tiancheng's salary is at least twice that of outsiders, let's count it as 20,000 yuan. There are many intersections and industrial parks on the highway all the way to the west. According to preliminary statistics, 20,000 drivers are needed, and this year will cost 400 million yuan."

"But you also need money to lay out an automatic driving system."

"Why are you serious with me? I'm the boss, can I do money-losing business?"


No matter how the Nine Institutes calculate, I feel that the goods in front of me will definitely lose money, but I don’t know how to do business, so I really can’t figure out the formula for making money, “But there are indeed fewer jobs.”

"This is just the helplessness of the transition period. In another 20 or 30 years, who will still take the driver's license?"


"And, the extra manpower can completely learn remote control and remote construction. In other words, the number of jobs has not decreased, but has increased in another form."

"The foundation of all this lies in the Zigbee network system, so you don't plan to use it to fool people?"

"What is fooling people, this is called benefiting the society."


The Nine Institutes sank for a moment, "Tell me honestly, have you Tian Cheng entered the North Pole?"

"Yeah, otherwise how to raise fish?"

"No, I mean, you have a big project in the Arctic?"

"How is it possible? Do you think I'm stupid? In such a cold place, there is ice everywhere, and the steel can freeze and crack. Wouldn't it be a loss for me to run a project there?"

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