Build Madness

Chapter 812: Reasons for Zigbee Internet Listing

The Nine Institutes did not doubt Ge Xiaotian's words.

The polar environment is harsh, far from being able to cope with a set of constant temperature suits and a few gas engines. Even though Tiancheng has the Zigbee system, which can carry out remote control operations, equipment testing, mechanical maintenance, fuel supply, and resource transportation are also big problems.

What he is thinking now is that once Tiancheng promotes automated production and remote control technology, it will inevitably affect the current employment environment and future employment trends.

Just like the industrial revolution, the new production method liberated the labor force and improved production efficiency. It also changed the employment structure and the nature of work, and gave birth to a large number of new concept jobs.

There used to be no software engineers, no game development teams, and no electronics factories, etc., but now these industries are "extremely short of people".

It can only be said that the labor force is composed of physical strength and mental strength. At this stage, automation equipment only replaces most of the physical work and a small part of the mental work, prompting people to leave their old positions and rush to learn technology.

In fact, Huaxia has paid attention to this issue before. For example, old technical secondary schools are better paid than high school ones.

However, because our own technology is backward and cannot keep up with the speed of technological innovation in Europe and the United States, most of the students find that what they have learned is old knowledge after graduation.

So here comes the question, the decline of technical secondary schools, advanced CNC programming, automation technology, where to learn?

According to Ge Laoer's brain circuit, there is a high probability that he would recommend Tiancheng Technical Secondary School...


The Jiu Institute suddenly remembered the night school that Tiancheng had set up with the Limin Activity Center two years ago, and the online training courses that let employees set up "one-on-one" through simulators in order to improve employee benefits, as well as the summer camp-style rapid training in Zaoshi Xincheng. class.

'It turned out that this kid was already ready! '

'Or, this fellow is promoting automation in order to earn tuition fees? '


Ge Xiaotian looked at the Nine Institutes and fell into deep thought, thinking that the other party was still suspecting that he was engaged in a project in the North Pole, so he immediately looked around, pulled up the curtains of the car mysteriously, greeted the general manager of finance who was sitting beside him, and whispered: "Actually, no matter Neither 'light eyes' nor autonomous driving are the core functions of the Zigbee system."


The two bosses were slightly taken aback, and their appetites were immediately whetted.

"You two should know that some time ago, Old Wang contracted a valley at the northern foot of Mount Everest."

"Well, the mother star ecological environment conference that Wan Lao participated in is largely due to your 'shipbuilding plan'."

"AR technology can mislead visual equipment, and can also simulate radar reflection waves through other equipment, making it a 'clone' of a fighter plane, responsible for attracting firepower. But this is only a single application, and it actually has strategic significance."

Ge Xiaotian pulled out an encrypted file from Shi Guangji, "Some time ago, there was a bad news about GPS interference in Dongshan Tiancheng's industrial chain."

"I knew it was you kid who did it."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm an honest man, how could I do that."


"After many experiments by the Tiancheng Aerospace Department, it was finally discovered that if the frequency bands of the Zigbee base stations in the 21 communities in the 15th city of Dongshan and the Zipeng base stations in the 3,000-plus Limin Activity Center on the highway all the way to the west can be adjusted, the GPS can be completely blocked, and then through the AR imagery, showing a simulated map to North American satellites."


Zigbee is not advanced, it just uses a high-band, short-distance signal mode to extend public and private networks through equipment similar to wifi base stations.

According to the speed of technological development, it will be replaced by 3G and wifi soon.

However, although the system has never provided technical support to Ge Xiaotian, and the technology trees are all completed by monks, the system will give the optimal solution every time a technology branch is lit.

Not only architectural design, but also mechanical design, biological research, high-tech materials...

And Zigbee Network, which is becoming more and more stable and powerful, is how it came about.

Moreover, the current reality technology is higher than the system technology, which causes that every time the system is about to be upgraded, part of the technology tree of the next era has been lit up.

As a result, Dao Yi and the others unearthed a black technology belonging to the five-level system, called: optical fog.

What does that mean?

If you have played LOL, you must know that you can't see the opponent's map unless you ward off.

This is what the optical fog means. Once it is turned on, unless the North American connection is set up at the satellite monitoring station in Huaxia, nothing can be seen.

Moreover, Tiancheng can also use AR projection to let North America see what he wants the other party to see.

for example……

Dongshan planted cotton this year, and through AR technology, the images were covered in the guarded experimental field, so that North America could see that it was growing soybeans.

Same thing.

The desert is all yellow, with a little adjustment, Ge Xiaotian can announce to the outside world...

"I planted millions of hectares of corn in the desert."

"I planted millions of hectares of soybeans in the desert."

In fact, he didn't grow any wool.

But North America saw it through satellites, directly affecting the futures market...

At that time, Tianrong will make money no matter what.

As for whether disseminating false information is illegal...

This is strategic deception, which is normal.


After hearing about the magic of the Zigbee system, the Nine Institutes and the general manager of finance looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they were frightened.

"Can you still do this?"

"It's definitely possible. I just want to enable this function. Zigbee, AR, radio interference, and light and shadow projection equipment are all indispensable, and they consume a lot of power."

"Power consumption can be improved, but using it at the right time is simply a killer."

"So, the Zigbee system can only be in our own hands."

"Well, I'm still thinking about going public with the operating rights alone, but now it seems..."

Jiusuo sighed, "But, we need funds."

"Didn't I exchange more than 30 billion Franklin?"

The general manager of finance smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's not a concept to exchange red notes with Franklin. Although Tiancheng and Longtian have supported the technology industry and the construction industry, if we want to coordinate the overall development, we need to introduce more overseas technologies. This fund The amount can be called huge. Moreover, if Tiancheng exchanged red notes, it doesn't matter if there is less, but if there is too much, it will affect the exchange rate. After all, this is foreign capital, and we need to consider the stability of the financial system."

"You mean, I can no longer exchange red notes?"

"It can be understood in this way."

"All right."

"But we need Franklin."


Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, "What do you mean? Do you still want me to donate Franklin to you?"

"No, no, I don't dare to steal Mr. Ge's money."


"I mean, you buy some government bonds with Franklin."


"In this way, we don't need to consider helping a group of companies go public to attract overseas funds, and then use overseas funds to buy overseas technologies."

"Oh... After all, the main reason for the lack of money is nothing more than wanting to introduce technology."

Ge Xiaotian finally figured out the intention of Nine Institutes and the general manager of finance to let Netcom go public, "What kind of technology is it?"

"Smelting, medical treatment, generator sets, material chemical industry, biotechnology..."

"Go back and make a list."


"Let's make an agreement, how much is the amount, and how much government bonds will be exchanged."


Jiusuo interjected, "You have them all?"

"Not necessarily all of them, there may be more."


"Of course, it will take some time, ranging from a week to a month."

"Could it be that you still want to grab it?"

"Am I that kind of person?"


However, the Nine Institutes knew that the lunatics of Tiancheng Aerospace Department even dared to attack the Ice Bear Glonass, and last year when this cargo went to the West, it not only took the third brother's two warships, but also dug the Kra Isthmus under the noses of North America. canal.

In addition to the aircraft fleet left in Taimei, and the three small aircrafts to be delivered soon, with the armament of Daqin Bingfeng, I am afraid that they will not really rush to North America...

"Forget it, technology can delay it for a while."

"Don't worry about it. These things come from normal sources, and we have created them ourselves. Like medical treatment, Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, animal and plant breeding base, brain and kidney invigorating... er, smelting or something, we have specialized in Siberia and introduced many unique smelting technologies of Ice Bear. In terms of material chemical industry, Tiancheng is at the forefront because of the application of high-tech materials. As for generating sets, we have various types of power stations in Africa. Whatever type you want, we'll give you the type."

"It's for the Three Gorges."

"Then it's even more of a problem. You should go to Nanyun to have a look at the dam that Chen Feng built. The generator set there is absolutely top-notch on the home planet."

"Are you serious?"

"When did I ever tell a lie?"

"Okay, let's go to Nanyun first."

"Remember to send me the technical list."


Not long after the Jiu Institute left, an encrypted document appeared in front of Ge Xiaotian.

The first thing that caught my eye was the X-ray machine.

Not only high-frequency medical X-ray diagnostic machines, but also food, security inspection, nuclear chemical, ionization, industrial inspection and so on.

Not a product, but a technology license.

"It's really troublesome."

Ge Xiaotian knows how his own technology came from. These things are used in his own industry, and it is difficult for the outside world to know. If he sells them...

A team of lawyers will be dispatched in minutes.

No way, when it comes to patents, even independent inventions, it is difficult to avoid the basic links.

However, patents are territorial.

Any overseas technology that has not applied for a patent in China can be imitated and sold in China. As long as it does not go to the patent country for sale, there is basically no trouble.

Moreover, an improvement is called innovation, and an adjustment is called independent invention. Both of them are accounted for. Coupled with their own standards, it is estimated that people who apply for patents will not be able to recognize what the finished product is.

Ge Xiaotian motioned to Eleven, "Sort up the technology of the X-ray machine series and exchange them for money."


After the X-ray machine, it is metal smelting and material chemical industry.

There are many types, most of which have never been heard of.

Ge Xiaotian sent it directly to Daoyi, telling the other party to prepare everything.

At least a week, at most a month, after finishing the work in Nandu, it is estimated that the system can be upgraded when I go back.

The five-level technology tree should be on par with the real world.

After processing the technical list transferred by the Ninth Institute, Dao Eleven whispered: "Boss, the reason why Mr. Yu came to Nandu has been found out."


"Tianbo Group has invested at least 5 billion in Tianjin and Hong Kong, engaged in ports, construction, technology, mountain reclamation, large-scale construction, and the GDP has been soaring all the way...Let President Yu feel very unfulfilled."


Ge Xiaotian curled his lips, ignored these words, and picked up the information in Dao Shiyi's hand instead.

The real reason for President Yu to come to Nandu should be to help the deputy director.

Next year, the deputy director will become a full-time member. How can there be no trustworthy people guarding one side?

But Nandu...

"I'm afraid Lao Yu really wants the new official to take office three times this time, and the earth will be stained with blood!"

"That's enough, I think I'll fight Father Zhao."

"That's right, after planning for a long time, but being robbed by Lao Yu, Lao Zhao must not be reconciled."

Ge Xiaotian blinked, "I feel that we should make an unprecedented series."


"In the name of the masses!"


"What a negative teaching material, Father Zhao, Mr. Zhao, the ruthless people with deep roots in the local area..."

"Those ruthless people, almost all went to work on the Chicheng construction site."

"No, those are all local ruffians. The real ruthless people are by Father Zhao's side, or under Father Zhao's subordinates, or even hiding in the safehouse..."

Speaking of this, Ge Xiaotian paused slightly, "One less soul."


"You see, Mr. Zhao represents the lawless rich man, Father Zhao represents the upper-class people who cover the sky with one hand, Nandu ruthless man represents the cannon fodder, President Yu represents the general who is in charge of the overall situation, but President Yu has no subordinates!"

"Aren't they all under him?"

"The kind that is trustworthy and capable."

"Like a young man with a white head?"

"Hey, yes, everything is for GDP!"

"But we don't have the ability to transfer Shaobaitou over."

"Nonsense, what I mean is, find a good leader who works for the public and the people, help him, and shape him into the type with less gray hair."

"The leader of Fengdu is a good choice. He put down his body and went to the Canal Development Zone to attract investment. He also got along well with our public relations team. Otherwise, we wouldn't use Fengdu as a pilot first, but his level is a bit small."

"Then help him create achievements. There is Mr. Yu at the top, as long as he makes achievements... Besides, Mr. Yu prefers young whiteheads. There is someone who is similar to young whiteheads. How can he not mention it?"

"Are you planning to copy Dongshan's set?"

"The area of ​​Nandu is about the same as that of Jiaodong Peninsula. It won't take much time to make this happen. We will try to release it in the first half of next year to open the eyes of SG TV users."

"No script."


Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, "Truth comes first, whatever script you want, just follow what happened in reality."

"You are also in the game."

"It's nothing more than being photogenic, and I will shoot a few scenes back, so as to show Mr. Ge's feelings for the country and the people."



Ge Xiaotian looked down at the steel clothes on his body, "I can't appear in this image, give me the whole dress later, and a walking stick."

"Peach wood? Or lightning strike jujube?"

"Isn't gold inlaid with diamonds bad?"


"Just kidding, it should be plain and unpretentious. It can not only reflect that Boss Ge is diligent and thrifty in managing the house, but also express that Boss Ge is approachable, just like the grandfather next door..."

"I worry about people saying you do have a lame."



Several people passing by Tua suddenly stopped.

"Look, the domineering car inside is shaking."

"Damn it, you're so awesome, you dare to play with cars in Nandu compound..."

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