Build Madness

Chapter 813 Three rivers connected in series, two rivers interconnected

Several big figures gathered in Nandu, causing many speculations from the outside world. .

Some people think that the subway should be repaired.

Some people think that Xingyue Bay will be built.

Some people think that we should crack down hard.

There are also people who think that Zhao Moumou's incident happened...

Hu Chuan and Mr. Liu, who had already run to the construction site in Chicheng, secretly rejoiced that they had awakened early and left the maelstrom in Nandu ahead of schedule. Cashed out his net worth and became a shareholder of Tianfu Group.

However, the real ruthless person has long received Zhao's father's "clean-up" notice, hiding in hiding, doing the right thing, and doing enough face-saving projects.

As a result, the deputy director, Mr. Zhu, and Mr. Yu didn't realize the mystery hidden in Nandu at all.

Ge Xiaotian thought over and over again, and denied to hand over the evidence of Mr. Zhao's foreign investment in real estate speculation to Mr. Yu.

Because this thing can't bring down Zhao's father, and my family is going to shoot "In the Name of the People" next, why do we have to let Zhao's father confront Mr. Yu, otherwise where's the "script"?

So, after receiving the news that the deputy director had summoned him, Ge Xiaotian decided to report on the All the Way to the West project, go to Fengdu tomorrow to have a look, and then go to Nanhe to go to the countryside for research...


dinner time.

Mr. Yu was busy familiarizing himself with the work and did not attend the banquet.

Zhao's father needed to accompany Mr. Yu, but he also didn't show up.

Wan Lao and the directors in green go deep into Bashu.

Therefore, there were only deputy directors, Zhu Lao, and Ge Xiaotian at the banquet.

The three of them are already very familiar. Although the scene is serious, the atmosphere is relatively relaxed.

Deputy Director: "Projects all the way to the west have almost emptied Tiancheng's family fortune. Next, do you plan to expand the overseas market or stabilize the domestic industry?"

"There must be both. Generally speaking, Tiancheng's business is not too big. Westward travel, southward travel, and sea and land go parallel. They seem to be done separately, but in fact they complement each other. When they are combined, they will become a whole."


Zhu Lao was thoughtful, "The Bazhong Expressway you just submitted?"

"That's just a small branch connecting Bashu. For Tiancheng Transportation, the most important thing is the river."

"how to say?"


Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers, and the staff brought up an OLED curved screen that was two laps larger than Boss Mei's SG pad.


"Projection or something, behind."


Seeing the staff set up the equipment, Ge Xiaotian was three meters away from the screen, raised his right hand and made a traffic police stop gesture.

The screen flashed, showing the Baixiao UI desktop.

Ge Xiaotian grasped it with five fingers, and a dozen icons appeared in front of him in the shape of a disc.

Then, keeping his right hand still, he raised his left hand and waved it to the left like a traffic policeman commanding a vehicle to turn left.

The disk icon rotates and freezes on the 'Map' option with the gesture.

Put your hands down, and the device will automatically turn on the positioning and display the map of Nandu.

Ge Xiaotian raised his hands again and swung them to the sides, the map zoomed in...

Then, stretch out your right hand again, slap your palms up, down, left, and right, and the map also moves up, down, left, and right.

Such a scene, not to mention the deputy director, even the nine technology companies are fascinated.

The secretaries and guards on both sides tensed their cheeks collectively, for fear of laughing.

Ge Xiaotian looked serious, "Don't laugh, this is high technology."


"For this set of gestures, we have studied for two years and named it: The times are calling."


"Look, raise your legs, bend your knees, and expand your movement... No, this is called moving down the table and then zooming in."


"Okay, let's continue talking about the river."

Ge Xiaotian operated in the void, and fixed the map in the Nanyun area, "How do you feel about Chen Feng's Lancang River project?"

"Very good. Plant oranges and rice in different regions according to landform and geology, and then set up dams, divert water for irrigation, and rationally develop water and soil resources. This will not only increase the income of Nanyun farmers, but also meet Nanyun's demand for electricity. Most importantly, the The project can greatly alleviate the food problem. If the rice export project that Tiancheng talked about with Taimei is true, it will be enough to raise Nanyun's economy to a higher level."

Zhu Lao finished speaking, and then said worriedly: "But Chen Feng has built too many dams. The upper reaches of the Lancang River mainly rely on the supply of snow melted in the mountains, and the middle reaches mainly rely on the confluence of multiple rivers. Only when entering South Vietnam will they rely on the southwest monsoon. The rainy season brings supplementary water sources. If during the non-rainy season, eighteen dams take turns to release water from the upstream to generate electricity and divert water for irrigation, when it is the turn of South Vietnam and Cambodia, the river may dry up. At that time, people may protest against us. "

"This is the river project I'm talking about today."

Ge Xiaotian placed a dam on the Lancang River, one is to develop Nanyun orange and rice business, and the other is to restrict South Vietnam and Cambodia and prevent them from investing in North America.

Today, the overall situation of the six terminals in Nanyang and the Kra Isthmus Canal is good, and he will certainly not cut off people's lives.

"In order to prevent the water flow of the Lancang River from being greatly reduced due to the Nanyun Project, we simulated a project no less than 'all the way to the west', called: Three Rivers Convergence."

Ge Xiaotian dragged the map in the air, and locked on the Lancang River, the Yangtze River, and the Mother River, the birthplaces of the three major rivers.

Before he could speak, the deputy director's face changed, "Don't tell me, you plan to take these three rivers upstream and collude with each other?"

"I also want to collude, but unfortunately the geology and landforms determine the difficulty of construction, and it is almost impossible to do so at present."

Ge Xiaotian zoomed in on the map, "What I mean is, merge the Nu River, Jinsha River, and Lancang River, build more dams for the combined rivers, and then install marine elevators for the dams. River transport ship."

Zhu Lao denied: "Impossible. The average annual flow of the Jinsha River is about 4,750 cubic meters per second. Although the Nu River and the Lancang River only have 1,000, the annual average flow after the summary is not an average, but an addition. I asked You, the annual average flow of the Jinsha River is one-half more, and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River are all plains, so what should we do with the extra water?"

"To the mother river."


"Have you noticed that the water in the mother river has become clear recently?"

"I saw this kind of report some time ago."

"This is due to the water conservancy projects carried out by Xishan imitating Dongshan with great fanfare, that is, dredging and greening the mother river."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the simulator, "The flow rate of the mother river has decreased, nothing more than its river bed is too high, and other rivers passing through the area cannot help it replenish its water source, resulting in a stagnation phenomenon after entering the Nanhe River. The water flow at the source of the Yangtze River is also very small. , and even the water quality is no different from that of the mother river, but the Yangtze River has many tributaries to help it replenish water sources, and even floods occur during the rainy season."

"If the Nu River, Jinsha River, and Lancang River are merged, in the mountainous area to the west of Nandu, the river can be stabilized by the mountains to carry half of the annual average flow, and when it leaves the Nandu area, that is, in Wushan and Badong In the area, build a canal going north, pass through Xiangyang and Danjiangkou, and lead the excess water to the Yuncheng area of ​​Xishan."

"This distance is very short, only 600 kilometers, and there are many mountains along the way. Using the direction of the mountains is far easier than letting the mother river borrow water from the Yangtze River at the source."

"Then, we will build reservoirs and open dams in the Yuncheng area of ​​Xishan, and then comprehensively transform the riverbeds of the lower reaches of the Mother River, the Nanhe River, and the Dongshan area. In this way, won't we solve the excess water from the Yangtze River?"

"And, with the mother river with clear water, you can sail."

The simulator is far more shocking than PPT.

Many pictures look like real scenes, and there are hydropower stations, various farmlands, countless new cities, and thousands of ships along the new canal...

The deputy director and Mr. Zhu looked at each other, lost in thought.

If the Yangtze River and the Mother River were merged at the source, they would definitely directly veto it.

But in the "halfway" merger, instead of passing through the high-slope area of ​​the loess, it goes through the "Xiaolangdi" and then goes eastward, leading to Beijing-Hangzhou, and even contributes to the south-to-north water diversion...

No, this is the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, but Ge Lao Er's own...

Seems to work.

The deputy director was a little moved.

During the time we spent with Mr. Yu, we often talked about the young man in front of us.

Although many people say that he is exactly like... the boss who has launched satellites, developed the Northeast, and sold handguns, but he has already squatted in Mr. Niu.

But the kid in front of him has a calm personality, and he likes to plan before he does things. Except for blowing up Mount Everest, filling the platform to save the strait, and installing an elevator for Mount Everest, he has done everything else.

However, "seek before moving" means that this guy "can't afford it early".

Look at the emerging cities along the new canal in the simulator, all of them are 'Xinghe Bay', 'Xingyue Bay', 'Xinghu Bay'...

The deputy director summed up Lao Yu's experience of being tricked many times, and felt that Tian Cheng must be stealing land.

Possibly even already available.

After all, the new canal passes through the wilderness, and the land price must be outrageously low.

This reminded him of what Old Yu said about the "Dongshan Subway Land Acquisition Incident", and the pitiful young man secretly wiped his tears...

Thinking of this, the deputy director couldn't help showing a smile, and held up the teacup ambiguously, neither agreeing nor rejecting, "The dishes are cold, let's eat first."



Ge Xiaotian didn't get a reply until the meal was over.

But he is in no hurry.

The project of 'Three Rivers Connected and Two Rivers Interconnected' requires no less manpower and material resources than 'All the Way to the West'. It requires a very long preparation time, at least until the completion of the desert project.

However, infrastructure promotes employment, and infrastructure promotes development. If the higher authorities give an approval tomorrow, Ge Xiaotian will dare to start a project the day after tomorrow.

It's a pity that the board of directors must "think long-term", and it is estimated that it will have to wait until the deputy director becomes a full-time member.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, May 30th.

The World Cup jointly organized by Wajima and Nanbangzi officially started.

The first knockout round of the Sancha Cup also "coincidentally" ended, and before the start of the second knockout round, the "All-Star Game" was held.

The event is divided into two games. At that time, Tiancheng Sports Operation Group will invite the most famous football stars from the home planet to compete for MVP with the Sancha Cup football players. The best players will receive diamond trophies, diamond boots, diamond Ball uniforms, diamond-encrusted medals, diamond-encrusted souvenirs...

The total value is tens of billions of red notes, and the single value far exceeds the annual salary of top stars.

Very explosive.

Tiancheng Sports Operation Group certainly cannot produce these things, but Ge Wanwan has them!

At the same time, the North American men's basketball team also started the 2002 draft.

Dayao, who can be called a magic version, became the undisputed No. 1 pick and was snatched away by the Rockets...

It's just that an unusual thing happened during the draft.

Dayao didn't stay in his room, but flirted around, making it look like a salesman...

Moreover, the phrase "Sorry, I have to pay back the money" is not only widely circulated in the rookie circle, but also brought by Dayao to the NBA court, especially when facing the Sharks, he yelled while hating, making the Sharks think I owed this money, which also made the two of them form an indissoluble bond...

Of course, this is something.

In addition, the K.O martial arts competition entered the final stage, and the short schedule made ordinary audiences and players who are keen on 3D martial arts games very dissatisfied.

The official explanation: It’s June, and the contestants are anxious to go home to harvest the wheat.

Entertainment belongs to entertainment. At the end of May and the beginning of June, two major events happened on the parent planet.

Affected by 'Blood Diamond', it claims to be the African Union on the surface. In fact, it only controls South Africa and is recognized by only a few countries. , unify armament and management, and avoid bad incidents caused by diamonds again.

Most of the central and northern parts of Africa have the support of Europe and the United States, and they will definitely not agree, and they are ready to argue.

It's a pity that the African Union sent troops directly...

A sudden and unexpected battle swept across the central part of Africa with a speed beyond people's imagination, and with a destructive momentum, and then advanced to the north. The development of the incident made the entire mother planet dumbfounded.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Tian Cheng.

Tiancheng Africa announced to the outside world that it would temporarily shut down the power station and suspend the production of the company, and said that whoever gets the control of Africa will then talk about 'taxation' with whom.

The second thing happened in the Bering Sea.

I don't know if the pirate culture is popular, or there are really so many pirates on the home planet.

In the early hours of last night, a naval battle broke out in the Gulf of Alaska.

The two pirates fought, not only destroying a North American patrol boat, but also crashing and sinking three North American freighters and a wooden ship of an ocean-going group.

After the incident, this morning, Ice Bear announced the strengthening of maritime affairs to avoid attacks on merchant ships in territorial waters.

North America has nothing to say, just dispatched the Pacific Fleet to the Gulf of Alaska, but encountered a super-long-range attack on the way, almost sinking the defenseless USS Washington...

After all, they are pirates, who would have thought of having ballistic weapons?

Moreover, this is a wonderful thing that drills into the water from the air and turns into a torpedo.

And according to the wreckage of 'Trick or Treat', North America found that it was filled with teddy bear technology...

North America looks at ice bears with strange eyes.

Ice Bear was worried that Tiancheng's route would be cut off by pirates, which would cause Tiancheng to withdraw its capital from Okhotsk. He didn't feel "suspected" at all, and swaggered in the Bering Sea...

Then, a Peace-class submarine sank...

No one fixed it, it did sink by itself, and all 118 crew members of the Kursk were trapped.

This is one of the fleets that Ice Bear transferred from the Arctic Ocean to the Bering Sea to protect merchant ships and resist pirates.

Coincidentally, the North American Pacific Fleet is nearby.

After the incident, Ice Bear's eyes turned red when he looked at North America...

There were not many ships that could be used by the family, but now it’s all right, just sink a Peace-class submarine, it’s the latest, largest, and most advanced...

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