Build Madness

Chapter 814 The parent star calculation is the fastest...

Ice Bear suspects that North America has built its own submarine, and North America suspects that Ice Bear has shot its own aircraft carrier.

But the submarine sank and was in urgent need of salvage.


For some reason, even with Tiancheng's investment, Ice Bear is still very poor, even poorer than in another time and space.

The poor cannot rescue sunken submarines, and the poor cannot build large-scale salvage equipment 150 meters underwater...

And because the peaceful power submarine is very advanced, Ice Bear dare not ask other countries to help in order to keep it secret.

That is to say, the entire mother planet, including the ice bear, all watched more than a hundred soldiers trapped 150 meters above the sea surface, and finally died of lack of oxygen.

Of course, the underwater depth of 150 meters does not mean that the rescue can be achieved by diving to this depth, but that the underwater robot needs to be controlled by remote operation, and the submarine head that was accidentally blown up and turned into a mess needs to be opened by means of cutting and troubleshooting. and avoid the carried peace armament and peace power system, rescue the trapped persons, and then weld the hooks that can support the towing of the salvage ship at a specific position on the bare submarine surface.

There are only a handful of countries or companies with this capability.

But Tiancheng Electric Industry is one of them!

After the incident, Tiancheng immediately dispatched the floating dock that was staying on the Chukchi Peninsula to build the oil production platform, expressing that as a partner, it was willing to provide free rescue services.

Ice Bear definitely refused.

Send a ground effect aircraft, and they will create a desert transport aircraft.

To promote rare metals, people have developed a full range of smelting technologies.

Take Ge Laoer to visit the launch site, and they directly built 21 of them.

Like mineral exploration, aircraft boilers, fighter jet design...

Whatever he has at home, Tiancheng has it all.

If Tiancheng is asked to salvage the peace-powered submarine, the other party may sell the same model all over the mother planet tomorrow...


Early in the morning, Ge Xiaotian was about to leave for Fengdu, but he was slightly disappointed when he received the news from Bering Sea.

Just when he was about to let go of this matter, he caught a glimpse of the No. 1 robot falling from the sky and the other party's flattering eyes. His heart moved, and he motioned for Eleven to help contact the director of Bingxiong Far East, that is, the old man with the white beard.

When the communication is connected, first express condolences and sympathy.

Then he said in a heavy tone:

"Mr. General, as a partner, Tian Cheng must do something."

"Mr. Ge..."

"Don't refuse, I plan to lease an underwater robot to you."


"Free rental."

"But we will not operate your remote-controlled instruments."

"Tiancheng only sent one person over there to remotely command your personnel to operate, and never peep into the core technology of the submarine."


Although the Ice Bear has abandoned the crew inside the submarine, the Bering Sea is not the Arctic Ocean and is only a few nautical miles away from North America.

And in June and July, the ice is melting again, and the undercurrent is surging under the sea. What if the submarine is brought to North America...

The white-bearded old man no longer hesitated, "Thank you, Mr. Ge, for lending a helping hand in his busy schedule. We will always remember our friendship."

"Easy to do."

Ge Xiaotian hung up the communicator, and then contacted the director of the Okhotsk Shipyard to let the other party handle the submarine.

Lidar, laser imaging and other systems are different from ordinary radars that are calculated on the basis of tons. They can be made into a few kilograms in size, and the diameter of the transmitting telescope can even be millimeter-level.

And it has no noise and low wave frequency, so it is difficult to be detected by existing detection equipment.

As long as the underwater robot finds a way to throw a palm-sized gadget into the submarine, and then transmits it to the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space with the help of the light above 200 meters under the sea, Daoyi and others will summarize the collected information, and then analyze it through 3D imaging ...

Even if it can't be copied completely, it can still get 30% to 40% of the technology.

"Mountain darkly, vista!"

After arranging the rescue work, Ge Xiaotian walked into Tua refreshed and set off for Fengdu.


In 2002, compared to another time and space, roads had to be built everywhere, especially in mountainous areas.

The provincial road from Nandu to Fengdu passes through many mountains. It coincides with the rainy season and the road is in disrepair. Even the tua that meets all-terrain driving is extremely slow.

But apart from the humidity, the air here is indeed far from what Dongshan can compare.

After all, the latter is an agricultural area in name, but it is actually an industrial area.

"It's no wonder that all the girls here are full of water and water, good mountains and rivers raise beauties..."

Ge Xiaotian lay in front of the window admiring it for a long time, but when he turned around, he found that the escaped robot was using his 'face' to show himself a photo of a girl.

"Boss, isn't it pretty?" There was a stream of saliva at the corner of the mouth of machine one, or the lower right corner of the screen.


How could such an upright person like me cultivate such a perverted embryo like you?

"You ran out for a day and took photos of everything?"

"For the boss's happy life!"

"Go to hell!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his hand and slapped him. The latter covered his head and showed a pitiful expression on his face.

"Hey, it's getting more and more human."

Dao Shixi took out the special equipment he carried with him, connected to the No. 1 machine database, cleaned up the storage equivalent to the robot's 'pocket', shook his head and sighed: "No matter how humane it is, it has no self-awareness at all, and every feedback from it is just According to the information input in various forms from the outside world, choose the corresponding 'answer', which is boring and single."


Ge Xiaotian didn't feel much. Compared with the future Siri, Xiaoai, Xiaoyi, Bixby, Xiaodu, Xiaona, etc., this robot with the fastest calculation on the home planet is countless times smarter.

Because the server it connects to has the largest, most complete, and fastest-organized resource library on the mother star.

As for why this product is always miscalculated...

It has no computing functions.

Give it a question, it will not calculate, but select the answer from the database, and then give it back to the user.

In other words, it uses a base system similar to 'e base', which currently does not support operations.

Shi Guangji, SG equipment, smart card, etc., all have computing functions, thanks to the 'encoder' and 'compiler' designed by Daoyi.

If you use the real Shenlong system completely, I'm afraid...

Ordinary people need to use paper, pen and calculator to calculate complex formulas, and it is the same.

In addition, because the logic of the optical path is different from binary, the operation is different from binary, and the software and hardware, including storage, are also different from binary.

This causes the file format, data packet size, transmission speed, etc. it supports to belong to two concepts with external electronic devices.

Just like a picture package with a size of 10M, external electronic devices need to use a network with a download speed of 10M to transmit for 1 second.

Putting it on it, the time-consuming thing is format conversion. If the same content is transmitted, the file is estimated to be K, and the speed is also in milliseconds. (1M=1024K)

But it does not use binary, and the size of the file package must not be in bits, but in temporarily defined units.

When I get the photon computer developed by the Nine Institutes to complete the Shenlong system, the unit representing the size of the information content may be represented by the number of microscopic particles, such as e to the nth power.

So here comes the problem.

Computer No. 1 can’t do calculations, but the essence of computers is computing. How can computer No. 1 interact with people?


Enter the question into the Shiguang machine matrix through a unique information transmission method, and obtain N answers with the help of the powerful computing power of the server, and then choose the environment in which you are, choose the information related to the identity of the questioner, and match the most suitable for the current scene Options.

If the answer is less than 90% accurate, it will choose to joke, or depending on the environment, choose to mock the questioner, or choose to blackmail itself.

This means that as long as the database is large enough, people will not ask it to be "stuck", but it will continuously absorb information, generate more options that can match the scene, and improve the accuracy of the answer.

Generally speaking, the procedures it adopts are like a complete set of 'questionnaires' that can address any question.

Like 'personality test questions', 'constellation test questions'.

It's just that after adding physiognomy, psychology, statistics, pathology and other factors to this program, machine No. 1 makes the inquirer not aware of the 'process', only the beginning and the end.

Like 'Have you eaten? '

After the inquirer asks a question, the No. 1 machine first selects the time, then the location, and then "observes the words and expressions". If the inquirer is very hungry, the No. 1 machine will pat the belly and reply: Hiccup, I'm so full. I just ate and just called out. chicken...

Afterwards, the No. 1 machine will also show a finger-sucking expression through body language, and then play a Chinese delicacy called Huaji through the display screen representing the face...

For this reason, this product has cried many children and brought many customers to its own catering.

And the No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 machines, etc., will also sell cars, sell houses, and sell insurance...

If combined together, this product is an 'all-around salesman'.

However, the cost of building this robot is no less than the metal clothes he wears.

In a short period of time, it is difficult to mass produce.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, looked around the scenery outside, patted the forehead of the No. 1 computer, and asked, "Order me a takeaway."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Luxi supreme imperial beef, French steak, not spicy."

"The order has been placed."


"The takeaway boy, number 2333, has picked up the meal and is on his way."


Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized, "You dare to fool me, believe it or not, starting tomorrow, I will lock you up in a small black room?"

Unit one did not speak, but played a picture:

Fengdu Xinghewan Water Amusement Park, on the deck of a battleship.

A takeaway guy wearing a yellow hat and yellow vest, carrying a catering toolbox, holding packed food in his left hand, taking out a smart card on his chest with his right hand, and inserting the device into a small single-seat rotorcraft beside him Control center, jump into the cockpit, start, take off...

Hoo hoo...

Ten minutes later, through the front window of tua, a black spot appeared under the distant sky, and it quickly approached.

The car universal radio is turned on: "Boss, your takeaway has arrived!"


Machine No. 1 raised its fist, showing big eyes and a round mouth on its face, "Tiancheng Express, the mission must be fulfilled."



The single-person single-seat rotorcraft retracted the rotor and docked on the top of tua, and the convoy continued to Fengdu.

The takeaway guy sat in the carriage, took out the catering toolbox, unpacked the packaged food, and started frying the steak very skillfully...

Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, "Can our takeaways do this kind of service?"

"Boss, I'm an official silver-level employee."


Ge Xiaotian is only responsible for drawing up the general direction and coming up with a few golden ideas, and now he doesn't know what the process is for his own personnel arrangements.

The takeaway boy stepped in to help open the red wine, sobering up and sharing the wine like a gentleman, "Our takeaway company already has 50,000 registered employees. In order to improve the brand value, the headquarters follows commissions, internships, formalities, and Tiancheng titles. Differentiate service grades."

"Entrustment is responsible for delivering items to the community security office, and the customer will pick them up by themselves. It is the most common 'monthly courier package'. Generally, rewards are given based on the number of couriers sent and received by the community."

"The internship is responsible for delivering items to the customer's address. Generally, there is a time limit. If the time limit is exceeded, the salary will be deducted, and a certain commission will be given according to the size of the item. Generally, it is a yearly subscription for members of the chamber of commerce."

"Officially, it is responsible for delivering items to the customer's address, and helping with installation, commissioning, cooking, and helping customers on duty, etc. The bronze level handles routine business, the silver level handles slightly more complicated business, and the gold level is butler service."

"In addition, Tiancheng does not provide transportation for entrusted food delivery. The trainee level provides electric vehicles, the formal worker bronze level can choose pickups, bread, and electric vehicles, and the silver level is always equipped with five rotorcraft and N vehicles... to open the way for you For this kind of motorcycle, the gold class usually drives a real helicopter."


Ge Xiaotian was a little drunk before drinking.

This way of delivering food, I am afraid that it will not lose all of my family's wealth.

However, apart from labor, it seems that there is not much expenditure.

Just like a gyroplane, this thing looks exquisite, but in fact it is no different from an agricultural aircraft. It is mass-produced and the cost is extremely low, but it is difficult to obtain operating qualifications.

"Boss, the steak is ready, please take it easy."

The takeaway boy was planning to leave, but found that he had already arrived in Fengdu.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ge Xiaotian had no intention of eating steak, he opened the trunk and got out of the car, only to find that Chi Cheng and others had all come to greet him.

Not knowing what the other party was thinking, they lined up to the left and right, bending over and saluting in unison.


"Chi Dong!"

Ge Xiaotian doesn't intend to let Chi Cheng call him his boss. From now on, the two parties will be at the same level, just like his relationship with Boss Mei, "You're welcome."

"Mr. Ge."

Chi Cheng is a smart man, the reason why he was so down and out was nothing more than his lack of relationship, he quickly realized that he no longer struggled with the word 'boss', and warmly introduced the competent subordinates behind him.

Ge Xiaotian shook hands one by one, and when he walked up to Hu Chuan and the others, he felt that they were a little unfamiliar, so he took out his smart card and called the intelligence department to give information.

The latter saw this scene, as well as their respective busts on the large display screen...

Qi Shushu shivered.

This is so registered!

"Mr. Ge, we are sincerely defecting, no, we are changing our minds, and we are determined to do serious business."

"Oh, I just forgot the name, don't worry, with Chicheng, we are our own people."

At this time, the No. 1 machine who was following behind suddenly said in a dark voice: "It's a pity, my boss originally planned to throw you on the opposite mountain to build a dungeon. Now it seems that we have to look for candidates again."

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