Build Madness

Chapter 816 Boss Ge's Night Tour in Fengdu

Machine No. 1 has no self-awareness. Tunnel 11 must be instigated by someone behind the scenes, such as the inventor Dao Yi.

Ge Xiaotian has no interest in the grievances between the two brothers.

Machines are dead, but people are alive. Machine No. 1 cannot handle the business of Montenegro, Rubber Plantation, Bering Sea and other places. Therefore, it frightened Dao Eleven to work more seriously, and did not arrange for him to go to the polar regions to see penguins.

When the security was in place, the group arrived at the foot of Fengdu Mountain on the north bank of the Yangtze River by means of a chain boat.

Fengdu Mountain is about 300 meters high, and the most eye-catching is the sculpture of the Jade Emperor on the mountainside.

The head alone is more than 20 meters long. It has a mountain as its body, looks to the south, and overlooks the small county town of Fengdu on the south bank of the Yangtze River...

It was nothing at first, the majesty of the gods, suppressing the ghost city, and protecting the people, but what is frightening is that Nandu applied to the higher authorities to transform the Jade Emperor into the King of Hades, and was approved.

The reason is: heavy investment to build a ghost town, highlighting the cultural characteristics of ghosts, deterring nightclubs, and attracting people to be kind, which is conducive to promoting the local tourism industry.

The project has already started, and it is very difficult to make changes with Zhao's father in charge.

Therefore, in order to take care of the buyers’ feelings, Tianfu Group Star River Cove, located on the south bank of the Yangtze River, does not set up a second bedroom on the sunny side facing Fengdu Mountain, or the whole building is staggered away from Fengdu Mountain, so as to avoid getting up in the morning, opening the curtains and talking to Hades. cross eye.

This is not a question of 'what do you look at', 'how do you look at'...


Fengdu Mountain has a long history, and its original name should be 'Luofeng Mountain', but it was later changed to a ghost town.

With the word 'city', it means that its scale is definitely not small.

Go up the mountain along the "lying 8" road, in the middle is the ghost city archway, and on the right are Hengha Hall, Baoen Hall, Naihe Bridge, Baizi Hall, Guimen Pass, Huangquan Road, Yinyang Realm, Eighteen Hells...

On the left are Yinsi, Town God's Temple, Ghost Kingdom Temple, Zhenxie Tower, Xiaokong Temple, Su Shi's Su Gong Temple, Lu You's inscription...

The road between the buildings has been in disrepair for a long time, there are dense ghost sculptures along the way, the surrounding jungle is full of ancient trees, plus paper money scattered on the ground, white lanterns hanging high on the branches, and the whining southwest monsoon...

Ghost movies and the like are simply too weak.

Even if Ge Xiaotian believed in science, he was still terrified in this environment and his spine was chilled.

at this time.


A scalp-numbing sneer sounded slowly, as if it was close to the ear, but also as if it was far away in the lonely darkness...

Then, the elders, whose faces were pale with fright, all looked at the No. 1 machine in unison.

Although the guy was showing a terrified expression on the display screen, the red light representing the loudspeaker switch was blinking.

Sensing everyone's attention, machine No. 1 squeezed out an embarrassing symbol on the 'face': "Well, with some background music, it will make you feel better."

"If it weren't for seeing you as a robot, I would have arranged for you in minutes!"

Ge Xiaotian wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, walked down Fengdu Mountain, and came to the construction site where a stone path was being laid by the river.

The Yangtze River in the Fengdu area belongs to the Three Gorges Reservoir.

After the construction of the Three Gorges Project, the river here rose by 30 meters and reached a depth of 60 meters.

The economic benefits brought by the project must be extraordinary, but the real 'ghost town' has disappeared.

In other words, the temples, ancestral halls, inscriptions, sculptures, etc. that Ge Xiaotian saw during his visits in the middle of the night are only historical sites protected by buildings in the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties that were urgently demolished when the river rose.

Buildings in the Qin, Han, and Western Jin periods have long been dilapidated after a long period of wind and rain, and naturally cannot withstand the toss.

The historical site protection unit finally decided that instead of destroying it, it would be better to submerge it in the river, and then restore it when the technology meets the requirements in the future.

Ten years later, that is, yesterday, the Tiancheng fleet arrived.

First, the underwater robot is used to shoot the ruins with a laser imaging system, and then the AR restoration technology is used to make a three-dimensional map.

After that, it will be simple, use the market drawing function to adjust the appearance of the first, second and third level buildings of the system, and then move it to reality, you can reproduce the ghost town style of the Qin, Han and Western Jin Dynasties.

And the stone path built is the "Yangguan Road" of the new ghost town.


Ghost town doesn't have this thing?

Myths are all man-made, just like the Jade Emperor on the hillside, who immediately turned into the king of Hades when he turned around, and no one protested...

And, to promote ghost culture alone, the project was harmonized every minute.

Look at Zhao's father, everyone has to use the scarlet title of the project application with "Shocking Xiaoxiao, Attracting People to Be Kind", let alone talking nonsense.

"You take your Yangguan Road, I will take my single-plank bridge, and build a 100-meter-long single-plank bridge to the south... No, a 500-meter-long single-plank bridge, with river water under it for protection, to prevent tourists from falling to the ground and being injured. Whoever can walk across will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan Red note shopping coupon."

Dao Shixi couldn't help persuading: "Boss, last time you issued shopping coupons in Dongshan, you caused hundreds of thousands of users to go to the labor bureau to report your false promotion..."

"Where did I make false publicity? As long as I get as many shopping coupons as I spend within the limited time, I can deduct as much product price as I want. There's nothing wrong with it."

"But...but the minimum amount a customer can get is 20 red notes. If you want to spend it, you have to buy the designated product of 200 red notes at once within two days. It's better than the 500 you gave before and get 50 free."

"Are you stupid? We just came to Nandu and promoted the smart card for the first time. Who knows how much Dongshan used to recharge and give away?"


"How else can you say that you have no business sense."

"When the shopping coupons are no longer useful, then create a coupon, and when the coupon is no longer useful, then create a recharge and get as much as you want, and when these are no longer useful...Anyway, people are using smart cards, and they can't do it. It doesn’t matter if you engage in activities, it’s a loss if you engage in activities.”


Dao Shili opened his mouth, and swallowed the complaint abruptly.


the next day.

After climbing Fengdu Mountain in the middle of the night last night, Ge Xiaotian slept very soundly, and woke up at noon.

Eat casually in the suite, climb up the embankment leisurely, and find that the whole small county is full of busy figures.


These figures are mixed with many men in gray or blue clothing with flat heads and white vertical stripes on their shoulders, as well as heavily armed green clothes and big caps.

Moreover, a sentry tower was built in the distance, and a barbed wire fence was pulled up around it...

"Why is this?"

Ge Xiaotian was a little confused and couldn't help lighting a cigarette.

When Chicheng saw the big boss, he trotted over, "Mr. Ge, what you said yesterday made me suddenly enlightened, and I immediately contacted all the prisons in the Southwest China region. Food and housing are in charge of ten yuan per person per day. The leaders all readily agreed. The road is near, and it was pulled over this morning."


"If you have a long way to go, you have to wait another day."

Chi Cheng was deeply moved, "In this way, the construction cost of our house can be reduced by one-third, and the construction efficiency can be fully doubled."


Isn't this nonsense, who dares to be lazy?


What did I say yesterday? !

Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, let go of his doubts for the time being, and looked at the construction site, "If you do this, there may be trouble."


"The detainees are indeed armed, but the labor camps have tools in their hands! Besides, the construction site is in the county seat. Who can guarantee that there will be no vicious people rushing over and hurting innocent people?"

"what do you mean?"

"Disruption, reorganization, five labor reforms and five Tiancheng labor dispatch employees, and then let the guards set up entrances and exits and inspection towers around the periphery, so that they don't need to enter the construction site to inspect."

"Isn't it more dangerous to mix with our employees?"

"Oh, I'm not even afraid of spies and agents, how can I be afraid of these?"


When did you catch a spy agent?

Chi Cheng's expression was dull, he was speechless.

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problems."

The system personnel are all combat units, and their vigilance is far superior to that of ordinary people. As long as someone shows hostility, they will be aware of it in minutes. Even if an agent is lying in a bed, he can beat the opponent in his sleep and doubt his life.

This is the experience gained from actual combat in the past three years, and even a few strong men beat the brown bear to tears...

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian has great confidence in the strong man who works and guards at the same time.

"By the way, this wooden sentry tower is too simple. You tell the leaders, and I will help them build some real sentry towers later."



In the afternoon, Ge Xiaotian sat in the conference room of the Guyue Hotel, staring at the 'New Canal' project in a daze until the evening. He always felt that there was a good idea in his mind, but he couldn't think of it.

That night.

The management of the Okhotsk shipyard sent a message that the sunken submarine of Ice Bear had been salvaged, but the crew of the other submarine died collectively due to damage to the oxygen equipment not long after the accident.

It is indeed a sad accident, if one puts aside national borders.

What's even more regrettable is that the bow of the submarine was blown up, no, it was blown up.

This is equivalent to removing the core control system, except for some design and peaceful power, there is almost no research value.

Ice Bear returned the salvage equipment as scheduled. As for whether the other party has imitated it, it probably doesn't have that ability and doesn't have that much spare money.

As for the cause of the accident, Ice Bear experts have a lot of discussions. Some think that the submarine self-destructed, some think that North America is behind the scenes, and some people touched the mines deployed by the Las Vegas pirates...

In short, the eyes of the entire home planet are now focused on the relationship between Ice Bear and North America. No one pays attention to the Kra Isthmus Canal, let alone the Viking pirates that were popular some time ago.

June 3rd.

The number of employees in Chicheng has increased by another 2,000 people, and about 1,300 people are local people. In the newly opened factories, they learn the operation of construction equipment from the drivers of Tiancheng Machinery.

The rest are labor reforms, responsible for stabilizing dams, building drainage works, laying stone roads, digging mountains...

No 4.

The second fleet successfully passed the Three Gorges Dam under construction and arrived at Fengdu Temporary Wharf.

The materials transported are no longer mainly commercial, but all building materials and construction equipment.

Number 5.

The third fleet transported tower cranes, bridge erecting machines, TBM roadheaders...

number 6.

The engine on the construction site is roaring, and it has entered mechanized construction...

In the past few days, Ge Xiaotian has not been idle. While investigating local tourism projects, he is looking for Tiancheng Xingyue Bay.

Nandu is different from Xishan, Nanhe and other places. It is one of the four most special cities in China.

The capital city, the accompanying capital Jingang, the coastal magic capital, and the southwestern southern capital. (In this book, the capital of Sujiang is Jinling. Some book friends may mistakenly think that the south is Nanj because Father Zhao used to be the great secretary of Sujiang. The other 808 chapters have been released. I thought it was ZZ, and the content was changed to seven. It's scattered, I didn't expect it to be black in the end... It's too ridiculous.)

In other words, it represents a quarter of China.

For such an important city, the family wants to use Fengdu as a breakthrough point for going south, and as an industrial hub in Southwest China, and must build a 'Xingyue Bay' that represents Tiancheng and is used for corporate promotion.

But after more than a week, Ge Xiaotian not only failed to grasp the flashing idea of ​​the 'New Canal' project, but also failed to find a suitable community resettlement area.

Until June 11, the parent star had an 'annular eclipse', and the southwest of China was in the 'partial eclipse' area.

In the half-bright and half-dark sky, with Fengdu Mountain as the boundary, a 'curtain wall' refracted by light made Ge Xiaotian's eyes brighten.

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