Build Madness

Chapter 817: The Conception of 'Sky City' Return to Jinxiuchuan

The cause of the solar eclipse is that the sun, the moon, and the parent star are connected in a line. From the perspective of the parent star, the sun is completely blocked by the moon, resulting in a dim area where the observer is located.

The annular solar eclipse is that after the three points are connected in a line, because the moon is far away from the parent star, it cannot completely cover the sun, so the center of the sun becomes black, and the edge is still bright, forming a halo.

The annular solar eclipse in 2002 mainly occurred in the North Pacific Ocean, while the southwestern region of China, affected by the time zone and the revolution of the parent star, can only be regarded as a partial solar eclipse.

That is to say, the sun 'broke a hole' instead of being bitten by a 'tengu'.

On the morning of June 11, the weather in Fengdu became overcast and cloudy. Until noon, the morning fog pervading the mountainous area had not dissipated.

When the partial solar eclipse occurred, the not-so-bright sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the clouds, forming a very rare 'gray curtain wall' just right over Fengdu.

Outside the curtain wall, the sunlight encounters the water vapor rising due to evaporation, forming a rainbow of seven colors across the Yangtze River and Fengdu Mountain.

And inside the curtain wall, that is, the shadow area blocked by the moon, there are many tall buildings and beautiful mountains and rivers, which is an even rarer 'mirage'.

At this moment, Ge Xiaotian thought of the viaduct built around Brother Monkey in Neobras City.

Its structure is: a circle at the top and four feet at the bottom. The whole is like a gas stove bracket used in reverse.

So, is it possible to build a bridge across the Yangtze River of this type, and then use its own advanced projection technology, VR technology, AR technology, and holographic projection technology that has been researching, and use Fengdu's humid climate to install lights inside the bridge circle? equipment, and then launched a 'Moon Bay of Stars' into the sky.

In the future, pedestrians and vehicles walking on the periphery of the bridge circle will not only be able to visit the community, appreciate the decoration, check the house type, experience the virtual industry, but also order advertising space from themselves...

Moreover, in time, when they have more advanced construction technology, they can also transform the four feet of the bridge into the foundation, change the upper circle into the foundation, and then build the real building "Sky City".

It sounds dreamy.

However, building a house across the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, the Bohai Sea Tunnel, and the Taihang Wangwu Ershan Highway is far more complicated than building a house across the river.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian called up the market function, moved the idea into the system, and started drawing...


the next day.

The Fengdu project is in full swing. After more than half a month of work, the Fengdu Immigration Plaza on the edge of the embankment and the sales office of Tianfu Group have been completed.

The former is nothing more than a concrete floor, plus flowerbeds transplanted from the mountains, and roads repaired with stones. It is not so difficult to deal with. At present, only landmarks are missing.

The latter uses a steel structure as the main body, with floor-to-ceiling glass and solar panels, and the construction speed is also very fast.

early morning.

Ge Xiaotian walked around the basketball court-sized 'Fengdu Sand Table' in the brand-new building full of paint smell.

"There is no problem with Star River and supporting facilities. The new canal needs to be approved before it can start. Now the main work is to improve the factories related to materials. For such a large project, it is impossible to rely on the logistics of Dongshan, Nanhe and other places. We must solve the supply and demand chain by ourselves. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Ge, Tianfu Group has seven subsidiaries, eleven branch companies, and more than 30 new factories under its holdings, attracting many self-employed and small businesses. With you and Tiancheng in control of the general direction, we are confident that we can achieve the goal in the shortest possible time. Take down the real estate market in Nandu, and then enter Bashu."

"It's good to have confidence, but we must also distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."

Ge Xiaotian didn't mention Zhao's father by name. With Chicheng's mind, the other party must understand what obstacles he will encounter when he wants to develop here.

"The other one is Wulong, Qijiang and other areas. Fengdu is on the right track. You should start the project there as soon as possible."


Chi Cheng hesitated, "Isn't it too soon?"

"Since you are cooperating with Tiancheng, you have to learn 'distributed development', then 'join together', and even learn to 'steal home'."

"Stolen house?"

"Never played Alliance and Horde?"


"The meaning of stealing a home is to enter Bashu at the right time, secretly acquire or evade local developers, and quietly annex the real estate market without anyone noticing."

"I see."

"Old Chi, you have to know that if you want to become Boss Mei, or even someone like me, you not only need vision, courage, and resourcefulness, but also learn to 'dog'."


Chi Cheng frowned, entering the moment of brainstorming...


Seeing him sinking into deep thought, Ge Xiaotian felt relieved. He felt that this person was indeed savvy. He nodded and stopped talking about the essence of 'gou'. Come here to build a bridge again, one is to add value to Tianfu Group’s industry along the river, the other is to promote our real estate brand, and the third is to connect the two sides of the river.”

"Mr. Ge is going back?"

"Yeah, all the way west investor meeting is coming to an end, I have to go back and see."

In fact, what Ge Xiaotian cares about is the upgrading of the town center.

The last three ships have installed boilers and entered the debugging stage. Once they are judged qualified by the system and the upgrade conditions are met, they will enter the next era...


June 13th.

Ge Xiaotian didn't meet with Mr. Yu, and directly took the Tiancheng helicopter to airborne Jinxiuchuan University City.

Although this trip to the southern capital deviated from the original purpose, it was safer than killing the old man.

At least……

As long as Chi Cheng is determined to develop GDP and develop the local economy, it is equivalent to having a talisman, and Zhao's father has nothing to do with him.

In addition, in fact, my family has a more solid 'relationship' in Nanyun and Nandu.

For example, the demining equipment donated to the frontier, the half-price related daily necessities, the Tiancheng standard tooling that buys one get one free, and fifty 90 modified tanks and fifteen medium-sized transport planes that were given to the old man in Zaoshi New Town , and the newly produced 200 Tululu small sidecars for patrolling in the snow mountain area...

This was Tian Cheng's layout a long time ago, and it was also the main reason why he dared to go to Nandu to do things.

But this level of relationship is not a last resort, and can't be used casually, otherwise, who would pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger...

All in all, hand over the real estate market in Nandu and Bashu to Chicheng, and everything is under control.

And how high Chi Cheng can reach depends on his own efforts.

Coming to the organ tower, the investor meeting has entered the final stage.

In the past one and a half months, this conference room has witnessed hundreds of well-known entrepreneurs signing direct contracts with a total amount of 300 billion red notes and agreements of intent for development worth trillions of red notes.

The organ tower became famous in one fell swoop.

In name, it is no longer a graduation certificate killer that makes students of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School despair, but has become an international business cooperation location on the eastern land, no less than Geneva, Brussels, and the World Trade Center.

Ge Xiaotian returned to the venue, but did not attract the attention of investors.

This guy has been playing the game in stealth since the very beginning, until now, no one has even noticed that he has left...

The monk synced the sorted electronic data to the Shenlong account dedicated to the big boss.

Ge Xiaotian looked carefully...

When they left, the investors had finished discussing the industrial deployment of the upper and lower crossings, and began to calculate the amount of investment needed in each area, and refine the direction of future investment.

The latter two are very cumbersome, such as the pharmacy invested by Chia Tai International.

Who is the local agent?

Where is the shop arranged? Build or lease?

It is impossible for the store to only sell CP International’s medicines. What cooperative pharmaceutical companies are there, or what supply chains can the official provide? And who will supervise it?

And entrusting the transportation to Tian Cheng, how would Tian Cheng charge? Is the annual revenue divided by quarter or by year? How to divide Chia Tai International and its agents?

What if the agent loses money? What if something goes wrong?

Etc., etc……

Plus farming, planting, processing, production, finance, services...

Even the compiled electronic data is a full six million words...

It is so huge that it takes one or two months to read the novel, not to mention every item in it, not only involves the law, but also includes cost calculation...

Ge Xiaotian looked at Seng Yi blankly, "Do you think I'm idle?"

"Then you continue to play the game."

"You seem to have a problem."

"How is it possible... Well, boss, if there is no problem, I will distribute these projects to the farmers under the Limin Activity Center and arrange them to start businesses?"

"Well, but you have to remember that our industry now covers the Northland. Don't just focus on Dongshan, and don't allocate resources to Dongshan. We must treat the entire Northland equally and develop together."


As soon as the monk left, Ge Xiaotian turned off the Shiguang machine that had been on for half a month.

Going out for a trip can be regarded as giving up the 'gaming addiction', and now looking at the game characters sitting in the world practicing kung fu, suddenly a bit dull...

"Eleventh, how many people have signed up for a three-day tour of the Southern Metropolis?"

"There are almost 60,000 people. Tianle Tourism arranges travel plans according to the tourists' addresses. The first batch of 2,000 people will depart on the 15th. Among them, 500 people will take a plane, 500 people will take a train, and 1,000 people will take a boat. On the 16th, The second batch set off with the same number of people and the same way of travel as the first batch. The third batch on the 17th... One month later, all the 60,000 tourists who signed up now have been arranged, but in this month, enough new tourists have been accumulated. Tourists, Tianle Tours will continue to use this travel plan, again and again."

"Remember to give some small gifts."

"Tianle Tourism has rich experience in this area, so we don't need to worry about it."

"That's good."

"It's just that, boss, you made this game mode, which made game developers and operators quite critical."

"What's the matter?"

"Game props are charged for selling virtual items. The cost is low and the profits are extremely high. That's why so many businessmen and companies invest in games. But after you link Tianyu International's game virtual props with Splendid Huaxia Ancient Culture Products, it leads to Players’ consumption concepts have changed.”


"Just like buying fashion, 3D martial arts sells a set of fashion, and in reality gives a set of the same item as a gift, or if the customer buys a set of item, we will present a set of virtual props of the same item in the game, which gives players a kind of 'very Earn' consumer psychology."

Monk opened the statistical data, "As for other game companies, the point card charging model relies entirely on selling fashion, and the free game relies entirely on selling items. Under the influence of 3D martial arts games, players from other players charged money but did not get real objects. Rise up and report friend game cheating, or all kinds of violations... More than a dozen large-scale online games were launched on May Day, and now only one world and Jianwang survive, and the other party can avoid the storm, all thanks to the advance order of Splendid Huaxia ancient cultural products."

"now it's right."


"The realization of virtual props is called driving the development of the real industry... In the future, even if the world's small speakers in the game, you have to give me the entire corresponding physical object and mail it to the player for free."


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