Build Madness

Chapter 819 Goodbye Teddy, Return to Daqingshan

After the completion of the Dongshan Water Conservancy Project, the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir was officially connected to the Zhaowang River in Tai City.

In the future, Jinxiuchuan students can take the free sightseeing boat on the campus to visit Daqingshan, or go to the Canal Development Zone to watch football, or go shopping in Zaoshi New City, or even go to Weicheng, Qinggang, Yancheng, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, Fengdu, the southern capital...

It can be said that this series of rivers has not only become a new link connecting Tiancheng's various industries, but also an important transportation line for Tiancheng to go out of Dongshan.

Ge Xiaotian originally planned to take a boat to Daqingshan, and take a look at the Xingyue Bay in Taishi City, the Steel Factory in Taishi City, the East Lake Aquaculture, and the subway project that is still under construction along the way.

I never thought that when I just walked out of the Jinxiuchuan Operation Department, I would meet Teddy who I hadn't seen for a long time.

He was driving an open-top fiery red supercar, which made a 180-degree drift on the main road with few vehicles, and stopped firmly on the side of the road.


After getting out of the car, Teddy took off his toad sunglasses very coolly, and waved hello.

But just two steps away, the No. 1 machine behind Ge Xiaotian blinked, his butt spewed fire, and with a whoosh sound, he rushed up in an extremely coquettish position, first took a photo at the front and rear of the supercar, and then went from He spat out a ticket in his pocket and stuck it firmly on the window of the supercar driver.

Teddy: "..."

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

"The boss is indeed the boss, even the robots around him have learned the unique skill of making money anytime, anywhere."

"Nonsense Jill, as if I could get this fine."

Ge Xiaotian laughed and cursed, and threw the xylitol chewing gum he was playing with in his hand, "Why do you have time to come here?"

"The ribbon-cutting and trial opening of Jihe Expressway, the project is considered to be over."

"Are you looking for a new project?"

"Hey, if it was in the past, Datai Road and Bridge could just contract a provincial road to support the company, but now the scale has expanded by more than a hundred times, and several provincial roads can't meet the business needs at all, and you don't want me to participate in the 'all the way to the west' High-speed', tens of thousands of employees and so many equipment, you can't be idle, right?"

"Don't worry, I have your share."

Ge Xiaotian signaled Teddy to sit in tua, and went to Jinxiuchuan Pier together, "I plan to move the headquarters of Datai Road Bridge to Nandu, how about it?"

"Is there a big project over there?"

"The Bazhong Expressway connects Nandu in the south, Chengdu in the west, Fengdu in the east, Hanzhong in the north, and then connects Chang'an. The total distance is 600 kilometers. It is a project invested by Tiancheng in Shaanxi Province. Otherwise, how could we have the authority to engage in this project.”

Teddy opened the map and thought about it carefully, "600 kilometers, although it is twice as long as the Jihe Expressway, but there are mountains and mountains along the way, and the difficulty of construction is doubled... When do you want to open to traffic?"

"The sooner the better."

"The GIS system doesn't cover that side. I need to take someone to have a look, and I'll send you a report later."

"Well, in terms of funds, if you need money, you can find my elder brother Ge Wangwang."


"By the way, how is your relationship with the little star Tong Ying?"

"I'm too young."


Ge Xiaotian suddenly opened his eyes wide, with a strange expression on his face, "How small is it?"

"What do you think? I mean I'm too young to be married."



After Tiancheng cooperated with Dongshan Airlines, a small civil airport was set up at Jinxiuchuan Golf Course.

At present, it has five 20-seat small jet planes and three helicopters dedicated to firefighting and medical treatment. It has no fixed routes and is not open to the public. It only provides business jet services for Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

Teddy got off Tua, summoned a few people in charge from Datai Road Bridge, picked one at random, and headed straight to Nandu.

Ge Xiaotian went south to Zhaowang River on a small electric boat.

It was mid-June, and the wheat fields on both sides of the river in Tai City had already been harvested. Except for the experimental fields where cotton had already been planted, the rest were all waiting for the "rain" before planting corn.

However, although the combine harvester saves farmers a lot of manpower, it still requires farmers to learn the corresponding knowledge in order to complete mechanized agricultural planting.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian traveled all the way by boat, and encountered many water quality testing boats that taught farmers to self-check, experimental grain seed boats that guided farmers to breed and raise seedlings, and material transport boats responsible for laying irrigation systems.

Even on the shore, there are many vans polluted by popular science fertilizers and pesticides, as well as a few ground deflectors, seeders, and combine harvesters for farmers to learn how to drive and maintain.

In addition, in order to avoid fires caused by burning straw, the nearby Limin Activity Center also arranged dozens of alternative fire engines with "three-wheeled water tanks".

"A new era is coming!"

Standing at the bow of the boat, Ge Xiaotian felt more fulfilled than building a community after witnessing this scene.

Perhaps the sentence was indeed answered: food is the paramount necessity of the people.

"Look, that's... Er Er Ge?"

"What's the second child? That's Boss Ge!"

"Yes, yes, Boss Ge!!!"

The river channel is limited, a sightseeing boat and a small electric steamer pass by, and several sharp-eyed tourists immediately spotted someone standing at the bow of the boat, pinching his waist with his left hand and holding a cigarette with his right hand, and waved hello.

Ge Xiaotian smiled implicitly, and said in a loud voice: "Pity Qin Huang Han Wu, a little less literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, a little less coquettish. A generation of arrogance, Genghis Khan, only knows how to bend a bow and shoot big eagles. It's all gone, counting romantic figures, let's look at the present. "

Tourist: "..."

Not long after, the small electric ship arrived at Taishi Wharf.

Ge Xiaotian did not disembark, but operated a quadrotor aerial photography helicopter to go to Thailand.

The Xingyue Bay used to be located opposite to Shangpin Construction, the purpose was to cry Chen Feng, but unfortunately time has passed, Shangpin Construction was acquired by Lao Shen, and Lao Shen's face-to-face confrontation with his own company has actually become a strategic cooperation partner.

Now that the two are jointly engaged in construction, the overall image is more spectacular than Tiancheng's independent construction.

In addition, shared supporting facilities, shared main roads, central heating, and evenly distributed gas laying...

The construction cost is lowered, the house price is lowered, the number of buyers increases, the sales increase, and the income of the commercial sector rises rapidly.

It can be said that Xingyue Bay in Taishi City looks more prosperous than other areas that do not have a Ginza community for the time being.

As for whether Lao Shen will rob his own business...

The two sides have different positioning of the customer groups. Xingyue Bay belongs to the middle and low end, while Ginza belongs to the property of apartments. Moreover, in the real estate market during this period, it can almost be said that the construction cannot keep up with the sales.

Therefore, Xingyue Bay in Tai City has entered the eighth phase, covering an area of ​​up to 3,000 mu.

Together with the Ginza community, which has expanded to one thousand acres, and many public facilities, such as squares, parks, docks, amusement parks, bus stations, Taishi compound, etc., it forms a brand new "Wangyue District".

As for the subway running through the two communities, the docking project of the section of 'Jinxiuchuan to Wangyue, Taishi' has been completed.

If the railway tracks are deployed now, and it takes another half a year to carry out renovations and install trams, it may be possible to complete trial operation by this time next year, and then open to the public at the end of the year.

However, there are rivers, and commuters in various communities do not need subways very much at present. In order to save operating costs, the Jishi municipal subway project decided to wait for the completion of the entire road section before opening one piece.

In addition, although all rails are purchased from Shougang, the most important raw material for rail components in Taishi Steelworks is currently only smelting 40% of the total quantity.

It's not that the steelmaking plant is not strong enough, but that the Siberian fleet detours from Neobras along the Heilong River to Okhotsk, then goes south to the waters of Washima Island, lands at Qinggang, and then transports it by land to Taishi. It takes... Six months.

There is no way, if you want to reduce the cost, you can only rely on the Siberian cold current to slowly 'drift' here.

Ge Xiaotian had no opinion on this.

All the ships used by our own airlines are system ships, as long as they are not sinking, they will make money...

After checking the industry in Tai City, the small electric wheel entered the Zhaowang River and came to East Lake.

From mid-May to mid-June every year, it is the season for stocking fish fry in East Lake. The quicklime anti-virus has been completed as early as one and a half months ago, and the fish fry are also stocked in different areas according to their species after the water temperature has been adjusted. Now the fishermen are driving alone. The wooden boat is on the lake to observe the living conditions of the fry.

When the small electric wheel comes to the south side of Donghu Lake, Daqing Mountain is far away in the distance. At the foot of the mountain, Daxing City is looming. With the green mountains and green water canoes, it looks like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Ge Xiaotian sat in the rocking chair at the bow, playing an opera contentedly.

"On a hot day in June, the old man carries a load of melons. I rank him as the second child, and the big one is called Wang Eryuan..." (Dongshan Bangzi-Lao Wang sells melons)

"Boss, we're here!"


Ge Xiaotian opened his eyes and found that he had arrived at Daqingshan Aerospace Department, "When did I fall asleep?"

"Not long after entering East Lake, you fell asleep."

"It's so fast!"

"It's already noon."


"Boss, there is something I need to mention to you."


"The price of wheat has gone up."

"Wheat? Aren't cotton and soybeans being targeted now?"

"The four major overseas grain merchants ABCD are not fools. They must have doubts when they see that we focus on cotton and soybean futures, so they will turn to the wheat market."

"How much is it?"

"From 560 red notes per ton to 650 red notes."

"Three cents, two cents, fifty one catty..."

The rise in wheat prices is not a good thing. Farmers can only make money this season, which will lead to price rises. Steamed buns will change from one yuan for five to one yuan for four. Consumption will increase, which will affect wages. Wages will increase costs and increase costs. If the price of the product is not raised, the price of pesticides and fertilizers will also increase, and then the price of wheat will continue to rise next year. Four steamed buns will change from one yuan to three yuan, followed by one yuan to two, and then one yuan to one...

Therefore, no matter what kind of economy you are engaged in, stability is the most important thing, otherwise it will be chaotic.

Ge Xiaotian is not an economist, and he does not intend to intervene in this matter. What he is considering is...

"How much can we earn?"

"If you clear your warehouse, we can completely dominate the grain market in the Asian region if we shady ABCD once, but the question is, where does your wheat come from?"


Ge Xiaotian did not dare to let go of laying system farmland, this thing is too BUG, ​​but as he thought before, food is the most important thing for the people, and it can solve the hunger, so why hide it, so, this year, the farmers' wheat harvest It skyrocketed again, a full 50% more than in 1999...

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