Build Madness

Chapter 820 Level 5 Town Center

Although rice is said to be the main food for 50% of the population of the parent planet, wheat accounts for one-third of the entire food market.

In terms of demand, wheat is needed for steamed buns and dumplings eaten in northern China, egg roll bread eaten in Europe and the United States, and noodles and pancakes used around the world. The rice market is mainly distributed in the south of China, or Southeast Asia. It is still produced locally and consumed locally. Its economic value and strategic position can only be said... to fill the stomach.

In terms of nutritional value, the protein, trace elements, and dietary fiber contained in wheat are a bit higher than those in rice. It can be said to be "more nourishing". I get hungry before 10 o'clock, but I can last until noon with a pound of steamed buns.

In terms of storage, wheat can be stored for an average of 3 to 5 years. If there are special methods, it can even be stored for 10 years, and it can be made into edible 'aged grain', while the storage time of rice is only half a year. Chen, rice eats new', so wheat is China's strategic reserve grain, and rice is only a spare grain for local rotation.

In fact, corn has higher nutritional value and longer storage time, but the taste is slightly worse. Now the planting area is decreasing year by year.

With reference to various factors, the main food of the mother star ranks as wheat, corn, rice, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.

Well, that's the main food.

Such as soybeans, peanuts, sesame, etc., are called "economic crops", and are used for oil extraction, soybean milk production, etc.

Therefore, at the critical moment of the trade war, if they are unable to control the overall situation, then the superior may give up the soybean market in order to keep the wheat and corn.

The direct impact is that...

You don’t have to worry about being hungry, but Huaxia loses the pricing power of grain and oil. In the future, you may not be able to afford oil or pork.

Referring to another time and space, the agricultural trade war has lasted for 20 years. Famous edible oils such as Jinyulong, Hu Huaji, and Fumenlin under Huaxia Foods have been jointly invested by ADM grain merchants starting with A and Nanyang Wilmar International's 'Yihai', 'Kerry' controlled 70% of the shares, and also began to invest in 'Luhua', successfully controlling 50% of the Huaxia edible oil market.

And in this time and space, Tiancheng recruited the current Nanyang Agriculture, which is the future Wilmar International, to board the ship, and then secretly purchased grain depots in many places, and ostentatiously manipulated the grain futures market. Although the situation is still critical, the overall situation has already taken an absolute advantage.

For example, the Limin Activity Center buys surplus grain from farmers every year and transfers it to the Dongshan granary.

For example, Tiannong Company, a subsidiary of Tianmao Group, leases a large number of "contracted fields" in the hands of farmers and local "basic farmland", uniformly implements mechanized planting, and then hires farmers to work...

For example, Tianliang Company, a subsidiary of Tianmao Group, has opened animal and plant breeding bases in many places, including Heilong, Nanhe, Xishan, and Nioblas, and developed new grain varieties.

Based on the above, after nearly three years of rectification, Huaxia Northland has gradually got rid of the characteristics of "farmers, farmland, and processing enterprises, scattered, small, and poor" in terms of food, and has transitioned to an "industrial chain".

In the future, as long as they form a whole, no matter what the four major grain merchants do, they will not rush into the Huaxia grain market. Instead, they can give each other some moths.

Now the opponent sees that Tiancheng is gearing up to attack soybeans and cotton, and instead attacks the wheat futures that Tiancheng doesn't pay much attention to...

To be honest, Ge Xiaotian was a little panicked.

And when people are afraid, they can't help but want to hang up.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian didn't care about checking the agricultural trade war, and hurried into the Tiancheng Aerospace Department, and came to the center of No. 1 town on the ground.

At level four, the main base has five clones.

The one in front of me is fake, but the authority can be transferred from the Antarctic underground.

Do something...

Plain town center in Neobras,

mountain town center in Montenegro,

Deep-sea town centers raise fish in the Arctic,

Desert-type town centers in South Africa,

After obtaining the authorization, the one in front of me has become the main all-terrain base, and there are five other clones, which are located in the Beijing courtyard, the Xishan mine, the Heilong River, the Nanyang rubber plantation, and the Antarctic underground.

Resources such as iron ore, wood and stone are bound to explode. All that is missing is gold and electricity.

The upgrade conditions have been met, Ge Xiaotian was confused for the first time, and clicked the upgrade button...


Sancha Township.

This year, the weather is good and the weather is good, and there will be a bumper harvest in mid-June.

Thousands of farmers are busy preparing corn seeds and learning agricultural machinery technology, and there is another very important thing to deal with.

That is to pay public rations.

However, after the farmers in Sancha Township contracted their farmland to Uncle Ge to grow cotton, they still used the method of previous years this year to 'pay for food with money'.

If there is no Tianmao, the grain office will definitely not agree to accept money for the mission, after all, it is a grain reserve.

But Tianmao bought the grain depot and donated a lot of new grain after rebuilding it. The leader who came to inspect saw the red three-meter font on the wall:

'Take the rice bowl of the Huaxia people firmly in your own hands! '

'Food important place, no fireworks! '

'The food is important, the idlers avoid it! '

'This is our life! '

As well as the black-clothed Tianwei who patrol on foot from time to time, and the high-standard 'high-gluten wheat' displayed in front of the eyes after opening the granary...

The leaders were extremely relieved and agreed to 'money for food'.

At noon on June 15th.

food place.

Tens of thousands of people lined up to pay agricultural tax...

In the rear grain depot.

The former Jishi Olive Branch, now the chief leader of Jishi, and the second leader came here to inspect.

"Sure enough, it's the safest thing to stick to what you eat."

"I thought it was hard winter wheat, but I didn't expect it to be all high-quality strong gluten wheat and high-quality weak gluten wheat."

"It's a pity that the quantity is too small, only 20,000 tons. If it can break through a hundred..."

"What do you think, Sancha Township is so big, do you still expect it to support the entire Dongshan?"


While chatting, under the sky in the direction of Daqing Mountain in the north, an extremely huge airship, which could almost cover the sky and the sun, slowly rose.

The airship is painted with sharks, covered with metal fences, and has a villa-sized pod underneath. The tail and bottom have propeller blades, and the overall color is dark red. Looking from a distance, the ferocious shark teeth are shocking. I couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.


Thousands of people: "???"

A certain young man who walked out of the Internet cafe was dumbfounded for a long time...

"Damn it, Kirov?!"


In the depths of Daqing Mountain.

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette with a sad face, closed the system page, and looked up at the Big Mac in the sky.

As he thought, the fifth-level town center has entered the "information technology era", completely unlocking and correcting the current technology tree, and then opening the super weapon system.


The system did not give the next level of upgrade conditions.

"Is it the top?"

If this is the case, isn't he bragging when he shouts the slogan "Stars and Seas"?

the other side.

Because the system building was too large, Daoyi and the others gathered in the center of No. 1 town to study the newly emerging functions.

Finally, seeing someone squatting at the door smoking a cigarette, Daoyi reported on Qianhui:

"Boss, as I guessed before, the new resources needed by the fifth-level mastermind are divided into biological energy, nuclear power, photoelectric energy, and dark matter energy... But according to the current technology tree, photoelectric energy is automatically defaulted. With our current strength, if If you choose something else, you may be in big trouble."

"You said, will the main brain continue to upgrade?"

"It will definitely, but the next level is to evolve into a cosmic civilization. What will follow the era of interstellar exploration, the era of interstellar immigration, the era of interstellar colonization, the era of interstellar battles, the era of interstellar domination... Upgrading to level five, entering the second level of cosmic civilization... I guess The main brain is afraid of scaring you and dampening your enthusiasm, after all, the universe is really too big."

As Daoyi spoke, he called up a video:

''The parent star is just one of dozens of planets in the solar system, and the volume of the sun is equivalent to 1.3 million parent stars. It can be said that the mother star is as small as a dust in the sun's brilliance, almost undetectable. "

"With the technological power we have now, it will take at least 20,000 years to fly out of the solar system."

"And in the Milky Way, there are about 400 billion suns. If you count them, you will have to count N years, let alone exploration?"

"The Milky Way occupies only one-fiftieth of the Local Group of galaxies."

"Above the local group of galaxies, there is a Virgo cluster of galaxies with a diameter of 110 million light-years. In other words, at the speed of light, it takes 110 million years to traverse the Virgo cluster of galaxies."

"Further up, there is the Laniakea supercluster, which includes 100,000 galaxy groups, but it is only a thread in the universe, almost invisible..."

"As of now, no scientist in the parent star can say how many super galaxy clusters and how many galaxies there are in the universe. It is possible to have thousands of trillions or tens of thousands of trillions. And in each galaxy, there are thousands of Trillions, tens of thousands of trillions of stars. In other words, in this universe, there may be hundreds of billions of star systems like solar systems, and there may be N to the Nth power of billions of billions of parent stars."

"Also, no one can guarantee that in such a vast universe, there are no higher-level life forms, or higher-level civilizations peeping at the parent star..."

"Boss, the map is so big, we haven't left Novice Village yet, and we are poor and have no 'equipment' to sell. We have to do everything!"

'By that time, I'm afraid I'm not even ashes gone! '

Ge Xiaotian didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of the employees, so he took a deep puff of the cigarette, "Being stabbed and scratched by you, I feel full of motivation!"



Ge Xiaotian rolled his eyes, checking the integrated upgrade information.

Level 5 buildings have added functions such as automation, intelligence, and remote control.

According to the building upgrade rules of the system, the first level needs resources such as wood and stone, the second level needs iron ore, the third level needs gold, the fourth level needs electricity, and the fifth level needs 'optical cores'.

For example, upgrading a small factory to an automated production workshop requires 10 photoelectric cores, as well as a large amount of electricity, gold, and iron ore.

The photoelectric core is neither a graphene chip nor a silicon chip, but a matrix composed entirely of lasers, encapsulated with photovoltaic glass and topological insulator, and implanted with a self-developed controllable program.

As Daoyi said, if we replace the resources needed to upgrade the fifth-level buildings with bioenergy, nuclear power, dark matter, etc., we will indeed encounter big troubles, because without them, even if we give samples, we will not understand what it is What.

And replace it with a photoelectric core...

Photovoltaic glass has been successfully developed a long time ago, and the topological insulator rewarded by the previous system has also been thoroughly understood by Daoyi and the others. The difficulty is nothing more than packaging technology.

In addition, I have a Shenlong system, which can be implanted directly. Although it is very troublesome to make a light blue optical core that is the size of a long pill, but one every three days is not a problem.

Once you are familiar with the production process, you can add automation in the future to achieve mass production.

As for the emergence of photoelectric cores, will they replace graphene chips...

It's early.

Just like another time and space, Huaxia is also far ahead in the field of optoelectronic technology, but until more than two decades later, optoelectronic computers have not been commercialized.

The production cost of photoelectric cores is higher. Even if mass production is achieved, it is not a market that requires tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, compared to the limited number of system buildings.

Another is that graphene is a new material, not only for chips, but also for rare metal smelting, research and development of new aerospace materials, production of biological materials, etc.

All in all, adopting the upgraded system building of "optical core" can be regarded as further promoting the development of "automation and intelligence". The next step is to lay it down and let the industrial chain enter a new era.

However, due to less than the 'year summary' time, the system only gave two upgrade rewards this time.

One is a photoelectric core sample.

Otherwise, you only know the name, and the ghost knows what it is.

The second is the shark airship overhead.

There are hot air balloons and sightseeing airships in Daqingshan, and suddenly a super-large one appears, except for its weird appearance, but it is not too abrupt.

After finishing the upgrade chores, Ge Xiaotian came to the Department of Aeronautics and Space to learn more about the agricultural trade war.

The agricultural trade war is an important plan that Tiancheng started to prepare as early as the millennium.

For this reason, the Neobras Farm has been expanded three times, and the soybean planting area has exceeded two million hectares, which is one-third of China's total planting area and one-fifteenth of North America's. , with a total planting area of ​​120 million hectares.

With such a small planting area, Tiancheng dared to manipulate the soybean futures market in a big way, just telling the grain traders: I'm coming!

In fact, Tiancheng's soybean planting is only for industrial needs, and his real purpose is cotton.

There is a lot of cotton. This year, almost all of Dongshan grows cotton. With the support of the Northern Xinjiang Agricultural Reclamation Corps, the plastic greenhouses in Nanwa, Xixiang secretly plant it. Chen Feng also tricked a batch of cotton from the third brother so that the other party can plant rubber... This year The cotton under their own control accounts for one-third of the total production of the parent planet.

But cotton is not food, the four major grain merchants don't care about cotton futures, they only know that Tiancheng has grown cotton and soybeans, and has no wheat or even corn in his hands.

Scarcity is the most expensive thing. There are so many people in China. I received wheat at a high price. After a while, China will be short of wheat. If I sell it at a higher price, I will make money no matter what.

Therefore, the four major grain merchants came to China to harvest wheat and corn...

"How many grain depots and grain stations have we acquired?"

"About more than three thousand seats."

"If they are all filled with grain, how many tons will it take?"

"Sixty million tons."

"so much?"

"What do you think?"

"Then replace the aged grains in stock with our new grains, and sell them all to the four major grain merchants."

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