Build Madness

Chapter 821 The Battle of Tianmao

Aged grains refer to grains that have been stored for more than a certain period of time, contain aflatoxin that is higher than the safety standard, and can no longer be used as food directly.

Aspergillus flavus is the strongest carcinogen found so far, and it can still survive at a high temperature of 280 degrees Celsius. Tests have shown that the shortest time required for its carcinogenicity is 24 weeks.

According to relevant regulations, aged grains can only be sold to specific feed processing factories and brewing enterprises through auctions, and used strictly in accordance with the regulations. Any reselling, low-price transfer, and unauthorized change of use are all violations.

However, around the turn of the millennium, people only knew that "grain eats old, rice eats new", and the supervision of aged grain by relevant departments was relatively lax. As a result, during this period, 90% of the people did not have the concept of aged grain.

As a result, many prices are only half of the market price. Aged grains that should not be used as grains are purchased by some unscrupulous contractors and become migrant workers' rations. Some places even blatantly launch "migrant workers' grain".

Moreover, there are also some 'doorways' in grain depots in many places.

For example, the competent department will set a rotation period according to the climate of the location of the grain depot and the condition of the grain depot, requiring managers to regularly sell old grain and purchase new grain to prevent stored grain from becoming stale. But the caretakers filled their pockets and rotated the food in name, but in fact they did nothing, and no one even knew that the food was eaten by bugs.

In addition, farmers like to store grain. If it gets wet, they will take it out to dry, and then continue to store...

The limited stock of aged grain in the Northland alone is almost equal to the amount of grain wasted on the table every year, which is more than one-tenth of the total annual grain output.

Then, no one knows how much stale grain is hidden.

When Ge Xiaotian showed these data in the form of "Tiancheng Big Database" to the board of directors "accidentally" saw that Tiancheng Limin Activity Center and Tiancheng Limin Canteen were immediately listed as "development plans".

After all, Tiancheng's industrial chain has been practicing 'eat dry and wipe clean', which has played a very good role in saving food.

And Tiancheng's application for purchasing non-reserve grain depots in various places was also quickly approved.

After all, Tiancheng is a big food consumer, not to mention the catering industry, nor the breeding industry, not to mention the various wine industries invested in, the amount of crops needed to brew 'pure ethanol' in the past two years alone ranks first in the world.

Therefore, a total of 50 million tons of aged wheat grains was auctioned to Tiancheng internally by the board of directors at an average price of 200 red notes per ton, which is about 10 billion.

Tian Cheng didn't pay, but just transferred to Haibu three concrete drones, one medium-sized drone, and the corresponding frigates, destroyers, and third-generation carrier-based aircraft...

For the project sponsors, Deputy Director, Wan Lao, and the head of the Ministry of Shipping, this business is very profitable.

For Ge Xiaotian...

If the aging grain is replaced by the system product, the price of wheat has risen from 560 red notes per ton to 650 red notes, and he has earned... 650-200=450, 450 multiplied by 50 million, 22.5 billion.

Moreover, the price of wheat is still rising under the control of the four major grain merchants...

For every dollar raised in the future, he can earn 50 million...

And it was someone else who took the initiative to raise the price to make him earn!

In addition, this is only a small number of wheat aging grains.

If he finds a way to find "innumerable aged grains" and fill up more than 3,000 grain depots, that is, add 60 million tons of wheat, a total of 110 million tons, and he can earn money for every one yuan per ton. 100 million...

"Boss, the planting area of ​​the mother planet is limited, and the annual wheat production also has a range value. If we produce so much grain at once, it will definitely make the four major grain merchants suspicious."

"What do you suspect? Suspect that I'm cheating? Break their heads. I probably didn't expect that I was cheating. In the end, I can only lament that Tianliang's seeds are good and the yield is high, so that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the development of things exceeds expectations."


"That's it, we'll take out as much as they want, and we'll kill them!"

"Aren't you afraid of being studied by slices?"

"With our current strength, what can they do to me?"

"You're floating."

"Hahaha... People are not frivolous and waste youth!"

Ge Xiaotian has been holding back for more than two years, and now he finally dares to do something blatantly, feeling very happy.

"But after this wave of wheat trade war, the four major grain merchants have more stocks in their hands. I am afraid that the price of wheat will plummet soon. For farmers..."

"We will grow cotton in the north this year, and rice in the south, and overseas...what does it have to do with me?"


"However, if I do this, I'm afraid I will be targeted by North America, and I will become a brother and sister with Lao Wang, and be included in the entity list... I will transfer North America NT President Director Sun back to China, and the province will be detained by them."

"This wheat trade war is not of the same nature as the electronic technology war. The four major grain merchants are fighting each other. The four of them are fighting each other. We just provide them with ammunition at the right time, even if we 'shame' them and cause them to unite In the end, it will lead to the follow-up grain trade war. If you are included in the entity list, not to mention whether the consortium behind Horton and Laoba who plan to make money from NT real estate is willing, how can the four major grain merchants make losses? In other words, the game has just begun, we just seize the opportunity to win a little, maybe they will lose tens of billions, but they will be very happy, this is called 'fishing', and you are the one who catches it The richest man in China, Ge Wanwan."

"Makes sense."


In fact, the agricultural trade war started a long time ago, and ADM, one of the four major grain merchants, took the lead in entering the Chinese market.

ADM, also known as Aidimeng, is the largest oilseed, corn, and wheat processing enterprise in the parent planet, and ranks 265th among the top 500 companies in the parent planet. Although it is not as good as Tiancheng Industrial Chain, which is mentioned in the 45th place, its influence But it can control the food situation of the parent planet.

ADM is most famous for its No. 1-13 Biochemical Departments located in various parts of the home planet. They almost control the shipments of additives such as sorbitol, citric acid, and fatty acids on the home star, and are also part of the output of feed-grade lysine on the home star. king.

These things seem strange, but take out the food packaging bag and look at the list of ingredients, almost all of them are there.

Once these additives are used, they will be distributed to ADM in various ways. For example, an additive production plant is controlled by ADM Sun Company, or controlled by ADM investment companies...

In short, at the level of Tiancheng or ADM, they basically have several sets of very complicated, very hidden, and very mature investment systems, and they will always control a certain industry in a certain area by relying on the "industrial chain" inadvertently.

Therefore, companies that do not engage in industrial chains will eventually be eliminated.

When ADM entered the Huaxia market, the first contact it made was Huaxia Grain.

Big companies can't find local companies to cooperate with. Just like Tiancheng Real Estate entered North America, they can directly talk to those who can be in charge.

ADM invested in 'Yihai Kerry' and cooperated with Huaxia Foods on 'Arowana', which is very famous.

Then when the time is right, that is, in the first half of this year, leave China's food behind and come out and do it alone.

As a result, Huaxia Grain and ADM have become deadly rivals, and they have to start to create their own brand, which is the yet-to-be-released 'Fulinmen'.

If the situation develops according to the situation, Yihai Kerry relies on this agricultural trade war to control the soybean market, and Huaxia Grain has to import ADM soybeans. Even if it does a good job in Fulinmen, it is equivalent to making money for the other party.

However, Tiancheng went to Amur to plant soybeans, which interfered with the judgment of the four major grain merchants on the soybean market, and now it has changed to a wheat trade war.

Yihai Kerry has a number of oilseed crushing plants, soybean meal processing plants, grain and oil production plants in China...

In this wheat trade war, AMD secretly manipulated wheat futures, and at the same time allowed these factories located in inland China to take advantage of the bumper harvest to fully purchase new grains.

'Dongshi Cereals and Oils' is one of the companies under the factory controlled by Yihai Kerry invested by ADM...

June 16th.

Dongshi Grain and Oil Manager Huang, according to the instructions of the headquarters, hung a sign at the entrance of the grain and oil store with a sign of 35 cents per catty.

Well, it has risen again, seven hundred red notes per ton.

The two farmers passing by glanced at each other and communicated in an inaudible voice:

"Thirty-five cents? So low? The Limin Activity Center has gone up to thirty-six cents!"

"Ham, don't go to the Limin Activity Center, go to the food store, the food store is 36 cents!"


The man who was riding an electric tricycle next to him, pulling a car full of wheat, almost crushed the car, turned around in a hurry, and called to the companion who pulled the cart behind him, "Go to the grain station, where is thirty-six-five cents! "

The manager of Dongshi Cereals and Oils Huang frowned, "My three cents!"

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