Build Madness

Chapter 822 Tian Cheng's 'Special Mission'

Dongshi in "Dongshi Grain and Oil" does not represent a city, but a super-large farmers' market on the east side of Bianliang, Zhizhi River.

Liu Si'er is a villager near the 'Dongshi'.

Originally, whether the price of wheat increased or not had nothing to do with him.

Because the farmers who cooperate with the Limin Activity Center have secretly signed a new grain procurement contract with Tianmao as early as when purchasing seeds, otherwise they will not receive the seeds.

Moreover, if farmers sell Tianliang seeds and crops privately, they will be blacklisted in the "smart card" immediately, making phone calls, job hunting, basic necessities of life, and even children's schooling will be a big trouble in the future.

Farmers who do not cooperate with the Limin Activity Center... have almost disappeared in Dongshan, Nanhe, Xishan, and Beihe.

think carefully.

No one cares about watering the land (Tiancheng Water Conservancy),

Fertilization is done by yourself (CNOOC fertilizer, sprinkled by transport plane),

Pesticides cannot be bought (Tianliang seeds have a high ability to resist insect pests, and the pesticides sprayed by airplanes only target some pests. So many farmers joined the Limin Activity Center and stopped buying pesticides. The pesticide store has been changed to a drug store for Jiannaobukidao),

After working tirelessly for half a year, the output is only half of that of the neighbors, and the quality of the food is not as good as that of 'Heavenly Grain', so the price cannot go up...

The most important thing is that children cannot receive a free student version of the smart card when they go to school, and they cannot use the simulators necessary for learning...

No farmer can stand such a thing.

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to join the Limin Activity Center. There are so many discounts, subsidies, and free resources. Anyone who doesn't join is stupid.

Therefore, the new grain in the hands of the farmers has already been deposited into the grain depot by Tian Cheng.

Whether the price of new grain increases or not has nothing to do with farmers.


At three o'clock in the morning this morning, Liu Si'er suddenly received a reminder from the smart card:

'Special tasks, using Tiancheng's sixth encryption protocol, if violated, it will be regarded as being voluntarily blacklisted, do you want to accept it? '

With the further improvement of the functions of the Limin Activity Center, farmers have long been familiar with the magical 'task system'.

For example, a truckload of peppers arrived in the village yesterday morning, and all farmers who have a cooperative relationship with the Limin Activity Center will receive tasks.

But there are fast hands, but there are no slow hands.

After accepting the task, you only need to put on gloves and arrive at the task location, get the 'pepper bread', pick a certain amount of peppers within the specified time, and submit the task, you can get red notes or consumption coupons.

The same goes for planting, logging, transporting soil, digging onions, digging garlic, cleaning up rivers, helping to deliver express delivery, and forming a team to handle a certain area's greening project...

Ninety percent of the beauty of rural construction is due to the 'task system'.

It's just that Liu Si'er has never accepted a "special mission" and was extremely hesitant when facing punishment.

Later, his daughter-in-law, who couldn't bear to be woken up, urged him repeatedly, and coupled with his trust in Tian Cheng, he pressed the button to receive it nervously.

'Please ride your electric tricycle to Dongshi Grain Station within one hour and receive 800 catties of wheat. '

' And then at around 10 o'clock this morning, take the wheat out into the street, 'act' as much as you can, depending on the situation you're likely to face, and say you're going to sell the wheat. '

'At that time, the Food Institute will raise the price for 'Dongshi Grain and Oil'. You continue to use your acting skills to make 'Dongshi Grain and Oil' raise the purchase price as much as possible. '

'Finally, he transported 800 catties of wheat to the Dongshi Grain Office, and pretended that his grain had been sold. '

'At the end of the mission, the on-site guaranteed reward: 10 red notes. Follow-up additional rewards based on acting skills: 2 to 8 red notes. '

'Pay attention to confidentiality, if it is leaked, the task will fail, and it will be regarded as a violation of Tiancheng's sixth encryption agreement. '

'Remarks: If your family has a larger transport machine, according to the transport volume, the task rewards will gradually double, and there is also a fuel subsidy. '

To be honest, Liu Si'er was a little confused when he encountered this kind of task for the first time. If he had never done a group performance, he probably wouldn't know what to do.

But after doing group performances, Liu Si'er and his daughter-in-law got together and immediately understood what to do.

It's very simple.

It's nothing more than pulling the wheat home from the grain office at night, driving the electric three-wheeler to the street tomorrow, and then pretending to sell it to the grain office, and you can get a guaranteed reward of ten yuan.

Liu Si'er did so.

But Liu Si'er found out...

Just like Liu Mazi from the opposite door, he used three rounds of childcare to go to the neighbors to 'sell wheat'. Not only did he get a guarantee reward of 20 yuan, but he also got a diesel subsidy coupon of 5 yuan.

This is equivalent to going for a ride!

Another example is Zhao Tuzi, a worker in the neighboring village, who unloaded the tires from the four-wheeled cart, hung it on the floor cart, and loaded a full ton of wheat. He said that he would take his bedridden old lady and go to Sancha Township to see the green hills together. ancient city...

My God, Dongshi is more than 600 miles away from Sancha Township. The road is bumpy and the cars and horses are exhausted. Can your mother make it to the destination?

But Liu Si'er didn't pay attention to these things.


He thought he was the only farmer receiving a 'special' task, but he never expected...

It's all over the street!

Moreover, everyone still has an expression that can only be understood, but cannot be expressed in words.

The meaning seems to be: You know!

Liu Si'er secretly glanced at the manager of Dongshi Cereals and Oils Huang who was sweating profusely and raised the price again. He suddenly wanted to laugh, but when he thought of punishment, he had to fight back and act as hard as he could.


Back home, Liu Si'er wanted to go back to sleep, but his daughter-in-law grabbed her ears.

"Sleep, sleep, everyone is driving outside, and you just stay at home and sleep all day long!"

"Don't make trouble, I was too tired last night, let me sleep for a while. Besides, our family only has an electric tricycle, where are we going?"

"Why did you go early? Buy an agricultural machine in advance, and we can get more wages today."

"No money to buy a fart."

"The more you don't buy, the less money you will have... Sure enough, Ge Lao Er is right, the more you don't buy, the less money you will have!"


"I don't care, you have to buy the car back today!"

"This year's new food sold for 3,500 yuan. I bought a fool's TV for 368, bought a fool's refrigerator for 368, and bought a fool's air conditioner for 368..."

"How much deposit do you have left?"

"I recharged the smart card for 500, and there is 1,000 left. Shifeng 45 horsepower costs 4,500, and Wuzheng 45 horsepower costs 6,000. Both have to be loaned."

"Then go, get a loan."

"Aren't you unwilling to take out loans before?"

"The past is the past, the present is the present, can it be the same?"



Affected by transportation costs, the price of wheat varies slightly from place to place.

But in June, the grain market in the entire Northland seemed to be in collusion. Today the collective is 30 cents, tomorrow is 38 cents, and the day after tomorrow is collectively 39 cents...

By June 20, the price of wheat had risen to 40 cents a catty, and the futures market had climbed to 850 red notes per ton.

Compared with a month ago, it has doubled.

As of now, in terms of food, there are only 26 countries on the mother planet that are self-sufficient and can meet their own needs and then export food. Only China, North America, Ice Bear, Canada, and Australia.

The increase in the price of wheat caused a shock stronger than the graphene storm on the parent star.

After all, you don't need to use electrical appliances, and you don't need to wear clothes, but you must have food.

The North-South War launched by the African Union was won without a fight, because South Africa had food.

Croatia and Slovenia in Eastern Europe took the initiative to merge into Montenegro Odyssey, because Montenegro has food.

Countless small countries have turned to big countries for help...

In this situation, the 'Dongshi Cereals and Oils' under Yihai Kerry, which is controlled by ADM, has not received much new grain.

Because the opposite grain store has been stabilizing its own five per cent money.

Even if he reports the market on the same day and applies for a new price as quickly as possible, the price will be raised immediately on the other side.

This made Manager Huang couldn't help but wonder if there was a mole in his headquarters...

chug chug...

At this time.

A brand-new Shifeng Tricycle is like the wind, carrying a car full of wheat, and a middle-aged woman sitting in the co-pilot with a happy smile on her face, passing by the gate of Dongshi Grain and Oil at a slow speed...

"Liu Si? Isn't your wheat sold out?"

"Yo, Manager Huang!"

The diesel engine made a lot of noise, and Liu Si'er roared loudly: "My wheat is sold out, but it is new grain. Now that the price of wheat has risen, I have cleared all the granaries."


Then, Manager Huang watched with a numb face as Liu Si'er drove the wind-like three-wheeled Shifeng into the grain store, weighed and unloaded the truck, and swiped the card to collect the money...

too difficult!

Manager Huang knew that most of the grain offices in Beidi were entrusted to Huaxia Grain for operation by the grain authority. Huaxia Grain and its headquarters, Yihai Kerry, were deadly rivals, and it was only natural to fight a price war.


The Limin Activity Center has not been sold yet!

Ge Laoer behind Tianmao is really rich...

the next day.

When the wind was the same, the three rounds of wind came again.

"Liu Si, do you still have wheat at home?"

"My father's granary was also cleared by me."


Farmers have started to clear their granaries, so can they still receive wheat in the future?

Manager Huang was a little desperate.

third day.

like the wind...

"Liu Si, where did you get the wheat?"

"Running through the wheat field all night to dig out mouse holes, and pulling them out, don't worry, it's absolutely clean!"


fourth day.

Tiancheng Canteen announced that the price of steamed buns has been adjusted from one yuan to five to one yuan to three. Dining vouchers jointly subsidized by Tianrong International.

That is to say, the price of steamed buns remains unchanged for those who hold a smart card to dine in Tiancheng Canteen.

At the same time, 'Dongshi Cereals and Oils' increased the purchase price of wheat to 46 cents...

On the fifth day, forty-seven...

On the sixth day, because the futures market was manipulated by the four major grain merchants, the price of wheat skyrocketed to 50 cents, which is 1,000 red notes per ton.

On the seventh day, when the wind was the same as Shifeng Sanlun did not appear again, Manager Huang finally bought wheat.

As for the wheat source...

Still a farmer.

Who knows why they have so much food in storage.

Looking at the farmers who tapped the cash and deposited it into the smart card, Manager Huang heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt that the world was a bit fake...

But his business ability has indeed improved, and he has also received awards from the headquarters.


Time unknowingly came to July.

The World Cup, which was supposed to end, was forced to suspend after it was revealed that Wajima hijacked the referee team.

The continued popularity, the even more popular Sancha Cup, ended the knockout round and ushered in the regular season.

Boss Ge arrived at the opening ceremony of the first regular season, which is the Weicheng International Kite Plaza, in a shark airship that has boarded the mother star news several times.

this day.

Dragon kites, phoenix kites, panda kites, construction kites, ammo kites, great man kites, swallow kites...

Together with the gigantic shark airship, it covered the sky and covered the entire sky.

Not long.

A vertical elevator descended from the villa-sized sightseeing cabin at the bottom of the airship, and Ge Xiaotian, who was wearing beach shorts and a sun hat with a small fan, walked down from it.

Countless reporter bee chrysalis stepped forward...

"Mr. Ge, there are rumors that the wheat trade war has caused Tiancheng Canteen to continue to lose money. What will you do next?"

"I have drawn 50 billion red notes to save the market... Now, money is not important to me. The important thing is to let the people who buy my house eat well and sleep soundly."

hula la...

The crowd applauded.

Anyone who has participated in the 'special mission' will understand that this statement cannot be false.

All the money has been earned by this guy, he is a loser!

But everyone has also made money. If you are unlucky, it costs more than ten yuan, twenty yuan...

Just like that sentence: Ge Laoer is good, he doesn't eat alone.

This made people who already recognized Tian Cheng trust Tian Cheng even more.

As a result, there is also a saying on the Internet: every time Boss Ge drives in a group, he is very stable and safe...

The overseas reporters who asked the question did not understand the psychology of the masses at all. They only thought that Huaxia Foods was indeed in crisis. Otherwise, why would people be so happy when they heard that Ge Laoer was going to save the market?

And the intelligence personnel of the four major grain merchants hiding in the crowd also notified the masters one after another...

In addition to ADM, which took the lead in entering the Chinese grain market, the other three companies, Bunge North America, Cargill North America, and Louis Dreyfus France, had to participate in this 'snatch buying' due to the soaring price of wheat.

After all, the mother planet has a large planting area, and the annual grain output has an interval value. If ADM directly controls the wheat market for the past two years through procurement regardless of cost, then everyone can change careers.

What happened outside, only the Tiancheng Intelligence Department knows, even Ge Xiaotian, who is at the opening ceremony of the regular season, can't receive corresponding news for the time being.

Therefore, the reporter's question continues...

"Mr. Ge, Montenegro Odyssey issued an ultimatum to you, claiming that it will make you look good if you don't deliver the aircraft fleet. How do you respond to this?"

"I'm the least afraid of threats. If you want me to look good? Does that mean you want to kill me? Then their fleet is gone, and the payment for the goods will belong to me."


"Mr. Ge, you are about to enter the soybean market, but soybean futures and soybean prices continue to plummet. The soybeans in your hand may have lost one-third of their value."

"Thank you for reminding me, I can afford to lose money, and I will continue to plant soybeans without leaving any room, especially in the desert. I am going to...wherever there is yellow, there are soybeans."


"Mr. Ge, three cargo ships of Sino-Ocean Group were detained by Las Vegas, how do you plan to solve it?"

"If the freighter is no longer under our control, in order to ensure the core business secrets, we will destroy the freighter as soon as possible. Everyone knows that Long Tianhua purchased a set of self-destruct devices from Tiancheng with huge sums of money, and the unique self-destruct device we keep is our own. If the device is destroyed, the power will be stronger, I hope the detaining party pays attention to safety."


"Mr. Ge, what technology does your airship use?"

"It? Have you heard of 'Yanjiashu'?"


"Have you heard of wooden cows and horses?"


"No, Yanjia is more complicated than organs. The reason why Mu Niu Liuma cannot be restored is because of its Yanjia."


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